The Future Awaits (Bucky fema...

By AvEnGeRs_11

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With high school finally finished its time for a treat, but things don't go exactly according to plan. One ni... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
What Story's Should I Wtite Next?
Author's Note

Chapter 1

645 6 13
By AvEnGeRs_11

"Give it up for the graduating class of 1934."

We all stand up in our robes and hats, draping our arms over each other's shoulders. We bow and head off stage into the audience to greet our families.


I turn around just in time to catch my younger siblings in my arms.

"Hey Lily, hey James. How was I?" I ask carefully setting them down on the ground.

"You were amazing!" James exclaims.

"You look beautiful!" Lily exclaims.

For 7 year olds, they really are energetic.

"You never cease to make us proud," my mum says.

I look up and smile, seeing my mum and dad standing over the top of us.

"Hey mum, hey dad," I smile, standing up.

"Come here," my mum says, opening her arms out wide.

She embraces me in a tight hug, along with my dad.

"Y/n, come get your things signed with us," a friend yells from over the sea of people.

"Be right there," I yell back.
"I love you guys. I'll meet you back at home later."

"Not too late though. Remember, curfew is 10," my mum reminds me.

"And no-"

"Boys. Yes I know dad," I chuckle.
"Bye you two. Behave," I say to my siblings, as I rush over to the rest of the class.

I take off my hat and take a pen out from my pocket.

"Hey sexy," a voice says behind me.

I mentally sigh and roll my eyes before turning around.

"Hey Matthew," I say, plastering a fake smile on my face.

"Now come on, n/n. You know you can call me Matty."

"I know and you know you can call me y/n."

"Can I sign that?"

"Go ahead."

I hand the hat and pen over to him for his signature or goodbye message. He hands them back and I thankfully only see a signature. I continue to go around the group exchanging hugs, messages and signatures. Finally I finish up, when I hear deep husky voice from behind me.

"May I sign your hat?"

I turn around and come face to face with a handsome boy that I assume was in my class.
He had short-ish brown hair, with a small fringe off to the side. He had the most charming smile I've ever seen.

"Of course," I say, handing him the hat and pen.

"I hope you have a good rest of the summer holidays," he says smiling, passing my pen and hat back.

"You too," I smile and wave goodbye, then head off towards my car.

I hop in and place my hat on the passenger seat, along with my cloak. I start the car and make my way home. When I arrive I see the twins playing out the front with the neighbours kids; Edward and Elizabeth. "Hey Edward, hey Elizabeth."

"Hi y/n," they wave.

"Lily, James. I'm going to the diner, do you want anything?"

"No thank you."

I head up the stairs onto the porch and let myself inside. The smell of creamy pasta sauce reaches me.

"Are we having pasta for dinner?"

"Yes honey," my mum calls out from the kitchen.

"Mum, I'm just going to put my graduation things in my room then I'm off to the diner."

"Oh ok honey. Are you meeting any friends there?"

"No, just grabbing a treat for graduating."

"That sounds lovely dear-"

"No boys!" My father shouts from the living room.

"Don't worry dad," I call back.

I head upstairs to my room, place my cloak, hat and pen on my bed. Searching around in my closet I finally find a dress a had been saving for special occasions. It's a beautiful knee length, blue sleeveless, polka dot dress. Attached is a black bow around the waist and a second one that ties around the neck.

Smiling, I carefully place it on the bed and search for a pair of shoes. Eventually, I stumble across a nice pair of red shoes with a small heel and matching bow.

I get changed and slip on the shoes. For my hairstyle I decide to go with a side hair flip curled.

People usually don't like h/c's having their hair out, but tonight I don't care. I grab my favourite black bag, fling it over my shoulder and begin to apply makeup.

I lightly tint my eyebrows, add a little bit of mascara and eyeshadow, then some cherry red lipstick.

I head downstairs and I'm met by a huge hug and smile from my mum.

"Darling you look gorgeous."

"You do look stunning, but you'll attract boys!" dad calls out.

"Thanks dad!"

"Darling, don't worry about him. Hang out with whoever you want. As long as they treat you like a queen. Just use protection," she whispers.

