Shakespeare's Rolling in his...

By fioleefannumber21

44.1K 1.3K 1K

What if Hermione and Draco got sucked into Romeo and Juliet and replaced them? What if the people they knew w... More

Romeo and Juliet.
Friar Lawrence, ... and the Balcony
Harry Goes Crazy... and so does Draco
Paris, Back. Off.
The End of that story... and the start of the next
As You Like It?! Hermione!
Love Poems

Exiled. Seriously?

3.2K 111 14
By fioleefannumber21

Hermione went back over to Harry and Ginny. Ginny was trying to flirt a little, and Harry was just plodding along obliviously. Suddenly, Hermione and Ginny were marched over to Celia's father, played by Sirius. Hermione raised her eyebrows. Why would Sirius banish them for something so trivial, like his godson beating his champion, like what's his name did in the book?

Sirius looked down at them. "Niece, how trustworthy are you, if you talk to the boy who beat my champion?" He looked directly at Ginny, who was thinking, You're kidding me, right? Please tell me you're kidding me.

She shrugged. "Um, Uncle, how is my trustworthiness measured by me talking to your champion?"

Sirius banged his fist on his armrest. "It is measured greatly! He has beated my undefeatable champion, who no one could beat without help. Help from the castle... and who better than the girl you flirted with him?!" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"You're out of your mind! You seriously think it matters, even if I had? Uncle, newsflash, he's just a good wrestler."

Sirius narrowed his eyes. "So. You admit it. What other secrets have you told him?! I cannot have such an ungrateful, lying wretch in my house! Leave it!" Ginny stared at him in disbelief for a minute, then turned and walked away.

"Father!" Hermione said, incredulous and confused at this new side of Sirius. "Father, what has Rosalind done wrong, except talk to the boy who defeated your champion? This is completely unfair!"

He turned his furious gaze on her. "So. You turn against me too. Then you may share her fate!"

Hermione fled the room. She had never seen what Azkaban had done to Sirius, but now she knew. She figured Lupin was a much better father. Sure, he didn't listen to a word she said sometimes, but at least he could control himself... well, most of the time.

She went straight to the room she shared with Ginny, who was sitting on her bed.

"What do we do now?" She asked when Hermione came in.

Hermione pulled out her wand, and began packing. "We run. In this unbelievably sexist age, one of us has to dress like a boy." She transfigured some dresses into shirts and pants, and made the other ones simpler.

"What are you doing?" Asked Ginny.

"They'll be looking for two noblewomen when they come (somewhat) to their senses. Who better to disguise ourselves as then a boy and his sister?"

Ginny cocked her head. "Why not just both be boys?"

Hermione shrugged. "That's not the way Shakespeare wrote it. Now, Ginny, do you want to be the boy or the girl?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "I still think we should both be boys. And if we're sticking to Shakespeare, I don't have a choice, do I? But we're not quite sticking to Shakespeare, because Ron is not 79."

Hermione looked pleased. "So you have read the book."

Ginny shrugged. "I started it after I got 'banished' so I could know what we should do. Now, come on."

She transfigured the rest of the dresses into boy's clothes, and they got dressed and packed. "Now what do we do? We still look like girls." Ginny asked, clearly at a loss.

"We can transfigure hats and tuck up our hair." Hermione suggested. Which they did. So, each of them armed with money and clothes stashed safely away into small bags for traveling, they crept out of the castle and into the forest. A few hours later, Harry and Ron did the same, fearful for their lives.

Of course, Hermione and Ginny had more luck, since they quickly came across Neville, who sold a cottage, a pasture and a flock of sheep to them very quickly.

"Odd." Hermione said after he was gone.

Ginny nodded. "I never would have expected Neville to be such a salesman."

Hermione smiled. "I think he's a little afraid of sheep."

Ginny laughed. "Poor Neville. But he did give us such a bargain on this cottage."

Hermione nodded. "Let's just wait until its full of rowdy boys, and environmental grafitti artists."

Ginny laughed again. "Same thing."

Hermione looked at her closely. "So. Does Harry know?"

Ginny blushed as red as her hair. "Know what?"

Hermione nodded knowingly. "Ah. Okay, I won't bother you any more today. Let's go herd some sheep."

Ginny shrugged. "It can't be any worse than herding brothers." Hermione laughed.

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