duodécima luna. [a stiles fan...

By ferriisbueller

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The first time Stiles saw her, he broke a vending machine. soulmate au. // © MNKBYB 2020 © More



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By ferriisbueller

"Trust you?" Noah said, making his son remember what had landed them in the picky situation of him no longer being a sheriff and therefore, unable to just waltz into the station on the basis of 'trusting him.'

"Trust... Scott?" Stiles offered, pointing at his best friend.

"You mean the other person who helped you steal a police vehicle and lock up the son of an influential member of the community?" Noah asked. "No, I want Violeta."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen." Stiles said, snapping his fingers as his mind flashed back to her arm, to what the tattoo actually was, to what it meant...

But once again, he can't deal with that. He can't go and see her like he wanted to after Scott sobered him up and he could think clearly and see how freaking FANTASTIC this was because, yet again, there some supernatural problem he head to deal with. He honestly couldn't care about finding Lydia or the rest of the people at the party. He needed to see Violeta. 


His Violeta. 

He was already hers... but somehow, it had actually worked out that she was his, all his. 


She was his.

But Matt had been thrown into a pool. So of course Stiles couldn't go and see her, couldn't go and kiss her and try to confess and apologise and tell her all that he was feeling. He couldn't because supernatural business just had to get in the way once more. 

"Why?" His father asked, bringing Stiles back to the problem at hand. "Look, you always apologise—"

"I know dad!" Stiles snapped, not expecting it to come out as harsh. But it did. It did because he couldn't believe he had to put this aside and get his dad to listen and he wasn't listening but he had to because the sooner all of this got solved meant the sooner he could find Violeta and have it all play out like he'd always imagined.

"I'm sorry," Stiles apologised. "It's, uh, it's complicated."

"You guys fight?" Noah asked.

"Something like that." Stiles said, refusing to look at anyone. "So please drop it. The sooner we can deal with Matt, the sooner I can go find her and make things right." He said, mainly to himself, reassuring himself.

"Okay." Noah said, seeing how important this was for his son. "We'll go to the station." He said. Stiles' eyes lit up and Noah smiled at his son, glad to see the case had taken some of the edge off.

They arrived and scanned the hospital cameras first. Noah ignored all of Stiles' claims to try and prove it was Matt on the basis of the back of his head and that he wore a leather jacket. Finally, Melissa McCall provided a testimony and the ball began rolling from there.

"Stiles, go to the front desk and tell them to let Melissa McCall in when she gets here." Noah ordered. Stiles all but jumped over Scott as he rushed to the front desk.

Although at the front desk Stiles didn't find the deputy sitting, typing on the computer. Instead found her on the ground, her chest ripped to shred and blood pooling around her. He blinked, seeing the badge and knowing just who this lady was.

Boyd's mother. 

Boyd's mother was staring up at the ceiling, life no longer in her eyes. Her hand was on the wound still, blood having bled onto her uniform, onto her hands, onto the ground around her... where she lay dead. 

Panic rising, Stiles turned around to alert Scott the kanima was here, that there was a dead body, that they were no longer safe -- to call Violeta immediately. And that was when he turned to come face to face with the gun pointing at him right between his two brown eyes.


"It hurts... but do remember he was under the influence of wolfsbane."

Violeta crossed her arms and looked out the window. Promptly leaving the party in her bare feet, ditching the heels at the doorstep, she couldn't even see straight from the tears blurring her vision. She had actually found herself getting dizzy from how hard they came. The hot tears that you feel force themselves out. Those painful tears.

Violeta couldn't handle it anymore.

She woke up to trees flashing by her in the night sky and the emissary humming under his breath beside her. She was in a car and Dr. Deaton explained to her that Lydia Martin had brought Peter, the former alpha before Derek, to life.

"Knew she was a bitch." Violeta said. It was when Deaton glanced at her that she realised she'd said it in Spanish. He said nothing, not knowing much Spanish but probably aware what 'puta' meant. He continued on to explain his theories about Gerard and having a plan.

"I've known Gerard a long time." The emissary said. Violeta rolled her eyes and adjusted herself. "He's always up to something."

"He's a creepy old white man." Violeta said. "What did you expect?"

"And knowing the Rodriguez line," Deaton continued with that creepy smile of his, "I expect that you're up to something also."

Violeta's response was a prompt, "Suck a dick and fuck off."