"Mum?!" I say shocked.

"Honey, go have fun," she chuckles, shooing me away.
"Remember curfew is 10, but.......since it's a special night....I'll make it 11."

"Thanks mum," I say hugging her.
"I love you guys!" I shout as I hop into my car.

I love my car dearly. My parents had saved up so much money to buy it as a gift for my 16th birthday.

I head off around the block towards the diner. I could've walked, but a girl walking two blocks by herself, on the streets at 7:30pm, is not a good thing. I pull up at Pop's and head inside.

"Hey y/n!"

"Hey Pop, how are ya?" I ask the owner as I take a seat on a stool at the counter.

"I'm doing fine thank you, y/n. How was graduation?"

Pop was the nice old man who ran the dinner, so did generations before him.

"It was absolutely amazing, thanks for asking."

"So, just the usual?"

"Yes please."

As I sit and wait, I realise the dinner is packed with people from graduation. I start subconsciously scanning the crowd, for whom I'm not quite sure.

"Here ya go. One small chocolate milkshake and a small fries."

"Thanks Pop," I say, reaching into my bag to pay the usual.

"Oh, no," he chuckles.
"It's on the house."

"Thank you," I beam.

"So, why were you scanning the crowd before? Looking for anyone?"

"I'm not quite sure. I know I was looking for someone, but I'm not quite sure who or why."

"Oooo, has a boy finally caught the eye of the mysterious y/n y/l/n."

"Hey! Don't act like I've never dated anyone before," I say defensively.

"When was the last time a boy caught your attention, hmmm," he smirks, proving his point.

"Grade 7....."

"See. It's been five years."

I finish my chips and begin finishing my milkshake.

"There was this really polite guy at graduation. We barely even had a proper conversation, it's just.......I can tell he's not like the other guys."

"Well, maybe you'll run into him over the summer break. Have you thought of what you want to do, job wise?"

"I want to continue my passion for science that's for sure."

"Well good luck kiddo."

"Thanks Pop," I say standing up.

The sound of loud laughing averts my attention to three boys outside, apparently drunk.

"Matthew Davese, David Harrington and John Smith back at it again," I sigh.

"Are you gonna be ok getting home?"

"Yeah. I drove."

"Ok, kid. See ya soon."

"See ya Pop."

I grab my bag, swing it over my shoulder and head outside into the humid air. I'm about to step off the path and cross the parking lot to avoid the guys, when I hear one of them whistle.

"Hey baby! Why don't you come over here and show me a good time!" Matthew calls out.

I look over and notice David and John no where to be seen. That's until I turn around and back up a few feet. David and John are standing a few inches from where I was. They end up backing me into an alley wall beside Pop's.

"Come on, don't you want some fun," Matthew whispers, grabbing my waist.

I press myself flat against the wall in an attempt to put distance between us.

"Watch the entrance," Matthew says, as John and David turn their backs to us.

"No, Matthew! Cut it out!" I snap, trying to wriggle free from his grasp.

"Shhhh, baby. It's fine. You can't expect to wear that outfit without drawing attention to yourself now, can you?"

He leans in and goes to place his mouth on my neck, when a loud thump distracts him. We both look over to the entrance and see both John and David out cold on the ground.

"What the fuck," Matthew mutters, walking over to the entrance.

From around the left corner steps a short scrawny guy, maybe a year younger than me. He has a similar hairstyle to the boy from graduation, but blonde.

"Leave her alone!" He demands.

"Did you do this to my friends?!" Matthew asks, anger clear in his tone.

"That would've been me," a figure says from the shadows and lands a solid punch to Matthew's temple, knocking him out cold.

I slowly walk toward the two boys as the second one steps into the light.

"It's you. The nice guy from school who signed my hat," I state amazed.

He chuckles.

"I didn't expect we'd be meeting so soon."

"Neither did I," I smile.

"Oh, this is my best buddy Steve, Steve Rodgers."

"Hey Steve."


"I'm sorry I just realised, I never introduced myself. I'm James, James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky," he says holding out his hand.

