Akame Ga Kill X Male Reader (...

By HavenX76

40.9K 399 132

A young boy named Y/N has been trained to be an assassin since birth, but he escapes his pain. What happens w... More

Meeting Night Raid
Kill The Captain
Kill The Excutioner
Kill The Beasts
The Tournament
The Fight
Kill the temptation
Kill the crazy scientist
Thanksgiving Special
Y/Ns New Family
Kill The Demon
Kill the Carnage
Kill the Despair
Kill the Little Sister
Kill The Emperor
Akame Ga Kill!

Kill The Sad Past

1K 11 9
By HavenX76

3rd Person POV

Akame: The more puppets she has the slower her reaction. That works perfectly for me!

Akame dashes forward and swings at Kurome and she blocks.


I see Akame dash forward and start fighting Kurome on the Desta Ghoul.
As i was about to go help her someone lands before us and creates a large crater.
When the dust clears I see someone i thought i would never see again....

(I dont own this, I dont know who does but it is theirs)

??: Uhh, its so nice to see you again. Last time I saw you, you didn't have a name. But I hear you go by Y/N now. You've gotten weaker.
Tatsumi: Who the hell are you, you bastard! How do you know Y/N!!!
??: Oh, I see you've made friends as well. Disgusting. You really have disappointed me. Truly. Well....how about you tell them who I am, Y/N.

HOW! I killed him! I saw him take his last breath! How is he still alive!

Tatsumi POV

I look over at Y/N and see him with a look i thought I would never see Y/N with. Fear.

Y/N: *mumbles*
??: What was that Y/N, I dont think your friends heard you. Speak up.

What is wrong with you Y/N? Come on pull it together.

Y/N: Azazel. How are you still alive?! I killed you!

Wait! This is Azazel? Y/Ns trainer? I thought Y/N killed him.

Azazel: Ah yes. It is strange isnt it? Life. Such a strange event. But its funny.
Y/N: What is?
Azazel: That you thought you could kill me!

I saw his eyes glow red and then chains came out of the ground from around him.


Me: You guys....you need to run. Hes to strong for you and I dont want you to be caught up in our attacks.
Tatsumi: What! No! We can help!
Leone: Yeah! And besides he doesn't look very strong.
Najenda: We should listen to Y/N. I've heard stories about this guy. He wiped out entire armies faster than even esdeath. Let Y/N take care of him.


Tatsumi: But-
Me: NOW!

After they left Azazel sent his chains at me. I dodged them but got kicked in the side and sent far.

Azazel: Your senses have dulled over the years. Pity.
Me: I know of your imperial arms Azazel! It lets you create objects out of time and space! It is best at close range so ill just stay away from you!
Azazel: Hahahaha! My boy, did you really think that was all I could do? Well then, let me teach you.

His right arm formed into something else....

(Just the right arm)

Azazel: Not only does my imperial arms allow me to create and control objects. There are two more parts to it. I can shapeshift!

He disappeared and reappeared and punched my in the gut making me cough blood. Then he keeps repeating that, dissappear and reappear and hit me. Whether that be a kick, punch, or elbow it still hurt the same.

I managed to catch myself and charge him with my lightning blade. I jumped and swung downwards at him, he dodged and the lightning cut Desta Ghoul in half.

Azazel: My-My that is quite the blade. Last time I saw you, you were not this strong.
Me: Yeah, well I've gotten stronger!

I charged more lighting into the sword and swung at him ready to cut him in half. But just like the first time, he dodged.

Me: How! How do you keep dodging! These strikes are my fastest hits, even Esdeath couldn't dodge them all?!
Azazel: HahahHA! My final ability allows me to slow down my perception of time. Impressive huh?
Me: AHH! I'll kill you! You BASTARD!!
Azazel: Now-Now, thats no way to speak to your master. Ill have to punish you for that!

I charged at him blinded by rage and swung side ways. The lightning traveled and cut the mountain in half. But I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I looked down and a small glowing spear was in my stomach (not a reference just like the idea)

Azazel: Well, I'm a bit disappointed. No. A lot disappointed. I thought I trained you better than this. I guess not. Oh well.

He pulled the spear out and started to walk away.

Me:*mind* Power! I need more power damnit! Please...any deity, anyone listening....please, give me more POWER!

Azazel POV

Hmmm, I'm disappointed. What a let down. I thought that would be more fun. I guess not. I mean, I could take his friends and have some fun torturing them.

Y/N: No.... I'm not done yet.

He's still alive huh? I guess I could bring him back and change his way of thinking

Azazel: Your still alive huh? I guess ill have a bit more fun.


I channeled all of my remaining power into my hand and a large, silver, blue and golden blade with a blue gemstone at the bottom of the handle and a weird pattern going across the blade appeared in my hand.

Azazel: So, you think that a new sword will help you? Huh, I guess your more desperate than you look.
Me: No, I will kill you.

I stabbed the sword through my stomach and felt a pain soar through my entire being. But, I also felt power.

Azazel: So instead of fighting me you choose to off yourself.
Me: N-no. I will kill you!