Deaton gave her an unimpressed look as they arrived at Derek's hideout. Before he got out of the car, he informed her there was a pair of sneakers in the back. She turned around and was slightly astounded to see a pair of black and white Vans with the old school stripe; the only type of Vans she wore. She pulled them on and pulled down the mirror. "Merda." She said, seeing the make up running down her face.

Opening the glove compartment, she searched for something to clean her face. There was nothing but CD's and the car registration. Moving to see if there was anything in the back, she came up with nothing. Sighing, she opened the door and moved to walk into the rundown train stop.

"I need to find Scott." Derek said, speaking to Deaton. She ignored them as she went to the small bathroom in the corner and began washing her face. She found a towel and dried her face as she walked back out.

"Oi, Vi!" Derek called out, "where were you last night?" He crossed his arms, clearly unimpressed with how she had dealt with things... or didn't deal with things. 

"Derek." Deaton said, a slight warn in his voice. 

This only spurned Derek more. "If you're supposed to keep the balance, tell me what you're gong to do about someone coming back from the dead." Violeta kept silent as she let the alpha rant on; it was understandable that he would be... agitated about what had happened with Peter. "Silent treatment? Seriously?"

"Derek." Deaton tried once more, extra emphasis in his voice. 

"No! Where the fuck were you Violeta!?"

"Being rejected by my soulmate." She answered, her face impassive and her voice sounding, well, dead. Derek's eyes grew and he immediately thought of the scrawny boy who was practically heart eyes whenever she was even mentioned.

"H-How?" Derek asked, unable to think how someone like Stiles Stilinski could refused Violeta Rodriguez. He noted the different clothes she was wearing, most likely coming from Lydia's party, and wondered how Stiles could at least not be attracted to that.

"Oh he ran off when I told him the good news!" She said, throwing the towel to the side. "Now, if you two don't mind, I have to find Allison."

"What? Why?" Derek asked, taken aback. Shouldn't the first course of action be to find Peter and put him back in the ground?

"Her mother died."

"Yeah? So. I need Scott." Derek said. "Peter—"

"—came back from the dead. I know. Boy wonder over there told me." Violeta said, gesturing to Deaton. "Did you know he's known Gerard for a long time? You know, the old white dude who's creepy as fuck, probably gets off to little girls or some shit." Derek could feel the misery within her and knew better than to take her brash behaviour as nothing more than a coping mechanism. "Tell me, if he's got an emotionally vulnerable teenage girl tied up to the werewolf business... would he abuse that?" She rocked on the back of her heels. "Now if you two are done being all dramatic, I have to go stop white men from ruining the lives of teen girls."


Scott had finished shredding all the paper evidence as Stiles worked to delete all the evidence stored on the computer. Once the bar came up that all files had been deleted, he spoke up. "And we're done. Alright, so, Matt, since all the people you brutally murdered deserved it because they killed you first— or whatever that means... we're good here, right? I'll just get my dad and we'll go. You know you continue on the whole vengeance thing. Enjoy the kanima."

A car arrived at the station parking lot. Everyone turned to the window where the car lights shone through. Matt looked at Scott who knew exactly what this meant. As the teenager begged to let his mother go, promising to tell her to leave, they all heard the station door open.

Threatening them, Matt held out his gun as two duo stood there, waiting for Melissa McCall to enter. However, Scott opened the door to find Derek Hale stood there.

"Oh thank God." Scott breathed in relief.

The alpha then fell forward, paralysed as Jackson stood behind him.

"Really? This is the one controlling him? This kid?" Derek said, staring at the teenager who leaned over him.

"Well, Derek, not every's lucky to be a big bad werewolf." Matt bitterly got out. "Oh that's right I've learnt a few things. Werewolves, hunters, kanimas. It's a like a freaking halloween party every full moon." Then Matt's eyes landed on the human. "Except you Stiles. What do you turn into?"

"Abominable snow man." Was the sarcastic reply. "But you know it's more of like a winter time thing. You know, seasonal."



"This is why you wanted me to go home." Allison said when she saw the girl in the doorway of her room.

"Your parents came to me as soon as your mother was..." Violeta said, making Allison frown.

"My mother killed herself."

"She did."

"My dad wasn't home when she did it."

"That I didn't know." Violeta said, moving to come into her room. "All I know is that I don't trust anyone in this house but maybe you... and well maybe your dad. He seems somewhat okay...ish."

