By dvinemuse

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they weren't saints, but they would win anyway. AMERICAN HORROR STORY Β© 2021 dvinemuse More

π‘£π‘œπ‘™. 𝑖 ── saints
000. monster on cherry creek lane
001. miss robichaux's academy
002. sabrina the killer witch
004. on wednesdays we wear black
005. how stupid can stupid get
006. respect thy neighbor
007. no crying in the club
008. a series of unfortunate events
009. the walking dead
010. burning away the sins
011. successful sΓ©ances
012. ghostbuster fail
013. ode to the dead

003. party done right gone wrong

366 16 0
By dvinemuse

chapter three, party done right gone wrong

tw: mentions of rape

" But girls
They wanna have fun
Oh, girls, just wanna have
That's all they really want "

       cyndi lauper

         The bowl clattered in front of Juliet as it was laid out on the plate in front of her. She stared at it for a few moments, moving her spoon around as though checking for something in it. She had to admit, ever sense being burned at the stake she was quite paranoid. One time she'd though she'd found an eyeball in her soup causing her to scream, but when she looked at it again, it's been gone and everyone thought she was crazy. She later admitted to Cordelia that the eye matched the one of the person who's started the fire that killed her, whoever they were. Perhaps she was a little crazy.

And she wouldn't put it past Spalding to try and poison her. Or any of them for that matter. Like Madison said, he truly was a creep.

Although Madison didn't help that matter at all. "Hey, Jeeves. Can I get some iceberg lettuce with a side of blue cheese?" It was a wonder sometimes how he had yet to kill her.

Queenie scowled at her from across the table as Juliet finally lifted her head, faced with both Madison and Zoe who were sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Girl, be nice to Spalding. Poor bastard ain't got no tongue." She added, gazing at the main with greasy hair. At this point the place was actually turning into Hogwarts, although a less friendly version.

Madison didn't give up though as she called out to the main who remained silent, "Is that true, Jeeves? Did you use your tongue for something wicked? Or maybe you just suck at going down. Oh, come on, Jeeves. Show us your stub! Maybe we can put it to use!" He finally waddles out of the room, causing Madison's insults to float into the empty air. Giving up, she turned to Zoe and asked, "So, new girl. . . what are you in for?"

          Zoe seemed hesitant on telling, staying quiet as Madison gazed at her curiously hidden by her own diva look. "Her boyfriend." Nan answered for her.

          "Nan, shut up before you get your ass in trouble."

          "Did you kill him?" Madison asked, ignoring Queenie.

          "No. It was an accident." Zoe shook her head.

          Hearing her thoughts, Nan decided to reassure her. "It was an accident, Zoe. And you will find love again. A strange and unexpected. . . love." Nan said, causing Juliet to roll her eyes.

          Looking annoyed, Queenie said to Nan, "Girl, are you deaf or just stupid?"

          "You sound like a freaking fortune cookie Nan. If that's what Zoe wanted she wouldn't be here and instead would be at some freaking Chinese restraint." Juliet told Nan, before starting to eat. Seeing Zoe's gaze on her, she winked at her from across the table getting Zoe to turn away, cheeks tinted pink.

          Madison ignored them both and instead continued with her inquiry, "Tell us about this accident. And don't spare all the gory details." She stated looking back down beginning to stir her own soup.

          Instead answering, Zoe tilted her head to the side. "So, why are you here?"

          The blonde dismissed the question, clearly lying about some of the things she had down as she told Zoe, "My agent staged an intervention. Ever since my drunk and disorderly, I get blamed for all kinds of shit that I didn't do."

          Having none of it, Nan argued, "But you did it. You killed the man."

           "I get it, bitch, you're clairvoyant." Madison snapped, glaring at Nan who didn't seem shocked. None of them were. "Do you want to know what happened? Fine. As usual I was on set and I was doing amazing acting. They should've felt blessed." Juliet once again rolled her eyes and snorted, causing Madison to glare at her, "But of course, it didn't seem to satisfy him and he told me to hit my mark so the light could hit me. The light hit him just fine." She explained.

