The Grimm Slayer (DoomGuy Mal...

By stormbro

96.8K 1.4K 1.8K

(In this story Y/N, you are the Doom Slayer. Even in this world, your objective is still the same: Rip and Te... More

Myterious World
Who Is He?
Welcome to Beacon
Emerald Forest
First Day
In Time
Kill Them All...
The Hunter and The Hunted
To The Hunt
Painful Past
Buried Feelings
A/N: NEW BOOK! Cold Blooded Killers (Raiden Male Reader X Akame Ga Kill)
A/N: NEW BOOK! The Will of The Heart (Rorschach Male Reader X Persona 5)
On Ice
A/N: Apologies for the long updates!
Group of Unfortunates
Returning Fear
An End to a Nightmare
A/N: NEW BOOK! Parasites (Prototype Male Reader X Parasyte the Maxim)
The Doom-Destoyers
Ghosts of The Past
A/N Chapter! Please Read!
Missing in Action


3.3K 52 20
By stormbro

(Hope you enjoy!!)

It was late at night as Lucas was mumbling in his sleep. He started to sweat and twitch a little.

Lucas: "No...not"

He would hear whispering and echoes of roaring and screaming all in his head. He was remembering something of his past.

Female Voice: "Help..."

Lucas started mumbling a bit louder before gasping and sitting up. He had woke up from his nightmare. He looked at his left hand as it was starting to shake. He curled it up into a fist and calmed down. He sighs before sitting up and leaving the room in his black tank top and red shorts. Lucas went to the boys bathroom and started washing his face. Then he realized that someone was in the bathroom using one the showers.

Lucas: "Hm?"

He looked over and saw the Slayer's outfit just outside the shower. The Slayer was using the showers. He turned it off and stepped outside...wearing the Helmet a towel around his waist. Lucas saw the scars on the Slayer's body.

The Slayer noticed Lucas and they both stared at each other in awkward silence.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "..."

Lucas: "..."

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "..."

Lucas: "...You shower...with your helmet?"

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "..."

Lucas couldn't contain himself as he started laughing out loud. The Slayer grunted got himself and proceeded to put on his armor.

Lucas: "Sorry sorry, just never expected that, heh heh."

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "Hmph."

Lucas: "So what are you doing up so late?"

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "...I could ask you the same thing."

Lucas: "Well, I...just forgot to brush my teeth before I went to bed, so now I'm here. You understand don't you?" He lies.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "...Sure."

Lucas: "Now that I'm done brushing my teeth, I'll be heading out."

As he went out the bathroom with the Doom Slayer, they both overheard Ruby and Jaune's voice in the hallway.

Ruby: "Did you lock yourself out again?"

Jaune: "Oh uh, nope! Heh, got it!" He chuckled nervously.

The Slayer and Lucas peeled over the side to listen in on the two of them.

Ruby: "So, where have you been lately?"

Jaune: "I uh...sighs I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardins got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me and...I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea."

Jaune slides down on his back against the door.

Jaune: "I'm a failure." He says melancholy.

Lucas remembered something about his past. A memory from back then.

Young Lucas: "I...I couldn't...I wasn't...I failed..."

Young Lucas looks at his hands as they're covered in blood before he starts crying while screaming. Lucas consciousness returned to reality.

Ruby: "Nope." She says suddenly.

Jaune: "Nope?"

Doom Slayer(Y/N): ("Nope"?)

Ruby: "Nope, you're a leader now Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure."

Jaune: "But, what if I'm a failure at being a leader?"

Ruby: "Hmm, nope."

Lucas: (Seriously, "Nope"?)

Jaune chuckles.

Jaune: "You know, you're not the easiest kind of person to talk to about this stuff."

Ruby: "Nope."

Lucas/Doom Slayer(Y/N): (What is that, her favorite word?!) They both thought in their heads.

Ruby: "Jaune maybe you were a failure when you were a kid, you might of been a failure the first day we met."

Jaune slides down and makes slight groaning sounds.

Ruby: "But you can't be one now. You know why?"

The Slayer and Lucas leaned in further to hear more.

Jaune: "Uhh, because..."

Ruby: "Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now Jaune. We both do. And if we fail, then we'll just just be bringing them down with us. We have to put our teammates first, and ourselves second."

Both the Slayer and Lucas were surprised by how wise Ruby's words were. It affected the Slayer as he thought about what she said.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): (Teammates...)

Lucas smiled as she knew she was right. He stepped out and walked towards them. The Slayer followed behind.

Lucas: "She's right Jaune."

Both Ruby and Jaune looked as Lucas and the Slayer walked towards them.

Jaune: "Huh?" He says surprised.

Lucas: "Your team deserves a great leader Jaune. I think that can be you." He says with a smile.

