Miraculous Mr. Bug ( KilluaxG...

By xxshadowfigurexx

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(The art is not mine, here's the link https://pin.it/7KrrQID) My #1 Story♥️ Gon Freecss is a 16 year old teen... More

S1 - CHAPTER 1 Begining
S1 - CHAPTER 2 Nanny Nightmare
S1 - CHAPTER 3 Ivy
S1 - CHAPTER 5 Paired with you
S1 - CHAPTER 6 Anti-Bug
S1 - CHAPTER 7 Book Master
S1 - CHAPTER 8 Time Keeper
S1 - CHAPTER 9 Lost in time
S1 - CHAPTER 10 Returning Heroes
S1 - CHAPTER 11 The Past
S1 - CHAPTER 12 A Day with The Guardian
S1 - CHAPTER 13 Chain Heart
S1 - CHAPTER 14 Mr. Candy
Suggest a Villain/Spoilers
S1 - CHAPTER 15 Judge Justice
S1 - CHAPTER 16 Old Man
S1 - CHAPTER 17 Retz

S1 - CHAPTER 4 Sargent Bazooka

840 26 90
By xxshadowfigurexx

Hey guys what's up, i hope you guys are enjoying my story so far, this chapter's villain is from Emmet_and_Mewy, i made a few changes from his original idea cause it's a bit overpowering so i hope you enjoy, if you have any villain ideas in mind, I'd be happy to check them all out♥️.


(6:00 am)


I woke up hearing the sound of my alarm, i turned it off and got up of bed, i yawned and started walking to the bathroom, I did my daily morning routine which are washing my face, get my tooth brushed and took a shower, I got out the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist "Good morning Gon" Tikki said floating next to me "Good morning Tikki, how's your sleep?" I ask and Tikki giggled "I slept well, I'll be ready whenever you need me" she said and i smiled at her. I got to my uniform and told Tikki to hide in my backpack, i went downstairs to find Dad and Aunt Mito drinking their morning coffee "Good morning dad, good morning aunt Mito" I said cheerfully "good morning son, what do you want for breakfast?" He ask "Anything will do" i said and he nodded, he stands up and head to the kitchen "How's your sleep dear?" Aunt mito ask "I slep well," i said as i take my seat "How's school, is everything alright?" "yeah I'm doing great" I said smiling at her " are you sure?" She ask and i nodded.
Dad got back from the kitchen and hands me a plate with eggs and bacon, he gave Aunt mito a plate too. "Thanks for the food" I said.


I woke up from the sound of my alarm, i was about to turn it off myself when it just stopped ringing, i opened my eyes and saw Plagg near my alarm clock "Geez i have having an amazing dream about cheese when your alarm clock woke me up" Plagg said a little upset "Sorry about that, why don't you help yourself with the cheese i stored for you" i said "Don't mind if i do" Plagg said floating away, i got up my bed and went to my bathroom, i turned on the lights and stared at my morning face in my mirror, i opened the cabinet near the sink and was greeted by a picture of Me and Mr. Bug

"Good morning Mr. Bug" I said smiling 'How awesome would it be if i wake up next to you'.

After i was done doing my Morning routine i heard a knock on the door "Killua, Breakfast is ready, or do you prefer me instead" Hisoka said with a seducing tone "I'd rather starve than having you" i said while opening my bedroom door "Harsh" He said while leaving, I grabbed my backpack and signaled Plagg to hide in it, i went downstairs to the dinning room and saw my breakfast already set in the table, i take my seat and started eating 'I guess my brother ain't joining me today'.

(7:50 am Classroom)


It's currently 7:50 am and everyone was seated cause Ms. Biscuit arrived early today, she got a note in her hands as she walks in the center of the room "Ok class, I have an announcement to make, we will be having a Class school Photo in the park today, so pack your stuff and head to the bus that is waiting outside". Everyone started packing their things from their desk. Me and Zushi walked together and leaves the room with everyone else, While i was walking someone tripped me causing me to fall on the floor, then i heard laughter "Watch your step Freak! Retz said laughing her heart out along with her number one minion neon "Gon are you alright" Zush said while helping me up "I'm fine Zushi, let's just go". Walking in the hallway we almost reach the exist when i spotted Killua walking with Ikalgo infront of us 'Kiluahhh' i said to myself not paying attention to the wet floor, I slipped and bump into killa causing both of us to fall on the ground, I blushed when i noticed I'm on of killua "I-A-I-I di-Didn't mean to bump o-on you ki-killua" i stuttered, i got up and helped killua up, he cleans himself "It's ok it was and ac.." He was cut of when Retz appears out of nowhere pushing me away from killua "Killu! Are you ok?" She said clinging into killua 'Grrrr,That Bitch!' I mentally growled "Gon you ok, you should watch your steps" "Yeah I'm-I'm fine Zushi,".

