Mr. nice guy

By Andr0m3d444

117 5 4

The Byers move from Hawkins, Indiana to Derry, Maine in 1985 into a medium sized house. Joyce, Will, Eleven(J... More

Intro/ backstory/ cast
Welcome home
The boys
The day
The Invitations
The party
Not yet...

The birthday

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By Andr0m3d444

October 14, 1985
Nina's POV:

EEEKK! It's my birthday!!! That means everyone's coming down today!!! They headed out yesterday because it's almost an 18 hour drive and Max REFUSED to leave her car in Indiana. Billy's death hit her a lot harder than anyone truly knows. We don't talk about him though. It just brings down the mood for the next week. (Um Chile, anyways SO) I head over to my closet to get ready for today. I grab a white Tokyo shirt that's a little short, black high waisted skinny jeans, brown heels, and a white gray and brown over sized flannel as an over shirt. (That's the exact outfit I am wearing rn. I think I look good in it so I want her in it too. I think I look good, that doesn't happen often!) I put my hair in low pigtails the start off as braids. I decide to ride me skateboard to school because I have yet to turn my heels into heelys. I head into the kitchen for breakfast! Best! Time! Of! The! Damn! Day!!! Joyce made some of my favorite things for breakfast.

We had more strawberries, some dipped in chocolate and others in sugar, chocolate chip waffles, and eggs. Mine had cheese in them because I like mine with cheese in them. Clearly, it's not that hard to realize if I had cheese in them! Whatever, that's just.... huh? Sorry, I have ADHD...

In the mitts of me eating my waffle, both El and Will came in with huge smiles on their faces. It's clear why, everyone's coming down. Max, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Steve, Nancy, Johnathan, I believe Robin and Suzie, and, the most important one of all to me, ERICA!!! She's my best friend out of EVERYONE!!! When summer comes, me and Will have convinced the Sinclair's to come down for entire summer!! Every year!!! Awesome, I know!!! Maybe we can try and get the Wheelers too, as well. Nah, to much? We'll figure it out! I finish up the last of my strawberries before saying "I'm going to head out. Bye!" I grab my book bag and skate board and head down the street. I pass a house and see Stanley, Eddie, Richie, and Bill outside getting on their bikes. I wave while I pass by but only Stanley was paying any attention to his surroundings. He waved back before Richie called him over. I carry on my journey to the school. It's not a journey though, I take this route everyday. Whatever, I'll call it what I'll call it!!! In around 10 more minutes, I'm riding past the kids who have their parents drop them off. Most of those kids are under the age of 7. After the age of 7, most parents in Derry treat you as adults. Except for drinking, they won't let us drink.

Third Pov:

Nina continued her way to her classroom on her skate board. She soon was almost in her classroom, but she didn't get off her board immediately. She stayed on her board until she was fully in the classroom. She then jumped off her board, sending it flying in mid-air that she would catch moments later. Her friends, Jody Oklama and Flynn Amarie, were waiting on their friend on each side of the door with a light pink sash that is clearly meant for younger children but it fits her perfectly because of her small body and dark past and a fake crown with pink fuzz and more purple lettering spelling out 'Happy Birthday'. As soon as she walked through the door, her friends jumped out to wrap the sash around her along with the crown on her head and they screamed "Happy Birthday!" Which she then replied with a sweet and small "Thank you."

The three girls head over to their seats just as one of their other friends, Stanley Uris, walks into the room. He takes his seat when the morning announcements started. In the announcements, they addressed what the school was having for lunch, today's date, if anything school related is happening any time soon, and the birthdays. The birthdays of the day was for Nina and some Kindergartener named Joe Stronce. When the class heard "That will be all for today! Have an amazing day!" They burst out singing the 'Happy birthday song'. Most kids would feel embarrassed by this but, Nina found the sight very enjoyable. She'd never been shown so much affection for it being a specific day. Birthdays confused her a little when she had first moved to Hawkins, Indiana but she now kind of understands them.

