duodécima luna. [a stiles fan...

By ferriisbueller

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The first time Stiles saw her, he broke a vending machine. soulmate au. // © MNKBYB 2020 © More



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By ferriisbueller

Violeta Rodriguez was wearing heels.

Why was Violeta Rodriguez wearing heels? That is a good question. To understand that one must go back a few hours where the girl had found herself walking up the steps to Beacon Hills High, hood up and a clear fuck off aura radiating off her once again.

She walked, not expecting to see many people since it was the last day and school finished early. Certainly none of the crew was here. The only reason she had come was because Allison Argent's mother was dying.


The girl didn't stop walking as she continued her search of the hunter. Scott McCall jumped over the railing and dash to meet up with her. "Where were you last night? We needed you." He asked, putting a hand on her shoulder as he tried to get her to slow down.

Grabbing his hand, she spun it around until she heard the effective pop and pushed him down on the ground. "Do not mess with me today, McCall. I'm not in the mood."

"Woah!" Scott said, nursing his hand. "I only wanted to check up on you."

"Why the fuck are you checking up on me?" She seethed. "We're not friends."

"I thought..." Scott frowned. "... Is this about Stiles?" He asked as he stood up.

Violeta punched him in the face.

Even through her punch sent him to the ground, broke his nose and made blood spill from it, he still smiled. Granted, he was grabbing his broken nose with a healing dislocated arm he had just popped back but he was overjoyed.

"It is!" Scott said, trying to stand up again... and maintain a safe distance. "Allison told me you ran off after finding out he gave the ticket to Lydia." Violeta stared at him. She huffed and stalked forward. Scott took a hesitant step back but she only outstretched her hand to his face. Thinking she would heal his nose or something, he let her hand touch him.

Then he buckled to his knees and grabbed his chest. He felt his defences shoot up, his eyes flash gold and teeth bare as it pulsated at his chest. It was as if someone had ripped open his chest, grabbed his heart and dug their claws into it. Squeezed it.

God, he would've rather they tore it out of his chest.

"Don't pretend that you know anything when you don't." Violeta said.

"What are you talking about? What was that?" He asked, panting. He had never ever felt pain like that. What's more, he wasn't defensive. For some reason, his werewolf instincts refused to kick in. No, one cannot oppose this creature. It was a fact that ran through him despite the sheer agony he felt. And he wasn't sure why she had made him feel that.

Suddenly, Scott thought back to sitting in Stiles' bedroom as his best friend said, "They - she, they have this empathetic ability to make you feel what they feel. Like a voodoo doll of sorts."


Oh no.


Standing up, Scott regarded Violeta with new eyes. How had he not seen it beforehand? Violeta was... Stiles was her... They were...

"Now, have you seen Allison?"

"No-I no." He stuttered, his head, heart and body still reeling from what had just transpired and the revelation that came with. "She- um, er." Violeta stared at him impatient. "A-Allison didn't come because Lydia wanted to go... shopping." He finally got out. "It's her birthday today and she's having a party to celebrate."

"Well ain't that fucking dandy." Violeta ran a hand through her hair.

"What was that?" Scott asked again, still clutching his chest, the area above his heart. "What did you do to me?"

"I showed you that you know shit all and should shut the fuck up and stop pretending like you know shit."

He didn't know what to make of that. He stared after her as she walked off. His chest still hurt, apparently this pain she 'showed' him not able to heal quicker due to him being a werewolf. He picked himself up off the ground and took a chance. Calling out after her, Scott said, "Lydia didn't show up yesterday!" He watched as his words made her stop. Taking this as initiative, he added, "She said it felt wrong!"

She turned her head slightly and Scott closed the gap between them. He had in his pockets the pills and the ash. "Look, please, I need your help. I can't go to anyone else about this. I think I know what Gerard wants." Pulling them out, Violeta looked down at the items in his hands and immediately put two and two together. Scott was mildly impressed but then again, this was Violeta Rodriguez. He knew it, both him himself and the werewolf inside, he knew that only one person - only one being - could finally fix everything, could bring it all to peace once more.

Even if there was an internal storm brewing inside herself because one human boy was too stupid to see what everyone else could sense.


"... I know you're not a big fan of her since her and Stiles were supposed to—"

"Hold up, what the fuck are you talking about?"

Allison Argent stuttered on the end of the line. "I, uh, I saw you run out of school when you found out."

"And you really think it's because of a boy... let alone Stiles."