We are cur
rently inside the moving bus, I can't help but growl at Retz, she's been clinging to Killua ever since she sat next to him 'The nerve!, Why is she clinging to my Killuaaa... Wait why am i thinking of him!, Do i have a crush on Killua? Arghh, I've been thinking a lot of about him, on how we will have our first date, he might bring me to the mall, or a restaurant, but anything's fine if I'm with him, them we'll share our first kiss together under the moon light, then we will get married and have a pet cat!..... Arghhhh I'm doing it again' "Gon are you alright?, You've been been growling and squealing ever since we got in the bus" Zushi said cutting me off of my thoughts "I don't know Zushi, I kept on thinking a lot about uhm, ki- uh ki- uwah" 'Damn it I can't say his name, I'm so embarrassed' Zushi got irritated and hit me hard on the back causing me to talk faster "I'vebeenthinkingaboutkilluaalotlatelyandican'tunderstandwhy!" I stopped and catches my breathe, i looked at Zushi and he's smirking 'oh hell no' "So You your saying... You have a crush on killua don't you?" He said playfully, i can feel my face heating up from his question "I-I do-Don't really know," "Come on gon just admit it, you said it yourself, you can't stop thinking about killua lately, it's a sign that you have a crush on him" Zushi stated 'Do i really have a crush on killua, I've been thinking of him a lot lately, is that what it means to have a crush on someone? I don't really know' "I can't wait to tell Leori and Kurapika about this" Zushi said smirking.


Ever since I got in the bus Retz won't stop Clinging to me, it starting to get annoying 'Urghh when will this end!' "Killu, after class do you wanna hangout? She said Tightening her grip on me "I'm sorry Retz, I can't i have Piano lessons after school" I said and she loosen her grip "Come on, just this once" "I'm sorry but i can't or my brother might bet mad at me" i said, she stopped clinging to me "Your no fun" 'that was close, i know what Retz mean by 'Hangout' I'm not falling for it, besides, i have my heart on a certain someone, or should i mean Mr. Bug, sure we can't be together cause we can't reveal our secret identity, but I'm sure something will work out, at least i hope so, I'll keep on trying to win his heart'.


(York new Military base)

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU!, YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ENGAGED IN ANY ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP!, ESPECIALLY NOT FROM ONE OF MY TOP SOLDIERS!" The general said shouting at his daughter "b-but Father, we love each other, i have a life too and i want to be with him" She Said but it made her father more furious "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING FROM YOU!, GO TO YOUR BUNKER AND STAY THERE UNTIL MY FURTHER NOTICE! UNDERSTOOD!" He shouted "Yes father" She quickly run out of his father's office and heads to her bunker, she grab a hold of the bazooka her father gave her on her birthday and started crying "I-I only fell in love! *Hic* what's wrong with that!, *Hic*I h-Have my own life, whi can't i do what I WANT FOR ONCE!".

"Oh dear, A broken heart, such sadness, a perfect Prey for my Akuma, i can feel her anger and frustration!" A butterfly lands on Hawkmoth's hand and turns into an akuma "Fly away my Little akuma, and evilize her broken heart" Hawkmoth said with his evil laugh.

The akuma finds it's way inside the Woman's bunker and lands on the Bazooka she's holding "Sargent Bazooka, I am hawkmoth, I gave you the power to shoot any type of missile you have in mind, and for extra I'm giving you high mobility, but in return you must gave me Mr. Bug and Cat noir's Miraculous, do we have a deal?" "Deal, Get ready Father, I'll blow you away, literally"

(At the park)

"Ok everyone in their places, we only have a limited time so get your selfs ready" Ms. Biscuit demanded. They all are in position and is ready for the picture "Ok everything set, just stay still" The photographer said "Ok Ready in Three.. two.. one.." A huge explosion startled everyone. Then the city alarm Echoes "Attention citizens, pls get to safety we are under attack by a powerful enemy, pls Get to safety as far from the westside as possible" it said and everyone started panicking
"Everyone in the bus now!" Mr. Biscuit demanded, They all went inside except for Gon and killua, "Is everyone here?" Biscuit ask "No ma'am, gon is missing!" Zushi shouted "My killu is missing too!" Retz shouted "Everyone stay here I'll go loo..." A huge explosion was seen close to the bus, the bus driver was scared to death that he started the bus engine and drove off.

Meanwhile Gon was hiding in a dark alley "Tikki, spots on!"

While killua was hiding on the Public Restroom "Plagg claws out!"

They both transformed and meet each other on one of the building roof "Wow this villain is savage, blowing everything up" Cat noir said while looking at the villain "I AM SARGENT BAZOOKA, FEAR ME YORK NEW, I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE" She said while firing her Bazooka "This is bad Cat noir, we must stop her ASAP" Mr. Bug said diving to the scene and cat noir follows "Stop right there Sargent Bazooka!"

"Hey it's Mr. Bug and Cat noir!"

"Pls save us Mr. Bug!"

"Take her down!"

