By Mikateko_Ngobeni

366K 14.5K 1K

Royal rivalry More

Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Insert 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
Episode 80(Part I)
Episode 80(Part II)

Episode 55

4.5K 174 7
By Mikateko_Ngobeni

Muzi had went out to get himself a cup of coffee when Betso woke up. She squinted her eyes and looked around, trying to familiarize herself again with consciousness. Evelyn and the others had went home to sleep, along with Lwandile who almost collapsed from fatique. Muzi insisted on staying with his wife. The doctor had no choice but to agree. The condition was that he was supposed to be the only one and not have a crowd suffocating his patient.

He walked back in mindlessly as he took a sip on the hot beverage. He almost burnt his tongue when he realized that she was awake. He quickened his steps to her confused self and placed the coffee on top of the bedside drawers.
"Hey mommy...", he softly greeted as he brushed her forehead. She smiled innocently.
"He... hey daddy", her voice was raspy and coarse. He poured her a glass of water and helped her drink. She tried sitting up but immediately stopped when she felt the stinging pain around her abdomen. The stitches from the C-section were responsible for this. She was still a bit doped up from the meds but she remembered her child.
"Where's my baby?", panic caught her off guard.
"Relax. She's okay and healthy", Muzi said before he could place the straw in a glass next to her mouth. She drank up till she indicated with her hand that it was enough. He sat down on the chair and took her hand, rubbing it on the inside with his thumb. That moment felt like deja vu. Except it was really happening for the second time. Back to the time where she gave birth to the twins.
"Can I see her?"
"You will. How are you feeling?", he asked.
"My whole body is in pain", she reported.
"I'm sorry. You had me worried sick"
"There was a man in here", she reported.
"A man?"
"Yeah. A man. He kept chanting and sprinkling me with stuff. Right now I don't know if I was dreaming it all but it felt so real"
"That's because it was. Skhumbuzo was here"
"The sangoma?"
Muzi nodded.
"Our marriage was under attack baby but hopefully everything is fine now"
"What do you mean?"
"It's a long story. I'm just glad that you're well and awake"
"You can't drop such a bomb and tell me that it's a long story"
He sighed.
"You know Bongiwe right?"
"Yes?", a frown was shrinking her face.
"Well, okhokho bangibonise yonk'into that happened from the time I forgot my handerkerchief in her office. All this is actually my fault"(My forefathers showed everything...)
"She was bewitching you?"
"Not her. She took it and placed it in her bag. Her aunt took it to a sangoma and that's where our marital problems began"
"I don't think I understand. The aim was to break us up?"
"The aim, was to get me to fall in love with her and ultimately marry her. However, you were the one who did, who fell in love with her"
Betso still had that confused look on her face. All the memories came flooding back, including the one where she told him that she finds him repulsive. She didn't know how to feel about the whole situation.
"Do you remember what happened the night before your accident?", she asked remorsefully.
"It's in the past now", he kissed the back of her hand.
"I said some horrible things to you"
"Yeah it stung but I'd be stupid if I held you accountable for all that. You weren't yourself. Let's forget about it", he kissed the back of her hand again. She heaved a sigh. She couldn't help but feel guilty. He pressed the button to call a nurse and they sat in silence while they waited. He could see she wasn't fine.
"Hey, stop beating yourself up about this. None of it was your fault. The person responsible for all this mess will definitely pay for it"
She raised her eyes to look at him.
"I don't like the sound of that"
"I just need her to explain what she was thinking. I am certain that we have never met. I want to understand why she'd do something like this"
"What if this Bongiwe asked her to help her out"
"She doesn't know shxt"
The nurse walked in and immediately jammed when she saw Muzi sitting there.
"Hi. Can you please bring my baby?", Betso requested. The nurse's mind was still on flight mode. Muzi turned to see properly.
"Nurse?", he probed.
"Huh? I'm sorry what?"
"The baby?", the both said, at the same time.
"Sure. Sure", she couldn't wait to get out of there. She came back with a fed and sleeping Odaliwe and made up some excuse about an emergency in another ward, then left. They paid no mind to her. Muzi got up so she could place Liwe in Betso's hands. She couldn't wait.
"Aww. Look at you...", she babied and coddled her. Muzi was just standing there with his hands in the pockets of his track pants, smiling at this sight. Betso totally forgot about his presence in the room. He didn't mind. After minutes of admiring the fruit of her womb, she raised her head and was met with his consistent smile. She smiled back.
"I know you've already named her", she said with her index finger wrapped in Liwe's tiny little hand. He laughed.
"I didn't. But her name is Odaliwe. Her ancestors want her to be called that. It's the name they decided and agreed upon way before even placing her in your womb", he explained. Betso was fascinated by this.
"Did you hear that baby? Mm? Bare ke wena Odaliwe. Odaliweliwe yena. Hampona dzodzo, hampona", she continued babying her.
"You can still name her if you like", Muzi said coolly.
"Naledi. She's bright like a star. Something in this room lit up when she arrived"
"It's crazy how I felt the exact same way the first time I saw her. I just couldn't find the right words for it", he said and they locked eyes. They both didn't know when exactly she was conceived but one thing they were sure about is that she was conceived with love. That was a definite.


