Love Is Hard

By eniola_writes

100K 22.1K 2.7K

"why can't you just stop pushing me?" I asked him. I was damn fraustated , leading me on and then pushing me... More

Author's note
πŸ’”10πŸ’” (1st heartbreak.)
πŸ’”58πŸ’” {end of part I}
author's / appreciation's note
prologue 2


940 245 7
By eniola_writes

hello guys,

how have you been?

i am really sorry for the late update, school kept me busy.

i know most people are angry,

epeele, truly sorry once more.

okay read on....



I stared at my phone, reading through different articles on schools abroad that I could go to and was in the same state with where Hakeem chose but everything just got me confused.

I dropped my phone in anger and placed my head in my hands trying to think all this through. All that has happened in the last one week. I feel it, what am I saying? I know it. Every time he would want to ask something but stop.

What is happening now?

How would we cope?

"hey, babe what's wrong?"

The said person asked dropping on the couch beside me. He tried to pull my hand from my face and I let him. I stared as he watched in surprise, angry tears falling from my eyes.

"Mercy, why are you crying?"

He asked quickly cleaning my face with his hands. I am just so tired, he can't just leave like that. How would I cope? I know I agreed with his mum but coming to reality and seeing that he had less than one month left here was driving me crazy.

"don't leave me Hakeem, please."

I pleaded and he quickly pulled me into a hug. He rubbed his hands down my back in a soothing motion but it was doing nothing in making me calm. How can I be calm? This is not right. Everything happening is not right for crying out loud.

"shhh, it is going to be fine."

He said his voice slightly breaking too. I know it is selfish of me to try to hold him back. He needs this.

"I am going home today. I would ask my mum if I can go to school abroad too, we can make it work."

I said pulling back from the hug and staring deep into his eyes. He looked tired already, and I felt worse putting him through this.

"we can babe. And if you...."

"I would go do not speak negatively."

I cut him off and stood up immediately going to the bathroom.

"Babe, wait."

I turned back to him,

"when you come back, maybe tomorrow, we can go on a date together. Just the two of us, what do you say?"

Why does it feel like we are trying to build good memories before he goes? Why does it feel like this? Even though in my heart I was tearing up, I stepped closer to him and hugged him again.

"who else wants to join our date?"

"babe oo, do not spoil the mood."

"which yeye mood?"

"it is a romantic mood."

He groaned out while I just pulled back from the hug and gave him a quick kiss on his lips. He placed his hands on my waist trying to pull me closer like he could not get enough but I really did not want to get late to meet mum and dad since they were travelling.

I pulled back slowly to our disadvantage.

"when I come back we will continue."

I winked and he bit his lower lip, my eyes followed the movement as usual and my legs involuntarily moved closer by itself. But I stopped midway,

"Hakeem do not tempt me."

I groaned out as I ran to the bathroom instead with his laugh following me. Yeye boy, he knows I need to go and he is still doing this.


"see my baby oo."

Mummy called out immediately she saw me walk into the sitting room. I grinned and gave her a hug.

"good afternoon ma."

Dad walked in at the same time and I ran to meet him too it has been long since I last saw the both of them.

"ahah, omo mi atata. (my dear child) I thought you were joking when you said you were coming."

"I was not. I even rushed so I would not miss the both of you."

We sat down on the sofa, I took my time to look at the both of them. Dad was dressed casual and mum too. It was the perfect wear for the airport they were going to under this hot sun.

If Hakeem was not going to travel in less than a month's time, I would have followed mummy and daddy. They were going to a Europe's tour party on a ship and I am sure it is going to be epic. Such a bad timing.

"what is the matter Mercy?"

Dad asked checking his wrist watch.

"hope it is not what I am thinking? Are you pregnant?"

Mum asked with a raised eyebrow. What made her got to such a conclusion for crying out loud. this was not the first time this will happen. i remembered a time when i was in SS3 and I kept on throwing up. mum called me to her room and asked me this same question only for me to end up throwing on her rug. she rushed me to the hospital after that for test and to the glory of the lord, the pregnancy test was negative.


I whined and she just rolled her eyes,

"I am just asking my own na, so what is wrong? You are scaring me."