          Queenie glared, "All he said was "hit your mark." Why don't you just do the world a favor and take an acting class, you D-list, Botox bimbo." Juliet grinned, listening to their bicker knowing a fight would ensue. And it did, for at her words Madison flicked her wrist, looking angrier than ever causing the bowl in front of Queenie to tip and spill onto her white shirt, sure to leave a stain.

          "Where the hell is Spalding?" Juliet asked as she watched the scene play out, only gaining Zoe's attention and she gave her a curious look. "I need some popcorn."

          Madison had never been smart when she was angry, always acting impulsively and thinking no one would ever fight back. Queenie was one of the exceptions, because only a second later Queenie without hesitation had picked up her own fork and stabbed herself in the hand, causing Madison to scream in pain, droplets of blood forming on her hand in the same spot where Queenie had stabbed herself. "Ow! Stop it, you bitch!" Madison screamed.

          Undisturbed, Queenie asked over Madison's screams, "Stop what? I don't feel nothing. I'm a human voodoo doll. You like this? Huh?!" She asked, moving the fork around.

          Nan seemed to be the only one willing to try and stop the mad witch, standing up and breaching for the fork Queenie held and shouting at her, "Stop! You're... you're gonna get in trouble. Queenie, stop!" She grunted and Queenie finally removed the fork from her hand, instead grabbing a knife that laid beside her as Madison gripped her hand in pain.

          "I'll do it." She threatened, putting the knife to her own neck and Juliet sat up, not to stop her but wondering if she could actually kill herself and reflect it on another person without being harmed. Was that possible?

          Nan walked to her other side, and tried to calm Queenie down as Juliet watched, still moving her spoon to her own lips and eating. "Come on. Let's take a walk."

          Annoyed, Queenie slammed the knife down. "A walk?" She looked over to Madison who was still pouting and sighed. "Fine. I'm not hungry anyway."

          "Like anyone believes that." Madison muttered as they left the room, leaving Juliet bored again as she began to pick at her soup. Maybe unlike Queenie, she was hungry. "Well, that was disturbing. Given the choices around here, it looks like you're my new best friend." She pulled out her phone, getting a notification of some sort. "Do you own any clothes that don't come from the Gap?" She asked to Zoe.

          "Not really. Why?"

          "You can borrow something of mine. Don't worry, Jules over there only has sweats to wear so she borrows my clothes from time to time when she needs it. Frat party tonight. Just got the tweet. Jules, you're coming too." She said and Juliet gave her a thumbs up, still eating and Zoe looked away from Madison, looking at Juliet who didn't seem to care. This was going to be horrible.


Juliet had never absolutely loved parties, nor had she ever hated them. They weren't really anything to her at this point. It depended on how she was feeling to decide if she wanted to go to it. But Madison never took no, which was where she guessed she really started parting. She might not have loved them but Madison enjoyed going and dragged Juliet along, Queenie and Nan preferring to stay inside and so when Juliet arrived it was like she finally had someone to dress up and drag along. Especially since Juliet never said no when it came to leaving the school.

The raven haired girl was by no means a fan of frat parties, they were the most annoying. However, it was funny when two boys would get drunk from separate fraternities and would fight, the only source of entertainment beside alcohol that she had at parties. And they normally had the best beer, and widest area and wouldn't end in the police coming to shut it down, as Madison had insisted on dragging her to a few of those.

Arriving to a frat party with Madison Montgomery was probably one of the best entrances she would ever had. Having Madison by her side would attract more attention as she was with a so called movie star, and anyone would do anything to get close to Madison Montgomery, and if that meant befriending her own "best friend" ( or good enough friend she would bring to parties ). Then so be it. Even if the girl was slightly odd. And hey, she looked amazing in Madison's clothes too.

