2020-When Time Stood Still

De ZoZoBJones

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2020-When Time Stood Still Prologue
Chapter one: 2017 Europe
Chapter Two-Middle East 2020
Chapter Three-Kai
Chapter four-The desert
Chapter five-The New Normality
Chapter Six-Turkey Room 350
Chapter Seven-Ronnie
Chapter Eight-Shamsa
Chapter Nine-Nothing Is What It Seems
Chapter Ten-The Great escape
Chapter Eleven-It's a New Dawn...
Chapter Twelve-The House Of The Rising sun
Chapter Thirteen-Where Do We Go From Here?
Chapter 15-The Visitors
Chapter 16-Alienation
Chapter 17-Noah's Ark-The Great Flood
Chapter 18-We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day
Chapter 19-You Can Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Leave
Chapter 20-London, The Beginning Of The End
Epilogue-Francis' Letter Continued. The Final Stage
About The Author & Acknowledgments

Chapter Fourteen-The Last Supper

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De ZoZoBJones

Chapter 14

The last supper

We thanked Miguel for his help and hospitality and made our way to the supermarket before leaving the town. Upon entering it was compulsory to clean our hands with hand sanitizer and put on disposable plastic gloves, even though we had our own. "More plastic to contaminate the oceans." I grumbled to Ronnie.

I was struck by the sight of a small girl, perhaps only five or six years old, wearing the mask and gloves but more poignantly, the doll she was carrying also wore a mask. She stopped and cleaned the doll's hands obediently and entered with her mother. I caught Ronnie's eye and he shook his head sadly. "The new normality. What will these children be like in the future? Afraid of everything I imagine."

I watched other parents with young children hurrying them around the supermarket and slapping or scolding them if they dared touch anything. I shivered. I was so grateful not to have young children in these stressful times.

It felt very tense inside the shop and people attempting to avoid each other in the aisles. I shopped as quickly as I could to get out of there as fast as possible. I hated every moment of it.

We all breathed a sigh of relief to be back at the vehicle. "Apart from going to Miguel's, there is nothing that would draw me back to the town in a hurry." I muttered to Jim.

"Yeah, it's sad how everything has changed so drastically. You can almost smell the fear, though strangely I felt it more from the younger people in the supermarket than the older people we saw sitting in the square together. Maybe because they have already been through so much not much fazes them anymore. I've got to say, I will never forget old Pepe. He's a legend!" We both laughed. Pepe was indeed a legend and I wouldn't forget him in a hurry either.

I was soon to find out, that no one would, and Pepe would become unforgettable in every way.

We had been so distracted by everything else that we had forgotten to ask about the embassy.

"Jim, we completely forgot to ask about the situation with the embassy." I said.

"Oh shit! Of course, only one of the most important reasons for coming into town but with all the drama I completely forgot." Jim slapped his head. "Basically, they have said we just have to stay put. No more flights are leaving the country at present. A plane will be specially commissioned by the government at a later date to take all expats home but right now things are very precarious on all levels and as long as we are healthy and in a safe place we should stay where we are and not move. The police and military know where we are too so it would be very foolish to try anything else. They said to check in next week but if anything, major happened in the meantime they would send the police to the house to inform us."

We sat in silence for the rest of the way home, all lost in our own thoughts. So, this was it for the near future, stranded in Spain. Once again, another obstacle, or was it?

Was this all part of the plan and for reasons unknown right now, this was where we were meant to be? Whilst London may be our final destination, perhaps it was this entire journey that was the major awakening for us all, the time spent together and the shared experiences.

Nothing was an accident I now realized. I missed kai despite the very short time spent together, I felt like he'd truly got under my skin. However, when I thought of Jim's arm around me, I momentarily blushed like a teenager. Ronnie instantly caught my eye as if he knew what I was thinking. I punched him playfully and whispered, "Shut it! I know exactly what you are thinking!" He laughed in response. We had formed a special bond and even though the thought of being stranded here indefinitely scared me somewhat, I was grateful for these special people I had met, especially Ronnie.

"You know guys, one thing that really pissed me off back there in the cyber café was seeing how toxic so many of the social media sites have become. I couldn't believe how divisive everyone was, really arguing and getting nasty, unfriending each other because they don't agree over what's really happening. We can all have a difference of opinion, and agree to disagree, but this level of aggression and attacks I've never seen it to this extent among so called mature adults." Ronnie paused, he sounded sad, genuinely concerned by what he'd observed.