"What happened?" Allison asked, a fresh wave of tears coming as her lip trembled.

"I came home from school upset because the boy I'm in love with doesn't feel the same way about me." Allison's eyes widened and Violeta gave her a weak smile. "Figured I should admit it since it does hurt so much. I mean, fuck, you're right. I stayed home the entire day, felt sorry for myself and ate way too much chocolate ice-cream until night came and your parents arrived on my door step. Your father said I was his only hope. Your mother had a bite on her shoulder. To be honest, I still don't know how it happened. All I know is that we had arrived at an impasse with your family's code." Violeta explained. "I gave her some tea to ease the pain caused from changes in her body but that was all I could do at that point."

"... What family code?"

"If a hunter is bitten, that hunter is no longer is allowed to live." Violeta explained. "Hence why I don't like your grandfather. Like I said, I think her's a total fucking dick." Allison looked down, playing with her hands as Violeta came and sat down on the bed. "Which is why I'm here. I'm not gonna say I'm sorry or offer condolences because all of that shit is meaningless. All I'm gonna say is that you have gone through a lot with Scott and the conflicting sides in your life. I know, without a doubt, this event, and your emotional state, you'll be taken advantage of. I don't want to see you lose yourself to pain or anger or vengeance."

"Derek killed my mother." Allison spoke, her voice calm. That slightly unnerved Violeta. 

"Derek Hale was not present at the moment of your mother's death." She said. "I'm not defending him. I'm stating a fact. Keep that in mind if people twist—" Violeta coughed and fell forward when she felt a rush of dizziness go through her.


Blinking, she knew that she had to find him. Right now. No matter what, she still needed ot protect him. He was always number one. He would always be. 

Standing up she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Derek had gone to the station after Deaton said him and Stiles were there.

"Are you okay?" Allison asked, watching Violeta stumbled and lose her balance.

"Stiles." She said. "I need to get to Stiles." Was all she said. She opened her eyes and gave Allison a sad look. "Please, Allison. I'm begging you."


"Please... don't lose yourself."

With that, Violeta spun and ducked out of the room. She took the stairs two at a time, ignoring whatever bullshit the old man called out to her and dashed out the Argent front door.


Matt stared at Stiles, unamused by the sarcastic comment offered. He gestured to Jackson. Half shifted, Jackson swiped with his left, shifted claw of a hand and Stiles fell forward, paralysed, and landed on top of Derek.

"Bitch." The teenager cursed.

"Get him off of me." Derek seethed.

"Oh, I don't know? You two make a pretty cute couple." Matt teased. Then he looked faraway and thought about it, "You know I'm still not sure how you and McCall do it. He's got Allison and you've got that lovely little Spanish one. Violeta."

Stiles turned his eyes towards Matt, fiery hatred shining through them.

"I mean, what do you have that I don't? What makes you so special to Violeta Rodriguez." Matt said, coming down to lean in to Stiles. He patted the teenagers face and tutted. Matt then stood up and looked back at McCall.

"I get to decide who lives and dies! I'm practically a God! Tell me Stilinski, what's that in Spanish?"

"Vete a la verga culero." Stiles said. Matt sighed, knowing too well that he'd just been insulted. He brought his foot forward and pressed it against Stiles' windpipe. Scott rushed forward but Matt raised the gun. He finally let go when the flashing of another set of car lights stole his attention. He brought his foot off Stiles' neck and barked out some orders.

Melissa McCall never thought she'd see this.

Her son, Scott, with a gun aimed at his forehead as he was quick to tell her everything would okay because he promised to not hurt her. But Matt never made the same promise to Scott. Therefore, Melissa McCall witnessed her son get shot in the lower abdomen. A few screams and shouts later, Melissa was chained up in the jail cell beside Noah Stilinski. No one could talk reason to Matt. He was far beyond reason, telling everyone to shut up or he'd shoot.

It was then that Matt finally revealed why he was doing this.

The bestiary.

He needed the bestiary.

"I don't have it, it's Gerard's." Scott said.

"Well someone has to have answers!" Matt said.

"For what?"

Matt stared at the werewolf then huffed and pulled up his shirt. "For this." On the side of his stomach was a pattern similar to that of the kanima's. Stiles and Derek shared a look on the ground. Matt lowered his shirt then left the room as the werewolf of the floor breathed out a name.