I sighed wondering how they will take the information. My whole hope was on the outcome of this. I cleaned my sweat which has managed to become sweaty.

"I want to transfer abroad."

I announced,

"ahah, why?"

Mum asked immediately while dad looked surprised and speechless. I was not expecting this since they have always wanted me to go abroad. My heart started beating faster in anticipation.

"mum, I want to follow your advice. It would be better going abroad and companies seeing that on my CV will be more ready to employ me. Mum you said it now. I am ready to go now. I can meet Idara there or even go to the same university as her. Mummy, Daddy talk na."

I breathed out, washing as their whole expressions fell. I had that feeling again, that something would happen. What did they do?

"Mercy the thing is, daddy Idara talk na."

My mum said obviously shifting the burden to my dad. I turned my gaze from my mum and to dad with a raised eyebrow.

"Mercy, the money we saved for your tuition fees in case you went abroad...."


I said urging him to go on.

"we decided to invest it since you said you wanted to stay at unilag instead, you seemed so fixed."

Ehh, what did I just hear? I gripped the sofa for support, my mind on one thing, what were they saying? there should be some extra funds they can sacrifice right?

"I can sign up for a scholarship or something. Please."

"you know Idara is going to her fifth year soon, her tuition is increasing to close to sixty thousand dollars and we just paid."

what were they trying to say? Idara is worth it and I am not?

"what are you trying to say mum?"

"you would have to wait till the next year, not now Mercy."

I could feel the tears pooling up. Why does everything have to be about Idara. This is the one time I am sincerely asking for something and I cannot even get it. the only person they are worried about is their precious doctor. 

"dad please."

"Mercy next year please. I do not know why you are suddenly talking like this."

I stood up getting angry all of a sudden. Anger at the world itself.

"mercy are you walking out on us?"

"I do not want to keep you two waiting. Bye."

I simply said back and walked out of the house. I called Mr. Wale and entered the car.

Why is it that Idara is everything? They just paid sixty thousand dollars and could not even spare my own fees but instead used it to invest in something. I placed my head in my hands again this time sobbing quietly.

What am I going to do if he just leaves?

Have a long distant relationship? Will we even cope? how would i live in that apartment alone?not only was i losing my boyfriend, but my bestfriend and roommate all together. him at USA me at Nigeria, different continent apart.

I did not even notice when Mr. Wale parked until he tapped me to tell me we were there. I told him thanks and walked into the compound with my head down.

I just felt broken somehow. Immediately I walked into the apartment, the sound from the television caught my attention.

I walked to my room instead not wanting Hakeem to see me like this. I knew the whole thing was killing him as much as it was to me.

I jumped on my bed and sobbed quietly into my pillow instead.


Hakeem called walking inside the room.


I wanted to sound strong but it just sounded weak and hoarse.

"have you been crying?"

He asked quickly coming to my bed. He turned me to look at him and his expression showed how he felt.

"shit babe, what happened?"

"just a bad cramp."

I said back not looking in his eyes since it was a lie, obviously.

"I know when you are lying, did it not work?"

He asked brushing braids which has fallen from my face and slowly brushing it. I closed my eyes, slowly wondering if he was gone, who would do this?

"they spent my savings on an investment and they just paid sixty thousand dollars for Idara. Because she is studying medicine the money is worth it and mine cannot even be spared since it just photography, is that what they are trying to say? I just... what do we do now?"

"I can talk to my mum.."


I do not want to depend on him to that extent. Him paying my fees? No. my parents are also capable. i actually believe them when they say next year and it will be disrespectful to say i got funds from else where especially from my boyfriend.


"just no, Hakeem."

he should try to understand that i am tied here. no matter ho much i wish i can say yes, i just can't. 

"so what do you want us to do?"

he asked after noticing i won't budge from my conclusion. i sighed before answering,

"go on that date."

sorry for the short chapter,

i edited it yesterday but wattpad did not save it and i lost it just now. it was just some added words and details so nothing really is lost. but i tried to add some few words back. 

what do you think about Mercy's parent?

are they being partial?

what should poor Mercy do?

accept the offer or not?



hope you stay safe wherever you are!

love y'all

Eniola 💗

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