Bongiwe pushed the huge double door which required one to have had their breakfast before starting their nonsense with it. The door to the fertility clinic was heavy and she had forgotten this annoying fact. She walked in and made her way to reception.
"Hi. My name is Bongiwe and I have a scheduled appointment for eleven o'clock?". The receptionist met her with a smile and told her to wait as he checks on his computer. He did exactly that and confirmed the appointment.
"You indeed have an appointment but Dr Benjie is still with another client but they should be wrapping up soon", he said and Bongiwe sighed. She hated having being made to wait, especially on accounts when she had an appointment because then, what would be the point?"
Obakeng, the receptionist sensed the change in her mood and raised his finger to indicate that she should give him a minute as he called the office. He called the owner slash doctor to let her know about Bongiwe's arrival. It took only 30 seconds.
"She will be done just now", he said with a smile and she smiled back. Arg she couldn't punish the poor guy for no reason. The gold lift made a loud 'ting' sound before pulling open. The doctor walked out of the lift with the client and they shook hands before she left.
"Oh hi. I am terribly sorry about that. This way please", she said Bongiwe. Bongiwe followed her into the lift.
"How are you?", the Indian doctor asked.
"I am well thanks how are you?"
"Good good. Haven't seen you in a minute. Finally ready to be a mother huh?"
Bongiwe gave a light laugh.
"Yup. Hopefully all goes well", she remarked before they stepped out of the lift and went in the direction of the doctor's office. Both women walked in heels like they were born with a pair on their feet. The office was at the last floor of the building and it was huge, and elegant.
"You may take a seat", the doctor said before taking off her white coat and placing it on the four-hook hanger. She went to take a seat across Bongiwe and pulled her macbook open.
"I could hear how eager you sounded over the phone. I was starting to think you were never coming back", she joked. Bongiwe laughed.
"I'm just kidding. We've had women who froze their eggs for quite a damn while before they could come back"
Bongiwe nodded. She had a part of her that didn't want to admit that she was nervous. The doctor noticed this.
"Are you one hundred percent sure about this?", she asked before returning her eyes to her screen.
"Yeah. I'm just... a lot of things are going through my mind right now"
A lady walked in with a tray that had two cups with their saucers and a pot of tea on it. She placed it down and they thanked her before she left.
"What if I make a bad mother?"
Doctor Benjie huffed a laugh.
"Trust me. It is veeery common to feel that way. However, we do offer counseling for such cases? Cases where you feel unsure?"
"I am sure. It's just the nerves"
"Alright. Let me take you through what's going to happen and what you should expect", the doctor said before handing her a blue pamphlet with pink diagrams and writings.
"Before we get into that, do we need to find a surrogate for you or are you prepared to carry the baby yourself? We work closely with the Help-a-mom agenc--"
"I will be carrying the baby myself"
"Alright then. Do you have a partner? We have a sperm bank within this very clinic if you don't have one. We pride ourselves with--"
"I don't. I don't have a partner", Bongiwe sadly informed.
"That is not a problem at all. We have a couple of profiles you can choose from. Plenty actually!", the doctor said with a smile. "After this, I will schedule another appointment for you so we can get you started on the hormone treatment"
"Hormone treatment?", Bongiwe enquired. She'd read a little about this from the net but she wanted to understand it a bit further, from the mouth of a reliable horse.
"Yes. See, unlike somebody who fell pregnant organically, your body still needs to be prepared for this. By hormones I am referring to estrogen and progesterone. This combo maximizes chances of pregnancy and it has been proven to prevent a miscarriage, of course to a certain degree"
"When you say... they increase the chances of pregnancy...?"
"Let me put it this way: Unlike men, women are born with a particular number of eggs that declines as they grow and go on their menses. You do know that when you menstruate you shed an egg correct? Well men produce sperm every single day. I have explained to you that when you freeze the eggs, you are delaying their degeneration, not actually stopping it. It's the same as when you put food in the fridge. It won't stay preserved forever. After the in vitro fertilization where we will be fusing your eggs with sperm from the donor of your choice, the embryos will be placed directly in your uterus. IF they implant themselves there then you will fall pregnant. If they don't, you will obviously need another IVF trial"
She explained and Bongiwe sighed heavily. Dr Benjie laughed lightly.
"I know. It's a lot to take in. Please take this leatlet home, read it and don't hesitate to call me if there is anything you find confusing. Anything at all"
Bongiwe stood up and took the pamphlet. They shook hands and she left.