Jaune looked at Lucas and Ruby then the Slayer. The Slayer gives him a small nod. Jaune was surprised and then smiled brightly.

Jaune: "Thanks guys..."

Everyone nods and then Ruby yawns.

Ruby: "Well, have a goodnight everyone."

Lucas: "Goodnight Ruby."

The Slayer nods and both him and Lucas started to leave. Jaune got up from the ground and was about to enter his room. However, he receives a message from his scroll. It was Cardin's voice.

Cardin: "Hey! It's your buddy Cardin. I know you're probably busy with that Dust project I have you, buuuuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of Rapier Wasps. And make sure they've got some really big stingers. It's important, so don't screw this up."

Jaune closes his scroll and sighs heavily before hearing large footsteps echo in the hallway around the corner.

The Slayer and Lucas were near their rooms and then realized something.

Lucas: "Oh right I forgot! We have a field trip tomorrow."

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "Hm?"

Lucas: "Ya know, the field trip. You don't remember?"

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "Don't care." He says emotionless.

Lucas: "You don't? Why not?"

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "Not a priority."

Lucas: "Oh really? Then what do you consider a priority, hm?" He says as he raises an eyebrow.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "Killing Demons."

Lucas: "Is that all?" He asks concerned.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "...Yes."

As the Slayer was about to leave, Lucas steps in front of him.

Lucas: "What about your teammates? Do consider them as a priority?" He asks in a serious tone.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "..."

Lucas: "You act so tough all the time with your intimidating aura and giving others the silent treatment, but deep down, I bet you're just very lonely beneath that title. Am I wrong?"

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "..."

The Slayer pushes Lucas aside and enters his room without saying a word. Lucas gets up and dusts himself off. He heads to his room and shuts the door. The Slayer looked at the door from his room and stood silently in front.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): "...I don't need teammates."

The Slayer then sat down and resumed working on his guns and new weapons. He was about to finish with a new mod to his DoomBlade.

The next day on the day of the field trip, Glynda Goodwitch was guiding the students in the forest.

Glynda Goodwitch: "Yes students the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so."

Lucas looked around and noticed the Slayer was missing.

Lucas: "Hey, did any of you guys see where the Slayer went?" He whispered.

Rachel: "No idea. I thought he was right behind us."

Yuri: "It seems to me that he either skipped class or went off somewhere by himself."

As they whispered, Glynda Goodwitch cleared her throat.

Glynda Goodwitch: "Is there something you want to discuss Mr. Tucker?"

Lucas: "Oh uh, no nothing!" He says as he chuckled.

Glynda Goodwitch: "Very well then, moving on. Each of you is to gather one jars worth of Red Sap. However, this forest is full of the Creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous around here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!" She says less enthusiastically.

Lucas sighs as he looks around for the Slayer before looking up.

Lucas: (What are you doing?) He asked in his head.

Lucas looked at Jaune as he was with Cardin and squinted his eyes a bit at them through his skull mask.

In the forest far from his class, the Slayer was wrestling with a Boarbatusk with a headlock and then snaps it's neck before grabbing on it's tusks and throwing it towards another Boarbatusk. Two more Boarbatusks charge at the Slayer from front and back and the Slayer jumps up in the air, which causes them to ram into each other and disorient them. The Slayer then uses this opportunity to violently tear the head of a Boarbatusk and slam it's head on the last Boarbatusk as it was on it's back and killed it with it's tusks. They eventually turned to dust and then a pack of Beowolves surround the Slayer.

Doom Slayer(Y/N): (This is why I'm here...) "I'm going to kill. All. Of. You."

They growl and snarl at him as they charge together. The Slayer then took out his DoomBlade and then started cutting them down. Ripping their arms, tearing their heads off, stabbing their skulls, slamming their bodies, all without using any weapons. To him, he was

Back at with group, the class was getting plenty of jars full Red Sap. Except team CRDL, who was just sitting down relaxing as Jaune did all the work for them. He puts the jars down and falls on the ground tired.

Cardin: "Hey, great work Jaune-y boy! Now that wasn't too hard, was it?"

Jaune's cheeks were puffy and his voice sounded rough.

Jaune: "I think I'm allergic to this stuff."

Cardin: "Great great great, so Jaune, I bet you're asking yourself, 'Why did my buddy Cardin ask me to grab six jars of tree sap, when there's only five of us?'" He says sarcastically.

Jaune: "That is one of the many questions I have asked myself today, yes."

Jaune sits up.

Cardin: "Well, come with me., and you'll find out." He says in a excited tone.

Jaune gulps to himself.

Team CRDL and Jaune lay down up on a small hill that had a clear view of all their classmates.

Jaune: "Cardin, what's going on?" He asks concerned.

Cardin: "...Payback." He says in a dark tone.

