The Sky is Not the Limit

By gmstone1998

1.9K 50 37

A little story of the famous youtuber SkyDoesMinecraft and his friends from Team Crafted (plus more!). Sky's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

142 4 3
By gmstone1998

After leaving (and at the urging of Quentin, exploding of) the hidden base, they decided to regroup back at Sky’s castle. Gathered in the official assembly room, the members of Team Crafted, the six friends who formed this age-old alliance against any threat in Minecraft, gathered around a long table and sat in chairs marked with their names.

“How long has it been since we’ve had a Team Crafted meeting?” Jason sighed, remembering the old days.

“Ok, let’s call this meeting to order.” Sky said, banging a little wolden hammer. “I love this thing.”

“Wait, where’s the Mudkip?” Mitch asked, looking at his vacant seat. Quentin strolled in moments later, wearing a tiny grey tuxedo. He sat down, folding his arms with swagger.

“Uh...what’s with the tux?” Ty stared questioningly.

“You jealous?” Jerome copied him, smiling. “Lookin’ good, little homie.”

“Um, anyway,” Sky continued, “We all know that something must be done about the impending squid strike. The problem is, we have no idea what to do next. Einshine still needs to be healed, and we don’t even know the location of the squids that are leading this attack.”

"My guess would be the squid realm. It's the only place that we don't have monitored." Ty suggested.

"But it has been ages since we've been to that god-forsaken place, and for all we know, the portal to go there might not exist anymore." Mitch countered.

"That's never stopped us before." Sky said.

"It would take forever to find the portal, on top of trying to heal Einshine, and we just don't have that kind of time." Jason pointed out. "The squids could strike at any moment."

"Well, let's split up the jobs to cut the time in half." Jerome stated. "Sky, Jason, Ty; you guys go find the portal. Me, Mitch and Quentin will figure out a cure. Sound like a plan?"

"Couldn't have said it better myself buddy." Mitch agreed.

"Ok, but I have one question." Quentin asked. "Where's Nicki?"

"Oh, I sent her on a little assignment." Sky answered.

Earlier that day…

"Are you sure you trust me with your horse?" Nicki asked, mounting Sky's cream-colored horse, Seabiscuit. Sky was sending Nicki off to find more recruits for his army, so they will be ready with backup when the squids do come.

"Of course! There's no one I'd rather trust."

"I just don't know if I can do this..."

"Hey now, listen. You are capable of so much; you just haven't tried yet." Sky looked at her amulet and smiled. "Like my buddy Ant used to say, the sky is not the limit, and I believe that. Jason has a base on the moon for Notch's sake! Just remember, never stop fighting for what you believe, and as long as your intentions are good, things will always turn out okay."

Reassured, Nicki nodded. "Don't worry Sky, I'll find recruits worthy of Sky Army! I promise!" She picked up her reins and steered Seabiscuit away from the castle and off towards the nearest town.


After Jason, Ty, and Sky had left the castle, the other three remained to brainstorm how one might cure a poison-like coma. Unfortunately, no book in Sky's library offered such a title.

"Well, now what? We're back at square one again." Mitch sighed.

"When I'm in a quandry, I simply wonder: WWKD?" Quentin offered.


"What Would Kermit Do?"

"That's it!" Jerome shouted, jumping out of his chair. "We'll go ask Kermit the Hermit! Surely he'll know what to do!"

"Am I the only one out of the loop here?" Mitch stood, confused. "Who is this 'Kermit the Hermit'?"

"He's a very wise frog." Jerome explained. "After wanting to seek enlightenment," Quentin added, "he retreated to a secluded pond in the mountains, pondering all of life's questions."

Mitch stared at them. "Are you guys on something that I should know about?"

"Come on! We'll take you to him!" Jerome threw the still dead-to-the-world Einshine over his shoulder, and they proceeded to drag Mitch out of the castle.

After a perilous journey through the rocky cliffs that isn't worth describing, they finally reached a tall waterfall flowing from a mountain.

"It's behind there." Quentin pointed to the falling water. "We'll have to jump through it."

"Honestly, are you guys out of your minds?" Mitch exclaimed.

"Come on, trust me. I've never led you astray before, have I?" Jerome persuaded. "Besides, why would all of us do something stupid if we were just trolling you?"

"Because that's what you do!"

"Nevermind, let's go! One two three go!" The three simultaneously jumped towards the waterfall, crashing through the wall of water and landing on a platform on the other side.

"WOO-HOO! Wasn't that fun?" Jerome exclaimed, shaking his wet fur like a dog.

"If by fun you mean having my life flash before my eyes, than that was gangs of fun!" Mitch shook his head sarcastically, though he was silently impressed by how concealed this secret area was.

They went down the damp cavern to find a small pond, adorned with ivy and lily pads. Sitting on a large one in the center was a green frog in a white suit, sitting in a meditating position.

"Welcome BajanCanadian, HuskyMudkipz, and ASFJerome." The frog addressed. Looking towards Jerome and Quentin, he winked. "Nice tuxedos my friends."

"Thank you Kermit sir." Quentin stepped forward. "We have come seeking your guidance." He went on to explain all that had happened.

"Well, if it is a cure you seek, then look no further than its prompter." Kermit answered.

"Uh...I may be Canadian, but they speak English too, so can someone please tell me what the heck he just said?" Mitch groaned.

"He's saying to make peace with Herobrine." Jerome whispered.

"Ok, I give. I've had enough insanity for one sitting."

"Before you go Mitch." Kermit called. Mitch stopped and looked over his shoulder.

"Life is like a river. It can be fast, slow, and can twist in many directions, but you cannot change the way it flows. Do not try to alter its path, because you will not profit from the consequences."

Mitch flipped up the hood on his jacket. "Cool story bro, tell me another one." He then proceeded to jump back across the waterfall.

"He is not in the way of the tux then?" Kermit assumed.

"Shun the nonbeliever dude, that's all I have to say." Jerome shrugged.

"Thank you for your wisdom, good and kind frog. We will leave you to your peace now." They bowed respectfully, and the two exited. Joining Mitch, they frowned at him.

"That was no way to talk to a wise scholar!" Quentin scolded.

"I think we need to send you to obedience school."

Mitch did not reply, but looked straight ahead, frozen.

"Hello? Mitch? We're talking to you!"

They turned to see what he was looking at, and stared in shock.

"What in the..."

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