How far would you go? (Curren...

By danieltuffin

482 21 8

Highest Ranking (Feb 2021) No.1 psychological Who are you? What have you done? Luke and Jessica have the perf... More



40 6 3
By danieltuffin

Luke sat quietly on the bench, legs crossed, watching people walk by. This part of the Thames was always busy. Many came here for lunch, and today was especially busy. It had been difficult to find somewhere to sit. Tucked away at the far end of the street was a free bench, where Luke now sat. The fast-flowing river, rushed downstream, pulling the murky water toward the sea. Boats bobbed up and down, tightly secured to their moorings, while others sped down the river.
Luke took a bite out of his chicken sandwich. He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen. He had been planning this for a long time and was excited to tell Jessica his plans. Their two-year anniversary was next week, and Luke had planned to take her back to Venice. They would visit all the places they had before he proposed, and it would end with a gondola trip. The tickets were booked, the hotel was ready, and Luke had arranged with Jessica's boss for the time off work. Three days in Venice. It would be perfect.
Scrolling through his emails, Luke scanned for a reply from the hotel. He had asked if they could arrange for some flowers and chocolates to be left in the room. He read the reply and smiled. Not only had they agreed but also offered a complimentary meal at the hotel restaurant. He could not have wished for more. He would tell Jessica tonight at dinner and her face would light up with excitement at the news. That is one thing he loved about her. When she was excited, it was like watching a child overcome with joy over the news. He finished his sandwich and dialled her number.
'Hey babe,' she said, answering the call.
It was good to hear her voice. Today had been a terrible day at the office. His boss had moved the deadline up, demanding that the project be finished before Luke took some time off. That meant he would have to work late for a few nights. He hated working late, and often came home when Jessica was asleep.
'Hey,' he replied. 'How's your day going?'
'Not bad. Seen five kids already and its barely lunch.'
'Five. Your head must be buzzing?'
'It's ok. I've got a quieter afternoon. What about you?'
'My boss is being a jerk again. Wants the project finished by next week.'
'Next week.' Jessica sounded surprised. 'That means working late, doesn't it?'
'Yep. I'm sorry, but it will be worth it.'
'It better be?' she laughed.
'You ok for dinner tonight?' asked Luke softly.
'Definitely. Better go, someone needs my attention.'
'Love you.'
'Love you too. Bye.'

Walking back to the office, Luke smiled. Talking to Jessica always cheered him up and now he was ready to tackle the afternoon. He pulled up his coat jacket to hide from the wind. Leaves whipped up around his feet, and trees shivered from the autumn breeze. He loved this time of year. It was his favourite season. The mixed colours from the leaves littered the ground and the various shades that hung loosely from their branches, changed the landscape around him. The weather was still warm, although a fresh breeze filled the air. Winter was coming, and then he would need to find gloves and a scarf. London was grim in the cold and even though he was only five stops away on the tube, he still hated leaving the warmth of the house and venturing outside.

Is this a good time to pause the story? In case you've forgotten, it's me, Sam. I'm sure you remembered. What do you think of Luke? Nice guy. Really loves Jessica. Planning a trip to Venice, what could be more romantic? You'll understand why I had to help. I'm sure you don't want to hear about his day at the office, having to deal with his boss, drinking vast quantities of coffee. Why don't we skip ahead to the evening when Luke and Jessica are having dinner together?

It was six in the evening. The three-bedroom house located just outside the city was in a quiet neighbourhood. A neatly mowed garden sat proudly outside the front door, filled with pots, and hanging baskets, that in the summer, displayed beautiful varieties of colours. With winter on the way, the trees were becoming bare, and the flowers were reduced to sagging stalks.