"Y/n," I say shaking his and Steve's hands.

"Do you need a lift home ma'am?" Steve asks.

"I'm fine thank you for asking. I drove here."

"At least let us accompany you to your vehicle. It's the least we can do," James suggests.

"Of course."

I cross the path and start to cross the parking lot with the two of them.

"If you don't mind me asking, but how did you get the nickname Bucky?"

He chuckles again. Damn that smile. I love it when he smiles. Wait- what?!

"My full name is James Buchanan Barnes. So Bucky comes from my middle name."

"It's a lovely nickname. Well this is me," I say as we reach the car.

"You have a fine vehicle there, y/n," Steve says in awe.

"Thank you Steve."

"Perhaps we should hang out sometime?" Bucky asks.

"I'd like that," I smile.

"Would you like to exchange numbers?"


He pulls out a pen, carefully grabs my hand and writes his number down. I then give him mine, along with Steve. After Steve gives me his, I hop in my car, wave them both goodbye and head off home. When I arrive home, the porch lights are on and the front door is unlocked.

"I'm home!" I call out as I lock the front door.

"Shhhh, honey. The others are asleep," my mum whispers turning on the kitchen light.

"Sorry," I whisper, taking my shoes off and creeping into the kitchen.

"Any boys?" My mum smirks.

"If you must know, yes."

"Oooo tell me," she whispers excitedly.

"Well, when I was leaving, Matthew, David and John were drunk outside. They cornered me into an alleyway and Matthew tried to force himself onto me-"

"Oh my gosh, honey are you ok?" She whispers worriedly, checking me over for any injuries.

"It's fine mum, but it gets better. So before Matthew could actually do anything, two boys from school came to my rescue. One is a grade younger than me and the other is in my class. The one in my class knocked John and David out, then the other one created a distraction while the one from my class snuck up and knocked Matthew out too."

"Do they have names?"

"The younger one is Steve, the one from my class is James, but everyone calls him Bucky."

"I'm guessing that's their phone numbers on your hand?" My mum smirks.

"Yes......." I blush.
"Oh my gosh, that reminds me."

I rush over to the telephone and dial Steve's number.

"Hello?" A female voice asks.

"Hello, is this the Rogers family?"

"Who's asking?"

"Hi, my name is y/n y/l/n. I'm a friend of Steve's. I was wondering if I could speak to him."

"Oh, of course..........He'll be right down."

"Thank you."

After a few silent moments, Steve answers the phone.


"Hi Steve, it's y/n."

"Oh hey y/n. What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just calling to thank you for helping me before."

"It was nothing. Buck was the one who beat them up."

"But you distracted them."

"True, true."

"Hey, I was wondering if you would like to meet up at the diner tomorrow for breakfast?"

"I'd love to. Can Buck come?"

"Of course, I was just about to ask him."

"Well I'll see you there."

"Bye Steve."

"Bye y/n."

I hang up the phone and start to dial Bucky's number.


A young female, probably 15/16 answers the phone.

"Hi, is this the Barnes family?"

She gasps.

"Oh my gosh, your y/n. James won't stop talking about you. I'm his younger sister, Rebecca. I'm 15," she says excitedly.

I giggle.

"I can tell you and I are going to be great friends Rebecca."

She lets out a soft squeal.

"Oh my gosh, yay! Would you like me to go get him?"

"Yes, I'd love that thank you."

She steps away from the phone and yells,
"James! Your girlfriend's on the phone and she wants to talk to you! He'll be right down," she says calmly into the phone.

"Thanks Rebecca, but just to be clear, we're just friends."

"I'd like to bet Pop's diner you're not. He hasn't stopped smiling since he got home."

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks and I glance at my mum, whose smirking at me and leaning against the kitchen bench.

"Becca! Come. on. give. me. the. phone!" Bucky grunts on the other end of the line.

She giggles then runs off, leaving Bucky free to talk.

"Hey, y/n. Sorry that was my little sister, Rebecca."

I laugh.

"She's quite the character."

"Yeah, but just a heads up, she always finds a way to steal something of everyone's food."

