Dark Nights

By Phantomheart8

250K 12.6K 7K

(Yandere male x female reader) Y/N is convicted of a terrible crime, one she never could have done. All evide... More

The beginning of chaos
Guarded or Hunted?
Guilty but Innocent
Welcome to Hell
Your new home
Newest group member
The Wolves
The courtyard
Elliots Garden
A/N: Elliot
Not so bad anymore?
Twin Wolves Riddles
Not the baby anymore
Here and Already Causing Trouble
Punished for sticking together
The Patient Profile
What Do You Want?
Olivia, Henry, AND Joshua?... but no Elliot
Baby Steps with Big Feet
Christmas Eve Christmas Tree making
The voice of an Angel
Not Safe Anywhere
To Mess with the Lamb
Together, Always
Home at Last
Breaking News
Long Talks on the grass
The Man that was Hiding His Face
Taken Away
A Total Stanger
A Starving Animal
Starting Conflict
Forging bonds
Willy's story Part 1
Willy's story Part 2
Elliot's story Part 1
Elliot's story Part 2
Elliot's story part 3
Joshua's Memories Part 1
Joshua's memories Part 2
Getting out of There
Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
We Go Together
Nighttime Reassurances
Clothes " Shopping"
Sparkling Eyes
End of the Road
Run Little Lamb, Run
One by One
Desperate Times, Desperate Deeds
Something's not right here
The Labyrinth of Torture
Faces Revealed
The Moons Bright Light
Epilogue: Finding Home

The Lion, The Wolf, and The Lamb

2.2K 131 101
By Phantomheart8

Destiny's eyes went wide with surprise. She reached behind her, pulling out a pistol and trying to aim it at me, but I was too fast. I knocked her hand to the side as she fired, and the bullet hit somewhere else in the room.

She screamed in rage, trying to turn her arm around so that she could fire at me again. I growled out behind clenched teeth and used one of my glass shards to slice the hand holding the gun.

She screamed in pain, dropping the weapon where it clanked on the ground. She screamed again in frustration and I used one of my feet to kick the gun across the room where it slid over next to the still tied up Charlie.

Who was looking around at what was happening with wide and terrified eyes. Destiny pushed me back and we both held attack stances. Both of our eyes full of fire never left each other.

I held my glass shard up, ready to attack or defend myself as she slowly pulled out a knife from one of her pockets. We stared at each other in suspense for a long moment. I could hear both of u breathing heavily over the sound of blood roaring in my ears. Both of us were waiting for the other to make the first move.

Destiny suddenly charged at me with a cry, her knife hand raised high to stab me. I retreated back, staying out of reach of the charge and moving to the side.

She ran past me and I used one of my glass shards to slice her along the side. She moved away mostly and I only really nicked her, but blood still started dripping out of her wound and staining her clothing.

She snapped around so that we were facing each other again, and w were back to square one. She took a menacing step forward, and I took one back. her jaw moved to the side as she ground her teeth together.

I stared into her bright brown eyes with my E/C ones. I had never in my entire life seen so much hatred burn in those eyes before. Before everything happened, those eyes were filled with joy and sadness. I never could have guessed what they truly held.

I remembered the childhood I had with her. How she was my most trusted friend growing up. How for a long time it had just been the two of us through many schools as he rose up through grades.

I felt no sadness for those memories. I only felt pure, unrelenting rage, and loathing for this person in front of me. She may have once been my friend, but she hurt everyone I ever loved. She was going to pay with her life.

She charged again, and I was not able to get out of the way in time. She knocked me to the ground, straddling me so that I was trapped underneath her, and raised her knife high again.

I grabbed onto her wrist to keep her from stabbing me. It was a battle of strength as she tried to overpower me, and I tried to keep the knife from ending my life.

The insidious tip was slowly lowering closer and closer to my neck, and she put her other hand down on the handle to use more force.

I bit onto my tongue hard enough to make the flesh split so blood now pooled in my mouth. I pit the red glob up into her face and she cried out in shock. One of her hands going down to my face as her nails raked me across my jaw and down my neck.

She was blinded by my blood for a moment. She screamed in rage and tabbed down at me again. I tried to catch her writ but missed. Quickly I tried to move my head to the side and the knife stabbed into the concrete next to my neck. Slightly slicing my skin and making blood drip out of me.

It stung slightly, but the amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins made it almost unnoticeable. I was fighting for my life, and a little cut was not going to slow me down even if it was concerningly close to my jugular.

She moved her other hand to wipe the blood out of her eyes and I took this opportunity to reach out and grab one of the glass shards that I had dropped when she had tackled me.