Evelyn tied her robe and went down to grab a cup of coffee. Everyone in the house was asleep. Their bodies were all tired from all the sleep they had not been getting. She yawned and stretched as she walked. She got there and turned the kettle on. She had to remember first where Betso kept her cups. Her mind was half asleep as she mindlessly listened to the kettle boiling. She pulled the top open and found them. After taking one cup into her hand, she felt like somebody was standing behind her. She turned and immediately gasped at the sight of him, dropping the cup to the floor. It smashed into several pieces as she stood agape. It can't be. She definitely needed more sleep.

"Sawubona nkosikazi"(Hello wife), he greeted. He had his hands in the pockets of his grey pants-- the signature. She couldn't reply. She took reverse steps till she was backed against the oven embedded in the cupboard set. She wished and yearned to see his face again ever since they buried him. She longed for just one moment with him, one last moment. Now that he was here, she didn't know how to feel.
"Don't be scared. It's just me"
She held on tighly to the edge of the stove, so much that she felt pain emerging from the middle of her palm.
"I'm not here to stay. I'm just here to tell you to fetch our child from the wilderness. We are not going to do it for you. You will do it yourself since you're the one who placed him there. We are all tired of the secrecy, the killings, the blood and the conniving. We are reconstructing and fixing this chieftaincy. Odaliwe is here now and she is going to cleanse this family of all the badluck that you all have invited into it. You will not know any peace until you do exactly as I say. None of you will", he calmly informed before turning his back to leave. He placed the hat he had in his hand over his white hair when he got to the door. Evelyn's nerves were still wrecked. She was a trembling mess. Violet came down yawning and asked what they're having for breakfast. Eve's eyes were still fixed on the door that was left open. Violet stood upright and glared at her.
"Are you alright?", she asked from a place of concern. Evelyn didn't respond. Violet's eyes fell on the shattered white cup in front of Evelyn.
"What happened? You look like you've just seen a ghost?"
Evelyn's lower lip was trembling. Her hands were also shaking. Violet's worry gained weight. She ran to the door to see who was outside but she saw no one. She came back into the house and quickly swept the broken pieces and threw then into the bin. She made Evelyn clasp her hands together and brought her face in her direction.
"Look at me. Hey, hey look at me", she was giving her an emotional resuscitation.
Evelyn slowly nodded with widened eyes.
"Breathe in, and slowly ouuut let's go. We are breathing innnn...", she dragged it. Evelyn complied.
"That's it. And ouuuut. There we go"
Evelyn was no longer holding her breath. Her breathing rate was now normal and fine. Violet pulled out the bar stool and allowed her to sit there. She placed her palm against the kettle and felt that the water was hot. She took out another cup and poured handful of sugar in it. The water followed and she stirred. Evelyn's eyes were once again fixed to the door. Violet placed the cup in front of her when all the sugar had dissolved. Evelyn tried protesting but Violet wouldn't have it.
"He eh enwa before you collapse. Ketla goreng nna?"(What will I do if you faint?)


Melo thought about missing school when his alarm went off but eventually kicked the blankets off of him. He couldn't afford to slack any further. He did all he needed to do to prepare for school, even though he took his time. He woke up earlier than usual. Normally, he wouldn't wake up at the sound of the 04h45 alarm. When he was busy knotting up his tie, his phone rang. It was his father. He looked at the screen and let out a very heavy breath. He couldn't ignore him forever.
"Dad", he answered.
"When last did you cry?", Muzi asked in a threatening tone.
"I'm sorry. I've been sleeping the whole time", he lied. He wasn't sure if he wanted to tackle this issue. He wasn't sure who he was supposed to direct his anger and confusion at.
"I know I said you need to go focus on school but the least you could've done is say goodbye?"
"I know. I'm just-- I'm stressed about a lot of thing. Mostly school"
"I know matric can be strenuous but stressing about it only makes it worse. Keep a level head. Prepare well enough and get the required hours of sleep to consolidate all the information you would've studied about the previous night. Don't strain yourself because you'll blank out during an exam. Work hard yes but don't strain yourself alright champ?"
A slight smile invited itself on Melo's face.
"I hear you dad"
"I know this has been a very tough year for you but you need to fight Makhosonke. I didn't raise a quitter in you. Whatever you need, I am here for you. All you need to do is ask"
Melo sighed. He was tired. After a morning shower, he was still tired.
"I hear you dad. I need to go now. Kiss Liwe for me"
"Alright. Don't get into any trouble"
He laughed lightly and promised not to. He woke up early but he was now running late.

