By arios2004

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In Nora of Lancaster is dead, but her legacy lives on through Marie of Burgundy, the Tudor's ward, and Prince... More



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By arios2004

— 31. Defiance

   In their chambers, Marie smiled as she sat with her son and daughter on the bed while her husband stood before them, telling the child a dramatic story that was entirely made up. Nora was nearly was year old now and Edward was already four years old.

"As the bear strode toward Ylva, who was fifteen at the time, she lifted her sword high in preparation to slay the beast. The monstrous beast slashed at her, leaving a scar on her back she bore her entire life. With one swipe, he had knocked her to the ground, and thinking a girl of her small stature would die of her wounds, the bear prepared to retreat. However, as he went to move away, Ylva jumped up," He ranted, grabbing ahold of Edward before he picked him up and raised him in the air, "She grabbed onto the bear from the back and stabbed him in the eye with the dagger she had hidden in her boot. The bear roared loudly and she picked up her sword and stabbed him again. The bear's wounded body headed straight to the ground and Ylva rolled out of the way just in time not to be squished by the large beast. Within moments, the life drained from the bear's eyes, leaving the young Earl victorious. That night, she returned home from the mountains, wearing the bear's fur as a coat. The people of Ashton cheered as the girl returned from the several months she spent in Norway's mountain and her slaying of the beast became yet another accomplishment she became known for."

"That is quite the colorful story," Marie commented, smiling up at her husband, who placed their giggling son down on the ground, "But you and I both know it is not real."

"Perhaps it is, perhaps isn't. The world may never know," Edward responded and sat beside Marie. He kissed her on the cheek and brought Nora into his lap while Edward was quick to climb into his mother's.

"Kathy is not reacting lightly to Mary's betrothal to King Louis," Marie confessed, an uneasy look on her face, "She is bound to do something that will leave us all speechless."

"Well, that is Kathy for you," Edward commented, a smile on his face.

"You admire her," Marie replied and Edward turned to her.

"Who wouldn't?" Edward responded as he gave her a curious look, "When her father died, she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and cry, to give up entirely. She didn't, though. She stood up to her grandmother and protected us nobles from ending up just like Edmund Dudley. She promised us she would protect us and she did. She's also the only one who can stand up to the king and show no fear. In a way, I believe he is afraid of her," He explained to her in a calm tone, "She is well respected in England and loved by the people, far more than even her mother. She made a name for herself that doesn't revolve around being the daughter of King Henry VII and Queen Lizbeth of York."

"She is not who she used to be, though," Marie confessed, letting out a large sigh, "I don't know her anymore."

"My love..." Edward trailed off and wrapped an arm around Marie, "I don't even think Kathy knows herself anymore."


         Days later, Mary was walking through the gardens at Westminster with her ladies. She sighed, however, when she saw Kathy standing in her path. "He can't make me," She complained in an annoyed tone.

"Everything you have is at Henry's pleasure, Mary," She replied in a calm tone as she began to walk with her sister, "You are not like me. You do not have a dukedom in your own right to give you power in England without marriage. Henry will marry you off. If you don't choose King Louis, he will make sure you pay. He will not bend so you must. We must do his bidding in any way we can."

"Our whole lives, we have been taught to despise the French, Kathy," She admitted and Kathy nodded in agreement, "I know their duplicity and cruelty."

"I understand that. But you must do this,"  She insisted as she let out a large sigh.

"If there is another war, we will be enemies, Kathy," Mary complained, a sad look on her face, "Isn't it enough that our sister Meg has been made our enemy?"

"What if you were to have your own choice next time, Mary?" Kathy suddenly asked her sister, "What if the king agreed that if Louis were to die, then you could choose your nest husband for yourself?"

"That still means I must wed him," Mary argued back in an annoyed tone, "It isn't fair. While the rest of us are being married off, you may stay here and do as you wish! All because Henry favors you. You stand here, trying to convince me to marry him as though you know what it's like to be married off. You don't, though. And you never will."

Mary scoffed and walked away, causing Kathy to sigh in defeat. She quickly wiped her tears before walking away.


     In his chambers, Henry was sword fighting with Charlie when the two young men turned to watch as Kathy walked in. "Dearest brother, I bring some great news," She informed him and Henry turned, his eyes lighting up, "Mary will not marry King Louis."

"How is that good news?" He snapped at her coldly, watching as Kathy's lips curled upwards, "I know that look. What are you up to?"