I let out a loud laugh then cover my mouth. Then I hear a low chuckle on the other end of the line.

"So what's up?"

"Oh, yeah, right. I was just calling to say thank you for saving me before."

"Of course. I'm your knight in shining armour."

I giggle, imagining him saluting.

"Also, I just asked Steve and he's up for it, but would you like to have breakfast at Pop's tomorrow?"

"That sounds amazing, but I've got to babysit Rebecca tomorrow," he sighs.

"I'M 15!" She yells out in the background.

I let out a laugh and try not to be too loud.

"She is more than welcome to come along if she wants?"

"I'll ask her. Becca!" He shouts, moving away from the phone.
"You wanna go to Pop's for breakfast tomorrow?!"



"OK, I'LL GO!"

"Well, now there's four of us," he says into the phone.

"Well i guess I'll see you both tomorrow."

"I guess so."

"Bye Buck."

"Bye y/n."

I hang up the phone and see my mum smiling her ass off.

"You better go get some sleep. It sounds like you've got an exciting day planned for tomorrow."

Smiling, I write Steve and Bucky's numbers in the notebook next to the phone. I grab my shoes and run upstairs and into my room. I shut the door, hang my bag over my study chair, place my shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe and my outfit in my washing basket. I slip on some comfortable pyjamas and hop into bed.

As soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall into a deep sleep. I'm awoken by the excitement coursing through my veins and I look at the time on the clock. It's 5:30am. I hop up, tie my hair into a ponytail and search my wardrobe for an outfit.

I end up with sneakers, a grey and black plaid shirt with dark blue denim shorts. Quickly, I grab my brown leather satchel (like from rapunzel),I rush down the hall to the bathroom and splash my face and do my teeth. I get to the top of the stairs, sit on the railing and slide down.

"Bye dad," I smile, giving him a hug before heading to the door.

"What- where are you going? It better not be to meet up with boys."

"I'm meeting up with three friends for breakfast at Pop's."

"Ok, give me one name."

"Rebecca Barnes."

"Barnes?! As in James Barnes' little sister?! No! No! No! No! No! If you hang out with her, you hang out with him! He's the ladies man!"

"Dad, I'm going."


"Bye," I wave and rush out the door to my car.

Starting up the engine, I drive away before he can stop me. The whole way there, I'm laughing so hard about what just happened that I don't even realise I've arrived. As I enter the diner and scan the room, I realise I'm early and set out to find a booth. I spot an empty one near the window towards the back of the left side of the room.

I make a bee line for it and snag it just before anyone else can.

"So, waiting on company?" Pop asks, appearing out of nowhere.

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, never have you once sat in a booth."

"Ok, I'm waiting on three friends of mine."

"Do two of these mystery people include Steve Rogers and James Barnes?"

"How did you know?........"

"I saw you with them out by your car last night. So who's the third person."

"James' little sister, Rebecca."

"Well, I'll leave you to it then," he says and leaves just as the bell at the front door chimes.
I look over and see James, Steve and a tall-ish brunette enter.

"Guys!" I say, standing up and waving them over.

Rebecca is first to greet me by running up and squeezing the living daylights out of me.

"Hello to you too Rebecca," I laugh.

"Sorry," she says stepping back.
"It's just, you're as pretty as James said you were."

I look over to James and cock an eyebrow. He simply chuckles, runs his fingers through his hair and shrugs his shoulders.

"Hey guys," I say giving Bucky and Steve each a hug.

We all take our seats; Buck and I opposite each other and closest to the window, Becca on my left and Steve across from her. Soon after, Pop comes over and we all order our usuals. Steve; a medium strawberry milkshake, a burger and large fries. Becca; a small vanilla milkshake and a medium fries.

Bucky; a large chocolate milkshake with large fries and me; a small chocolate milkshake and small fries. In this single golden moment, we're only kids with not a worry in the world.

"Let's play a game," Becca suggests.
"How about two truths and a lie."

"Ok, I'll go first," I say.
"Hmm......I love science, my middle name is
y/m/n and I have four best friends."

