Gorgeous Troubled Boys

By MentallyUnstablexoxo

289K 6.8K 5.8K

We all have secrets. But the question is... What are they? Her father hates her. Her mother's dead. Only opti... More

Chapter 1 - Detention
Chapter 2 - Latimer
Chapter 3 - Feisty Princess
Chapter 5 - I'll Be Your Devil
Chapter 6 - Lick His Chest
Chapter 7 - You're My Devil
Chapter 8 - Act Natural Pt.1
Chapter 9 - Matching SWEATSUITS!
Chapter 10 - 100% Quit
Chapter 11 - Dance with Me
Chapter 12 - Red Fucking Dots
Chapter 13 - Nia Campbell
Chapter 14 - Partner In Crime
Chapter 15 - More Than My Money
Chapter 16 - House Tour
Chapter 17 - Storm, Shut Up
Chapter 18 - I Love-
Chapter 19 - Nick Babe, I Love You
Chapter 20 - Be Nice
Chapter 21 - Positive Pregnancy Tests
Chapter 22 - Fuck Words
Chapter 23 - Double Day Dare or Dare
Chapter 24 - I'll Be Back Soon
Chapter 25 - Arent thunderstorms supposed to be fast
Chapter 26 - Half Siblings
Chapter 27 - Toodles
Chapter 28 - Yellow Light
Chapter 29 - Ella?!
Chapter 30 - Abusive
Chapter 31 - Pop Goes The Weasel
Chapter 32 - I Like Fucking Chris Walker
Chapter 33 Pigs Fly
Chapter 34 - Crowns
Chapter 35 - Kill 'em With Kindness (Phase-1)
Chapter 36 - Heels (Phase-2)
Chapter 37 - I Love You -C (Phase 3)
Chapter 37.5 - I Love You
Chapter 38 - I Hate You
Chapter 39 - Race Car (P1)
Chapyer 40 - Lights Out!
Author's Note
Final Author's Note

Chapter 4 - Ex

8.9K 218 116
By MentallyUnstablexoxo

Chapter 4 - Ex

"Storm!". I quickly jolted up my body covered in sweat, hands shaking.  "Storm!" Knock knock.

"Who the hell is knocking on my door," I yell getting up to open the door. "Oh it's you guys," I say walking back over to my bed. I left the door open so they can let themselves in.

"Good morning to you too sunshine," Sam says walking in sitting on my purple bean bag chair. 

"We come bearing Advil," Nick announces sitting next to me on my bed. "Ooh gimme. I feel like death," I reply reaching for the Advil and bottle of water in Chris' hands.

"Look like it too," Chris replies and I flare at him snatching the water and Advil from him.

"Here," JJ says, handing me a clear water bottle with some greenish, brownish mystery liquid in it. "Hangover juice. Works like a charm," he adds.

Chris sits on my desk while JJ goes and sits on the chair at my desk. "What're you guys doing here at?" I question while swallowing the Advil.

"We're here to show you around campus," Sam says.

"At.." I glance at my alarm clock, "10AM!," I exclaim.

"Yup. Drink the hangover juice and you'll feel better," Chris says. I take a swig and choke on how disgusting it tastes. "Taste like ass," I comment in between coughs.

"Good now get dressed and let's go," Chris says getting up. "Where's your roommate,"  JJ asks as I walk to my wardrobe.

"Uhh some art club or something. Not really sure," I shrug.  Pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans, a red crop top and red and black jacket. I grabbed my makeup bag and shower caddy before going towards the door. "Give me 10 minutes," I yell leaving my room.

After I'm done I walk back into the room to see the guys on their phone and having a light conversation. "Ready boys?" I ask.


We've so far been walking around for an hour and a half. We've visited the library, pool, gym, gift shop and more. We're now walking to town to get lunch at a restaurant Sam swears is the best. As we walk Nick's phone starts to ring and he quickly answers it.

"Hello. Shit. Right now? Yeah I'm with him. Okay, we're on our way. Bye." He quickly shoves the phone back in his pocket and turns to us.

