The Night Pride: Season 1

By ChristopherTLGFan

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Kion is now King of the Tree of Life ruling alongside Rani. A year later, the Murder of Rani's parents return... More

Chapter 2: Save Rani
Chapter 3: The Royal Visit
Chapter 4: Cheetah Stalker
Chapter 5: What's Going on in the Pridelands?
Chapter 6: The Great Rainfall
Chapter 7: Kovu's Sickness
Chapter 8: A Stuck Brother
Chapter 9: Hunerd's Revenge (Part 1)
Chapter 10: Hunerd's Revenge (Part 2)
Chapter 11: The Lightning Roar
Chapter 12: Kion's Day Off
Chapter 13: Power of the Fire Stone (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Power of the Fire Stones (Part 2)
Chapter 15: Power of the Fire Stones (Part 3) (Finale)

Chapter 1: The Vengeance of Ork

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By ChristopherTLGFan

Years ago in the Tree of Life 

There was a lion named Hunerd who wanted to take over the Tree of Life, they to attack the Night Pride and wanted to kill the King and Queen, Sãhasí and Ãnanda. They tried to stop him, but it was too late. Sãhasí and Ãnanda were long gone. Queen Janna exiled Hunerd but vowed revenge against the Night Pride. 

In the Present, everything was going just fine. Kion and Rani were just chilling near the river, They were talking about how things have been lately 

Kion: Well, things been peaceful here, don't you think? 

Rani: Yup. You know,  I couldn't have done anything without you. 

Kion: Oh, uh... thanks Rani. 

They both blush, then Ullu came unexpectedly. 

Ullu: Your majesties! A new leopard has arrived. A female one. 

Rani: Where is she? 

Ullu: At the mountain pass. 

Kion: We should hurry. 

Kion and Rani meet up with the rest of the Night Pride and the Royal Guard (also known as the former Lion Guard) at the mountain pass 

Bunga: So what is this leopard anyway? 

Rani: We don't know. I wonder what she wants? 

Kion: Maybe she wants to hunt. 

Rani: You raise a good point. 

Baliyo: Should we go? 

Rani: Wait. 

Rani puts her paw on Baliyo's chest

Ork: Where is that lion? Show yourself! 

Surak: Who she talking about? 

Ork: Who said that? 

Kion: Okay, that's it. 

The Night Pride go after her to see what she wants 

Ork: Ah, there they are. 

Rani: What do you want? 

Ork: Which one of you lions is Kion. 

Kion: That would be me. 

Ork: So your the one they called the "Scared King"? 

Kion: How did you know my name? 

Ork: My brother has told me so much about you. 

Kion: Brother? 

Ono: Who is your brother? 

Fuli: How are we suppose to know him? 

Ork: Ugh! Have you forgotten about what you did to him?? He followed you here to the Tree of Life! But not alone! 

Kion flashbacks to someone who he might know how she's talking about 

Kion: Ma-Makucha? 

Ork: Finally! By the way, name's Ork. 

Rani: How did you know he roared him away? 

Baliyo: Yeah, if he's far away. 

Ork: Oh, someone told me. Someone who Kion missed without noticing. 

Fahari: Remember us? 

Kion: Fahari? Jiona? But... 

Jiona: Oh, you roared us far away, only the rest of Makucha's army are very far. 

Kion: Wait, I sent you all far away. How is that not possible for me to miss your destination. 

Fahari: Oh, a hawk saved us. But not the rest. 

Ork: These 2 told me everything you did to my brother! Makucha and I were very close. He told me when he conquers the Tree of Life, he offered me some buffalo, in return of my loyalty. 

Bunga: Well, that did not happen. 

Ork: Yeah! Because of what you all did to my big bro! 

Surak: And your here for revenge? 

Ork: Yes. I am. She grins wickedly 

Kion: Well, if it worked with your brother! Then it will work with you too! 

Kion tries to roar but then Ork claws his cheek 

Rani: Kion! 

Kion: I fine Rani-- err-- I'm fine

Ork: Get the Queen! 

Fahari and Jiona grab Rani, Baliyo tries to save his sister, but then Ork claws him. Ork, Fahari and Jiona leave with the Queen lionnapped. 

Nirmala: You boys alright? 

Kion: Yeah.. ugh... were fine. 

Bunga: But they got Rani. 

Kion: We gotta save her. 

Nirmala: But how about we rest first. 

Kion: Well, okay... 

They go to the Tree and Nirmala heals Kion and Baliyo. Meanwhile with Ork, she has Rani held as a hostage at her lair 

Ork: Welcome to my lair. 

Rani: This is your lair? 

Ork: Heh, looks like a dump to me too. But I couldn't find anywhere else. 

Rani: You won't get away with this? 

Ork: Oh, I already have. 

Fahari and Jiona toss her in her cage 

Ork: This will be your cell. You are barely enough to bring Kion here. 

Rani: What are you gonna do to him? 

Ork: Easy, I will get rid of him. That is where you should start worrying. 

Meanwhile at the Tree of Life, Kion and Baliyo were healed, then everyone starts worrying about Rani. Then Azaad, comes in. 

Azaad: What's going on here.

Fuli: Oh, hey Azaad. Rani has been captured. 

Azaad: Oh dear. 

Kion: Well, I'm not gonna stand around here waiting for Ork to murder her. I'm going to find her. Where could they be? 

Ono: I saw Ork take her in a cave. I'll show you. 

Kion: Thanks Ono. 

Baliyo: I'll come too. 

Surak: So will I. 

Bunga: I'll come too. 

Nirmala: I'll take charge here for a while. 

Kion: Thanks Nirmala, c'mon! 

Kion, Bunga, Baliyo, Surak and Ono go on their mission to save Rani

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