Foreign Affair ›› n.h. mature

By emmaanne19

870K 21.8K 8.6K

Olivia Allen is a college student who is studying abroad in London. Quickly after moving halfway across the w... More

(I have loved you since we were) Eighteen
One Hundred
One Hundred and One
One Hundred and Two
Author's Note


10K 239 218
By emmaanne19

Olivia Allen


A week without Niall didn't sound so bad. I mean, I was probably spending too much time with him anyway. We just met. I don't want my study abroad experience to be all about a boy, I want it to be about London. At least that's what I'll try and tell myself.

I spent the morning finishing up homework and I spent my afternoon going to museums and eating. It was a lovely day.

That night I had a text from Niall that he had landed in Singapore. Next was his flight to Sydney.



Class today was good. I was actually really enjoying these business classes I was taking here and it was nice to have a lighter course load than I normally would at home.

I went to see Kensington Palace after class and explored some more. It blows my mind that even if I did this after class every day, I wouldn't see it all. There is so much here, it's incredible.

Niall had also texted me today that he landed in Sydney. I told him to have fun.


Niall Horan


We had landed late Monday night (it was early Monday morning London time) and were up bright and early this morning to start prep for the week. We had a rehearsal for a performance on an Australian morning talk show, similar to Good Morning Britain, and then we had to be in hair and makeup for our afternoon press conference.

It was so good to be back with the lads! I see them some when we're on break but it's not the same. This makes me excited for the tour! Flying somewhere and being rushed through this crazy whirlwind together. I wouldn't want to do it alone.

It was 20 minutes till the press conference and some people on our management team had just briefed us. They said, "Okay, it will last about 30 minutes. Announce that you will be touring Australia and Asia after the American, European, and South American legs of your tour. Don't say anything inappropriate, don't give away any tour details, and don't talk about girlfriends. It doesn't sell." And with that the five of us were left alone.

Louis rolled his eyes the second they left. Harry turned to me. "You hear that, Niall? No talking about your girlfriend," he joked.

"I don't technically have a girlfriend," I said.

"It seems you do."

"I can't figure it out. I think we both really like each other but maybe we're moving too fast."

"Moon is lighting up her skin maybe?" I rolled my eyes at him. "I think you're fine. She's really into you and it's obvious. Has she been texting you non-stop since you left?"

"Actually, no." My heart dropped a little. I hadn't really thought about that. "She hasn't texted me much at all."

"Oh." He paused. "Well have you texted her?"

"Just to say we landed."

"Huh. Well forget I said anything, texting doesn't mean much anyway. Try calling her later."

"Okay I will." Except that I forgot.

The press conference went fine. When one of the reporters asked who the single ones were, Harry and I hammed it up like I was the most single guy alive. After that, we all hit the beach and calling Liv slipped my mind.


Olivia Allen


In class some people made plans to go to dinner. I was really excited to get to know more people that I would be with all semester and to go out in the city not by myself.

I spent the afternoon shopping with Ashley, the girl in one of my classes who is also from the Midwest. We had a great time window shopping in places we couldn't afford and actually shopping at cute little boutiques. We got lattes and walked around bundled in scarves. I felt so grown up in this city without any family.

I didn't get a text from Niall all day but I wasn't worried. He was probably busy.

That night Ashley and I met the others in our class for dinner. It was a little awkward at first because we don't all know each other well but we all had to start somewhere. We ended up staying really late just drinking wine and talking. It was weird not getting carded. Even though I have a fake ID, here I wasn't doing something illegal.

I met a guy named Paul who was in my business class. He is from Texas and goes to TCU. We talked for a pretty long time I guess but it's not like it was just us, there were about twelve people sitting around the table with various conversations going on.

By the end of the night everyone was pretty drunk. And it was a Tuesday night. But hey, we're abroad! This experience isn't about being in bed by ten for class and spending hours all day studying. I wanted to make good grades but I still wanted to have some fun while I'm here.

We all piled into cabs and went back to our little hole in the wall apartments. They were all for the most part very near to each other because it was meant to be foreign student housing.

Paul offered to walk me in and for the first time in the night I wondered if I had been leading him on. I mean, we had talked for a good amount of time and had a lot in common. But I didn't mean to flirt and I hope I didn't.

I declined his offer and walked myself in. After finding the Tylenol I passed out still in my clothes.


