Code V | BTS

By loriku

17.5K 1.6K 496

"I think it's okay for us to start living." ***** In a fanfiction univ... More

code v.


325 36 16
By loriku


When Clarity reopened her eyes, she was back in her room.

Not the Secretary's room, but Clarity Moon's.

Blinking twice, she stared dazingly at the foreign surrounding that had once been so familiar to her.

Everything was exactly where she had previously left them: her Seokjin poster hung gloriously on the pink stripe-patterned wall, her TATA plushie plumped on the bed, and her concert tickets laid silently on the beige table across her room.

Disheveled, she spun her head to straighten her bobbed, short hair, only to find its length reaching her waist, back to its previous state.

Bright rays escaped through the window, and she yanked open the curtains to reveal the sun hanging brilliantly above the blue sky. The clock ticked systematically, its hands displaying 1:33 PM.

Clarity couldn't believe it.

"It was a dream..?" Still baffled, she reached for her phone and opened to today's date.

October 22nd—exactly one week away from BTS's concert.

"You're telling me that's everything I've suffered through for the past month was only worth seven hours of sleep?!" Throwing TATA to the ground, Clarity groaned in exasperation.

Falling silent once more, her mind flashed back to Bangtan Corporation, the Auction, and Senyu's men. Twisting her arm in various angles, she squinted to focus on the presence of any pain.


But it had all felt so real.

The girl paused. Wasn't this was a good sign?

In the other world—the fanfiction universe—she had just been framed as a double agent and been shot as she tried to clear her name.

Her mind spun on its track, and she realized that she had actually saved herself by returning to her original world, or waking up from her dream—she couldn't tell from the two at this point.

Clarity rose her hand in the air, smacking it right to her cheek to make sure she was back into reality. She was expecting a stinging pain in her cheek, but instead, Clarity stopped dead in her tracks.

There was no pain.

"Of course there was no pain—your role isn't complete just yet."

Suddenly, it was dark again and the beams of sun light were replaced with illuminating rays of the moon. Flinching at the deep voice, Clarity spun around only to see a small silhouette by her window ledge.

It was Yeontan, staring straight at her with a condescending smile.

"What the fu-"

And with that, her consciousness slipped away once more.

—(0 - o)—

"-the fuck..!"

Clarity flew up from her bed, forehead covered in sweat as the horrifying scene replayed itself over and over in her head.

About to curse out another term of profanity, she swerved her head to see Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok staring at her with opened mouths, dumbstruck at her unexpected outburst.

Silence filled the room.

"...Well, it looks like you're alright," Jimin finally said, a slight smile spread across his face.

"You scared us big time," Hoseok chimed in, "Jin and Taehyung were so surprised when you pushed them aside and took the bullet for them!"

Her mind a muddled mess, Clarity barely registered their comments as she tried to figure out whether or not this was another dream. The tips of her finger sank into the soft, satin fabric beneath her as the scent of lavender filled the air. The vivid redness of the curtains appealed to her vision, and she could hear her own heart beating as she placed a palm to her chest.

"I'm back?" she finally said, glancing up at the members in perplexity.

"You've been out for three days. After you fainted, we managed to get rid of the pursuers and escape the ambush. Their plan being a failure, Senyu won't dare to do anything for now." Jimin's voice was low as he rested his elbows on his knees. "They're going to regret this."

"No no no. That's not what I meant." Clarity shook her head, ignoring the silver-haired man's look of confusion. "Am I actually back? Like back back? In To Be His Possession?"

Upon seeing her befuddlement, Yoongi rose from the seat and, without a word, headed towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Hoseok called from behind.

"I'm going to get the doctor," he said, knocking a finger to his head as if it was a wooden box. Before pulling on the door handle, the hacker turned around with a look of apprehension.

"It seems like she's in need of not only physical recovery."

As Yoongi was about to opened the door, it flew open by itself as a figure dashed in like a whirling hurricane, knocking the light-haired man out of the way instantly.

