Rosabella Black | Daughter of...

By Alexandra_060203

17.1K 441 96

Rosabella Black is going into her fourth year at Hogwarts, along with her three best friends Ron, Hermione an... More

The Blacks
The Interrogation Of Remus Lupin
Back To The Burrow
Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
The Portkey
Bagman and Crouch
The Quiditch World Cup
The Dark Mark
Mayhem At The Ministry
The Triwizard Tournament
Mad-Eye Moody
The Unforgivable Curses
Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
The Goblet of Fire
The Four Champions
The Weighing of the Wands
The Hungarian Horntail
The First Task
The House-Elf Liberation Front
The Unexpected Task
The Yule Ball
Rita Skeeter's Scoop
The Second Task
Padfoot Returns
The Madness of Mr Crouch
The Dream
The Third Task
The Parting Of Ways
The Beginning

Aboard The Hogwarts Express

499 11 2
By Alexandra_060203

Rosabella's Point Of View:

Hermione, Ginny and I got up earlier then the boys because we wanted to try out hairstyles.
Because Hermione's hair is busy and can be hard to handle I put it up in a messy bun.

Hermione's Hairstyle:

I then moved onto Ginny's hair and curled it and ran a brush through the curls so her hair was wavy. I then put her hair into a messy ponytail.

Ginny's Hairstyle:

I then moved to my own. I liked having my hair down most the time. I just preferred it that way. I only put it up when I know I have to be productive, for example, my hair is always up during the exam weeks. So I just did a small plat down the length of my hair.

Rosabella's Hairstyle:

"Ro, you are brilliant! Thankyou so much!" Hermione said, admiring her hair in the mirror from every angle.
"Yeah, thanks Ro! I might start wearing my hair up more often." Ginny said beaming, as she too admired her hair.
"No problem, I like doing hair." I replied, smiling genuinely at them.

We then got dressed and headed down stairs with Winter following behind us. We met Jason, Jacob, Fred, George, Harry, Ron and Michael on the stairs and we all headed downstairs. We had just reached the first floor landing, when Mrs Weasley appeared at the foot of stairs, looking harassed.
"Arthur! Urgent message from the Ministry!" Mrs Weasley yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

We all flattened ourselves against the wall as Mr Weasley came speeding down with his robes on back to front. Mr Weasley hurtled out of sight.
We all exchanged curious looks at each other, as we went into the kitchen. When we entered the kitchen, Mrs Weasley was rummaging anxiously in the dresser draws looking for a quill.

I looked towards Mr Weasley and saw he was bending down in front of the fire, I then noticed a face in the fire. Amos Diggory. This didn't faze me at all since I've seen it many times before. I was about to talk to Harry about quiditch and who our new Captain might be but I saw he had a very shocked expression.  I watched him as he shut his eyes tightly and opened them again, as if to check they were working properly. I stuffled a giggle.
"This is like telephone for wizards. We use it for urgent messages mainly. It's a bit uncomfortable so we only use it in important matters or if were too impatient to wait for an answer." I explained to Harry in a whisper.

I knew how much Harry hated that he was raised in the Muggle world and didn't know these kind of things so I didn't draw attention to it. Harry nodded in understanding and he joined the others at the kitchen table. I opened the front door so Winter could go hunt and do what ever she needed to do. She ran out of site towards the woods. I then sat at the table by both sets of twins.

Amos Diggory was reporting some kind of breach of secrecy and improper use of magic. I lost interest and was only half listening. The twins, both sets of them, and I were finalising our plans for our traditional start of year prank.
"What does Mad-Eye say happened?" Mr Weasley said.

This made all of us whip our head around to look at Mr Weasley. We all gave him our undivided attention. Everyone, but Hermione and Harry, were listening intently. Harry and Hermione just looked at us curiously.
"Says he heard an intruder in his yard. Says they were creeping towards the house, but they were ambushed by his dustbins." Amos Diggory said, rolling his eyes.
"What did the dustbins do?" Mr Weasley said, as he scribbled frantically on a piece of parchment.
"Made one hell of noise and fired rubbish everywhere, as far as I can tell. Apparently one was still rocketing around when the policemen turned up." Amos Diggory said.

Mr Weasley groaned.
"What about the intruder?" Mr Weasley asked.
"Arthur, you know Mad-Eye. Someone creeping into his yard at the dead of night? Most likely there's a very shellshocked cat wandering around. If the Improper Use of Magic lot get their hands on him, he's had it. Think of his record. We've got to get him off on a minor charge, something in your department – what are exploding dustbins worth?" Amos Diggory said, rolling his eyes once again.
"Might be a caution. Mad-Eye didn't use his wand? He didn't actually attack anyone?" Mr Weasley said, still writing very fast.
"I'll bet he leapt out of bed and started mincing everything he could reach out the window. They'll have a hard time proving it, there aren't any casualties." Mr Diggory said.
"All right, I'm off." Mr Weasley said and dashed out the kitchen.
"Sorry about this, Molly, bothering you so early and everything . . . but Arthur's the only one who can get Mad-Eye off, and Mad-Eye is supposed to start his new job today. Why he had to choose last night . . ." Mr Diggory said, calmly.
"Never mind, Amos. Want some toast?" Mrs Weasley said.
"Oh, go on, then." Mr Diggory said.