"Violeta." Stiles blinked at the name and wished to be able to look at the werewolf laying beside to see why Derek said her name.

"What?" Matt asked. Then again demanded more firmly. "What?!" Then he waved his gun around as it suddenly clicked into place. "Of course! Of course! She's in this too! Isn't she? She's a part of the supernatural freak show you guys have going around!"

Stiles felt his chest rise and fall a lot quicker as Matt approached him once more and stood above him. He lowered the gun so that it was aimed at Stiles' face once more.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know." Stiles rushed out the same time Scott began shouting at Matt to stop.

"Not good enough." Matt said.

"We haven't seen her!" Scott screamed. "Matt! Don't do this! Please! Stiles doesn't know where she is."

"Tell me what's God again in Spanish, Stiles?" Matt asked as he put his finger on the trigger.

"El Chapo, puta madre." Matt turned around just in time for Violeta's fist to connect with the side of his face. He fell back and struggled to right himself to aim the gun at her. With it now securely targeted at her, Stiles called out to her.

She laughed.

"You must have forgotten where I'm from." She said as she grabbed his gun and spun around. She wrenched it out of his grasp and delivered a swift kick to his stomach in the process. As she stepped back, she immediately began unloading it and dismantling it the same way Stiles had seen her do in Carlos' shop. 

He wanted to cry. 

Seeing her made tears actually well up. He felt the air rush out of him, the relief was over him. If Violeta was here... Matt could be stopped. There was nothing she couldn't do. She could fix everything... it was Violeta. If she was around... there was nothing that could make Stiles feel unsafe. They could be tied to a chair with bombs strapped, about to detonate and he would probably be smiling at her... because it would they. Plural. Him and her. Together, who was a random kid with a kanima?

As evident with how Matt roared in anger at her and charged, but Violeta ducked and used his momentum to grab his legs and throw him over her crouched form. She looked at the teenage boy who laid on the ground, groaning. With that tired lapse, she looked at Derek and Stiles on the ground. She reached behind her skirt to pull out a knife. Stiles idly noted how it was still the same skirt that she wore to Lydia's and how good she looked in it. 

Violeta raised an eyebrow at Derek who noddded. Leaning down, she swiftly dug it into his leg. The werewolf yelled at the pain.

"Heal up alpha. I haven't seen Jackson around." Violeta said. Stiles couldn't move his head, only his eyes. He kept them trailed on Violeta, hoping she would finally meet his eyes. She didn't. He called out her name. She didn't even glance at him.

"Scott, move Stiles to a safe place." Violeta instead commanded, standing up and circling the groaning Matt on the floor. Scott rushed to do so, "The Argents are coming soon and I don't want to deal with their ridiculous revenge bullshit right now."

"Revenge?" Stiles asked as he was hauled up by Scott. Violeta looked at the werewolf alpha on the ground who could now move his feet.

"I don't know how she was bitten but there isn't many options as to who would do it." She gave Derek a pointed look who glared at her. "But we can't deal with that now. Just prepare yourself because I have a feeling Allison might've been persuaded."

Scott couldn't ask because Matt had stood up and had to get his friend out of safety. Stiles hated being paralysed. He hated it not only because it put him in such a vulnerable position, but because he couldn't even lift his head to look back at Violeta.

Violeta moved and grabbed Matt by the neck and Derek watched in awe as Violeta displayed superhuman strength, lifting him up into the air. His feet dangled as Matt's face turned the same shade of blue he'd made Stiles' suffer.

"If you dare as hurt Stiles Stilinski ever again, I will ensure your swift delivery to the doors of hell." Derek stared at the mad look on Violeta's features. He never thought he would ever see her kind display such hostility. Even when the Mikaelson clan went up to their shenanigans, it was all the approach of some Dalai Lama peace approach. This? This had Derek feeling like crouching at the sheer power he felt emanating from her. 

Violeta dropped her hand and Matt fell to the ground, gasping for air. Seeing her reaction about Stiles getting hurt, Derek slowly began to believe in the whole soulmate business.

"Why do you care so much for him?" Matt said. "He's just a human."

"No..." Violeta said, a smile coming onto her face. "He's Batman."

"His father." Derek spoke up, knowing that Stiles' dad would be important to her because it was Stiles' dad. "Stiles' dad and Scott's mother are locked up."