The music was loud, and lights were shining casting a red and blue glow over the scene. Juliet never cared for her appearance but Madison certainly did, loaning her a tight fighting nude two piece with a high waisted skirt and a top with spaghetti straps and nude hells to complete the look. Her hair rested on her shoulders with her signature I don't give a fuck look plaster on her face.

Tonight they were arriving with an extra, it seemed. A plain, boring looking girl no one knew the name of but who was just as beautiful as the two, but not in the same way. Madison was the gorgeous and seductive beautiful. Juliet was alluring and enticing. Zoe was beautiful and pretty, looking less sinister than either of the two and had the most approachable look as she stared around, looking impressed by the scene that surrounded her while the other two looked as though this was ordinary, normal. She looked the most out of place and yet fit in at the same time. Each of the three were completely eye catching, drawing the stares of everyone which both Madison and Juliet seemed to relish in, the third member not really noticing the stares.

"What's a girl got to do to get a drink around here?" Madison said to no one in particular, but her question was quickly answered by one girl who grabbed her by the hand dragging her away from Juliet and Zoe, not that she cared.

Juliet made a move to walk away, but out of the corner of her eye she noticed Zoe, who still was looking around curiously and not stepping out of the doorway. Rolling her eyes she reached forward, taking her hand and pulling her out of the way of a couple of people passing before they could bump into her.

Pulling her to the side, Juliet told her, "Don't do anything too stupid. One time Madison and I got in trouble because I got angry and lit some curtains on fire," she started and Zoe's mouth fell open not knowing how to respond, as Juliet finally withdrew her hand and crossed her arms over her chest. "Secondly, don't take a drink anyone gives you unless you watched them make it, a pretty obvious rule but one that girls don't commonly follow." She told her, not knowing that she was going to be telling the wrong person. "Don't bother me until its time to leave or when you see Madison puking her guts out. Go find a guy and make out or some shit."

          "I — what? Okay."

Patting Zoe's shoulder, Juliet left her, turning away and finding a girl who had seen her walk in with Madison and hooking arms with her as she led her to get drinks, leaving Juliet number two go find her own Romeo.

          Juliet listened to the girl drone on and on about how she was so excited to be there, even asking Juliet if she'd seen any cute guys there that night, despite Juliet just having arrived. But the answer was no. She had seen several very attractive boys, but in the end, they were just boys and wouldn't exist to her tomorrow. She could pretend for a night that they were something more, but the next morning they'd leave and everything would be the same in her hectic life. Not that she'd ever actual experienced that with anyone other than girls though. People were fleeting, like moments, they came and they went. There was no stopping that. And she wouldn't try.

          She didn't spot Madison, although she noticed Zoe talking to a cute guy who was gazing at her as though she were the sun. Juliet wasn't a fan of fairytales, despite her own name being associated with love, but she was glad to see Zoe having fun while all she could do was drink the night away.

          The girl was finally shut up when right in front of them, a boy jumped forward, punching another boy directly across the face, causing people to scream and back away, but within seconds they had formed a ring around the group chant "fight!" Over in over like teenagers.

          Finally, a look other than not giving a fuck crossed Juliet's face, her eyes seeming to burn with a strange sort of fire, watching the fight. She didn't start chanting, but she wasn't moving either as she smirked seeing the fight start escalating from punching to dragging each other across the floor in chokeholds.

Across the circle as her sinister stare grew into one of more enjoyment, Beckham Woods admired the girl, watching her face with a calculating look on his own. Despite not taking part in the fight, it looked as though she was every bit as part of the fight as they were, as others chanted around them, smiling at the source of entertainment.

The moment was broken by one girl, probably one of the boys' girlfriends, yelling at her boyfriend to get off, which he did so soon after realizing he was taking it too far. He got up, throwing the other boy to the side and wrapping an arm around the girl who led him through the circle, Juliet turning to let them through before looking back to the result of the fight who was still lying on the floor, his friend moving to help him up.