"Oooo, I say the lie is that you have four best friends," Becca states.

"I say it's that your middle name is y/m/n," Steve states.

"I agree with Becca," Bucky says.

"Well, are both correct."

"Ok, my go," Bucky says.
"Ok so, I'm the eldest of four, how you pronounce my middle name is beucannon and I've stolen something before."

"You definitely haven't stolen anything before," I state.

"I agree," Becca says.

"Me too," Steve says.

"Really?! Am I that bad at this game?!"

"Yep. Now time for the professional," Becca smirks.
"I'm 15, I'm in grade 11 and I am y/n's best friend."

"Grade 11," Bucky says without hesitation.

"I say, you're not y/n's best friend," Steve states.

"I agree with Bucky."

"Well, y/n.....big're both correct."

"My go," Steve says.
"I've used a trash lid as a shield, I'm 16 and I've been on a date before."

"I say the trash lid one," I state.

"Me too," Becca says.

"I say that you've never been on a date before," Bucky says.

"As always, Buck you are correct."

"What?!" Becca and I exclaim in disbelief.

"You've never been on a date?!" I ask.


"Ok, thats the aim for this summer. Get Steve a date."

"Do you like anyone," Becca asks intrigued.

"Sorta.......her name's Margaret," Steve whispers.

"MARGARET CARTER!?" Bucky whisper shouts.

"PEGGY?!" Becca and I whisper shout in unison.

"Shhhhhhhhhh," he says hastily.

"I can ask Pop if he can help out. Wait, I've got the perfect idea. Steve trust me Becca and I have Peggy and the date all under control. Bucky, you take care of Steve."

"Ok, ok, but I wanna know if you have a crush?" Steve says turning to Bucky.

"What?! Me?! I'm not quite sure yet."

"The lies," Becca says throwing her hands in the air and leaning back against the booth seat.

"You better shut your mouth, Becca," he mutters pointing a finger at her.

She raises her hands in self defence and the night continues on with jokes and teasing here and there. We got to know each other a little bit more and before we knew it, it was 9:30pm.

"Wait. Have we been here all day?!"

"Yep, it's 9:30," Bucky yawns then stretches.

"9:30! I need to get home or my dad will kill me!"

We all make our way out to the parking lot and exchange hugs and goodbyes. I jump into my car and head home, praying that I won't get into trouble. Luckily, I walk through the door with a minute to spare.

"How was your day with your new friends?" Mum asks.

"It was awesome. Rebecca, Bucky's sister, is so nice. Also, it turns out Bucky and Steve both have a crush on someone. I don't know who Bucky likes, but Steve likes Peggy. So Becca, Bucky and I are helping get them together."

"That's nice dear. Have a good sleep."

"I will, love you."

"I love you too."

I creep upstairs and get changed into a pair of comfortable pyjamas. My bed is nice and warm when I lay down, but just as I'm about to drift off to sleep, a tap on my window distracts me. Probably nothin-tap. Another bir-tap.

It can't be someone, I'm on the second stor-tap. I sigh, put my slippers on and creep over to the window. I pull back the curtains and down on the grass below, is Rebecca. I open the window and hear quiet sobs.

"Becca, are you ok?!"

She shakes her head. Next to my window is a checkered board that runs up the wall that vines grow on. I tell her to climb up it. When she reaches the top I help her inside and get a good look at her face.

Her eyes are puffy and her face is tear stained.

"Oh my gosh, Becca! What happened?!" I whisper shout, embracing her in a tight hug.

"I'm terrified."

"Of what?" I ask, pulling back, I lead her to the bed and sit down.

"Every year, the war recruits people and I'm scared Bucky's going to go to war. I'm scared I'll never see him again."

I embrace her once again in a tight hug.

"It's ok, it's ok. Listen if that ever happens, it probably won't be for another few years. Until then, spend as much time possible with him."

She breaks away.

"Thanks y/n. Sorry for this," she says wiping the tears away.

"Listen, anytime you need to talk like this or just want to hang out, feel free to drop by anytime."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"Oh, by the way. James wants to know wit you want to hang out tomorrow?"

