A Year Agreement (PUBLISHED!)

By OutOfMyLimit17

25.1M 718K 168K

Jenna Howard is not your regular 19 year old. She's been by herself since she was just 5 years old. After bei... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4...
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Chapter 7...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Chapter 10...
Chapter 11...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Chapter 14...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24...
Chapter 25...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27..
Chapter 28...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 31...
Chapter 32...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Chapter 40...
Bonus Chapter 1...
Bonus Chapter 2...
Bonus Chapter 3...
Release Day!!

Chapter 3

645K 18.5K 5.7K
By OutOfMyLimit17

Happy Reading :)


I didn't know that when I agreed to marry Liam I would also be signing over my soul to the devil. A few days after I made the deal a couple of big men came to my apartment around 9 o'clock in the morning and started packing my things up. When I started to protest they simply told me Mr. Stanford had paid them to come here and start gathering my stuff. They said Mr. Stanford wanted things to be mostly packed away by the end of the week. With it being Wednesday that was practically impossible to do, plus I didn't want some random guys going through my stuff. After a few minutes of arguing with the movers, well of me mostly threatening them, they agreed to come back tomorrow. The moment they left I grabbed some quarters and left my apartment. I headed down to a pay phone down the street fully intending on giving Liam a piece of my mind. Man I really need to get a phone. I thought to myself as I put in some quarters and dialed the gross buttons. The moment Liam answered I started yelling.

"Liam Stanford what were you thinking?! You think you can send some random movers to my apartment and let them tell me I'm suddenly moving?!"

"Jenna-" Liam started but I cut him off.

"No Liam just because I agreed to be your fake wife does not mean you get to run my life! If you want me to move you have to tell me directly. Now why do you want me to move?" I ranted pausing to hear his answer.

"You will be moving into my house, with me." His answer was curt and rude. "I will resend the movers there to give you boxes to pack and by Friday morning they will be moving all your stuff into my place. I do not want your furniture so only your clothes. Leave everything else that can not be packed into boxes. You will need to quit your job at the club, 'my wife' would never be seen working there." There was a moment of silence and I opened my mouth to protest but his voice cut me off. "Oh and Jenna...do not ever yell at me again." His voice hard. With that he hung up on me. I pulled the phone away from my ear and stared down at it.

What the-


The movers were back at my apartment an hour later with boxes to pack my stuff in. After telling them I did not need any help I sent them away. I sat on my couch and just stared at the wall. Moving, quitting my jobs, so far agreeing to marry Liam is not turning out the way I wanted. Since I didn't have to work until 2 I had a few hours or so before going to the diner, I started packing some of my things. I started packing stuff in my bedroom first seeing that I have the most stuff in there. I honestly don't have much and not moving my bed or couch into Liam's lessens the load.

About an hour and a half later I sat on the floor with about 5 boxes all around me. My room looked practically bare and I couldn't help but sigh.

"How pathetic. I already packed almost all my bedroom stuff and my bathroom and it only took 5 boxes to do so." I said out loud to myself. I left out the stuff I would need for the next 2 days but the rest was already packed away. I guess not having money or a real home you don't need much to get by. I may have to call Liam and have him bring the workers tomorrow instead of Friday. I thought to myself. Seeing the time I got up and changed my outfit into my work uniform.

I wasn't looking forward to saying goodbye to the few friends I have made at both my jobs, I will miss them more than the job itself. I don't even know what I am going to do when I'm living with Liam but I guess I'll just have to find something to keep me occupied. I walked to Ruby's trying to think of the best way of telling Pete I was leaving. After my shift I will. I said to myself and nodded, that sounded like the best option. Walking through the front doors I breathed in smell of the diner one last time. The smell of grease and hamburgers filled my nose. I smiled and made my way to the counter to put my stuff away. Thankfully Sophia was working today so I could tell her goodbye. I didn't work tomorrow and who knew when I would last see her, or if I'd see her at all after I left.