"You know, I'd see people in certain groups just asking genuine questions and being attacked and ridiculed. It's as if something has been unleashed within people, nasty Nazi cyber bullies, even people I once respected. We've all been under a lot of strain and lives turned upside down but I'm seeing a darkness in a lot of people that I've not seen before. Some stupid bastard was even talking about going around with a gun and shooting all those who disobey the law or those that don't wear masks! What the hell has happened in these last couple of months?"

Ricardo spoke up from the front of the car, "Yes, I have seen it too a lot here in Spain. It's brought to the surface all the old political division, old wounds that hadn't healed. Far right and far left. All extremes. As you say, toxic is the word and people become very brave with a keyboard and screen in front of them but see how brave they really are face to face! But of course, I am much more concerned here with the military in charge right now, it's everything I dreaded happening in Spain again. If things were calmer in the rest of Europe and the world, well then perhaps a resolution could be found far quicker but right now, Spain is not the most important thing on the world agenda. It's almost as if humanity has been inching towards war purposefully particularly for the last five years, I've noticed that vibe."

"Yes" I responded, "I quickly checked out some groups I'm in and was horrified to see the same thing, such vitriol amongst former friends and acquaintances. It's as if people have lost all logic and have been taken over by some kind of entity, I swear some of them were almost unrecognizable! It makes me think Ricardo what you said about the Spanish civil war and what an old friend told me about his life in the former Yugoslavia, friends and neighbors turning on each other. Of course there were the good people who remained loyal no matter what but it's always shocked me how religion and politics can drive people to the edge of insanity and add to that the potent mix of fear and economic collapse..."

"Strange time guys, strange times." muttered Ronnie.

I was relieved to see the house come into view and the beauty of the surrounding countryside. Nature was our saving grace. The thought of being in lockdown surrounded by concrete and grey was unimaginable; humans, like animals, were never meant to be kept locked up in small boxes or cages. I had always felt like a nomad, the urge to keep moving, exploring the planet, not stuck in one place.

Summer and Effie were outside, sitting close together whilst summer softly strummed the guitar. It was a comforting scene to be honest after our latest adventure in town.

"Skye, maybe you should go lie down for a while after what happened. I really think you need some rest" said Jim gently. Effie looked up concerned.

"It's okay Effie, it was just my blood pressure again but we did have some stress, the boys can fill you in on that one. I'm going up for a rest." I kissed the top of her head and made my way to my room, eager for some quiet time and space from the world.

As I lay there, I went over the day's events in my head. Already so much had happened, so much had been shared and it was still only afternoon. God knows what would happen tonight at the meditation session. It really did feel like time was speeding up and we were living years in a matter of days.

Despite all my premonitions, and despite the warnings, I still couldn't quite believe all this was really happening. I honestly did feel that I would wake up one day and this was all an unbelievably bad dream, no matter the good moments. Perhaps this was also why people were acting so completely out of sorts, they simply could not comprehend the massive shift in world events...

I fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of my childhood, then the end of days nightmare that would suddenly reappear, darkness followed by blood red fields and skies. Then Kai's face appeared smiling and laughing in the desert to be replaced by shouting soldiers thrusting their guns into his back. And then darkness again...

"Skye?" A voice in the darkness. I thought I was awake and had slept till the evening but no, I was somewhere, weightless, just floating in the darkness. However, I wasn't afraid. I felt safe, secure, cocooned.

"Yes, I'm here listening" I responded to the voice.

"Tonight, during the meditation, the first contact will be made with the entire group. It will be immensely powerful, but you are all prepared, mentally, and spiritually.

You must understand however, this is going to cause a chain of events that will affect everyone around you, from the neighboring towns and villages to the military. It will be visible for many miles and will cause hysteria and fear, and much commotion amongst the unawakened. You must be a strong leader and keep your faith. You must also be very discerning for many will try to distort the truth. There is one amongst you who is not of us, she is from another race, a galactic being who does not come from a place of peace and unity.