Suddenly I was surrounded by a bright white light.

3rd Person POV

As Night Raid was finishing off there fights, a bright light appeared from where Y/N was.

Akame: Thats where Y/N was fighting!t

They then got to where the light came from and it had died down. When the light went away, mostly, Y/N was standing there. He had a slight glow and his eyes were different. They were a reddish pink and he had blue and black flames coming from them.

(I hope you like the drawing. I have a writing disorder so I'm not very good so I hope it's not to bad)
Tatsumi: Woah...
Leone: What happened?

All of Night Raid seemed shocked by his new look.

Azazel: So it seems you have grown in power, its your third trump card. Ill tell you what. If you manage to beat me, ill tell you about your past, who you really are, and where you came from. If you lose, ill kill you.
Y/N: Deal.

Y/N stabbed his blade into the ground and then a white flame erupted from where Azazel was.

Azazel appeared from behind him and swung his light spear at him, but he dodged and kicked Azazel so fast that even with Azazels slower time perception, his body couldn't react fast enough.

Azazel: Wow, now im impressed. I might have met my match. Well then, I suppose I should get serious as well. I'm gonna give you a little fact, both of our imperial arms come from the same dangerbeast. Much like Incursio and Grand-Chariot. Mine is a little more... advanced being mixed with a few more dangerbeasts.

Azazel also started to glow, he stabbed himself in the stomach with his lightblade and another light appeared.
Only Azazels light, was pure black. When the light died down, Azazel had blue eyes with pure black and red flames coming from them.
(Sorry i don't have a picture for him)
Azazel: Now that we're both serious, lets fight!

They both disappeared and all that could be seen was white and blue, clashing against black and red.

Akame: Such speed!
Najenda: Im glad Y/N is on our side, or else, we would all be dead.

Explosions, fire and wind picking up was all that was left when they were fighting.
It was as if two demi-gods were fighting. It was a sight that would leave most, terrified.
However, Night Raid is not most, they are not only a group of assassins, associates, they wouldn't even be described as friends. No, because what they are.....is family.

Suddenly a large, no, massives explosion happened. It stopped just shy of were Night Raid was standing.

When all of the dust cleared it showed Y/N with his blade in Azazels Stomach and Azazel with a bloodied smile.


I......I did it. I beat him.

Me: Now, *cough* about our deal.
Azazel:*coughs blood* y-yes. Y/N. This is your past.

Large Flashback

??: We need a child, a child that will save this empire, and bring it back to its former glory. Azazel, you will find this child, and shape him, you must not tell him about his life, or who he is, he needs to be strong. Those things will make him weak. Make sure to keep him away from the wrong path.
Younger Azazel: Yes....

Small Timeskip Young Azazel POV ( im gonna refer to young Azazel as Y/A)

Y/A: *sigh* how am I gonna find a child to fix this corrupted place. No matter. If father told me to do it, I must.


I've recently been feeling....empty. like my life was missing something, or someone. I've been sad. I am confused as to why. I've always been strong and happy. I mean, i had a good life. Training with my father until he got old and could no longer fight, my mother i never knew but atleast I didn't have to go through the pain of seeing her die. And my dad always took care of me. So why......why am I sad?


I've been traveling for awhile now and I have met a girl, her name is Seraphina. I....I think im in love.
She was abused by her parents and she ran away, I saved her from some bandits and now we live together. I'm gonna confess to her.


We were standing in a beautiful clearing, leaves falling, sunsetting and a fallen over log thay was hollow. We used it for fire wood sometimes because it burned well and it was close to our house. I decided I was gonna confess my feelings towards her right here and now.

Y/A: Seraphina, I....I love you.
Seraphina: Azazel, I-I-I, love you to.


We had gotten married a few years after that.

We had a child.

Azazel: Honey, what should we name him?
Seraphina: I think.....Y/N. Yeah, Y/N. I like that name.
Azazel: Ahh, great name, it means strength, bravery and honesty.

Small timeskip

I was getting home from a mission and saw my house on fire
I saw some bandits having there way with....Seraphina.

Y/A: Get away from her!

I killed them, or so I thought.

Bandit Leader: If we can't have her, then no one can!

He then..........shot her.

I quickly slaughtered him and ran to my wife.

Azazel: Honey, i-
Seraphina:Shhh............take care of o-ou-our son. I'm *coughs some blood* going to d-die. He's in the hollowed tre-tree we used to go to. Please, I......love you

She died, I my arms, all because I was away. DAMNIT!

Flashback End Y/N POV

Me: So-so that means, that your... your my-
Azazel: Father? Yes, I'm sorry, for everything I've done.I have failed you. I have failed your mother. She is going to killme when I see her again *chuckle*. She was always strong willed. I wish you could've met your mother. You have her eyes. I... i love you..........Son * smiles then dies*

Wait....I just, I just killed....my only family?


I passed out after that

(Hey everyone! I hope this makes it up for the long wait. Again I'm sorry for that. I tried to make this longer than the others. I hope you like the twist. Any ideas for the future? Please comment or DM me, I would appreciate that. Have a good day/night!)

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