Walking through the door I saw almost all the tables were packed with Sophia and the other two waitress running around. Seeing as it was practically lunch time I quickly put my things away and grabbed my apron tying it around my waist as I started helping at random tables. Seeing the diner packed like this was good but I couldn't help but wonder what would happen when I left, would there be enough workers? Will Sophia have to work even more? Instead of dwelling on those thoughts I pushed them aside and helped out the costumers.

For the next hour or so I was busy going from one table to another than back to the kitchen. I know it was weird but I was going to miss working here. The costumers were usually very nice and knew who I am. Even after the rush died and it was only me, Sophia and this new girl Vanessa sitting around, I kept putting off telling Sophia and Pete.

"Jenna are you okay? Your quiet today." Sophia said standing in front me.

"It's nothing." I said playing with my fingers.

"Jenna." She had her hands planted on her hips as she stared at me. Sighing I braced myself for her reaction.

"I am...quitting today." I said peeking up under my eyelashes at Sophia.

"Wait? What?! Why?!" She said a second later her voice high.

"I...its a very long story."

"Well your in luck since we wont be busy for a while. Spill. Now." Her voice was hard. I nodded knowing I had to tell her. After telling her the whole story I waited in silence as she mulled over everything I said. "Wow...just wow." I nodded in response. "So your telling me THE Liam Stanford asked you to marry him, only for a year, and for a million dollars?"

"Yes. Wait do you know Liam?" I asked picking up on the way she said his name.

"Duh! Everyone knows who he is. He is New York's most eligible bachelor and heartbreaker. He's known for being a cruel business man and an award winning heartbreaker. He's been with practically every model here and over seas. Come to think of it I've never heard him being with someone longer than a week." Sophia said to me.

"Soph thats not really helping." I said feeling a pit in the bottom of my stomach. Just by his looks I knew Liam has had many women but the way Sophia was talking about him I now knew he's been with more girls than in the tri-state area.

"Sorry, but how do you not know who he is? He's been on thousands of magazines, been on tv, even billboards." I just shrugged at her. All my money went to paying my bills not for magazines or a television. "Anyways, Jenna you are nuts! How could you agree to marrying him when you don't even know him!" She all but shrieked at me.

"I know, I know but Soph I need the money. I wasn't thinking clearly"

"Clearly you weren't." She interjected.

"But its to late to back out. And besides who's going to get hurt? I do not plan on falling for this guy. I know he is attractive" I explained putting my hand up to stop whatever she was going to say and continued. "but from what I've seen and heard from you he isn't my type. I don't do men who break women's hearts for fun. Plus I do not plan on falling in love ever, so I think i'll be fine."

"Jenna I mean this in the nicest way possible...you are stupid. You are not going to make it out of this deal unscathed. You are going to end up hurt and you've already been hurt enough." I tried to protest but she stopped me. "I am not saying I am not going to be there for you the whole way, because I will, I am just saying that you need to brace yourself for what may happen. Life isn't a fairytale not every princess ends up with a prince. I think this is a terrible idea but I can see you are determined about this so I won't try to convince you otherwise. If you ever need anything just know I will always be here okay?" She said coming around the counter and pulling me into a big hug. I hugged her back thankful she had my back. I knew everything she said was probably true but for now I decided to ignore it.

After my shift I went and told Pete I was quitting. Apologizing for the sudden notice he just simply pulled me in for a hug and told me if I ever wanted to come back there would always be a spot for me. Trying not to tear up I hugged him back and thanked him for everything. He told me to come by in a week for my paycheck and to also check in every once in a while. Saying one last goodbye to him and the other waitress's I left. Sophia made me promise to get a cellphone right away and to give her my number when I came for my paycheck. We also made plans to meet up next week.

As I walked home I tried not to think about how much my life was changing. Once I got home around 8 o'clock I decided to pack some more since I had already eaten at the diner. I didn't have to work at the club tonight so I planned on going in tomorrow after my shift and telling Teddy and Candy.

It was pretty sad at how fast it took me to finish packing everything I owned. I didn't have any packing tape to tape the boxes so if I needed anything in the next 2 days I could easily get it. I looked around my apartment after I had finished packing the last box, which was 10 or 11 total. The place seemed empty even though the furniture was still here.

