Black Swan (Kim Namjoon ff)

By amujane

86 21 0

White Swan represents as the light, God, the good, the angel, the innocent which never goes wrong Black Swan... More

Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI

Chapter I

30 5 0
By amujane

Swans are the most beautiful creatures out of all creatures with feathery wings, and we all know beautiful yet tragic tale of Swan Lake where a Prince falls in love with the beautiful Swan Queen Odette who cursed by the evil sorcerer Von Rothbart turning her into a swan, he tricked the Prince with turning his ugly daughter Odile into Odette in order to to keep Odette's spell intact, the Prince realising his mistake he searches for the real Odette where she is ready to throw herself from the top of a cliff, they both fall from the cliff to their death breaking Odette's curse and Von Rothbart and Odile were both punished for their crimes of kidnapping innocent maidens that went missing, the whole kingdom all mourned over the death of the Prince, however their spirits flew over the sky in a beautiful golden carriage as they waved at the people with smile on their faces.


What a story, tragic but beautiful. Oh, how I wish I had that in my life.

My name is Darcy Pandora Blackthorn, and I am a cursed daughter from the royal family from the outskirts of England, I come from a family of seven daughters Luna Iris, Aurora Rose, Lily Scarlett, Grace Elizabeth, Daisy Hannah, me and Ava Amelia... well they come from a royal bloodline, but the family tree was so distant there was no way for my father to be the king of England. Have you noticed that my names are all negative? well I am the sixth child and a cursed one too so they had to give me names that were the opposite of good, the name Darcy means Dark in Irish/Gaelic and Pandora means All gift in Greek with a evil connotation, while my sisters have positive names they get doted on while I get cast out in family events and school events and I dare not appear in church because those preachers always try to curse out the "Demons" in me which makes me sigh I am just a normal girl who is unfortunate, so I just stay in my room which is on the top of the tower no one else comes just the rats that keeps me company. I sat on my window sadly sighing as I watched my family going out with smiles on their faces. At school no one dares to come near me. Am I that scary? Even the teachers avoids me, while my sisters are beautiful and viewed as good, angels of light while I am the black sheep, the devil spawn, evil, a witch and the cursed demon, so I try to keep to myself as much as possible, my father duke Joseph Elijah Arthur Davies-Williams and my mother duchess Sophia Abigail Victoria Davies-Williams (née Smith-Lewis) but for some reason they listened to their priest who encouraged them to not give me any of their surname due to being born as their sixth child plus I was born on the 31st October well that makes it even worse. I decided not to return to school as I was not learning since no one supports me, so I stayed alone in the tower where I know the birds and the mice are my only friends that value me for who I am. 

One day an important event was happening, and my parents came to my tower where they caught me talking to the birds and the rats as if I had visitors, they were shocked to see me smile at them.

"Darcy Pandora!" my father thundered making my small friends run away/flew away from me.

"I don't call me by that name". I replied.

"Be grateful that you have a name!" my mother nagged.

"Well you gave me cursed names that no one wants to come near me". I retorted.

"Must we remind you that you are under my roof!" my father's voice thundered again.

"Unfortunately I am" I mumbled.

My mother slapped my face, sadly this not new to me and the most mistreated daughter and even my sisters bully me every moment they have free.

"You ungrateful brat". my mother spat.

"I suggest you come down we have visitors". my father

"Why should I come down?" I asked.

"Just do it!" my mother yelled.

"What if  I said no? Are you going to beat to death?" I retorted.

"Shut up! And change your clothes!" my mother waved as she yelled.

"Change my clothes? Are you blind?" I rolled my eyes.

My father realised that the clothes I was wearing were my only clothes that I own and nudge as my mother sighed as they both looked at me in disgust.

"Why don't you have more clothes?!" my mother screamed.

"Because, you lot neglected me". I replied.

"One word out of your cursed mouth and I will personally throw you out". my mother threatened me.

"You asked and I answered". I replied matching her energy.

My parents left my tower and I simply was able to breathe, and the servants came in they were only one who were actually kind to me.

"Your grace it is time for your bath". one of the servants announced.

I nodded my head as they prepared my bathtub where they bathed me; one of the maids came in with the most beautiful dress I have ever seen it almost looks like a swan.

"Your grace your dress". the maid came in with a smile.

"Oh this is too much, and I am not worthy". I humbly replied.

"Nonsense your grace you are the most beautiful out of your sisters". the maid smiled as she helped me putting on the dress.

The dressed really made me look like the Swan Queen Odette from my favourite fairy tale Swan Lake. The butler came in and looked at me in absolute awe.

"Your grace you look magnificent, I personally all of them tonight will be asking your hand in marriage". the butler spoke up.

I came downstairs and took the butler's arm and guided me towards the main hall where all of the visitors were there present. All eyes were on me, I was a little intimidated by their whispers as I walked pass them. My sisters giggled as I walked.

"Her grace, Lady Darcy Pandora Blackthorn!" the butler announced to me in the presence of my parents.

The men eyes were glued on me, they were like wolves who were ready to feast on their prey. The butler left my side and I honestly didn't want him to leave, but my parents came near me with a fake smile on their faces.

"Our unfortunate daughter is finally is here, come meet the Kim family". my father whispered in my ear.

My father took my arm and guided me towards the Kim family where they stood up to greet me.

"Lady Darcy Pandora meet your husband-to-be Marquess Namjoon Kim". my mother announced leaving me in utter shock.

Marquess Namjoon and his family stood up greeted me and bowed respectfully with a force smile. Namjoon laid eyes on me and smirked making feel nervous.

This is the dress that Darcy is wearing for the evening ball.

It truly is a stunning dress, and it really does look like the perfect dress for the Swan Queen Odette from Swan Lake.

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