Serena's new journey!

By randomamourshi

2.6K 80 30

*ALERT* - This is a sequel to my book "Serena's Sun and Moon" also found here on Wattpad, for more details re... More

My second Princess Key?
We're so close!
New Showcase, old friend!
Time for the Showcase!
Let's do it!
Where to go now?

Spending time together!

301 10 0
By randomamourshi

Serena is on her way to Blackthorn City, place where the next Showcase will be held on.

"Aahh!" she says while yawning.

"Whoa... I think that I'm feeling a little tired..." she thought.

She looks to her side, seeing a forest with a river running not so far from her.

"I think it's a good idea to camp by the river..." She says.

"What do you guys think?" She asks, still looking forward.

"..." She doesn't get an answer.

"Guys?" She asks, puzzled and turning around.

"Oh..." She says while looking a bit disappointed.

"I forgot that I'm travelling alone... again..." She says with clear dissapointment on her face.

"Well... I can't have negative thoughts right now... Let's set up my camp for the night!" She says while putting a smile on her face.

She proceeds to look for a place to set up her tent and look for some berries and spend the night.

She is putting her bag on the ground to start to put up her things.

"It feels... Lonely..." She mumbles while starting to set up her tent.

"I wish that I had someone with me here..." She says.

Something quickly clicks on her mind.

"Yes! That's right! I'm never alone!" She says while grabbing her pokéballs.

"Come on out!" She says while throwing all of her Pokéballs to the air.

"Braixen!" "Pancham!" "Syl!" all of her pokémon say while getting out of their pokéballs.

Milotic hums while also coming out of its pokéball.

Serena smiles happily.

"It's good to see all of you again!" she says, still smilling happily.

All of her pokémon smile happily aswell.

"Could you guys please help me set up the tent and gather some berries to eat?" Serena asks.

"Pancham Pan!" Pancham says while nodding.

"Syl!" Sylveon says while taking off to look for berries.

Milotic nods and follow Sylveon.

Braixen grins while walking towards Serena to help her setting the tent up.

"Thank you!" Serena says while starting to set the tent up.

Pancham starts to help they set it up aswell.

It takes them some time to set it up, but they eventually manage to set it up with little to no struggles.

While they were setting up the tent, Sylveon and Milotic were looking for some berries on the forest nearby.

They are able to find some berries not long after they left.

"Syl!" Sylveon says when arriving.

"Thank you!" Serena says with a big smile.

Sylveon smiles and hand a berry to Serena.

Milotic gives a berry to Pancham.

"Pancham!" Pancham says while grabbing the berry from Milotic.

Milotic smiles and hum.

"Syl?" Sylveon says while turning and looking to Braixen.

It starts to walk to Braixen.

"Syl!" It says while handing a berry to Braixen.

Braixen grabs the berry from Sylveon.

"Braixen Brai!" It says, putting a smile on its face.

"Sylveon!" Sylveon answers with a smile on its face aswell.

They all eat happily together.

Serena looks to her pokémon, which are sitting down next to each other.

She smiles.

"It's been quite awhile since we last ate together, hasn't it?" She asks, smilling.

"Syl?" Sylveon says, puzzled.

"I love you all, thank you..." Serena says, letting a tear run down her face.

Sylveon wraps its ribbon-like feelers around Serena's wrist.

"Sylveon!" It says, with a happy smile on its face.

Pancham, Milotic and Braixen notice what Sylveon and Serena were doing.

"Pancham?" Pancham asks, puzzled.

Milotic tilts its face, curious.

Braixen gets closer to Serena.

"Braixen Brai!" It says while hugging Serena.

Pancham and Milotic understand what's going on.

"Pancham Pan!" Pancham says while getting up and running towards Serena.

Milotic also gets closer to Serena.

Pancham and Milotic join the hug.

"Thank you guys..." Serena says while hugging everyone back.

They all let go of the hug at the same time.

"Why don't you guys spend the night with me today?" Serena asks.

All of her pokémon nod simultaneously. 

Serena smiles.

"It's getting late... Let's go to  sleep..." She says.

Everyone smile.

She smiles back.

Serena enters the tent and lay down.

Pancham, Braixen, Milotic and Sylveon also enter the tent and lay down next to her.

"I can't thank you enough, guys..." Serena says.

"We can't thank you enough aswell..." Milotic answers.

"We're going to do this, together... As always..." Serena says with glittering eyes.

Everyone smile with both happiness and determination.

Eventually, they all fall asleep.

Serena started dreaming.

In her dream, she sees a beautiful view, with the ocean and an island in her sight.

"Wow... What a beautiful view..." She says with great admiration.

She takes a deep breath and feels the fresh air surrounding her.

"This is a paradise!" She exclaims with a big smile.

She keeps looking to the view for quite sometime.

Suddenly, she hears something on a distance.

"The zenith..." a voice exclaims on a distance.

"Huh?" Serena says while turning to look at the voice.

"Who is he?" She asks to herself.

She is clearly puzzled.

"... of my mind, of body and spirit!" the boy says.

"Is that something like... that other girl that saw the other day?" Serena asks to herself.

"Like the great mountain of Akala..." the boy exclaims.

Serena looks at the boy's pokémon.

"What kind of pokémon is that?" she thinks.

She tries to get her pokédex, but with no success.

"Become a raging fire and burn!"  the boy exclaims once again.

Serena looks at the boy once again.

"Use Inferno Overdrive!" the boy shouts with fierce in his voice.

"Turto!" The boy's pokémon say while appearing to charge its move.

Serena is curious.

Suddenly, the pokémon turn to Serena and fire its move.

Serena puts both her arms in front of her, fearing being hit by the move.

She wakes up, scared.

"What was that?" She mumbles to herself.

She looks to her pokémon, which are still sleeping peacefully.

She takes a quick glance outside, seeing that it was almost morning already.

"I have no time for that... But that felt like it was the same kind of thing I dreamt the other day..." she thinks.

She gets up, leave the tent and start to search for some berries to have breakfast with all of her pokémon.

But she is not able to shake off the thought of her dream.

"What was that? And why did that pokémon attack me?" she thinks.

She is clearly worried.

But then she remembers what her goal is.

"I want to become the Johto Queen right now... And after that I'll become the Kalos Queen, that's what I want... I can't be this worried about that..." She mumbles to herself.

She then has a quick flashback to a moment she had with Ash.

She is left a bit speechless.

"And for that too..." She whispers while blushing lightly.

By that time she had already collected some berries, so she decided to come back to the camp, where all of her pokémon were sleeping.

When she arrives at the camp, she sees all of her pokémon waiting for her, worried.

She gasps for a quick moment, but then smile.

"And for them, of course!" she thought.

"Here, I grab some berries for us!" she says while smilling.

All of her pokémon smile back.

They sit down and start to eat.

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