Gaping at the splattered Yoongi against the wall, Clarity gulped nervously at the aggression of his steps as Kim Taehyung threw himself by the side of the bed. He cupped her cheeks with his large, slender hands that oozed of warmth as his penetrating gaze scrutinized the girl before him, peeling her inside out.

"Are you okay?" His calm voice was coated with a lingering fragility, and Clarity blinked at unexpectedly vulnerability in his expression.

Why was Kim Taehyung so worried about her?

"I-I'm fine." Lightly pushing him away, she then flinched at the stinging pain that shot through from her arm.

The expanding pain cleared her head, fulling bringing her back into reality. Taking a deep breath, Clarity smiled softly at the black-haired man. "Thank you for worrying about me."

His eyes seemed to soften at her words, and Taehyung lightly caressed her shoulder with the tip of his fingers, treating it like a delicate sculpture.

There was something different about the man, but Clarity couldn't seem to pinpoint the change.

Seeing the his strange reactions, she couldn't help but enter another trance. If she was back into the story, that meant everything was still running on an existing plot. However, Taehyung was very much hostile towards her in the original story.

Although it appeared that she was currently safe, she wondered how long his amiableness would last.

Regardless, it seemed that although not free of sacrifice, she really did surmount her first death flag.

Letting out a long, relieving exhale, Clarity leaned back on her pillow.

"Thank you all for worrying about me." She reassured the members with a smile. "I feel fine now. I just had quite an extraneous dream and had to clear my head."

"That's a relief. Seokjin and Jungkook would be glad to know that you've woken up," Hoseok said, "they've been caught up in consecutive meetings with other organizations. After all, a revenge was in its planning stages."

"It's not in Kim Seokjin's nature to take a bomb without throwing two in return." Jimin shrugged a smile.

"So... We don't need doctor?" Yoongi said from afar as he kept a six-foot distance from the black haired man.

Clarity chuckled lightly at his unintended deadpan. She wasn't expecting to find comfort trifles things like these, but now that she was back into this word, she might as well make most out of her circumstance.

"The doctor isn't enough—we need Namjoon," Taehyung said, "he's back from America today, right?"

At the familiar name, Clarity's ears perked up.

"He's talking about our friend, Kim Namjoon. You probably never heard of him, but he's also a member of Bangtan Co," Hoseok explained.

The girl nodded while mentally scoffing in disbelief. Never heard of him? She religiously listened to his UNICEF speech everyday.

Ever since her arrival to this world, Clarity had always pondered over the whereabouts of the BTS leader's counterpart. In the original story, Namjoon was a mysterious source of power among the mafias, since he spent the majority of his time researching and administering missions abroad. Before formally introduced as Bangtan's strategist, he was already known as a legendary figure in the industry; whatever he's involved in, the other side will inevitably lose.

That was the capabilities of Kim Namjoon.

"Namjoon's our strategist, but he's also a doctor. He'll be able to look at your arm to see if it's okay," Taehyung said, gently gazing into her eyes, warming her heart with his reassuring nod.

Squinting her eyes from his glowing figure, she was almost certain a white halo had appeared behind him and that the man was an angel sent from above.

Thrown back by his ethereal beauty, Clarity decided the bullet to her arm was worth it.

Now all she needed was to see Kim Namjoon to complete her OT7 dream, and as a ARMY, she could die satisfied.

"I heard talks about me?"

It was at that moment. As if her wishes were heard, a certain blond man strolled in the room, his familiar dimples creasing in with his grin. Clarity melted on the spot.

Before Namjoon could greet the group with a wave, he was bombarded by a hoard of hugs as the members threw themselves over the tall man simultaneously. At the sight of the boys all clumped together like putty, Clarity let out a soft giggle.

The gang was finally all here.


finally we have the whole group! i was actually going to put joon in later in a really critical part of the plot,
but i decided to make it earlier because i felt bad that he was the only one without an appearance yet and just went for it LOL

anyway, please let me know your opinions on this chapter and dont forget to vote if you enjoyed it!

until next time,

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