Juliet turned stoic again, walking away and leaving the girl behind her who was confused as to where Juliet had suddenly gone and started searching for her. But she wouldn't see find her.

Grabbing a beer in the red solo cup, Juliet times her head back and drank the contents, longing for the buzz and even the handover she'd get after. It was all interrupted though with a tap on her shoulder, and turning wanting to punch whoever was daring to interrupt her, the fiery rage was extinguished with one look at the boy's face. She recognized him, but from where?

"Like fights, do you?" He asked over the music which was a little quieter in the area where they were.

Juliet raised an eyebrow. "What's the matter with that? Isn't that all horny teenage boys talk about besides sex?"

The boy smiled, white teeth glinting in the light as she tiled her head up at him. "Yeah, guess so."

The raven haired girl then asked, "And you? Do you enjoy fights or are you going to say 'I'm not like other guys'?"

He chuckled. "Well, I'm not. And you're not like other girls."

"And how would you know?"

"Call it a sixth sense. Or maybe I know something about you, Juliet Harmon."

Her name gave her a pause as she gazed at him, not knowing quite how to react. Had he heard about her somewhere and actually knew something about her, or did he simply know her as Madison Montgomery's sidekick and she was over thinking things. "Have we met before?" She asked, choosing to play it cool.

He seemed to hesitate on his answer, but he then shook his head. "No, no we haven't. I'm Beckham. Beckham Woods." He introduced.

"Juliet Harmon."


Juliet scowled and turned around to find Zoe walking towards her, annoyed as she told the girl not to bother her. "I can't find Madison. Have you seen her? Kyle went to look for her."

"She's probably throwing up in some bathroom." Juliet snapped. "I thought I told you to leave me alone."

Zoe was persistent though and didn't give up, arguing, "I've checked the bathrooms. I think somethings wrong, Juliet. Please." She pleased and Juliet sighed, regretting bringing her along and focusing o not setting something on fire.

"Fine. Come on, let's check upstairs." She rolled her eyes, pulling her up the stairs with her and leaving the boy behind to stair up as they disappeared into the crowds of girls and boys all dancing and having a good time.

          Before they made it to the first room though, a bunch of boys ran out of the room, hurriedly stowing away their phones and some even clicking their belts. It was then that Juliet felt the bad feeling Zoe had been talking about as they approached the door in a rush.

          Opening the door farther, the two were greeted with an unpleasant sight, and for the first time in a while Juliet's face showed concern. Madison was lying on the bed, looking very unlike herself, her hair a mess and make up smudged. But as Juliet's mind wandered to unwelcome places that had her feeling sick, she couldn't exactly judge her appearance. Then, anger showed, leaving her seething.

          Zoe on the other hand remained concerned, neither hearing a few screams as downstairs a fire started. "Madison? Hey. Hey, did they give you something?" Zoe asked as she wandered forward, checking on the girl. Madison moaned a sound of agreement and Juliet's jaw clenched.

          Juliet didn't stay to see what happened, instead leaving the room quickly and jumping up as she tugged on one of her heels pulling it off before pulling off the second one, tossing them aside as she ran out and down the stairs to follow the pigs that had recently left the room. She wasn't the only one to run out, Zoe and Madison soon following her out of the frat house.

          Running out, Juliet noticed the man who must've been the driver being pushed out, and ran quickly trying to get their, anger pouring into her and next to her someone squeezed their beer bottle a little too hard, the glass flying everywhere but missing Juliet as she ran trying to follow the bus.

          She wouldn't make it, but in the end it wouldn't matter. Because as Madison raised her hand, and those who were on the bus would soon be no more.

( a / n ) :
         I really hated writing the end
of the chapter, it makes my
heart ache :( Madison deserved
better. hope you have a good
day / night and stay safe!

          I also added a trigger warning
          because it needed to be said but
          won't be adding it for the next
          chapters that do include mentions
          of it because you should be
          warned about it by now.

( w / c ) :

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