Unus Annus Scripts & Secrets

By John_Delta

248 2 1

Hello everyone...this may sound crazy but I am going to attempt to write down everything that Mark/Annus and... More

One Year

248 2 1
By John_Delta

The Clock starts at 365:00:00:00

1 second in the video:
Clock changes to 364:23:59:59
with the word 'Unus Annus' is spoken

2 seconds in the video:
Clock changes to 364:23:59:58
with the word 'Unus Annus' is spoken

3 seconds in the video:
Clock changes to 364:23:59:57
with the word 'Unus' was spoken but the screen cut to black when 'Annus' is spoken.

4 seconds in the video:
Spiral sequence starts
Ethan/Unus starts talking

Start of Dialogue:

We live our lives taking each second for granted.

But what would you do if you knew how much time you have left?

Unus Annus

One Year

This channel much like all of you has a limited amount of Time

and everyday we march ever closer to this Channel's inevitable doom.

That means we will uploading every single day until the clocks strikes Zero

and then its Game Over.

Bye Bye




Gone Gone

Night Night



Make no mistake this doesn't mean we are just stop uploading

when Time runs out we will be deleting this channel and every single video on it

and you will never be able to see them again

because much like death you can't take it with you

and all will have is the memories that we make along the way

and Merch.

Mark smirks

So the Clock starts now

But the choice is yours

Will you join us?

or we will you miss out on your one chance to be apart of Unus Annus.

Because Time is already running out

the Train is already moving.

Mark smiles

So Subscribe now because Death is coming

Ask not for whom the bell tolls

*Bell sound*

Ring the Bell for thyself to know

For there are no second chances

Spiral Sequence enchanced
In between colors of Black and White is Grey

and if you miss out all you will be left with is Regret

Momento Mori

See you Tomorrow

Mark/Annus and Ethan/Unus:
Unus Annus

Mark/Annus and Ethan/Unus smiles as the Spiral suck them in.

1 minute and 42 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:19

1 minute and 43 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:18

1 minute and 44 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:17

1 minute and 45 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:16

1 minute amd 46 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:15

1 minute and 47 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:14

1 minute and 48 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:13

1 minute and 49 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:12

1 minute and 50 seconds in the video:
The Clock changes to 364:23:58:11
Screen cuts to Black for 1 second at the end of the video at 1 minute and 51 seconds.

End of Dialogue


There aren't alot of secrets in the video except for Latin Words:

Finito means 'Finished'

Momento Mori means 'Remember You Must Die'

What I didn't know about Spirals:

Spiral generally means the cycle of rebirth  and associated underground caves in most mythology

Spirals dipicted in nature refers to the Primal, Raw and Unrestrained force that cannot be controlled by man.

Spirals dipicted in Cosmos or Space refers to  the Symbol of the Universe and our place in it.

Spirals are the Symbol of Change and the Symbol of Quintessence.

The Symbol of Quintessence comes from the Western Idea of the Elements like Fire, Water, Earth and Wind, those are the 4 great Elements and Quintessence means 'Fifth Element' which also refers to as Spirit.

Though Circles are most common symbol for Spirit but Spirals are sometimes untilized.

What I know about Spirals:

In Buddhism, the Unalome Symbol has Spirals, together they represent the Path of Enlightenment but Spirals means the Twists and turns of Life.

In Greek Mythology, the Spiral is symbolize the Labyrinth and the wandering of one's soul.

Celtic spiral depending on which you are looking at generally would mean the motion of action.

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