A race that are not benevolent beings and wish to continue keeping humanity in slavery and low density. She will attempt to distort the truth and cause problems, disharmony, and suspicion among you. We are aware that you have already discovered who she is, and we are pleased you are using your powers of discernment and intuition but be warned, the transition will not be easy. She must leave and she knows it and will fight to the end to bring you down with her. Go now, be a warrior for change and help the humans go forward to the New Earth and leave behind this darkness and insanity."

I felt as if I'd been given an electric shock, my body was convulsing, my joints rigid. I opened my eyes, and I was back in my room, the sun streaming through the windows and two hours had passed since I had come to rest. I lay on the bed, gazing out the window feeling both proud, honored and energized by the experience yet simultaneously felt a sense of fear in the pit of my stomach. I, we, had been chosen and tonight not only would so much truth be revealed to all of us, we had an enemy in our midst, charming, beautiful, ruthless, and clever.

Now I had to believe in myself like never before, stand by my truth and help protect us all. I was not alone, the group was a unit but still, no doubt this galactic being, whatever form she took, would know how to find our weaknesses and insecurities, and stop at nothing to bring us down. I sat in deep meditation and envisioned myself as a warrior, bound in light and truth. I yielded a sword to protect myself but also as a weapon if need be, if a true battle were to commence.

I felt strengthened and empowered as I emerged from that deep state. I arose and walked downstairs to meet the others, prepared for whatever awaited me.

I walked into the kitchen and immediately bumped into Summer. She gave me a beaming smile and took my hands.

"How are you Skye?" She asked.

"Feeling much better thanks. I had a really deep sleep which recharged my batteries." I then lowered my voice somewhat. "I also had a visitation about tonight: Guidance and warnings. I was told this will be enormously powerful, but it will also set off a chain of events that will affect all of us and the whole area. I was also warned about the imposter amongst us, to be very vigilant, as she will attempt to cause division and worse." Summer nodded seriously in response.

"Yes, I'm prepared Skye for it all. I too had a visitation and was told something similar. This is going to test us to our limits, our beliefs, our group unity, and strength in the face of enemy attack which no doubt will come sooner rather than later. Perhaps if you try to see her as a gift from the federation, to test us, to demonstrate our true strength it will help because I have a very strong feeling she is going to stir up the worst in us all."

I gripped her hands tightly and looked her deep in the eyes. "It feels like we are being tested constantly Summer but if this is what it is then so be it. You know what they say about not just talking the talk but walking the walk. Now we all have to practice what we preach." She hugged me tightly.

"We've got this" She whispered as Peter walked in the kitchen.

"Hi ladies." He smiled. We smiled back.

"Ready for tonight's meditation session?" asked Summer.

He suddenly looked serious. "Yes, though I have the feeling it's going to be more than just a deep group meditation." We both nodded in unison. Seems like we were all connected with what may be about to happen. "I've made some supper for us all. Best we eat earlyish as the session I feel will be long." Said Summer.

"Perfect. I will go and look for the others and tell them, so everyone is ready." I said. I left Peter and Summer in the kitchen and went off in search of the rest of the group.

I spotted Laura and Ricardo sitting on the swinging chair in the orchard beside the house. I made my way over. They looked up as they saw me approach. They both looked serious.

"How are you feeling Skye?" asked Laura.

"Yeah much better than earlier, thanks. I just came to say that Summer has prepared a large supper for the whole group so that we eat early in preparation for tonight's group meditation."

They both nodded, still looking serious. "We've been discussing many things, about our future and possible complications with the global situation. Also, we both believe tonight something will happen." Ricardo said as he rubbed his head as if attempting to rub away all the stress and worry.

"You too, huh? Looks like we are all on the same page with that one. Well, it looks like it's going to test us to our limits, both individually and as a group, that's all I can say."

"I'm going to look for Francis now and erm..." My voice trailed off as I thought of the French couple.

Laura read my mind. "No need. Here they are now pulling up in their car, looks like they've been into town." An old, battered Citroen 2CV pulled up at the house. Canary yellow with the sunroof open. I couldn't help but smile, I loved those old cars. I gathered my courage and walked in the direction of the car.

The couple both got out, always looking effortlessly chic. Jean Jaques smiled when saw me and waved. Emilie nodded and waved slightly coolly, lacking the warmth of her partner.