After he was done, he grabbed his blazer and backpack then left the room. He greeted mam'Nokwanda and dashed out.
"Haibo! You can't go to school on an empty stomach buya!", she stopped him at the door.
"But I'm late nje I'll eat when I come back", he was arguing but he knew it was an everyday battle he never even once triumphed in it.
"Eat breakfast at lunchtime? I am not the one who said you must work extra shifts in lalaland", she gestured with her finger that he should come back and he sighed. She placed the oatmeal in a bowl in front of him and he took rushed quick spoonfuls in, careful not to dirty his shirt. She just smiled and watched. He knew he had to finish that bowl.
"Done!", he said when he roughly cleaned it out. If he were to scrape it of the remnants carefully, they'd make two more spoonfuls. She didn't fight him. She handed him a banana and a bottle of water. He placed both in his bag and said goodbye to her.

He got to school and there was an assembly that day. They normally don't host it unless if there is an important announcement to make. The school believes that as different kids come from different religious backgrounds, a typical Christian assembly would be exclusive and unfair to those that hold other spiritual beliefs. He got there and stood behind another boy. The principal was in front, already giving a speech.
"On the school website, we have updated and uploaded a set of past question papers that will be at your disposal. Grade 12s, this school is known and famous for it's hundred percent pass rate. It has always been that for the past nine years. Do not disappoint. The school library is also there for you to use. From the 15th of this month, it will be open 24hours a days, including the whole of block C if you feel you need a quiet space to study. It is soon to be exam season so wifi will be restricted", he mentioned and the assembly roared in complaints.
"You will only be able to across YouTube, the school app and Google for research. This is for your own good. If you use your data for senseless things at a time where you're supposed to be studying, that will be on you. You're the one who is going to drop the pass rate of this school and ultimately get kicked out because we don't take repeaters at this institution"
Melo noticed Nomzamo looking at him and she looked away when their eyes met. Zamo was his female competitor in class, even though she dressed like a boy or wore haircuts like one. They suited her well but her friends always teased her saying she must one day consider being a full-blown woman. She and Melo never liked one another, ever since they met. Their rivalry started then. He thinks she exaggerates her intelligence and she thinks he's a spoilt royal brat that gets away with a lot. Each time Melo raises his hand to answer a question she'd raise hers even higher. When he raised his hand to ask one she'd answer it like it was stupid question, even if her answer was wrong or far-fetched. She mostly got higher marks than him in Biology, Business studies and English. He beat her at isiZulu, Maths and Physical Sciences. However, their marks always run 2/3 steps behind one another. She's been thriving lately since Melokuhle was slacking.
"That's it for today. If you have any enquiries, your teachers are there to help you. You may disperse to your respective classes", the principal instructed and they indeed scattered to their different classes.
"Where were you?", she asked when she caught up with him. She startled Melo that he almost ran into the janitor who was putting up the large school flag along with the South African one. He apologized and the man assured it was okay.
"Why did you sneak up on me like that?!"
"Sneak up on you? You have issues"
"I am not in the mood Zamo what do you want?"
"I asked you a question. Where were you? We wrote a preparatory test"
"Dilan told me. I made arrangements to write it in the afternoon but thank you, my self-appointed personal assistant", he said and continued walking beside her. She clucked and looked away.
"You know, this is no time for you to be going through adolescent stages. Uzofaila"
Melo laughed.
"You'd love that wouldn't you?"
"No I won't!", she shot out defensively and he stopped walking with a smirk on his face.
"Is that a care I see sparkling in your tennis eyes?"
She thinned her eyes and pinched her brows.
"You're annoying, big head"
He laughed.
"I am surely dying today. You? Care about me? Whatever I used in my bathwater vandag needs to become a habit", they arrived at their class. She said, "Wait here" and marched to her bag. Every other learner was either busy talking to another filling them in on yesterday's tea, busy filing or studying amongst the noise. She got to her large backpack and rummaged through it as if searching for something important. Her bag was huge because she was the type to bring all textbooks to school. She turned towards him, shrugged and pushed her glasses back with her index finger. She shrugged as if she did not find what they'd agreed upon. He frowned.
"What were you looking for?"
"The fxck you claimed I give. It's not in here. Means I don't have it", she said with an attitude before pulling the bag and placing it on the carrier underneath the desk and carrying on with her business. His face dropped and he laughed to himself.
"Crazy bxtch", he said before moving to his own territory.


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