She would be having her party for her birthday on the coming Saturday. Mostly everyone she knew from Hawkins was coming down. Well those alive, that is. (I've been thinking about how to finish this paragraph for a WHILE!) Its not likely that ANY of the boy's parents are going to let them stay, but she had to try. It's most likely a yes from Beverly because Nina is a girl and she told her to tell her dad that it was only going to be her, Erica, Jody, and Flynn at the sleepover. Jody and Flynn's parents love her. So much that if she ever needed them to, they would adopt her without a second thought. "Alright kids! Line up, specials!" The teacher yelled. The kids listened and ran to line up. Flynn and Jody were some of the fastest people in the class, excluding Nina. Nina walked into the line but still was right behind the two. Stanley was right behind her so she turned around and smiled her sweet smile. He smiled back right before saying "Happy birthday" in a very soft and sweet tone. Those two words from him may have made her day. She had no clue why, but her friends did. They were giggling up a storm in front of her. When she noticed, she just rolled her eyes with that smile still on her face. It didn't leave during specials, or math, or ELA. It stayed on her face until lunch. When she got to lunch, she sat at her usual spot at the end of the table. She pulled out the watermelon that Joyce packed for her and started to slowly eat it while she stared off into space. Before she knew it, she was in a very familiar place. So dark, gloomy, lonely with little specs that look like ash floating in the air. The upside down. Everything around her was destroyed.

But, she wasn't in Derry Elementary's lunch room. She was back in Hawkins. She was outside the arcade. She was there, but she wasn't. A young Will Byers runs through her body. She can't tell him where to go, yet she tried. She couldn't tell him that Joyce was looking for him, or that Nancy got stuck in the woods only moments earlier, or that he had a funeral for a fake body. Nothing. It was so close to silent. To close. All you could hear is the panting of the tired Byers boy, and a faint yet extremely loud monster growl from afar. She couldn't move either. She tried to run after him, multiple times even. But, just as she was still in the cafeteria, she was still in the upside down. She couldn't. She couldn't scream for him, she couldn't run after him, she could barely breath that air in there. She couldn't do anything. She felt trapped, useless, and alone. She hates feeling alone. The feeling and the look. The look of it only being you, the looks of pity when you're walking home alone, the feeling of having nobody being there to catch you if you fall or having nobody there to talk to.

Everything about being alone creeps her out. Always has. She's never been one for being alone. Back when she lived with Calli and her friends, she shared a room and was never there alone. They would both stay behind when the others would leave because he didn't like that fact that they would kill either. They would play card games while everyone else was out. Very few people there remembered that she was still a little girl. He did, Callie didn't. She saw her as a weapon not to be reckoned with, not her little sister. Every night, she would talk to Nina. Well, at least, that's what everyone thought was going on. What she was really doing was tormenting her. Showing her things that have terrified her forever.

One time, he wanted to see if she wanted to play go fish and so he walked in. Callie made Nina think that he was her father. When he would start to talk, she would see Dr.Brenner talking. She'd hear his voice. She'd see him. It terrified her. It took him a minute to realize what was happening. But when he did, he was angry. Enraged or infuriated, if you will. He started to fuss at Callie for it. That fussing soon turned to yelling. Him yelling caught Callie off guard and her powers stopped. Quit, canceled, what ever you would like to call it. Her powers stopping caused Nina to see that it was him, not Brenner. She was scared. Terrified, petrified, frightened. You call it what you call it but no matter what, she was fearful for her life.

She didn't want to die. She never has. She hoped she never did. They all knew better than that and everyone knew she would want to some day. They all knew that day would come and they hoped it wasn't going to be any time soon. Or that it would come and go very quickly.

She was what people would call an old soul. She loves old music and some old styles. Mostly from the 1950's through the 1960's. Such as a small shirt and a large skirt or a skin tight dress, just loose enough to be comfortable and breathable. She'd never admit it but, she truly loved to dress up. She also loves to create her own type of style and music. "She's like a small, pop open surprise box!" As some people would say a little over a year ago. "She loves to sing, dance, sew, and just to have fun!" That girl they speak of died in the upside down. She was stuck in there for almost a month. All the way from September 27 to October 24. Yes, she spent her eighth birthday in the upside down. She would have most likely been stuck there longer if it wasn't for Erica. Oh, Erica Sinclair. The best friend. If only she knew why Erica even spoke to her in the first place.

Erica had overheard Maxine Mayfield speak of her when she was over one day with Lucas. When she had gone in there to tell him that dinner was almost ready, she overheard Max say "I don't see why she hates me! I didn't do anything! And the way her sister looks at me just makes me want to scream!" She flopped down the bed before asking "What was her name again?" "I don't remember but she's knew. She doesn't know you. Or any one else, for that matter. She might just be scared. Give her a little while, she'll warm up to you." "Lucas, why are you protecting her?" "She's new. Like you were. I made sure you could be in the party at all costs, so I'll do it for her. El's apart of the party just as much as you and I are. Her little sister just needs a chance." " Oh! Is she as much as your girlfriend as I am?!" "Thats not what I was saying!" "It sure sounds like what you wer" Erica finally decided to come out and say "Supper's ready." And just left it at that.