"Hello Skye! How are you?" Jean Jaques greeted me with the obligatory two kisses.

"Good thanks, and you?" Emilie nodded and smiled tightly. Oh yes, the battle lines were going up I could sense that with absolute certainty.

"I just wanted to let you know that Summer has prepared supper for us all and we'll eat relatively early in preparation for the group meditation session." I watched their response. JJ as I decided to call him looked completely unfazed, but Emilie seemed very tense.

"Perfecto! We will go freshen up and see you in a momento." JJ beamed, and the couple walked off in the direction of their home.

Now to search for Francis. He wasn't difficult to find. I found him sitting on a rocking chair on the porch of his wooden house, smoking a pipe and listening to the sounds of the seventies.

He seemed pleased to see me. "Come." He motioned for me to sit on a chair next to him.

"Man, I love these tunes. Woodstock festival, such amazing artists played there. Listen to this, Joe Cocker, with a little help from my friends. What a voice, man!" I listened to the lyrics which seemed more poignant than ever.

"Music, my constant companion." He said with a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

"Me too. I was brought up with all this music. My parents took me to all the festivals back in the seventies." I smiled as I thought back to those days, a lifetime away from what was happening now.

"Yeah, I thought you'd appreciate good music. Just the feeling, you know what I mean?" Francis smiled blissfully as he hummed along.

I nodded and smiled, closing my eyes for a moment, and losing myself in the music.

"Before I get too comfortable, just to let you know that Summer has made supper for us all so that we can eat early before the group meditation." I muttered.

Francis opened one eye and looked at me. "You know this is going to be a heavy one, right? I've no doubt we are going get visited and it's going to cause some commotion."

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm preparing myself but I'm very curious Francis about all the experiences you've had before and what you expect to happen?" He turned down the music and looked thoughtful.

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain. On the occasions it's happened, both alone and with others from the group, we've just had like a sensation that we were not alone, like the atmosphere had changed, the density let us say. Often as not it had been when we were outside meditating at night. We have a spot, this is where we will meditate tonight, like a sacred circle. Perhaps it's also because our frequency changes when we are in that meditative state, especially as a group-you know a collective consciousness. I remember the first time it happened, I thought someone had put a spotlight on us, it was so bright, dazzling white light and I was frozen to the spot, we all were. I just saw outlines of beings, though these were not the type you hear so much about with the alien abductions, these were not the small aliens, known as the greys or Zeta Reticulans.

No, these were more human like. Personally, I believe them to be Pleiadeans, tall, light beings but I could be wrong. Each of us felt as if we were communicating with them telepathically, confirming things within us that only we personally could ever know. Time seemed to stand still. And afterwards there was almost like an implosion, not explosion, of atomic light and then they were gone. We were all left dizzy, with headaches and eye ache and unable to speak for a few hours."

He paused. "To dispel any internal or external doubts, each time it has happened, people from the village had reported seeing strange lights hovering around the area but often it's fobbed off as military exercises. So, we know for sure, something had happened every time, it's certainly not collective hysteria.

Again, he paused, "I don't want to frighten you Skye, and you are the only person I've mentioned this to, but I have a feeling something may happen to me. I'm not frightened at all, and if it does, well it's my time. I've become increasingly fatigued lately, I don't know if it's a physical ailment or spiritual or both but I'm getting to the stage where I no longer feel I want to remain on Earth and I certainly don't want to be around for what's coming next. You are younger, and despite your sensibility, you are a strong woman. You also want to fight for your daughter and her future, I can see that, but I've fought against many injustices over the years and now, this final battle, I honestly don't want to be around to see it. So, I've made my decision, I'm going to ask them to take me."

He smiled sadly, tears in his eyes. I felt my own eyes well up and I stood up and hugged him spontaneously. "I'm honored you have trusted me enough to share with me. If anything does happen, do you want me to tell anyone? Friends and family?" I asked.

He nodded as I pulled back. "Yes, I've written letters. They are in my big wooden box on my table. They are all addressed. You can all share my belongings between you and anything else donate to charity. In fact, even in the village, a lot of the fruit pickers are poor. You can give them my clothes and essential items, perhaps some of my furniture too. My personal things I'd like you all to keep."