Violeta looked down at Matt and her jaw set. "Very well." With that, moved her hand and Matt saw a gold flare appear by his hands. He shuffled back as the flare darted to the left, moving around him. He saw it spin around, unable to follow it as it went around and came back to the front where it joined up, making a circle.

"You're think you're god." She laughed when said the word, coming down to grab the back of his neck. "You're a fucked up kid who was probably not disciplined enough." With that she stood up and delivered a resounding twack of a back hand slap. She glanced at Derek who looked visibly more mobile. Perhaps a few minutes away from being able to fully move.

"When he can move, it'll break."

"What will?" Matt asked. Violeta smirked at him and stood up. Matt's answer came in the form of him trying to stand up but found the barrier preventing him from moving. He blinked and tried to stretch his hand past the gold and realised he was unable to move beyond the space allowed to him.

Derek grinned. Only a matter of time before he could move and kill that son of a bitch.

However when he saw that Violeta about to leave, Derek called out to her. "It was self-defence!" The girl paused and stopped to look at him. "Her mother was killing Scott for being with Allison. I heard his howl. I rushed to save him."

With that information, Violeta's hands balled into fists as she grimly nodded and moved along, needing to focus at the issue at hand. To prioritise. That was one thing abuela kept harping on. To think Violeta would sleep through those lectures because she never imagined there to be so much supernatural business. And yet here she was, with a long ass to do list of things to cross off. 

She marched into the rooms that held the jail cell. She found Noah tugging some hand-cuffs that held him to the wall and Melissa pacing around, freaking out behind bars.

"Violeta!" The woman called when she saw the Spanish girl. Noah stopped and felt relief when he saw his partner stood there. Yes, partner. To him, that teenage girl there was the partner he, as once Sheriff, could and will be able to count on.

"Matt's under control. I'm still trying to find... his accomplice." She said, unsure if they knew about about Jackson.

"Accomplice?" Noah asked as Violeta came forward. She looked at the cuffs and willed the bricks apart as the cuffs fell free from the wall. He blinked in shock as his hand was now free.

"Jackson Whittemore," she spoke, dragging his attention away from the slip up that could cause future problems that, well, she didn't really care about in this moment. "By the way, this whole thing shows why there needs to be stricter gun laws." As she said that, the lights in the station all immediately cut off as the sirens and back up light sources went off.

Then, gun fire.

The Argents had arrived.

However, Violeta didn't think they'd be so stupid as to open fire without having eyes on specific targets. Allowing the handcuffs to break off the wall was one thing but stop this, now, knowing the mother and father stood in the room did not know about the supernatural and everyone had struggled to keep them in the dark... the decision was a lot harder to make.

Then she heard a scream that could've only belonged to Stiles Stilinski.

Without thinking any further, she slammed her palms down on the ground, allowing the ripple to surge through them. A blue haze flowed from her position and spread out, covering the floor and crawling over the furniture and then up the walls. It coated every section of the station, rising up until it hit the ceiling.

She then dipped and ran to the direction of the scream.

Running through the station, she saw Scott on the ground. It was then that she saw a bomb had managed to get through before her shield went up. Just as it detonated, she flicked her wrist and controlled the air surrounding the tear gas, sending it up it a ripped and out the window to where she felt the auras of human men. She ducked and called out to Scott, telling him to move his ass. The werewolf scrambled up after her and they began running.

"Where's Stiles?" She demanded. Scott told him the room he hand moved him to and she sprinted towards it.

She found the boy on the ground, having fallen out of the chair Scott must've put him in. She lifted up his face and Stiles freaked but relaxed upon seeing him. "Violeta..." He breathed, his heart swelling, seeing her there, her hands on his face.

"We need to get you moving." She said, straining to keep her voice normal and not dwell on the other... context surrounding the situation right now. Those problems could wait and while he might not— she still did and she wouldn't be able to do anything if he was in harms way.

"You're, uh, you're not gonna like this." She said, knowing this would only break her even more. Stiles frowned and then his eyebrows shot up when Violeta leaned forward and pressed her lips on his.

She only realised it had worked when hands had come to cup her face. She opened the eyes she'd closed when she leaned in and saw Stiles' own closed. She pulled back and saw that he could now lean up... having apparently leaned up to kiss her.

"Okay you're good to go." She rushed out and turned around. Stiles scrambled up out his seat after her.

"Wait, wait, Vio!" Stiles said, running after her as she dashed down the hallway.