"I thought you guys were close." Violeta stopped, 'me too' she thought. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, something she'd apparently been doing a lot of lately. "Look, it doesn't matter. She's suffered a lot and I feel bad. We feel bad. Do you think, uh..."

"That I could call people I know so that they could go to Lydia Martin's party so it would actually be a party and she can feel happy?"

"Yes." She had the good sense to be sheepish.

Violeta had only answered the call because it was Allison and her mother was dying. A fact she apparently wasn't aware of since when she answered Argent's call, she was chipper and happy and at a party instead of by her mother's side. Of course, it wasn't Violeta's place to tell her and she had attempted even asking, 'Shouldn't you spend more time with your family? You know it's Spring Break, don't you want to relax?' to which Allison had laughed at and the latina knew there was no use.

"Fine." Violeta relented. "Only for you Argent. And if Lydia makes any bitchy comment I won't promise that I won't punch her in the face."

"Awesome!" Allison said. "She said she'll do it... what? Yeah I think she's coming." She said to someone else, her voice sounding a little far from the phone. She then came back with, "Stiles wants to talk to you."

Violeta ended the call.

Then the guilt seeped in.

With a sigh, she opened up a new message to Allison and said she'll speak to him at the party. Yes, she had avoided a few of Stiles' messages and the one call he had for her. She couldn't do it, though. Not yet. She wasn't strong enough for that.

Looking down at her arm, she her thumb down the sword and once again watched the lines morph and reveal the name to her.


Seeing it, she immediately thought back to last night.

She thought back to how Tomei snapped out of reading her book, hearing her slam the front door. Violeta imagined that her aunt would have frowned and looked at the clock, seeing that school hadn't ended before Violeta had burst in. Before, this wouldn't have been a surprise occurence; Violeta cutting school. But nowadays? Nowadays Tomei could count on her going there to see Stiles Stilinski.

Tomei had stood up and walked to the kitchen to see her, Violeta, speaking rapid fire Spanish under her breath. Tomei had tried to catch the angry words and found that the curse words were directed at the universe and at... Violeta herself? This would have probably made Tomei's stomach drop, knowing since she, Violeta, had a tendency to blame everything on herself. It was in her nature and she'd been doing it since she was eleven years old with the death of her parents. It was part of the job.

"What happened?" Tomei had asked, trying to be delicate.

Hearing another voice, Violeta had froze. She had taken some shaky breaths and had turned around to look at her worried aunt. Now that Tomei could have properly seen her, she had seen the tears streaming down her face and the wobbling lip. Tomei had seen how Violeta's hand was not still and the distress and shock that was etched onto Violeta's face.

"Oh my God! What's wrong?" Tomei had said, coming up and wrapping her hands around Violeta, who began sobbing onto her shoulder. Violeta's legs had crumpled underneath her and Tomei struggled to keep her on her feet. After a moment, Tomei had given up and let them fall to the ground and had pulled Violeta to her, letting the younger curl herself around her.

With a sigh, Violeta washed away the memories of the night before and unlocked her phone once more and began texting every single person in her contact list. The only person she called Luis and asked him for yet another favour to which he began going whooooo! and said he'd be there in five minutes.


The random pop song that had been playing through the speakers was abruptly stopped halfway through as it was stopped by Luis The DJ who set up his laptop and a smoother beat began playing that made people sway their head or tap their foot or even drag their friend to the dance floor.

'A ella le gusta, a mí me gusta, así le gusta, bailar me gusta, a ella le gusta,' came the song's opening as Luis spied the girl in the red and black, arriving into the backyard.

When he, Luis, had first arrived at Violeta's house, he saw that he had a lot of work to do. Which was fine, saying she needed to show up fashionably late anyway. Many of the guys had arrived there, loving the excuse to party in a rich person's house. Of course, they brought their own drinks because juniors never have any of the good stuff.

He immediately demanded Violeta take a shower. Tomei wasn't home but they still raided her wardrobe. Luis ended up finding a red leather skirt which was to be her 'statement' piece which he paired up with a black shirt. When he mentioned heels and Violeta agreed, he knew something was up.

"Alright I know we're not very close but keep in mind you know I'm gay and no one else does."

"You got excited seeing Tomei has some fucking eyeshadow palette shit." Violeta commented. "How I'm the only motherfucker who knows is beyond me."

"Calm down, damn." Luis said. "Now I definitely know something is up since you're extra... sassy." He stood back to look at her then leaned back in, "Is it to do with your Stiles?"

"No." Violeta immediately said. She looked down at her arm and realised she'd been unconsciously rubbing it. Luis' eyes grew as the sword moved and the word, more appropriately, the name appeared.