I couldn't quite believe we were having this conversation. A part of me was afraid he was planning on taking his own life, but he did not seem depressed, no, it was something very, very deep.

"No Skye, don't worry, I'm not planning on taking my life if that's what you are afraid of. I honestly believe they will take me."

"Okay, whatever will be will be, but I'm glad you warned me, or it would have been one hell of a shock." I said. "I'm going to get back and help out with the supper and preparation." We smiled at each other with a special warmth and mutual understanding.

"I'll see you there in a moment." He said.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a terrible sensation of grief sweep over me. I'd literally just met this kind man and already he may be about to leave us. Would he be the first of many departures?

As I entered the house, I did my best to hide my feelings but as I bumped into Ronnie, he instantly noticed my mood. "You alright, mate?" He asked quietly. I pulled him into a dark corner of the house where no one could see or hear us. I recounted a little of our exchange and my concerns over Emilie.

He nodded wisely. "Yeah, absolutely we are all feeling it, something big is gonna happen." He took my hand. "It feels like all we are going to be doing is constantly saying hello and goodbye in the coming weeks and months. And you know what I mean by that." I nodded sadly. I did indeed.

"But I want you to know Skye, just in the very short time I've got to know you and Effie, I already feel like you are my family. My new family. Whatever happens, I've got your backs." I hugged him tightly.

"I feel the same. Family is more than blood." I said. We hugged a while longer and pulled apart.

"Better move away quick in case your boyfriend sees us." He teased me.

"You better watch it too, I've seen the way that Emilie and JJ looked at you. I reckon they are swingers." I joked. He looked distinctly uncomfortable which made me laugh even more. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." He walked away muttering under his breath about 'weirdos'.

The kitchen was a flurry of activity as I walked in. "Here mum, take out the cutlery and glasses please."

Before I had a chance to say anything, Effie had shoved everything at me. The table was already covered with a white cloth and candles. I got the eerie feeling it was a bit like the last supper.

Everyone began to gather at the same time and as I looked around the group, I realized we were all dressed in white. We had already arranged to dress in white for the meditation but still, as we took our places, with Peter in his white robe, and long beard at the head of the table, my feeling of the biblical similarities became even stronger. I quickly took a glass of red wine and gulped it down far too fast. "Whoa girl slow down, you'll be drunk before we even start." Said Peter in amusement.

"Sorry, just a tad nervous." I responded.

"Nothing to be nervous about" Said Summer. "It's going to be an amazing experience." Said Summer smiling at me across the table, with a knowing look in her eyes. I nodded and held back on the vino tinto.

"A toast to us all and the visitors who will be joining us later." Peter raised his glass. We joined him in raising our glasses. "To a new dawn." Said Peter. "To a new dawn." We repeated and drank our wine and began eating and chatting. For a short while everything verged on normal.

As I ate and chatted to Laura who was by my side, I couldn't help but keep one eye on Emilie. She continuously smiled flirtatiously at Ronnie who was sat directly in front of her. He squirmed, looking very obviously uncomfortable. It would have been quite funny except I felt she was playing some kind of game with him. Suddenly without warning she turned to Ricardo, who was sat on her other side and put her hand on his face then on his leg. "It's hard to keep passion alive in a long- term relationship, isn't it? You and Laura have been together for many years now. Do you have a secret remedy you can share?"

Ricardo flinched as if he had been slapped and I felt Laura stiffen with anger by my side. "Don't." I whispered. "She's doing exactly what was predicted. She is going to try and cause division and weaken us. She knows how to push our buttons. You are her first victims She knows how private Ricardo is so she knows he will be extremely uncomfortable with this conversation." Laura nodded and said in a cold but steady voice.

"That is a little personal over the dinner table, do you not think? Perhaps another time you and I can chat alone and exchange relationship advice." Ricardo looked distinctly uncomfortable and turned to Peter on his other side and began to converse about agricultural equipment, possibly the least sexual subject he could possibly find.

Emilie laughed and said in a husky voice. "I have no problem talking about sex over the dinner table. Indeed, food is an expression of sexuality. Oh, Jean tell them that extraordinary story about your friend in Silicon valley."