Niall Horan


"Niall, come look at this," Harry called from his hotel room. We had the whole floor to ourselves. It was eleven in the morning and we had to start an afternoon of interviews.

His tone of voice made me nervous. As I was walking in I saw a picture of Olivia on his laptop just walking around London. It was some gossip site. Uh oh.

"Do they know who she is yet?"

"I don't think so." Harry and I skimmed the article. It basically just says that this "mystery girl" has been seen with Harry and I. It linked back to their article that had the picture of her with Harry on their first date.

"How did you find this?"

"A fan I follow tweeted it. I don't think anyone knows you guys are dating because the only picture they have of you two is from that first weekend I introduced you."

"That's honestly the only real date we've gone on. We mostly just stay in."

Harry raised one eyebrow at me and smirked. "Oh you do, huh?"

"Not that. To avoid paps." I gave him a good punch to the shoulder. "Shut up."

"Sure that's the reason." I ignored his disbelieving tone.

"Wait a second, what's that?" It was a link to an article titled "MYSTERY GIRL SPOTTED WITH GUY #3" and it had another picture of Liv. "Click it."

"No, it's not even going to be true."

"I don't care, I want to see it."

He clicked it and there was a huge, high-resolution photo of Olivia sitting at a dinner table with some guy I've never seen before. There was wine on the table and she was mid-laugh while he smiled at her. It looked like a pretty nice restaurant.

My heart dropped into my stomach. She was on a date with someone. I looked at the date of the article, it was just posted this morning.

"Wow the paps must really be following her," Harry said.

"She went on a date." My voice was flat and dejected. It didn't sound like me.

"There's no way this is what it looks like. Don't assume the worst."

Too late. "It looks pretty clear to me." We never really talked about being exclusive just because this is so new. But I had no idea she would be fine to just go on dates with other guys.

Harry tried to reason with me. "You really shouldn't worry. They tell whatever story sells, not what's true."

It was posted morning time here but I just realized that on London time it was posted in the evening. So this must've just been taken. Probably within the hour. She might still be with this guy. I was sick to my stomach. "Whatever."

I tried to act like I didn't care. But I did. It really bothered me. Against my better judgement, I texted her. I just wanted to know how she would respond but I wasn't going to call her out.

Hi, how has your week been?

I know it's nighttime there but it's not that late, she should still be up. I kept checking my phone all afternoon and she never replied.


Olivia Allen


Before class I watched the boys' press conference from yesterday on YouTube. They were funny and cute as always. When asked about a girlfriend, Niall played single, as he should. Although he is a really good actor. It made me a little uncomfortable how easily he played that off. Not that I'm technically his girlfriend. Well, am I? No. But he is really good at being Mr. "I love the single life." Whatever. I'm definitely overthinking it.

When I checked my phone on my way to class, all uneasiness was erased when I saw he had texted me.

Hi, how has your week been?

He had sent it last night but I'd already passed out at the time. So I replied nearly twelve hours later. It would be about nine at night in Australia. It's so weird to think that while I've just gotten up, he could be sleeping soon. I answered him.

Good! I made friends in my classes and went to dinner with them last night. How's yours?

Ok. It's good

Great! Well I'm going to class, bye!

It's kinda strange that he was short with me and didn't reply with more. But he's probably busy and tired so I didn't think too much of it.


Niall Horan

Wednesday Night

I finally got a response from her at about nine at night when she'd just woken up at home. So maybe she really was asleep when I sent it last night. But still, she told me she'd been to dinner with friends. Except she didn't tell me it was just one friend, a guy.

I'm mad.


I'm furious. She basically lied to me. But I was done sulking. I'd been doing that all day.

I'm going out with the guys tonight and I just want to have fun and drink with my mates and forget about this.


We'd been at this club for about an hour now and I was already pretty drunk. I went a little too hard right off the bat. But the worst part was, I wasn't even having that much fun. I just wanted to call Liv and tell her how mad I am.

In fact I'm going to right now. I reached into my back pocket, spilling a little of my beer in the process because apparently I couldn't do two things at once when I'd been drinking, and it was empty. There was nothing in either pocket.

"Looking for this?" Harry came up behind me holding my phone.

"Why do ya have that!" I reached for it and he moved his arm away.

"Just have fun and quit assuming the worst about her."

"I'm not gonna call her."

"Well who are you gonna call then? You have everyone you need to talk to right here."

"You sound like my mum."