"I knew! I knew it was him!" Luis squealed and clapped his hands.

"Shut up!" Violeta said, looking around even though no one could've possible been there to here. "Look, it doesn't matter because he likes the birthday girl."

"Ignoring how stupid that is to think," Luis said, "I'm gonna take it as my mission to make you look ten times hotter than her."

And so we have it... Violeta Rodriguez was wearing heels.

"Ooooh! He's going to regret ever thinking of this other bitch when he sees you tonight!" Luis said when he had finished and she stood up. Violeta looked at herself in the mirror and saw how short the skirt was, exposing more leg than she had ever shown in her entire life. It didn't help that wearing heels somehow showed off her legs more. The black shirt was off shoulder, like last time, but wasn't flowy. It was tight. Hugging. Fitted. The colour emphasised her eyeshadow and Luis chose red-lipstick again to match her skirt.

Walking into Lydia Martin's party, she tried to not roll her eyes at how Luis had chosen her 'entry' song to be something seductive sounding. She actually couldn't believe he had followed his word when he promised to play an 'entry' song for her when she walked in.

"We're not in some telenovela." Violeta had said when he had the idea. At first, had thought it a joke. To which Luis unhelpfully reminded her that her abuela Maria had explained it all to her through telenovelas. Violeta instantly regretted telling him about all that.

So, Violeta walked down the steps, in heels. And she was laughing as she saw one of the guys, Jonesy, fail to hit on a girl. He then turned and saw her there. His eyes grew and he shook his hand as he moved around, looking at her from all angles. Violeta laughed some more and held her hands up slightly sheepish that this was her.

"Daaaaaamn ma." Jonesy called out. He turned and with the hand that wasn't holding his cup waved at the boys out the back. "Ayo, come chick this out! Vi's here!" Violeta shook her head as everyone saw her and began letting out their own 'damn's 'faaaaaa's and 'shiiiiit's. Rico showed up and snapped his fingers. "What the fuck? You look hot!"

"Hey, hey." She called out, putting her hands on her hips.

"Come on," Jonesy said, "let's get you a drink!"

Violeta let the guys pull her the area they had claimed and set up their own drinks. "She be serving this weird pink shit like fuck that." Rico told her as he passed her a Coke. She thanked him for not passing her anything alcoholic. He winked at and she sipped it, looking at the DJ to see Luis kiss his hand and flair it out. She laughed and looked away to meet eyes with Allison who was standing by herself, holding a drink.

"Ayo, I'll be back." Violeta said, standing up much to the cries of dismay of the guys. She waved a hand at them as she walked up to quiet girl and offered her a warm look.

"I want to apologise for snapping earlier." Violeta said. "I... was in a very bad mood but a friend of mine yelled at me for it." She said, looking at Luis by the turntables he'd brought along with him.

"It's okay," Allison said, then she looked at Violeta with an astonished look. "You look very... wow. I agree with what your friends were saying before."

"Thank you." She said. She noted the sideway glances towards a boy in a leather jacket and she thought it was Isaac for a split second when she realised it was some random kid.

"Everything okay?" Violeta asked, watching him. Allison turned and faced Violeta head on.

"What do you know about Matt?'

"Matt?" Allison gestured with her eyes and took a sip of her drink. Violeta looked over her shoulder. "Oh! That motherfucker! Oh look, he stole Lahey's look! What do you ask, chicka?"

"He's been taking pictures of me."

Violeta spat out her drink. "Excuse me?"

"I somehow agreed to go with him to the rave—" Violeta gave her a look, "the party, whatever. Anyway, as I was dropping him off at him he left his camera bag and I picked it up and saw a few pictures of lacrosse until it was pictures of me at the games, then pictures of me in the hallways, then pictures of me sitting alone after school, then pictures of me at home."

Violeta launched herself off towards this Matt asshole when Allison grabbed her arm to stop her. "Don't."

"And why not?"

"I want one night of peace." Allison said. "One night where no one dies, there is no weird creepy stuff happening and all I have to worry about it Lydia's dress changes."

"Fine." Violeta said. Then D-Bo walked past her and she tapped him on the shoulder. He paused, leaning in for her to talk to him. She gestured to Allison and Allison saw D-Bo's eyes dart over to where Matt was.

"You go it." D-Bo said, nodding at her and giving a look to Allison. "Want me to spread the word?"

"Yeah, tell the boys. I don't want him talking to her." D-Bo nodded and turned to Allison.

"We got you sis." He said with a pat on her arm before he walked off to where the rest of the crew were.