"Ah yes, fascinating." He replied. "Forget the old blow up sex dolls, what they are making now is absolutely incredible. The future is AI to be sure. These highly advanced sex robots that can actually learn and talk, they will cost thousands, but the technology is out of this world. I have seen such a thing and even the skin is almost human. I believe it is made from medical grade platinum silicone and in many shades, depending on your preference." He paused and winked while taking a sip of wine.

"For some reason, a lot of them have English accents, as if it makes them sound clever." Emilie giggled but the rest of us just stared slightly taken aback by the strange conversation.

"They even have a mood system, she can discuss hobbies, literature. She can learn all about you. Basically, her role is to be your dream girl and to fulfil all your desires. It is the future."

He turned to Emilie, "There, that would add the spice you need in a relationship."

"How exciting" She gushed and clapped her hands. I just sat there horrified at the thought.

"So basically, you won't need to worry about menstrual mood swings, unwanted pregnancy or ageing. You would have a porn star looking girlfriend for eternity who would obey your every whim, always look perfect. Seems to me like another nail in the coffin for humanity. Another way to lower the population, women will no longer be required in the same numbers. There will probably be artificial wombs anyway." I said perhaps slightly too harshly.

"I agree" Jim spoke up. "It is part of the great experiment. Computers already have the ability to learn from any interaction they have. And as we see around us, humans are already rapidly losing any kind of emotional intelligence whilst AI is gaining it. This is definitely part of the brave new world synopsis; the global reset button has been pushed."

"That's a little extreme, don't you think?" JJ sat back in his chair and smiled seductively at us ladies.

"I for one will always prefer the flesh of a real woman but there is room for change and excitement. Besides there are many lonely men who do not possess social skills nor time to pick up a woman. This is an excellent solution for their problem."

"I agree. Though, perhaps a male version too would be nice?" Emilie kissed his cheek and looked at him longingly.

"I don't like it, it feels like the end of human relationships." Said Effie from further down the table. She turned to Summer and smiled in such an adoring manner that suddenly it hit me. How could I have not seen it all along? It was not infatuation, Effie was in love with Summer. I watched as Summer smiled back. The chemistry was obvious, it was mutual.

"Oh! How adorable!" Emilie looked at them both. She gave me a sly look as she clapped her hands in feigned joy. "Young lesbian love! How wonderful!" Effie looked as if she wished the floor would swallow her up and looked at me stricken as if a terrible secret had been revealed. Summer too looked shocked and embarrassed and stared at me wide eyed.

I smiled at them both with real love. "Love is love, you don't have to give it a label." I said looking at Emilie with a glint of hatred and tried to control my anger. I knew better than anyone what she was doing and nothing and no one would come between me and my daughter.

"All I want is my daughter to be happy and with someone who respects her and loves her back. That is what any parent should want. I don't a fuck about sexuality. I think they make a beautiful couple, inside and out." Effie let out a sob of relief and rushed round the table to hug me.

"I love you so much." I whispered in her ear. "you should never have to worry about keeping anything from me, you should know that."

"I love you so much too." I felt her tears wet my hair and my own eyes once again began to well up.

"You two are so lucky to have such a close relationship." Said Ronnie. I detected the emotion in his voice.

"Absolutely!" Shouted Peter in a booming voice. "No robot will ever replace true unconditional love. AI will never replace that.

"Here here!" Responded Francis. They all raised their glasses in another toast.

"To unconditional love" Effie laughed and wiped her eyes as we all toasted to love. The night was going to be unforgettable on all fronts.

After the meal was finished and we had cleared everything away, we agreed to meet half an hour later at the meditation spot.

Despite the soothing effects of the red wine, I was still nervous. Emilie's behavior, as innocuous as it may seem to some, was clearly the start of an active intention of division. She had very clearly and accurately demonstrated her ability to identify people's weak spots and do her best to stir up trouble and confusion. That, I guessed was just the beginning. Fortunately, we were all aware now and would have to be discerning and do our own inner work to combat these attacks.

Effie came running up to our bedroom and once again flung her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "Oh mum, I love you so much! I'm so sorry I didn't share with you, but I was so confused myself. I've never been in love before and doubted my own feelings for Summer. I've fancied guys but never anything major as you know. I've never really had a boyfriend but also was never attracted to girls until I met Summer, and everything changed.