"Not now Stiles." She said. "I have stop a sixteen year old from killing people." If there ever was an excuse to escape teen drama, it was that. 

With that, she wrenched her hand from his and dashed to where she heard the sequel of the kanima. Stiles sighed and knew he was going to have think of one hell of an apology.

Violeta, on the other hand, didn't think at all when she tackled Matt away from Allison. The girl was on the ground, paralysed and dressed in all back with a knife by her side. Violeta had only managed to catch the if I can't have you then no one can part of Matt's spiel when she jumped and grabbed him by the middle. They landed close and Violeta moved to position herself above him to began delivering punch after punch onto the teenage boy who'd been corrupted with power.

"You can't kill whoever you want!"

She delivered a punch.

"You can't have any girl you want!"

She delivered a punch.

"Especially if she says no!"

She delivered a punch.

Allison glanced over and saw Violeta punching Matt until he fell unconscious, screaming in Spanish as she did so. When she saw done, Violeta was heaving heavy breaths. She moved off Matt and sat there, breathing as blood trickled from her knuckles. She met eyes with something behind Allison and the girl shifted her eyes to se her father approaching.

"I see the whole don't lose yourself didn't work." Violeta said dryly. She pushed herself up. "You're not going to kill Derek. He bit your mother in self-defence. She was killing Scott."

She watched the younger girl's reaction, seeing the shock flash through her eyes. "Derek Hale is scared. He's a new alpha and doesn't know what to do. The last thing he wants to do is actively wage war with hunters who do know what to do." Seeing that Allison was safe with her father, she rolled her shoulders back. "Go home and mourn. Leave the kanima and Matt."

"I can't do that." Chris said. "You know I can't."

Violeta blew a raspberry, hearing the undertones. Fucking Gerard. She shook her head. "Take Matt. He's human and I'm curious to see how your code deals with that."

"No." Allison spoke up. "Jackson is the kanima. Derek's a werewolf. They're the monsters."

"I'm sorry, who was threatening you moments before with stalker-ish ways, claiming that if he couldn't have you then no one could?" Violeta asked. "That sounds more like a monster. Jackson was used as a tool by a boy who didn't abide by the laws of balance and I'll bet..." she moved back to where he lay unconscious. She lifted up his shirt and both Argents saw the scaly skin. "If you break the rules of the kanima, you become the kanima." She said. "Maybe that will be Gerard's excuse when he kills him." Her eyes landed on Allison and saw the rage on her face.

Violeta snorted and rolled her eyes.

"If you'll excuse me, I have more important shit to deal with." Then Violeta staggered her way out of the store room. She took a steading breath, trying to process everything that was happening when she heard the howls and screams. With a defeated sigh, she made her way to the holding cells and found both Scott and Derek in full wolf forms, fighting the kanima. Noah was on the ground, unconscious and Stiles was with him.

And Melissa McCall had shrunken away from the bars, having just witnessed the truth. Violeta spied the open windows and moved both her hands, spinning her wrists to manipulate the air around the kanima. With a flick, she sent it spinning out the window. Derek and Scott turned to look at her and she shook her head.

"Too many innocents have been hurt. You want to chase after it, do it outside." She said, realising that she had pretty much asked them to take the fight outside. Derek did so, panting and jumping out after it. Scott shifted back and looked at his mother who had stepped as far back into the cell as she would allow. When Scott took a step froward she flinched and began saying, "No, no, no, no." repeating it over and over. Violeta's face became downturned.

"I got her." She said, moving to where she knew the spare, hidden set of keys were kept behind an overturned shelf. "Scott, can you please help Stiles take Noah out of here." Scott stared at his mother, tears in his eyes at the open rejection.


The werewolf immediately snapped his head at her, never before hearing that one. It was as if an alpha had commanded him... but was stronger than that. It wasn't just that he had to obey, he needed to obey this voice, he wanted to otherwise... he wasn't sure what.

He didn't think about it any longer as he helped his friend up and put an arm around his friend's dad. He glanced back and saw Violeta speaking in a calm tone to Melissa who was crying and screaming.

The events of the evening had definitely not gone as he had intended. All he had wanted was to go to Lydia's party and enjoy himself beyond the supernatural drama. Maybe even take Stiles' advice and reconcile with Allison.

Instead, people were dead, the station ripped apart, all evidence lost, his mother knew he was a werewolf and the kanima was still on the loose.

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