"Me and JJ have to go. Something about our dorm room. We shouldn't be long. Meet you at lunch. Let's go JJ," he says haste. Nick turns around and jogs back with JJ in tow.

"It's like a 10 minute walk from here," Sam says breaking the silence. "Urgh more walking," I whine. What can I say a girl's tired. "Come on," Sam says and I lazily follow behind him and Chris.

"Storm?" A familiar voice calls. Please don't be him. Please. I turn around to see none other than "Adam?". Yeah I should've stayed quiet. I turn back around and attempt to continue walking. I force back the tears in my eyes that threaten to leave.

"Storm wait," he calls. This time me, Chris and Sam all turn around. "What do you want Adam," I say through clenched teeth. I can see Sam and Chris staring at me through my peripheral vision. Why is it that you can never escape your past no matter how far you run.

"Who this," Chris asks with annoyance dripping from his voice.  Adam wasn't alone though. An unfamiliar guy next to him.

"Her boyfriend," Adam retorts, taking a step forward.

"Ex boyfriend," I laugh, putting my hand on his chest pushing him back. "I have nothing to say to you, Adam" I turn back around to walk away but a pair of rough hands latch onto my wrist turning me back.

"Wait let's talk," he pleads.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Chris yells in anger, taking his hands on mine.

As if Adam just realized they're there he asks "who are they."

"None of your fucking business," Sam spits. I've never seen him angry.

"Come on is this about your mom, you can't just push me away because sh-," Adam is soon cut off by my yelling.

"Shut the fuck up for once. You're a prick. We are never gonna happen ever again. Ever. Get that through your thick headed skull," I declared.

"Not what you said last time. Admit it you love me, you've said it before baby," he smirks.

As I was about to respond a fuming Chris interjected. "Who the fuck do you think you are." He's about to take a step forward but I put my hand out stopping him.

"He's not worth it," I say quietly to Chris. He looks at me and shakes his head, taking a step back. Damn honestly didn't think he'd listen.

"Come on babe. I apologized like a million times how many times more do I have to," Adam says. Apologies don't mean shit it you continue to do the same things.

"Yeah well they don't mean shit to me anymore and neither do you," I spit back.

"You always say this, let's just skip the argument and hang out like old times," he says in a soft voice. How many times must you explain something before they listen like is he dumb.

I shake my head and look at Sam and Chris just watching me for my response. They're probably a little confused. Well it's a story for another time.

"I'm hungry and I'm leaving," I say, turning around beginning to walk.

"What about forgiveness. Isn't that what your mom always said. Why don't you ask her. Oh wait-" yeah he didn't get to finish his sentence before I ran back and kneed him in the balls.

Chris and Sam chuckled watching him groan in pain on the floor like a baby.

"Answer is no. Don't talk to me. Ever. I'm hungry. Let's go eat now we're late. Race ya" I say running towards the direction of the restaurant. As I run I wipe the few tears that slip away pushing the rest back.


"There you guys are, wait where are the others," Nick questions as I enter the restaurant.

"Right here," Chris says, entering behind me with JJ.
"Storm ran off and left us," he continues.

"Correction, I raced you guys and I won," I correct. Chris rolled his eyes in response. A waitress led us to a booth and we all sat down. I slid in next to Nick with JJ on the other side of him while Chris and Sam are across from us.

"Want to tell us what the hell that was," Sam questions from across the table tapping his fingers and the wood table.

"What was what?" JJ asks clueless of what happened. I state down at my fingers like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"Storm just kneed her ex. You guys should've seen it. Feisty eh princess," Chris answers for me shooting me a wink.

"Ex?" JJ and Nick question at the same time.

"Hello I'm Sandy, I'll be your waitress for today. What can I get for you guys," a waitress interrupts, placing down water for us. We all give her our orders and she soon leaves.

"Storm," Chris calls out.

"Yeah," I answer.

"Care to share?" He asks. I really just want to leave things in the past. Especially Adam. But I guess I can keep it vague right. Simple and straight to the point.