When Maxine had left that night, the youngest of the Sinclair children snuck out to follow her. She was going to El's place for a sleepover. She had grabbed one of Max's things and so she had an alibi if she got caught. She went up to the door and said that Max had left her coat. She didn't truly want to be her friend, she saw her as a challenge.

That would change in time. Will Byers on the other hand, saw her pain and they bonded over that. They both had unforgettable trauma but it brought the closer. Now, there she was. Back in her traumatic place. The upside down. She did the only thing she could think to do, cry.

She was crying in the cafeteria as well. It wasn't long until her friends noticed. Jody started to poke her and ask her if she was okay. That poking turned to violently shaking her until she was out of her trance. As soon as she was fully conscious they started to throw questions at her like it's baseball practice. "Are you okay?!?!!??" They finished in unison. "I'm fine guys. Really. Just some ptsd" "Good because there are a bunch of people who just walked in with cupcakes so I think it's your time to go." Flynn said with a smile. She smiled as well when she turned around to see her friends from Hawkins in the doorway of Derry Elementary's cafeteria with rainbow cupcakes with different colors in each one. Maxine Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington, Mike Wheeler, Robin Buckley, and the Sinclair siblings. That's not all who came down, just all who was at her lunch that day. They loved this girl and wanted to protect her at all costs. Most of them skipped a week of school for this trip and others a week of work. They were committed to their friendship with her. They loved her like a sister. Max was holding the cupcakes while she was wearing her white shirt with (gay) rainbow stripes on it, her blue Jean shorts that are held up by a small light brown belt, her hair held back by her red sunglasses, and her sneakers. Both Sinclair siblings were wearing a new kind of style. Erica had on overalls that almost fully covered her strangely patterned rainbow shirt with puffy sleeves and her black Vans with white stripes. Lucas had a red and blue jacket that was fully zipped up, blue jeans, and yellow, blue, red, and white Nike's on. Dustin hadn't changed. At least, he didn't show that he did. He had on his Star Wars graphic T-shirt, casual jeans, and some sneakers. Nothing new with him. Steve hadn't changed either. Still trying to look like a "Bad Boy". He had on his jeans, a plain shirt, and a leather jacket. Robin almost matched Steve with a black shirt with white stripe across the top, skinny jeans held up with a black and silver belt, wrapped around her waist twice, a bun in her hair, and a beaded necklace around her neck. Mike looked a lot the same, just a little older and longer hair. He'd need a haircut soon probably. He had on a yellow collared shirt with blue stripes going down it, casual jeans, and sneakers. They all waved her to come over to the visitor table in the lunch room.

Jazzy's POV:

Everyone waved me over to come sit with them, which I did gladly. I say bye to everyone at the table and run, literally run, over to them. I sit down and everyone starts talking at the same time. It's not overwhelming, more like calming because this is how it should be. This is how I always want it to be. Erica tackled me as soon as I sat down at the table but then handed me a cupcake and told me Happy birthday. She's been my best friend for a little over a year now.

Around 15-20 minutes later

It's time for cupcakes!!! I grab the gloves and head over to the table. I start at the end because I want to give them the cupcakes first. They're my friends, of course I want to give one to them first.

After passing out the cupcake 'cause I'm l a z y

I head back over to the table and Dustin starts to pick around with me and Erica. He took my cupcake and pretended to eat it. "I swear to god! If you eat my cupcake I will break your arm!" I said, which he didn't take seriously. "You're SO lucky we're in a school! If we weren't here, I'd break your nose! I so with I could give a black eye.." I murmured the last part right before he actually took a bite of my cupcake! (HOW DARE HE DISRESPECT YOU LIKE THAT! SHOW HIM WHO'S BOSS, GURL!!!) I just glared at him and soon enough, he had a dark purple bruise around his eye. Like he had gotten punched there multiple times before someone gave up. He slowly put his hand up to his eye and I was just stuck there in shock. What. The. Fuck. Is. HAPPENING!!!!?!?!???


Authors note

This took me SO LONG so I hope you enjoyed it!!! Don't forget to go check out be friend -KASPBRAKTOZIER 's story and to have an amazing life!!! Loves!


Word count: 2902

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