Can't you see, I'm in pain too

By FighterOfDepression

25.4K 792 1.2K

Everything Error ever cared about was taken away from him. One by one. The dust littered the field as the bli... More

Is this the end?
I'm......finally home
Catching up
The retelling and calming a haphephobic Skeleton
He's still out there
Melodies and Madness
Refresh meme
Reunited once more
What did i do wrong

Who did this to you?

3K 93 120
By FighterOfDepression

3rd POV

Some wander what happened once Errors life was put into the hands of literal destiny. Many may wonder where she took him too. He could've been sent to any other multiverse and start a completely new life style. But that wasn't the case. He was sent to a very familiar place. A place he hadn't been in for 6 years. Well six years in that multiverse could also mean eons from where Error had been before.

However destiny couldn't have picked a better place and time to place him in. It was a dark day for quite a few people. For today had marked the sixth year disappearance of for some a brother for others a son for another a nephew and for others a very close friend. Today was marked the day that that person was declared dead after their disappearance. And what a better way to cheer up their day.

Fresh's POV

They had declared him dead a few years back but on the day he disappeared all of us head to the graveyard to pay respects. Ever since the incident I can't help but blame myself. I pushed him over his limits. I would do anything to have taken his place. After all I couldn't feel anything until he was gone so no one would've cared. They knew I couldn't at the time so if it was me there was no point in feeling bad for someone who would never be able to actually mean it when they say their sorry for worrying them. As we were walking we passed by a alley way. Me being the closest to it.

As we walked by it I noticed something from the corner of my eye and stoped walking to look into the alleyway. The others didn't notice me stoping and continued to walk a little further before they did. They stoped and turned to look at me. I couldn't hear what they were saying though. My nonexistent ears were ringing at what I saw. Their back was turned towards me but I can make out most of what they look like. A black boned skeleton with a red turtleneck and an all too familiar royal blue scarf. The same one that Geno had made for our brother. The one that our brother refused to take off. Tears welled up in my eyes. "No way." I silently muttered and I sprinted to the figure.

When I got closer to the figure I turned them so they lied on their back and that's when I saw a all to familiar blue tear marks on their face. "Oh my god." I said. The person on the ground was my brother. This is Error laying on ground right in front of me. I couldn't believe it. It's been six years and I've finally found him. The tears finally began to spill as I saw some rips in his clothes and a whole lot of fresh wounds. Then I saw his arms. They were badly chipped even some bone marrow leaking from small cuts as well. The difference between this wounds and the others. These seemed self inflicted. Trust me you learn when things look self inflicted when you life with Uncle Asy for so long. I gently moved his body and hugged him tightly. At this point I was sobbing and I'm not afraid to admit that. Wouldn't you be crying if you found your older brother, who has been missing for years and announced dead by the police, wounded and bleeding.

While I was doing this however I failed to notice the others behind. Geno was the first to break the silence as well as make me aware to their positions. "Oh my god! Error!" He crouched down beside me bringing both of us into a hug as tears began flowing down his face like a waterfall. Despite Geno's shoat Error remained unconscious. "We need to get him to the hospital." Uncle Asy said. We all nodded as me and Geno carried Error. One thing I know Error will be happy about is that Geno has gotten way better in the illness factor that is. Sure he'll still get sick but whenever that happens he's only stay in the hospital for a day max unlike the multiple weeks he would have to stay there when we were younger.

I don't remember much of the way to the hospital but it was long and tiring. Well you'd think it'd be tiring seeing as how we were walking to the graveyard and not driving so it's not like we had a car. But when we got there they took one look at Error before taking him to a room to help him. We were left in the waiting room for what felt like hours but in reality was only about twenty minutes. They came and told us we could see him now but he's still unconscious. They told us it's best to let him rest and try to keep our voices down to avoid waking him. We went in the to see Error covered in bandages and an IV attached to his hand. It was only now that I realized that Ink, Aunt Com, Deccy, Sugar, Sour, and their mom are all probably at the graveyard. We were supposed to meet up with them there but then this happened and they don't know where we are. I turned to ma and when she saw me looking at her she must've realized this too as she took her phone out and immediately started to call someone.

I turned back to my older brothers motionless body as the sound of a heart monitor blared. It was all I could hear as I just stared. 'Who did this to you?'

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