I used the shard to slice her across the face, repeatedly pulling it back and trying to stab her. I did not care if it was cutting my hand to shreds too. I was not going to lose this fight. I promised Elliot I was going to get him out of here and I would keep that promise.

She howled and tried to move away, and I lifted up my legs, placing my feet on her chest and kicking her off of me. She slid across the concrete, closer to where Charlie was tied up. Looking like he was about to have a heart attack right about now.

I sprung to my feet, charging toward her again, but being knocked back when a sound boom filled the room. A terrible pain spread across my shoulder and I was thrown off my feet because of it.

Destiny, who had landed near her gun that I had kicked to the side, had picked it up again and shot me in the shoulder. I held my hand to the weeping wound as blood oozed out from between my fingers.

Destiny smiled cruelly at me as she wobbled to her feet. Behind her, Charlie begged her to be merciful. She ignored him as she started walking back towards me, with the gun still pointed at me. I gripped one of the glass shards close.

She had me cornered, and trapped, but maybe if she got close enough, I could leap out and stab her again. I glared at her with hate-filled eyes as she smirked at me. My heart pounded as I struggled to catch my breath.

The bullet wound hurt like absolute fuck, I was feeling a bit light-headed from the bloodless. Without warning or any sort of provoking from me, he suddenly shot out again. This one hitting me right on my lower leg in my tibia bone.

I screamed out in pain as my blood exploded from the wound. Splattering all over me and the ground. Staining the dusty concrete with bright red streaks of scarlet.

Destiny started to giggle as she tortured me. Laughing and cackling at my dismay and pain. She watched me bleed out of the ground for a minute, letting her giggles and laughter subside.

She lowered the gun slightly, but she was still too far away for me to do anything. I could barely even crawl now with my leg shot out. She closed her eyes and let out a calming sigh through her nostrils.

" Oh how long I have waited for this! To finally get the main obstacle out of my way and it all to finally be over! You have no idea how much I have dreamed of ending you!" She cried out, turning around slightly to give a loving look over at Charlie. " Old loves... they die hard." She said lovingly.

" Old lies die harder," I growled out. She snapped her head back over to be with a wide-eyed look of pure hatred. Raising the gun and meaning to finish my life with it.

That was when one of the doors leading into the room suddenly slammed open. A large figure, bursting in and charging straight at Destiny. She screamed in shock and tried to aim her gun at the attacker, but he knocked it away from her and shoved her so hard that she flew across the room and landed harshly against the wall.

The tall figure before me was breathing heavily, and he looked down at me with worried eyes. I recognized his face and a sad smile spread across my features, tear blurring my vision.

" Joshua! You came back!" I cried out in joy, and he smiled at me.

" I will always come back to you." He replied. Across the room, Destiny stumbled to her feet, growling out in frustration and lifting the gun again to aim at Joshua. The door behind her slammed open so hard that it actually ripped off of its own hinges.

Destiny was lifted off of her feet by the paws of the 7'2 foot giant who was growling down at her in rage. he held her by the wrist of the hand that was holding the gun, and he lifted her up so that she was eye level with him.

Her eyes were wide and filled with terror as she stared into Elliot's eyes. The beast had his teeth bared at her and he lovered his jaw and let out a deafening roar at her.

Her long orange hair blew away from her face as she screamed in terror. Joshua ran over to me, holding me close and I clung onto him as I watched Elliot raise his other giant hand to Destinys another arm. Ripping it off in one swift motion with the sound of cracking bones and tearing meat.

Destiny screamed in pain as the giant dropped her. She weakly tried to crawl away as blood spurted out of her shoulder where her missing arm was. Elliot lifted the detached arm high and started to beat the downed girl with her own separated arm.

She continued to scream bloody murder as Elliot continuously beat her. Blood spraying everywhere as new wounds opened up. The arm he was using as a weapon eventually broke in half and he only growled out as he returned to using his hands to practically tear the girl to pieces.

I never took my eyes off of the bloody scene, her screams of torment and agony that bounced off of the walls were music to my ears. Eventually. Elliot stopped and looked up at me with his bandaged face, giving to a low whimper as he saw me bloody on the ground.

Joshua helped me to my feet and let me lean against him as we slowly walked over to the giant. Elliot held out his arms to me and I dropped into them as he held me close, he practically purred into my ears.

After a moment the three of us looked down at Destiny, who was still somehow alive. Barely at this point, but alive nonetheless. Her eyes stared blankly up at us and blood gurgled up from her mouth.

Her other hand that was still attached, lowly wobbled down to her belt where she pressed some kind of button. There was the sound of mechanical wheels turning behind us and we all whipped around to Charlie. His eyes wide as a hidden gun raised up on a mechanical hand, and at the command of the button that Destiny just pushed, fired, and shot him in the back of the head.

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