"Adam is my ex and who we ran into," I say fiddling with my thumbs. I mean is more information really needed.

"We've established that," JJ says.

"Well I don't know what else to say. We dated, broke up, dated and broke up. There's not much to it. He's just a dick," I inform.

I look up from my fingers to see Chris staring at me intensely. I can't read his emotions. He honestly has an on and off switch for emotions. Tears start to well up in my eyes just thinking about the memories of Adam. Ah shit let's not cry.

"I-I gotta um I'm g-go. Washroom," I stutter. You'd think I just learnt how to speak. I stood up abruptly and quickly made my way to the washroom. I was too busy wiping my tears to realize I walked into the handicap one person restroom.

I didn't need to pee. I just needed to take a few deep breaths and clean myself up and that's what I did. When I finished I opened the door to leave but a pair of hands latched on to my waist pushing me back in.

"You good," a deep voice asks. I was too busy looking down at my shoes but I didn't have to look up to know who it was. I recognized the spicy lemon cologne.

"Yeah," I whisper, continuing to look down at my shoes. I mean laces are really interesting so many colours and styles and mine are black. Maybe I should get neon ones.

I felt the warmth and pressure of his pointing finger lift my chin up so I'm staring at him.

"You sure," he whispers. Well time to put my acting skills to the test.

"Yup," I addressed, putting on my happiest smile.
"Let's eat, I'm starving," I laugh, pushing him to the side so I can walk back to our table. Let's hope he bought it.


After eating we all went back to my dorm to chill. I think we're all still exhausted from the party last night and long walk today to do much. Sarah texted me saying she's spending the week with her parents so lucky me.

"Storm, are you going to the costume dance?" Nick asks. Oh yeah did I mention there's a costume dance ball thingy for Halloween.

"I haven't decided yet," I answer.

"Please come. They have the best dances here please," Nick beggs, laying his head down on my lap staring up at me.

"It's hot, sweaty, the music is shit and dressing up is dumb," Chris intervines.

"But the food is the best and there's a costume party," Nick assured. Well I mean school spirit eh. Might be fun to go.

"Okay I'll go," I laugh.

"You got a message from.. Asshole," Chris mentions, looking down at my phone before tossing it at me.

I easily catch my phone and look down before realization comes to mind and I ask "why'd you have my phone?"

Chris being Chris he smirks looking away. I'd like to smack that smirk off his face one day.

"Who's asshole," Sam asks, breaking me out of my brutal thoughts. I look down at my phone to read the long paragraph "Asshole" sent.

"Just my so-called father," I answer monotonously while reading the message. You know how one person can make your mood change so fast.

Asshole: I'm going on a trip with my friends so I'm dropping Noah off with you. He'll be staying with you all week. You're responsible for him. Spoke to the school he'll be excused for a week and your school is okay with him coming to your classes and all. Be ready for him to come tonight at 9pm.

See the thing is my "father" hates me. For no reason. We used to be so close. I was daddy's little girl till I turned about 12. Why? I wish I knew.

"Ugh,"I groan, whipping my phone across the room not caring if it breaks.

"You good?" Sam asks. Am I. No. Will I admit that. No.

I love my brother with all my heart and more than myself but shouldn't a dad be able to take care of his kid and not bail on him all the time. He was gone all summer and random weeks last year. But this time is different. Mom isn't here to help.

"Yup," I answered, popping the 'p'. "My brother is visiting for the week. But I'm expected to take care of him and I have assignments, classes and school work." I groan shoving my face into my pillow.

"We'll help," JJ says. I shot up from my pillow so fast.

"Really?" I question in disbelief.

"Yeah," they all reply simultaneously. I really just need someone to take him during gym and chemistry.

I honestly cringed rereading this chapter but only 3 more to one of my favourite chapters!

This was really just a way to introduce Adam since he'll be needed later.

QOTC: Apple Music or Spotify

AAOTC: For me, Spotify. It's compatible with more things like google home and you don't even need premium to use it.

Bye everyone! Thanks for reading! Xoxo

Yours Truly,
                           Anonymous P💋

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