He didn't give me my phone.

Liam came over to us. "Did you see who's here?"

"Who?" I asked him.

From the corner of my eye I saw Harry nodding and making a hand gesture meaning no.

"Oh never mind," Liam said.

"Who?" They didn't answer me. "Seriously, who?"

"Hey lads!" Louis came over. "Did you see Ellie Goulding is here?"

Harry dropped his head into hands.

"What?" Louis looked offended. "Was I not supposed to say anything?"

Harry started saying something but I wasn't listening.

I had kind of dated Ellie about a year back. And if Liv can go on a date I don't know why I can't go talk to Ellie.

I went and found her. She looked good.


"Niall!" She gave me a big hug.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm touring Australia right now. I just flew in and I have a show tomorrow and Friday. Why are you here?"

"We're doing promo here for a week."

"That's awesome! Please come to my show!"

"Yeah, for sure!"

We got some drinks and started catching up.

About thirty minutes had passed when Harry came over to us. "Niall, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Can it wait?"

Instead of answering me, he literally dragged me away by the shoulder of my shirt.

"Ow! Whaddya do that for?"

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Just catching up."

"You've got a good thing going at home so don't ruin it."

"I'm not. We're just talking!"

"I know you and you're bitter right now and you used to really like Ellie so don't do anything stupid."

"I won't. I can take care of myself."

I left Harry and went back to Ellie. I didn't need him being judgmental. We really were just catching up, I wasn't going to do anything.

Harry Styles

It's been about an hour since I pulled Niall away and talked to him and I still don't know what to do. Niall is being an idiot and he's drunk.

Olivia texted him and I have his phone. I don't want to make him mad by texting her back for him, it's kind of invading his privacy, but I don't want her to be mad at him. I really want those two to work out.

Someone like Liv is exactly what he needs. Niall has always been the most grounded of all of us and she's perfect for him. I don't think someone who has that whole celebrity ego is what Niall truly wants. Not all famous people have egos but far too many do.

Plus, then I can take credit for setting them up. I've always wanted to be the person who introduced a good couple.

Zayn came over, pulling me from my thoughts. "I think I'm gonna head out. Cool?"

"Okay, see ya."

"Hey, what's up with Niall and Ellie?"

"I don't know but it's annoying they're still hanging out."

"They left."


"Yeah I saw them head out about ten minutes ago."

"No fucking way."

"Yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow."

Zayn left and I was frantically rushing around the overcrowded club to see if this was true. I didn't see Niall anywhere so it must be.

I can't call him because I have his phone. Shit.

I'm answering Liv for him. I feel bad for her. I'll just say I'm going to bed or something like that.

I unlocked his phone on my second password guess. It was the numbers for "Theo" and I was going to have to tell him to change that because it was too easy. He had one text from Olivia.

Hey, I just finished class for the day. I'm sorry we've barely talked all week. It's weird being so many hours apart. I know you're probably exhausted from the week but if you're still awake and want to talk, I don't have plans!

I felt awful for her. She's so nice. I decided to just not reply because that would be like saying "I'm awake but I don't want to talk." But I can't just pretend to be Niall for a whole conversation.

Okay, now what? Where is Niall?

If he is hooking up with her I swear I will kill him.

Niall Horan

This is the hardest decision I've made in days. How do I choose between them? What do I want? I can't decide.

There's chocolate, cookies and cream, chocolate chip cookie dough, strawberry, peanut butter, and so many more.

"Hurry up!" Ellie came over already holding her dish of vanilla. We were at a little ice cream shop not more than a block from the club we were at. We were just talking about how hungry we were and decided to leave to find something.

"Who the hell gets vanilla? And no cone?"

"It's the only one they have that is made with soy. And no cone is healthier."

"Oh right. Vegan."

So weird. I don't get why people choose to not eat delicious foods.

I couldn't help but think of how Liv would never be annoying about getting the healthiest thing. I love when girls don't freak out about what they eat.

I got cookie dough, obviously in a cone, and we started walking back while we ate.

We were just wandering around talking. We had finished our ice cream.

"Why don't we get back to the club. Harry has my phone and I don't want to leave long after the rest of the lads."

"Or..." She put her hand in mine and whispered in my ear. "We could just go back to my hotel."

"Oh, um I don't think that's such a good idea."

"I won't tell anyone."


"Come on." She kissed my cheek.