"Of course. Does he know you're here?"

"No. He thinks I'm in the bathroom. Crap I should go then. Thanks again y/n."

"Anytime, Becca."

We exchange one last hug and goodbye before she climbs back out the window and out of sight. I close the window, draw the blinds and finally drift off to sleep.


Oh crap! I jump out of bed and run to the top of the stairs. Down in the kitchen below is Rebecca, Steve, Bucky and my mum. Rebecca was wearing an amazing one piece red swimsuit with white polka dots. She had a plain white beach bag strapped over her shoulder, along with a white and red striped towel draped around her neck.

Steve and Bucky are only in board shorts. Steve with a yellow towel over his shoulder and Bucky with a white one.

"What time is it?!" I call down to my mum, panicking.

"It's only 6:30 dear. You didn't sleep in."

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Ok, well I'll go get dressed."

I rush back into my room and fish out a two piece blue swimsuit. I finish putting sunscreen on then grab my blue and white towel along with my blue and pink thongs. I race downstairs and give my mum a hug and kiss goodbye. We all head outside and I notice their cars aren't here.

"Are we walking?"

"Yes," Becca answers.
"But no one knows where I'm taking you all. So follow me."

For a good 15-20 minutes we all cluelessly follow Becca until we reach the edge of a forest.

"Becca.....I swear if you're gonna murder us, I will dedicate my afterlife to haunting your sorry ass," Bucky accuses, pointing a finger at her.

I can't help but laugh.

"Oh I'll be helping with that."

We venture on through the woods along a worn out trail in the bushes. After another five minutes or so. We come across an old abandoned bridge and below is a small swimming hole.

"Oh hell yeah!" I exclaim, dumping my towel and shoes near the railing and peering over the edge.

"Be careful! Don't fall!" Steve shouts.

"RAWR!" Bucky yells, grabbing my waist from behind and jolting me forwards.

"Son of a-"

"LANGUAGE!" Steve interrupts.

I lightly slap Bucky's shoulder and walk over to Becca.

"Is the water safe to swim in?"

"Yep. When ever I need some space, I come here. The water's about 25/30 feet deep."

"How did it get here?"

"Well, it was just a tiny little creek that used to flow through. Then one day there was a sink hole about 15 meters wide and 25-30 feet deep."

"Wait, that's the sinkhole right there isn't it?!" I say pointing to the swimming hole below us.


"Ohhhhhhhhhh no. No no no no no."

"What's wrong?" Bucky asks.

"This isn't a normal swimming hole, it's a sink hole. How old is it?" I ask, turning to Rebecca.

"Oh, I think 150 years old. Give or take a few years."

"See it's fine," Bucky sighs.


We all look over to see Rebecca jumping off the edge of the bridge, tucked in a ball, into the water below.

"BECCA!" Bucky yells, rushing over.

Steve and I follow close behind only to let out a sigh of relief when we see Becca floating in the water below, flipping us off.

"Oh that's it."

Bucky backs up, then sprints forwards and leaps over the edge of the bridge into the water below.

"Steve! y/n! Come on!" Bucky yells up to us.

Steve cautiously sits on the edge of the bridge and slides off into the water.

"Y/n, come on!" Becca yells.

I'm too scared to look over the edge now. After all it is a 10 foot drop or so. Slowly I make my way over to the edge and peer down at the others.

"Wait where's Ja-"

I feel strong arms wrap around my waist and dangle me over the edge of the bridge.

"Hey doll," he whispers.

Doll? God that name made me feel weak at the knees.

"James Buchanan Barnes! Put me down!"


He lets go of my waist and I plummet towards the water. I hear Bucky's laughs muffle as the cool water rushes way above my head. When I reach the surface, another wave of water rushes over me as Bucky dives in. After a few hours of messing around and letting the water turn our skin to wrinkles we decide to call it a day and head home.

Since my home's closest, I get dropped off first. We exchange hugs and goodbyes and I step inside my house and head to the bathroom to have a shower. Once I'm finished, I get changed into some comfy clothes and check the time. 12:30pm.