"I saw the letter King Louis wrote to you. He wished to marry me but because you refused, he settled for the next best match. Mary. So why don't we give him what he wants? Why not allow him to marry me?" She suggested, causing both Charlie and Henry to stare at her in shock.

Charlie turned to her, a concerned look on his face. He clearly wondered what was going on in that mind of hers.

"You're not serious," Henry complained and Kathy nodded.

"I am being entirely serious, brother," She informed him as she walked closer to her, "Send a message to King Louis. Make this proposal. He'll surely agree. My dowry is twice that of Mary's. For I come with the Duchy of Bedford. One of the most powerful Dukedoms in England."

"You never had an interest in marriage before. Why now? Why would you want to be the Queen to an old and fat French king?" Henry asked her suspiciously.

"Did you not just answer your own question, dear brother?" Kathy replied, smiling as she walked closer to Henry, "He is old and fat. He won't live long. Then I may return. It isn't fair that Mary must marry him. Not when I should have been married off long ago. It is expected of me to do my duty and I shall do just that."

"What do you want in return?" Henry suddenly asked, earning a curious look from Kathy, "I know you. You wouldn't do this unless you want something."

"I will do this under one condition," She admitted and Henry scoffed, "Should Louis die and I am widowed, I would like to have the liberty to choose my next husband for myself."

As Henry's head was lowered, Kathy turned and exchanged a look with Charlie, who was staring at her in surprise. He clearly knew what she was getting at.

"It is this or no Princess of England will marry King Louis. You must make up your mind and you must do it quickly or perhaps Louis will grow tired of waiting and take a different wife," She explained, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Fine," He replied as he stood up from his seat, holding his sword, "Very well. You will marry King Louis."

"You don't seem happy," Kathy complained, a confused look on her face, "Isn't this good news?"

"No, the only good news would be a son," He snapped at her coldly and Kathy began to frown.

"Why would I be the one to give you such news?" She asked him in confusion.

"Well, you and Catherine are quite close of late, are you not?" He retorted and turned to Charlie once more as they began to spar.

She sighed, rolling her eyes before she left the room.

"Do you think it to be wise? For me to allow my sister to marry King Louis instead of Mary?" Henry asked Charlie, letting out a large sigh, "Out of everyone in this world, Kathy is what matters most to me. I don't believe I can allow her to do such a thing."

"It's Kathy we're talking about. She won't be gone for long," Charlie assured his friend in a calm tone, "I wouldn't be surprised if she smothered the man in his sleep."

After a moment, both men began to smile, knowing it to be the truth.


  In her chambers, Kathy sighed as she sat at her desk. She held a quill in her hand and a bottle of ink resided in front of her as she wrote a letter to Meg.

Dearest sister,

I know we were at odds the last time we saw each other and I am so sorry for everything I've done to wrong you. I regret all of it. You were right when you said I could have been in your position if it weren't for Father favoring me as he did. I had no choice in that. Mary told me the same thing that you did. That I will never have to be married off as you were or as Mary was about to be. You were married off for England and in truth, I should have as well.

While I could not do the same for you, I've decided to ensure Mary is not trapped in a loveless marriage. I have decided to take her place in marrying King Louis.

You were wrong when you said I love no one but myself, Henry, and Charlie. I love England. And most of all, I love my family. That of which includes you, Marie, and Mary. My beloved sisters. I love you with all my heart and I would do anything to protect you all.

It broke my heart to see you devastated over your husband's death. I did it for England but in the process, I hurt you, which I regret more than anything. I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I spent my childhood alongside Harry teasing you and Mary, but it didn't mean I didn't love you. I loved you more than you could ever know.

And no matter what people said, I loved Arthur too. I teased him, yes, but perhaps it was because I was jealous. I don't really know. It broke my heart when he died. I was forced to take on the role as the eldest of our family and it was a burden you could never understand.

I hope you can forgive me for all I did in the past.

Your sister Kathy


   In the throne room, Kathy stood near Wolsey, who was now Archbishop. Many others stood around her and she took a deep breath, knowing they were all waiting for her to make the betrothal announcement.

"I hereby choose to marry King Louis XII of France," She announced in a loud tone and Mary watched on, surprised that Kathy had sacrificed her freedom and power in England for her, "I do so of my own volition and am in all things ever ready to obey the king's good pleasure."