Two doors away lived Luke and Jessica's best friends, Russell, and Debbie. They had known each other since infant school, and ten months ago, moved in down the street. Tonight was all about Luke and Jessica. Russell and Debbie wanted to come round with a bottle and celebrate their two-year anniversary, but Luke insisted that he wanted the evening alone.
The perfect couple, with their perfect lives, sat at the small table, staring into each other's eyes.
'I'm so glad it's the end of the day. It was rubbish,' said Luke, sipping a glass of red wine.
'Why don't you leave, set up that business you've always dreamed about?'
'Let's not talk about work,' suggested Luke. 'I want tonight to be about you and me.'
Jessica smiled and instantly Luke's heart melted. He really loved Jessica and would do anything for her, and she knew it. All she had to do was give Luke one of her smiles, and he would do anything she asked. He called it her superpower.
'Ok. What do you want to talk about?' asked Jessica.
'I have a surprise for you,' said Luke, pouring them both some wine.
'Hold that thought. Let me get the chicken out of the oven.'
Luke sat patiently, enjoying the aroma that filled the room. Jessica was a good cook and always produced delicious food. She returned with a glass of water and sat down.
'What did you have to tell me?'
'Remember that trip to Venice?'
'How could I forget. It was perfect. The streets, the people, and how could I forget the gondola. Why?'
'How would you like to go back?' Luke smiled cheekily.
'I'd love to. Don't tell me we are going back?'
'Yep, next week.'
'Really! Wait. I'll never get the time off work.'
'Already done.'
'You arranged with my boss for time off? How did you do that?' Jessica laughed.
'I used my charm and my amazing charisma.'
Luke grinned, like a cheeky schoolboy and Jessica smiled.
'Ok, Mr sophisticated. I can't believe it. I love you.'
Luke savoured this moment. Jessica looked so happy and there was something else about her, he could not tell, but she looked really happy.
'I have some news for you too,' said Jessica, after a few moments.
'What could possibly be more important than my news?' joked Luke.
'I think you will like this. Ready?'
'Spit it out. You're not auditioning for X-Factor. The suspense is killing me.'
Jessica gently touched his hand, looked him in the eye and smiled.
'I'm pregnant, Luke. Can you believe it? I'm finally pregnant.'
'What! Are you sure?' Luke sounded genuinely surprised. 'Are you sure?'
'100%. Remember that girl's coffee morning?'
'I lied. Sorry. It was a doctor's appointment. I needed to be sure this time. We've had so many attempts, I had to check.'
'And the Doctor confirmed it?'
'Yep. Definitely pregnant.'
Luke stood up from the table and stepped over to his wife. Reaching over he wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.
'I'm so happy,' he said, gently sobbing into her neck. 'I'm so happy.'
Jessica responded to his embrace and allowed herself to cry. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks and the happy couple allowed themselves to enjoy this moment.
One year ago, they had decided they wanted a family, yet sadly it never happened. Each time they expectantly waited, and then Jessica would tell Luke her period had started. It was always disappointing. As each month went by, they started to lose hope, and started believing it would never happen. They both wept joyfully, crying with happiness over the news.
'I had to be sure, Luke. I had to,' she cried, sniffing into his arms.
'It's ok. I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. And you a mum.'
'I know. Can you imagine it? Us parents.'
'Yes I can,' said Luke. He gently kissed his wife and looked at her with great affection.
'I love you, Mrs Hill.'
'And I love you, Mr Hill.'

Friday evening went by quickly. They both finished their meal and chatted enthusiastically about their plans and what they would do when their child was born. Luke joked about the trip to Venice now being an anti-climax, and Jessica laughed at his stupidity. At this moment, nothing could go wrong. The world around them did not exist. It was only Luke and Jessica, and their unborn child.
'Can I tell Russell in the morning?' asked Luke.
'Let's tell them together. Why don't you invite them over for breakfast in the morning?'
'Great idea. They will be so happy for us. I think.'
'Of course they will,' confirmed Jessica. 'I'm going to bed. I'm exhausted. Eating for two.' She grinned, giving Luke a cheeky smile.
'I'll clear up and see you upstairs.'

Jessica disappeared up the stairs and Luke reflected on the future. He was going to be a dad. A father to a child who would look up to him, who would need teaching, someone to rely on. Luke wondered if he would be able to manage the responsibility. His own father had worked nonstop, and Luke barely saw him. He vowed that if he had a child, he would always be around, and Luke swore to himself to uphold that promise. Then he started to think about names. Luke Jnr. He laughed aloud at the thought. Wait till he told Jessica his idea. She would affectionately punch him in the arm.
If only Luke had known what would happen the following day, he would never have allowed Jessica to leave the house.

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