HazelStalk's Constellation

By _Slapshot

54 0 1

HazelStalk, a warrior of ThunderClan, is met with a challenge within her bloodline. StarClan's silence stuns... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

7 0 0
By _Slapshot


"I didn't realize I was talking out loud!" HazelPaw protested as LarkBreeze scolded her.
"You shouldn't speak out of turn during a gathering! Not to mention, in a hostile way against a WindClan deputy!" Her mother hissed.
"I know! It won't happen again," HazelPaw was sitting just outside the camp, her head low and her eyes staring at the floor.
LarkBreeze sighed, before licking behind HazelPaw's ear.
"I just want you to be safe. Who knows what the angry WindClan cats could've done if their fur was brushed the wrong way?" LarkBreeze sighed.
"I wasn't thinking straight," HazelPaw meowed.
LarkBreeze pressed her muzzle against HazelPaw's head, before getting up.
"Get some rest, it's late." She meowed, before padding off into camp.
HazelPaw got up after a while of pulling herself together, before heading back into camp as well.
It was empty, since most cats have already went to sleep.
HazelPaw pushed into the apprentice's den, finding her bed and curling up.
She opened her eyes suddenly as she felt a presence. She looked up and saw RampagePaw sit down by her.
"You know, I thought it was really brave of you to speak out during the gathering," he meowed.
"O-oh," HazelPaw wasn't entirely sure how to reply.
"I mean, defending your clan's honor only as an apprentice but talking like a senior warrior...I could've never done it," RampagePaw chuckled.
HazelPaw simply purred with a smile.
"Anyway, I'm going to go to bed. See you in the morning," RampagePaw got up and padded back to his own moss bed across the den.
"Cya," HazelPaw meowed as he left.
She wrapped herself in a tight ball, holding back a squeal of happiness.

HazelPaw woke up to anxious meowing from outside.
She got to her paws swiftly, noticing all the other apprentice's had left. Except PeakPaw of course, who was still in a deep sleep.
HazelPaw trotted from the den, and quickly spotted the nearest warrior: AmberJay.
"What's going on?" HazelPaw asked the powerful she-cat.
"HatchPaw received another message from StarClan last night," AmberJay explained, "she said it was something about the clans needing to unite."
"Unite?" HazelPaw titled her head.
AmberJay nodded.
"HatchPaw said a great danger is coming, and that the clans need to unite under one leadership if they are going to survive," TawnyThroat added.
"But there has always been four clans," HazelPaw explained, "we can't unite."
"That's what I thought, but HatchPaw is persistent and knows what she is saying." AmberJay shrugged.
"I suppose we must speak to the other clans at once," RobinWing meowed.
"They are already suspicious this is a ThunderClan trick. We'll never be able to get them to unite, especially when we still aren't sure who this new leader will be," FidgetStar replied.
"It obviously is HatchPaw! She's the one receiving messages," HollyRapid meowed.
"But she is a medicine cat," OtterClaw replied.
"So? In a time like this, does it really matter?" NettleBurr challenged.
"Enough!" FidgetStar snapped, the stress clearly building on her shoulders. "HatchPaw, what do you think?"
"StarClan never specified who the leader would be," she began, "however, we need to unite the clans as soon as possible. So until I know for sure, the best option would to say I'm the new leader since I'm receiving the messages. Plus, it'll seem less intimidating to other clans if a medicine cat does it, not a warrior."
BrackenFall scoffed, "a medicine cat apprentice as our new leader? That'll seem so harmless to the other clans to the point it'll definitely seem like a set-up. Plus, an apprentice of any kind isn't qualified to lead patrols, let alone lead all four clans!"
"But this is a time of desperation to get StarClan back. StarClan going silent isn't normal, so why would getting them back be?" LarkBreeze mentioned.
"It is settled. HatchPaw will be our new leader until we learn more. As she said, we must follow StarClan's orders and unite the clans as soon as possible," FidgetStar began, "we'll send a patrol with HatchPaw to RiverClan territory first."
She's giving her own job to HatchPaw just like that...?
HatchPaw dipped her head, "thank you, FidgetStar."
The clan wasn't sure how to react.
"TawnyThroat and RobinWing: come with me to RiverClan territory," HatchPaw meowed.
HazelPaw shivered. Already giving such bold orders...? She could tell FidgetStar looked a little uncomfortable as well.
TawnyThroat and RobinWing shrugged, following HatchPaw.
"Er...are we to address you as HatchStar now?" TawnyThroat asked.
"I suppose," HatchPaw replied.
"Then what about FidgetStar?" IceNose asked.
"FidgetStar's name will be demoted back to her warrior name until this all passes over," HatchStar replied.
This is so weird! A medicine cat apprentice telling the leader what to do.
"Very well. I'll return back to FidgetTail," FidgetTail meowed.
HatchStar nodded, before leaving camp.
This doesn't feel right...

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