Mrs Weasley put a piece of toast in his mouth and Mr Diggory thanked her and  vanished with a small pop. Mr Weasley had fixed his robes and said hurried goodbyes.
"Have a good term all of you. Molly, are you going to be alright taking the kids to Kings Cross?" Mr Weasley said, preparing to Disapparate.
"Of course I will. Remus, will be here soon to help. You look after Mad-Eye, we'll be fine." Mrs Weasley said.

Mr Weasley vanished as Bill, Charlie and Lucas came into the kitchen.
"Did someone say Mad-Eye?" Lucas asked.
"What's he been up to now?" Bill asked.
"He says someone tried to break into his house last night." Mrs Weasley said.
"Who is Mad-Eye?" Harry asked.
"He's a retired Auror, there like the wizard police, they catch dark wizards. He's was one of the best. The best ever! Half the cells in Azkaban are full because of him! However, because of that he made enemies. Lots of enemies. Mainly the families of those he caught. He's become quite paranoid now." I informed Harry in a eager voice.
"More like a nutter, then paranoid." George said, thoughtfully.
"Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody." Mrs Weasley said sternly.
"Yeah, well, Dad collects plugs doesn't he? Birds of a feather." Fred said quietly, as Mrs Weasley left the room.
"Moody was a great wizard in his time." Bill said.
"He's an old friend of Dumbledore's, isn't he?" Charlie said.
"Dumbledore's not what you'd call normal, though, is he?" I said, chuckling softly.
"Ro's, not wrong. I mean he's a genius and everything but you cant deny he's crazy." Michael said, laughing with me.
"Ro's, also right about how Mad-Eye has gotten quite paranoid in his old age." Lucas said.
"Doesn't trust anyone any more." Jason said.
"Sees Dark wizards everywhere." Jacob said.

Remus then entered the house and greeted us all cheerfully.

Bill and Charlie decided to see us all off at King's Cross station, Percy apologised profusely and said he needed to get to work.
"I just can't justify taking anymore time off at the moment. Mr Crouch is really starting to rely on me." Percy said.
"Yeah, you know what, Percy? He might know your name soon." George said, seriously.

We all tried to muffle our laughter. We couldn't get Ministry cars again so we had to get taxi drivers. They didn't look to happy. Probably because they weren't used to all the luggage with hooting owls along with them.

We cramped uncomfortablely into the taxi's and we all practically jumped out when we reached the platform. We headed to the platform and subtly made our way to the platform.

My brothers and I hugged Remus goodbye.
"How does it feel to be in your last year, Luke?" Remus asked softly.
"Depressing really. Hogwarts became like a second home. I dont really want to leave to be honest, but I also want to start my life. Get a job, move out." Lucas replied.

"You're not allowed to move out!" I insisted, crossing my arms.

Lucas laughed at me.

Mrs Weasley came to say goodbye.
"I might be seeing you all sooner then you think." Charlie said grinning, as he hugged Ginny goodbye.
"Why?" George and Fred said, keenly.
"You'll see. Just don't tell Percy I mentioned it as it's 'classified information, until such time as the Ministry sees fit to release it', after all." Charlie said, doing a Percy impression.
"Yeah, I wish I was back at Hogwarts this year." Bill said, looking wistfully at the train.
"Why?" Jason and Jacob said, eagerly.
"You're going to have an interesting year." Remus said, smiling at us.
"I might take some time off to watch some of it . . ." Bill said, absent mindedly.
"A bit of what?" I said, impatiently.

But just then the whistle blew and Mrs Weasley ushered us on the train.
"Thank you, for letting us stay Mrs Weasley." I said as my brothers and I smiled and hugged her goodbye.
"Yes, thanks for everything." Hermione said and Harry echoed her.
"It was my pleasure, dears. I'd invite you for Christmas, but I expect you'll all going to want to stay at the Hogwarts, what with . . . one thing and another." Mrs Weasley said, as she and Remus exchanged knowing looks.

They all continued to be cryptic as hell intill the train started moving and the four adults Disapparated.

My brothers and I waved as we went our separate ways with our different friendship groups. Hermione, Harry, Ron and I went back to our compartment with Winter following behind us.

Ron put his maroon dress robes over Pigwidgeon's cage to try and shut him up. We started talking about what could be happening at Hogwsrts when we over heard Malfoy saying how he nearly went to Drumstrang. Oh, why didn't he go? Why did his mother have to like him? Hermione then started telling Harry how no school can locate other schools because their magically hidden and how they're hidden from Muggles.
"It would be so much easier if you both just read Hogwarts a History." I said.

Ron and Harry just rolled their eyes and we all laughed softly. We talked to quite a few other students like Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Neville Longbottom. We talked about the Quiditch World Cup. Draco then came and did the usual. Made fun of Ron and his lack of wealth.

When he kept tormenting us and didn't look like he was gonna stop, I stood up and punched him for the third time. The force of the hit made him stumble back out of the compartment. Crabbe and Goyle both stood shocked, not knowing how or if to retaliate. I slammed the compartment door shut. I turned around towards the others. They all had shocked expressions.
"This is becoming a habit." I said, thoughtfully.

We all then burst out laughing.          

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