Uh oh. I could feel myself giving in.

Actually, no.



"We need to get back."

"Oh come on."

"I really need to talk to Harry and not make them worry and I don't have my phone and we just need to get back."

"Well you could get your phone and still come back with me."

"Sorry. It's a bad idea."

She was pretty silent the rest of the way back. I don't think she was really that embarrassed because she's kind of drunk and she doesn't embarrass easily, but she didn't ask again.

When we got back I sought out Harry for my phone.

The second he saw me his face got angry. "Where have you been?"

"Getting ice cream!"

"We need to go."

Harry practically dragged me out, Louis and Liam followed. I said bye to a dejected looking Ellie really briefly.

When we got back, Harry gave me my phone and said, "Here. Liv texted you. Don't say anything you will regret." He seemed pretty angry at me but he didn't say more before he left.

I read Liv's text and it made me feel guilty.

But I'm still angry at her. She went on a date and was just going to keep it from me.

I decided not to answer Liv, I just went to bed.


Olivia Allen

Wednesday Afternoon

Today in class our new little friend group was fairly hung over. But hey, at least we made it to class!

After class Paul came and found me and asked me to dinner. My guilt made a pit in my stomach. For him to ask me on a date, maybe I was flirting a little. I didn't mean to be. I politely turned him down but I didn't really have a good reason that I could give him. I just said, "I'm kind of seeing someone. But thank you for the offer."

I don't know if it was the guilt of Paul asking me out or if I just really missed him, but I texted Niall.

Hey, I just finished class for the day. I'm sorry we've barely talked all week. It's weird being so many hours apart. I know you're probably exhausted from the week but if you're still awake and want to talk, I don't have plans!

I have to say, as fun as it is hanging out with Niall all the time, it's really good for me to have more time after class because then I'm getting completely caught up on my homework and I don't feel so stressed.

He didn't answer me. He's probably already asleep. I spent my evening alone doing even more sight seeing and eating. Walking around a massive city with no parents or anyone looking after you to keep you from getting lost is one of the most freeing feelings ever.

At one point I was walking around with my coffee thinking about heading home when I heard cameras. I looked around and spotted a pap or two but I couldn't find whatever celebrity they were freaking out over tonight. Maybe they were waiting for him or her to leave a nearby building. Either way, I didn't wait around.

I headed home as the full weight of how much I miss Niall hit me. I hate that I feel this way. About a boy. I'm studying abroad and I'm letting a boy bring me down. This is pathetic.

I pushed it aside. I still feel independent. It's not like I feel totally lonely, I just miss his company.



I never heard back from Niall. Whatever. He probably doesn't have any free time.

I went to class and made plans with the same group to hang out again. We were going to go out after dinner and it sounded fun.

After class I checked my email and I had one from my mom. Subject line was "Have you seen this?" so I just expected it to be some news about my hometown or maybe a new movie that came out. I did not expect to see a picture of myself, which is what I did see.

It was a screenshot (didn't know Lori was capable of emailing a screenshotted picture) of a tweet from a One Direction update account and it said, "The girl Niall has been seen with in London lately." The picture was of me from just yesterday walking around. I knew because of the ear warmer I was wearing and I was holding my coffee.

What on earth?

Then it clicked. I had heard cameras snapping yesterday. I thought there was a celebrity nearby but they were taking pictures of me. That's so weird. That would explain why there was only one or two paps instead of like a hundred that would've been there if it was someone who's actually cool.

I am thoroughly creeped out.

But still, I went online and searched "Niall Horan" which I should've known would just creep me out more. But I wanted to know if there were any gossip articles about us.

Immediately I saw an article about him and Ellie Goulding, which I didn't worry about, because it had to be old. I knew they had dated about a year ago. Which he never told me but as a fan I weirdly know things about him.

Then I looked more closely and saw the date on the article. I became sick to my stomach. It was posted this morning.

I immediately clicked it, even though I didn't want to know what it said, I couldn't stop myself.

"A romance rekindled! Niall Horan of One Direction pictured with past fling Ellie Goulding. The pair was spotted out clubbing in Australia. A source says they seemed to be having a good time and they were all over each other. They left together (pictured above) and never returned. Is this the start of a new relationship or just a one night stand? Comment your thoughts below."

A lump formed in my throat the second I started reading the article and by the end my eyes had welled up with tears. I closed my laptop. I couldn't take any more.

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