Jaune then starts to realize what he meant.

Jaune: "Pyrrha?"

He looks over at Pyrrha as she kneels down getting more Red Sap.

Jaune: "What are you-"

Cardin: "That's the girl. Red haired, know-it-all, thinks she's so smart."

Lucas was standing on a tree branch, listening in on their conversation. Cardin pulls out a box that made buzzing noises.

Cardin: "Alright boys, last night 'ole Jaune-boy managed to round up an entire box full of Rapier Wasps. And now, we're gonna put them to work."

Jaune gets a pat on the back and chuckles nervously.

Cardin: "Now, according to one of the essays you wrote for me last week, this nasty things love sweets. I'm thinking we start teaching her a thing or two."

Cardin gets up and extends a hand for Jaune to get up and pulls him up.

Cardin: "And you're gonna do it." He says as he shoves a jar of Red Sap into Jaune.

Jaune: "Do what?"

Cardin: "Hit her with the sap. Either that, or I'll have a chat with Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon." He says ordering.

Jaune looks down at the ground with wide eyes before looking at the jar in his hands. He looks up at Cardin as him and his group smile at Jaune mockingly. Jaune prepares you throw the jar at Pyrrha as she finishes collecting her jar of Red Sap.

Lucas: "Don't do it Jaune, you know it's wrong." He whispers to himself as he grits his teeth through his skull mask.

Jaune's arm starts shaking as he stared at Pyrrha. Pyrrha's head turns a bit to where he could see her green eyes and her smile. Jaune's face changes from fear into seriousness.

Jaune: "No." He says defiantly.

Cardin: "What did you say?" He asks seriously.

Jaune: "I said..."

His hand grips on the jar tightly while shaking in anger.

Jaune: "No!" He yells as he throws the jar at Cardin, Red Sap all over his chest.

Jaune realizes what's he did. Cardin looks at himself all surprised before chuckling.

Cardin: "You've done it now." He says seriously.

Jaune laughs nervously before getting grabbed by team CRDL. Lucas jumps down from the tree and lands near them.

Lucas: "Let him go Cardin, now."

Cardin grunts as he sees Lucas.

Cardin: "Keep him busy would you guys, I need teach Jaune-y here a lesson."

They nod as they charge at Lucas barehanded.

Lucas: "Hang on Jaune!"

Lucas runs towards the other members of team CRDL as he dodges and counters their attacks. Cardin picks Jaune up by his collar and punches him to the ground.

Cardin: "You know that wasn't very smart Jaune-y boy." He says with a smile.

Lucas kicks Dove in the gut and dodges Russell's jab and counters with another kick. Sky manages to punch Lucas in the chest then in the face before Lucas pushes him down on the floor before punching him several times in the face before being pulled off of by Dove and rolls away.

Cardin picks Jaune up again.

Cardin: "I'm gonna make sure they send you back to mommy in teeny, tiny pieces."

Jaune: "I don't care what you do to me...but you are not messing with my team." He says defiantly.

Cardin: "What, you think talk like that makes you tough? You think you're a big, strong man now?"

Jaune smiles to taunt Cardin. Cardin gets angry and punches Jaune before a bright light shines on Jaune and Cardin. When the light disappears, Cardin drops Jaune and grips on his hand, groaning as it starts throbbing.

Lucas and the other were a bit distracted, but Lucas punches Russell before kicking Sky in the face. Jaune looks at himself as his injuries went disappeared and his body glowed.

Jaune: "Huh..?"

Cardin shakes it off and kicks Jaune down on his back. Jaune glares at Cardin.

Cardin: "Let's see how much of man you really are."

A roar was heard nearby from them as they all turn to the direction of the sound. It was two Alpha Ursas roaring intimidating. Everyone backs away. Lucas then noticed something. He started remember something of his past. A familiar roar back when he was a child. One of the Ursas was familiar to him, then he realized that that Ursa was the same one who killed his parents. He remembered his parents yelling and screaming as they fought and died protecting him when he was a kid. He hid away and ran. He knew it was the same Ursa because of the scars it had during the fight. He then started to smile before laughing hysterically. Team CRDL and Jaune both stared at Lucas as he finished laughing.

Jaune: "Lucas...?"

Lucas: "Finally, after all this time....I've been waiting for so long..." He says quietly and in a dark tone.

His eyes glowing red through his skull mask.

Lucas: "I've waited so long...TO FINALLY KILL YOU!!"

His body started to emulate a dark red aura.

He was activating his Semblance: Shade. The shade from the trees would would form black sword-like projectiles that aimed towards the Ursas.

Lucas: "Die for me." He says with a scary smile.

(That's the end of Chapter 10! I hope you enjoyed and please feel free to comment your thoughts on this book! Thank you!)

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