The citizens shouted, Suddenly the General came with the army "Angel pls calm down we can talk this out, I'll reconsider!" The general shouted causing Sargent Bazooka to look at him "I'm not Angel anymore, I'm Sargent Bazooka, you made me like this, I'll blow you up into pieces!" She then launches a Missile heading straight to the general, with no time to spare, Mr. Bug Throws his yo-yo to the Missile, the yo-yo wraps around it and Mr. Bug used the chance to change the direction the Missile was heading, with Cat noir's help they bot pull the yo-yo making the Missile stop, then with enough force, they both swing it back to Sargent Bazooka who gracefully dodge "Hah, you think you could hit me that easy, Thanks to hawkmoth i have high mobility" she said proudly "So The villain behind all of this is named Hawkmoth" "What's your plan Mr. Bug?" Cat noir ask "Let's find where the akuma is first then execute a plan" Mr. Bug replied "Wait Mr. Bug, Cat noir!," The general shouted and they both looked at him "I think the uh akuma was it? Is in the Bazooka, that's the only thing she is holding" he said "Thanks, Cat noir and I will get her back, and fix this mess, Let's go Kitty" "What ever you say Bygaboo".

Mr. Bug and Cat noir Charges towards Sargent Bazooka "Sargent Bazooka, with the use of your Mind, yoi can fire anything you want, i want you to give me those miraculous, i want then now!" "Then you shall have them" she said, she kept on firing missiles towards The two Super heroes Mr. Bug and Cat noir separates and started backflipping to dodge the missiles "Why don't we make things a little sticky, slime bomb" She shouted as the Bazooka started firing slimes, Mr. Bug and Cat noir had a hard time dodging the slim s due to its very sticky properties "Let's see how you two hold" Mr. Bug used his yo-yo to block a slime heading his way but failed, he's now stuck "Perfect, now grab his miraculous! The earrings!" Hawkmoth demanded Sargent Bazooka Went closer to Mr. Bug "Bye bye Little bug" Before She can have her hands on the earrings, Cat noir throws his staff towards Her and she quickly dodge "Mr. Bug, I'll get you out!" Cat noir used his staff to help Mr. Bug out of the sticky situation "Thanks Cat, enough playing, Lucky Charm"! Mr. Bug throws his yo-yo above and a ball appears "A ball, what are you gonna do with that Mr. Bug" Cat noir ask "A ball?, Haha, you expect me to be defeated with a ball, you gotta be kidding me" She said laughing her heart out "Well let's see who gets the last laugh, Cat i have a plan" Mr. Bug whispers his plan to Cat noir and He nodded "What ever your planing it's not gonna work" "Well see about that" Mr. Bug charges towards Sargent Bazooka and used his yo-yo and throws it at her, she dodged it and laugh "you missed" "Did i?" She looks at her back and saw a car being dragged by Mr. Bugs yo-yo, before she could move she was too late, she got hit and causing her to flinch, with no time to spare Mr. Bug jumps closer to her and used the ball to plug her Bazooka "NO!" She screamed, she jump back to escape Mr. Bug, but she forgot about Cat noir, Cat noir Appears next to her "Cataclysm!" He said touching the bazooka, it broke and the akuma fly's out of it "No more evil doing for you little akuma, time to de-evilize!" Mr. Bug successfully captures the akuma and set's it free "Bye bye little butterfly, Miraculous Mr. Bug!" Mr. Bug throws the ball above and it glows

"You may have one Again Mr. Bug and Cat noir, but I'll promise you, I'll get my hands on both your Miraculous if it's the last thing I'll do!"

"Pound it" Mr. Bug and Cat noir said in unison "Wha-What happened to me?" Angle ask "You got akumatized, but don't worry everything is alright now" Mr. Bug said smiling at her "ANGLE!" the general shouted while running to her and giving her the biggest hug "I-I'm sorry i got mad at you, i shouldn't have said those words, after all you have your own life, it's your choice to make" he said calmly "Thank you father" she said

"Mr. Bug!"

"Cat noir!"




"Well Kitty, it's time to split" "See you again soon bugaboo" Cat noir said while leaving "When did we start calling each other nicknames" Mr. Bug throws His yo-yo above "Well, bug out".



'My ears hurt, Ms. Biscuit gave me and killua an earful, it's not my fault i got to save the day' i sigh "Ok students line up and let's get this over with" the photographer said. We all got to our spot in the photo and stared at the camera.

After the school photo we all got home, due to the fact that the villain took all day to beat and everyone panicking school didn't start, 'I guess this is a problem'. I opened the Bakery door and saw Aunt mito and Dad serving customers "Hey son, if you don't mind, could you help us out?" My dad said while giving a customer her change "Pls dear, we have a lot of orders so it'll be a lot faster if you help us out, if it's not a bother to you" Aunt mito said, i walked closer to the counter and puts my backpack in a chair inside the Bakery's kitchen "Of course I'll help" i said putting on a apron.


"Mr. Bug sure is something right plagg?" I said looking at plagg "Yeah, i guess you could say that" plagg said and takes a bit of the cheese. I lay down on my bed and stares at the ceiling 'Your just making me fall for you hard Mr. Bug'.


And that's Chapter 4 thanks for reading, so how was it, hope you guys liked it, I'll be only updating once or twice a week depends if i have time, school modules are catching up and I'm low on time, but I'll try my best, wish me luck, anyways, stay connected for more updates

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