Deciding that since I was done packing I was in for the night. Heading to the shower I undressed and started the shower waiting for it to get warm. I stared at myself in the mirror and almost squirmed. I wasn't the prettiest person out there. My blonde hair hung limply down in my face, my green eyes were dull and almost lifeless with big bags under them. My body wasn't spectular either. I had round hips and my thighs touched each other. My stomach was flat but only because sometimes I forget to eat or can't afford to eat anything. I had a small scar on the top of my eyebrow when I ran into a pole at school once. So all and all I wasn't that easy on the eyes.

Jumping into the shower I washed my hair and body than got out, I didn't want to waste to much water. After drying myself off I got dressed in my comfy pjs and let my hair air dry. l crawled into my bed grabbing my current book in the process. I spent the rest of the night reading and trying not to over think what I am doing with Liam.


I woke up the next morning around 8 o'clock and about an hour later the moving guys were back. Seeing as I was basically already packed I asked one of the men if I could borrow their cellphone. Note to self: Get cellphone as soon as possible. I didn't realize how much I needed a phone until these past couple of days. Thankfully the guy let me use his phone and I dialed Liam's number from his card. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hello." His deep voice answered. Just the sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Hi Liam its Jenna." I answered.

"Oh yes. Is there something you need?"

"Yes I was wondering if you wanted me to move in today? I have all my stuff packed up already and the movers are here."

"That would be fine. The movers know where to go. I will try to be there when you get there. What's the number I can call you to let you know if I wont be there?" He asked.

"I, uh I don't have a cellphone." I said embarrassedly.

"Okay fine. I have to go, see you soon." Was all he said as he hung up. Shaking my head down at the phone I turned and handed it back to the man.

"Liam said you guys can move me into his place today." I said to them. They nodded and asked where the boxes were.

"My bedroom I don't have any tape though."

"Thats fine we have some." The man I borrowed the phone said. They were quiet and quick as they followed me into my room and started taping up my 11 boxes. They seemed pretty confused and surprised that I only had a few boxes. My mind than reminded me I still had to talk to the landlord, which I had completely forgot about. Telling the men that while they were bringing the boxes to the truck I would be right back.

My landlord was a slightly over weight lady, she was in her late 60's and seemed pretty nice. I hoped it wouldn't be to complicated getting out of my lease early. Feeling nervous as I walked downstairs and to her door I hesitantly knocked on it. She answered it a minute later.


"Hi Mrs. Whitman, I'm Jenna Howard from apartment 5B." I said.

"Oh hi hun. What can I do you for?" She asked opening the door and gesturing for me to enter. Smiling politely at her I walked into her apartment and followed her to her couch.

"I know this a lot to ask but I was wondering if I could get out of my lease early?" I still had about 3 months left so I was hoping she would let me.

"Oh whys that dear?"

"I...I have a sudden family emergency and I am moving back home today." I lied. "I know it's so sudden. And you don't have to worry about the money for the lease or the rest of this months rent. The apartment is just how it was when I moved in and has furniture all in it."

"Oh I am so sorry to hear that hunny. I hope everything okay. But yes that is okay. I know how important family is. I can give you back your deposit for the apartment that isn't a big deal." She said kindly. I almost breathed out in relief, thankful she was going to let me get out of it. "I can give you that money in a week or so."

"Thank you so much Mrs. Whitman. I will come and get that in the next week than." I said giving her a thankful smile. I stood up not wanting the movers to be waiting for me.

"No problem hun. I hope everything goes okay for you. When you leave just put your key in my mail box and I'll get it." Mrs. Whitman said kindly as she followed me to my door.

"Thank you. And you too." Saying goodbye I went back to my apartment to grab the rest of my things.

Picking up my bag I put a few of my things that I hadn't packed in it. Dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a light blue T-shirt I slung my bag over my shoulder and took one last glance around my apartment. Saying a silent goodbye I walked out the door and shut it behind me locking it. When I pasted Mrs. Whitman's apartment I set my keys instead her mailbox before meeting the movers downstairs who were standing there waiting for me. It was slightly awkward as I slide inside the moving truck being squished against the car door and the 2 big men.