We hugged tightly for a moment then I pulled back and looked her deeply in the eyes. "Effie, come let's sit on the bed a moment. We need to talk before the meditation. You know something big is going to happen tonight, a shift that will unleash an element of chaos. This chaos is part of our journey. I call it chaos for it will not be easy. It will be a chain of events that will once again push us all into the limelight, the focus of all those around us, from the pueblo, police, military and potentially globally." I hesitated and noted the sudden fear in her eyes. I held her hand tightly. "Whatever happens, You and I know the truth and Summer and Ronnie will always remain by our sides. That I believe without a doubt. However, as much as I love almost everyone here," We both laughed at the 'almost' knowing I was referring to Emilie.

"Fear is an immensely powerful emotion, and despite the unity we all feel, do not be disappointed if some fall by the wayside and abandon the group. It will never be personal, just part of their journey and their own need for self-protection." Effie nodded and swallowed hard.

"Mum, someone is going to die tonight, aren't they? I just feel it." Effie looked stricken.

"Yes, at least one amongst us for sure, but just, please whatever happens, remember everything that's occurred on our journey, from meeting Kai, to Xantheus and Shamsa and how all these people that we have only known literally for days have become like family to us. None of this is accidental."

"You miss him, don't you? Kai, I mean." Said Effie gently.

I nodded sadly. "Yes, again, look how you can literally spend a few days with someone, but they leave a mark, an imprint for life that feels, I don't know, like an emptiness when they leave."

Effie smiled cheekily, "Just to make you laugh though, Ronnie is convinced that Jim has the hots for you and that he enjoyed playing your partner or husband, whatever it was, in the bar. Jim is an attractive, intelligent guy. Shame about your feelings for Kai because I reckon, he could be a good match for you."

I laughed and felt myself blush slightly. "Yes, he is all of that and more. And I don't even know if I'll ever see Kai again, we certainly haven't made any promises, but the heart is the heart. Right now, I just can't get Kai out my head. But I'm not going to pretend I haven't noticed Jim either."

"Mum, you're a player, always have been, always will be" We both laughed and it was nice to momentarily distract ourselves with lighter subject matter, though me being me, I had to bring it back to what awaited us, and partly I felt the need to share something which had been troubling me...

"Remember Effie, I've mentioned about 'time standing still' quite literally? I have a strong feeling something like that will happen tonight. But I've been questioning this over and over in my mind, morally and ethically I mean. So, If, time stands still but this time we're consciously aware of it and able to physically respond during that time, are we able to change the course of history?

I mean, imagine now how you and I are developing our skills, this innate gift of insight, of vision, of connecting with other dimensions. Can we bend time in our favor, bend reality? Could we go back and stop the laboratory that released the Virus? Could we stop certain laws being passed? Could we stop certain people from winning elections? But would we have to take people's lives or go back further to the moment of conception, impede certain humans from even entering this world?" My head was exploding with all this stuff, it was almost too much for the human brain to compute, at least with the conscious mind anyway.

Effie's eyes were wide as saucers as she listened to me.

"I remember hearing the story of how a young Adolf Hitler fell in the river when he was young and was drowning. Another child, who later went on to become a priest, rescued him. Now imagine, if even then as a young child, the rescuer had the vision of the future, had seen the millions that would die or suffer hideous torture and suffering, all directed by this innocent young child who would later become a psychopathic monster. Do you leave this young child, to die in the water in order to change the course of history, as horrific as that sounds, or do you rescue him but then attempt to change the course of history indirectly by either following this child for the rest of your life and attempting to change his life and direction, or accept the human suffering as part of the plan for this Earth?" I let out a long whoosh of air as I got this huge subject off my chest.

Effie's eyes were popping out her head by this time. "My God, where on earth did you suddenly bring all this information from? And why now? Is it because you believe tonight, we may have to make choices that could potentially alter the course of history for mankind? Wow, this is all too mind-blowing to take in"

I nodded. "Yeah, I know, it's been blowing my own mind on and off for some time, but these last few days it's become stronger as if to make me aware that I may have to make a decision unlike any I've ever had to make before. It sounds completely mad I know. Anyway, let's quickly freshen up and go downstairs to join the others and may the force be with us because we're bloody well going to need it!" We both laughed and hugged one more before making our way downstairs to face the next chapter of an unforgettable journey.


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