I'll see what Rebecca's up to. I walk down stairs, over to the phone and dial the number Bucky gave me. As predicted, Becca answers the phone.


"Hey Becca, it's y/n."

"Oh hey! What's up?!"

"Do you want to hang out and we can plan the date between Steve and Peggy."

"OH MY GOSH, YES!" She squeals into the phone.

"My address is 1942 Fall Avenue (fake address). Meet me here in five."

"Ok, see you soon."

I hang up, grab my car keys and head back outside. After driving three blocks, I pull up at Becca's house. I jog up the front stairs and knock on the front door. Not a moment later it flies open to reveal Becca's beaming face.

"Y/N!" She squeals and hugs me.

"Y/n?!" Bucky calls from inside.

"Hi!" I call back.

"Come on," Becca says, dragging me inside.

She shuts the door and drags me past the lounge room where Bucky is and into a bedroom.


"Nope. She came over to talk to me, not you lover boy." Bucky smirks, as Becca shuts the door. She turns the light on, sits on her bed and pats the spot beside her.

"Ok, so what are we doing?" She asks, crossing her legs.

"So I was thinking a movie, but we don't want this to be like any other date. If it were me I'd probably like a picnic and watch the stars."

"Wow girl. I love your style," she says
high-fiving me.

"Ok outdoor picnic it is."

"Now do you know that old dam on the outskirts of town?"


"Well imagine this; a picnic blanket, candles, sandwiches cans all those types of snacks, also drinks and lollies while looking up at the stars."

"Ok, sounds like a plan."

Suddenly there's a loud thud outside the door.

"What the......"

Rebecca hope up and opens the door to reveal Bucky laying on his back rubbing his head.

"Trying to get some dating tips, lover boy?"


Becca sighs.

"Can I help."


"Can he, Bec?"

"Only 'cause you said so," she sighs, letting him in.

He flips down on the bed next to me as Becca sits back down.

"Now what time?" She asks.

"6:00 tonight. That way they'll get to watch a the sunset as swell," Bucky suggests.

"Oh my gosh, yes big bro!" Becca exclaims.

"Let's go call them."

We hop up and walk out to the lounge room where their telephone is. I dial Peggy's number, hoping she's home.

"Hello?" A female voice answers the phone.

"Hi, is this the Carter residence?"

"May I ask who's asking?"

"Oh, my name's y/n y/l/n. I was wondering if Peggy was home."

"I'll get her.......MARGARET THE PHONES FOR YOU!"

"THANKS MUM! Hello?"

"Hey Peggy, it's y/n."

"Oh hey y/n what's up?"

"Uh, sorry I didn't plan to get this far into the conversation. I didn't think you'd be home."

Peggy starts to laugh and I look at Becca's and she starts to laugh which causes me to laugh. After about a minute or two Bucky's just standing there shaking his head and we finally calm down.

"Ok, ok. Um you know Steve right?"

"Steve Rogers? Yeah he's three grades above me isn't he?"

"Yeah. Well he really likes you and he was wondering if you'd like t-"


"Uh, what sorry?"

"I'd love to go on a date with him."

"Oh my gosh!"

I look at Rebecca and Bucky and nod my head. While they do their little dance, I continue talking to Peggy.

"He's going to be so happy to hear that!"

"So when would he like to meet up?"

"6:00 tonight at the old dam on the outskirts of town. If you leave your address with me, I'll give it to him and he can pick you up then."

"That sounds amazing, but what do I need to wear?"

"Wear something that you are comfortable relaxing in. There will be a surprise waiting for you there."

"Thank you y/n."

"No problem."

I hang up the phone and look at the others.

"I can't believe it she said yes," I exclaim.

"Steve's going on his first date," Bucky exclaims.

"Why are you both celebrating?" Becca asks.
"You've still got to call Steve!"

"Oh, right!"

I grab the phone and quickly dial Steve's number.



"Y/n?! What's wrong?!"

"Guess who's going on a date tonight?"

Oh my gosh. I can barely hold in my excitement.

"Really? He asked you? Congratulations!"

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