She looked ahead to see Henry smiling at her, a proud look on his face.

"Thomas," Harry called out in a calm tone and Thomas Boleyn bowed as he stepped forward, "Perhaps your daughters might attend my sister as her ladies, as we journey to France for the wedding."

"Mary, Anne," Thomas called out and both girls immediately stepped forward, "The King honors us all. For once we may travel without fear of invasion."

"Well, my own sister Meg rules the enemy on our doorstep, but Stafford will mind England in my absence," Henry announced as he stood up and turned to face Edward, "Just keep my throne warm of me, old friend."

Taking a deep breath, Kathy began to walk away as she tried to hide her uneasiness. "Kathy," Charlie called out, causing her to turn to him with wide eyes.

"Are you coming to France to see me wed to the fat King Louis, Charlie?" She asked him with a smile on her face.

Charlie sighed and shook her head, causing Kathy to look down at the ground in disappointment. "I have responsibilities I must attend to here," He confessed and Kathy began to smile in amusement.

"And what responsibilities could that be?" She asked him, an amused look on her face.

"I am to be betrothed to my ward, Elizabeth," He informed her, causing Kathy to stare at him in disbelief.

"She is only eight years old!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening at the thought.

"We will not wed until she's of age," He informed her in a calm tone, "But she brings the title Viscount Lisle, and the king would have me take it, so..." He trailed off and Kathy sighed.

"You know exactly why he wants you to take it," Kathy informed him in a hushed tone, "He wants you betrothed to another in case King Louis dies early on, leaving me with the freedom to choose who I marry next. He doesn't want it to be you."

"I suppose you're right," Charlie admitted quietly, "You did make it quite obvious what your plan was when you mentioned it while I was in the room."

"I don't care," Kathy replied, beginning to smile up at him, "Though I must say, Charlie, what with you betrothed to Elizabeth Grey, the ladies of the court will all be devastated."

Unable to help herself, Kathy began to laugh hysterically and Charlie playfully rolled his eyes at her. "I am thankful for your sympathy, Kathy," He told her before moving closer to her, "But I suppose none will be as devastated as you, will they?"

Kathy smiled, staring up at him with a teasing look on her face. "It would seem we are both off to marry people of the wrong age instead of just marrying each other and it'll all be Henry's doing," She commented, but as she continued to think hard on what she had said, her smile faded.

It was true. And sad. She said it as a joke but it was true. Henry knew what she intended to do and instead of allowing her to marry Charlie once King Louis died, he betrothed Charlie to another.

Kathy smiled slightly, trying to contain her sadness as she curtsied to him. "It would seem I must say goodbye to you here, Charlie," She told him, and just as she was about to walk away, Charlie placed a hand on the side of her neck.

Her lips parted and she stared up at him. She felt butterflies in her stomach, a part of her praying to God that he would kiss her.

Instead, he tugged her dark locks as he smiled at her teasingly. She smiled back at him, giving him a playful look as she slapped his arm away.

"You know I wanted to kiss you, but you also know why I can't," He confessed and Kathy smiled, nodding her head.

"I'll miss you," She admitted and Charlie grabbed hold of her hand.

He held it between his own hands for a moment before he lifted her head. He leaned down slightly, looking her deep in the eyes as he pressed a lingering kiss to her knuckles. "And I, you. Go well, Kathy."

"And you, Charlie," She told him softly, smiling at him one last time before she walked away.


   On the boat to France, Kathy and Mary sitting in front of a barrel as they both vomited into it. Marie stood behind them alongside Catherine, rubbing the princess' back in comfort. "I hate the sea. I hate it," Mary complained, trying to stop herself from vomiting.

"It isn't that bad," Marie complained as she rolled her eyes at Kathy, "The first time I went across the sea, I was six years old. I was with Nora of Lancaster. Trust me when I saw that was a disaster."

The four women turned, watching as Wolsey walked over to them. He stumbled, causing Catherine to give him a curious look. "Are you quite well, Archbishop?"

Wolsey didn't answer and before the group could react, they watched as he stumbled forward and vomited into the barrel.

Kathy and Marie turned to Catherine and Mary, each of them smiling. "I'm sure I'm not the only one here who can say after seeing that, we're all feeling quite better," Kathy commented as she wiped her mouth, causing all of them to laugh.


lmaooo did anyone who reads my Vikings stories notice the little reference in the beginning of this chapter. 😂

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