About 20 minutes later we pulled up outside a huge house, wait more like mansion. I figured Liam would live in a big apartment in downtown but instead he lived almost on the outskirts of the city. The house was almost square like with a white exterior. It looked and screamed bachelor pad. It had a 5 car garage and I bet it had a huge pool in the back too. I stood there gawking at how nice the house was. When one of the movers walked in front of me I was knocked me out of it and I followed the movers to the front door that was open. I hesitantly stepped into the foyer and looked around. Everything was so neat and clean, and I felt so tiny and dirty just being inside of it. Blindly I followed the movers still glancing around at the place. The movers were just putting the boxes in the huge living room when I came to a stop in the living room.

Within just a few minutes they were done and gone. I stood alone in the living room surrounded by boxes. Where's Liam? I wondered as I slowly walked around the living room. A giant flatscreen tv was hooked above on the wall and below it was an impressive sound system. A leather couch sat on one side of the room and a lounger (chair) was on the other side, a coffee table sitting in the middle. Just by looking at it I knew they weren't cheap items, they probably cost over a grand each. Just as I was walking over to what looked like a good dvd collection a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Jenna." Liam said. I turned around looking at him sheepishly having been caught practically snooping.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"I have brought documents that I need you to sign."

"Documents?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Yes. I need you to sign them immediately so I can make it official and get copies." He talked so business like that for some reason was starting to get under my skin. I'm his 'fiancé' shouldn't he talk to me regularly instead of some business deal? He handed me the documents that were incased in a folder. I than turned to the couch to sit and read through it. Although that didn't seem like what Liam wanted.

"All it says is that you will tell no one of our deal. And after the one year you will sign the divorce papers without any problems and take what I promised you. After the year I won't see you again or hear from you." I looked at him almost apprehensively trying to decide if I trust him enough not to read through it myself. Seeing as I really didn't have a choice and that I had no clue what I was doing I took the pen Liam had handed me and signed where I was suppose to.

"Good, now that is taken care of. First thing first, when we are around my family or at any social events than I expect you to behave like any high class person would. And you need to appear as if you are in love with me. Second, if you wish to have any male suitors it needs to be done privately and secretly; I don't want people thinking my 'fiancè' is cheating on me. Third, this is not a real marriage. Do not expect me to be a loving and supportive husband because I will not. When we are out in public we will act like we love each other but when we are by ourselves I do not want anything to do with you. Also don't plan on me sleeping with you because I will not. You will be sleeping in your own room but everything in here is available to you. Remember this house is mine so if I want to bring woman back here I want you to stay in your room or leave so they don't ask any questions. I get home late mostly every night or sometimes don't come home at all, do not wait up for me or call me wondering where I am because I won't answer. You are to only call me if it is an emergency. We will tell my parents in a weeks time so be prepared." Liam explained.

"Also I will hire someone who be your assistant who will dress you for important events and to get you a new wardobe. No 'wife' of mine will wear clothes like what you are wearing out in public. So far the press doesn't know about you and I would like to keep it that way for while so don't go out in public for to long. I have deposited 100 grand into your new bank account. You are welcome to use it and if you need more just ask me. Here is your credit and debit card." He handed 2 black cards. "You told me you do not have a cellphone so here you are. My number, my assitants number, your driver's, and when I get someone to be your assitant I will give you her number to put in there. Now that is all, I am heading back to work so unpack your boxes." After he was done he just nodded at me and walked out the front door. I stood there in shock as I digested everything he said to me. I looked down and saw the brand new slick Iphone 6 in my hand than looked back at the front door.

What the hell did I just do.


Hi! So i updated. I am sorry it isnt the greatest. It's rushed but I wanted to start getting into the real story. I have alot of plans for this story so I hope you guys like it. Please let me know what you guys think!! If you want anything to happen in this story tell me cause I will probably put it in :)

Thanks for taking your time to read my story :)




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