"Vi," Allison said warningly.

"It's not supernatural shit." Violeta said. "It's pure teenage drama. Like you and Scott. That's pure teen drama wrapped up in supernatural B.S."

"What about you and Stiles?" Allison tried again. Violeta let out a dry laugh and shook her head.

"You and Scott really belong together with your deluded notions that him and I will ever happen." Violeta said. "I think you forgot that we're at the birthday party of his lifelong love Lydia Martin. He can say he's over her but love like that doesn't fade."

"Why do you say that like you know?" Allison asked.

"I don't." Violeta said. She took a sip, suddenly wishing she had something alcoholic, and then added, "I don't what it feels to be loved, I only know the shitty after taste."

"Really? Because most people would say otherwise by the way Stiles' been staring at you since the moment you walked in."

She looked at the direction Allison was smiling towards and wished she hadn't. There stood Stiles Stilinski, wearing old jeans, a plain t-shirt and a plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His mouth was slightly ajar, his eyes slightly wide, his body slightly shifted entirely to her direction. She saw how his chest was rising and falling and how his eyes was going up and down. She saw how Scott was saying something to him that he clearly wasn't hearing.

When the teenager finally dragged his eyes up her legs and saw that she was looking at him, he snapped back. He clamped his mouth shut and blinked, righting himself.

Seeing Violeta walk through the door, Stiles Stilinski shattered a glass cup. The cup he'd been holding literally slipped through his fingers and shattered on the ground by his feet. The drink had splashed and gotten his shoes and the bottom of his pants wet. He didn't even notice.

No, what he noticed was the gold shimmer on her eyelids. How it matched the gold necklaces around her neck and the golden rings on her fingers. He noticed that she had a birthmark on her upper thigh that was partially hidden as she walked and the skirt moved. He noticed that her lips were much fuller in gloss lipstick. He noticed how thicker her eye lashers looked. He noticed that her hair was still left in its natural state after just being washed. He noticed how she was wearing black heels. He noticed how that made her legs look so long he swore she had gotten taller.

He recognised Jonesy who let out a daaaamn upon seeing her and walked in a semi-circle, eyeing her up and down. Her smile, hearing her laughter - that was what held him back from pushing this guy away from her. She had been then lead out of his sight and Stiles made him and Scott move to sit on the steps so he could see her sitting there, accepting a drink from Rico.

Seeing Lydia in that barely there dress and hair all curled, he thought, oh, she's pretty. And yeah, she was. Then he thought that, Lydia, this girl in front of him as a lot more attainable. She was smart, yeah. She was pretty and there was more of a chance with her.

Now, looking at Violeta, he knew that even though there was zero chance of her feeling the same way, she had ruined it for him. She had ruined him. He would never be able to look at anyone else but her. Sure, she might not feel the same way but he didn't care; he would wait. Or he would happily be there by her side until the end of days. He would accept whatever she wanted from him because, now, without a single doubt in his mind, he knew that he could never ever want anyone— anything else but her.


He watched as she moved with Allison to speak with her. She moved and Allison grabbed her, stopping her from something. Stiles couldn't even look away, not caring who it was. He could only keep staring at Violeta... wondering how the hell someone like this could exist? She then stopped and grabbed D-Bo who was walking past them and whispered something in his ear.

Stiles idly thought that this was how werewolves must feel during the fool moon as white hot rage flooded through him seeing D-Bo so close to her. It was then that D-Bo patted Allison's arm and Stiles heard Scott growl under his breath.

Look at us, he thought, two guys acting territorial over our mates.

Stiles' head snapped up at the last word mates? He was not a werewolf. He didn't have a mate. Yeah, sure, he believed in soulmates but that was just a fantasy of his inner romantic. Besides, there was no way it would be... there was no way anything could be with Violeta.

The song changed.

And Stiles Stilinski swore.

"No fucking way." He breathed.

"It started off so innocent, she had a vibe and a nigga started diggin' it. I was a youngin, straight crushin', trying play the shit cool but a nigga couldn't wait to get to school."

Violeta's blinked, as if the song had triggered something. She handed Allison her drink and moved away behind the wall. Stiles did the same, handing Scott his drink and rushing to where Violeta had disappeared out of his sight.

Violeta, in turn, had marched to where Luis was, seeing the DJ move to playing basic tracks. This track. She had only told him because it happened after telling his dad they were dating (which Luis had started clapping frantically at) and was actually annoyed that he had the audacity to play it.

Luis, however, grabbed her before she could even realise he wasn't by the tables. She frowned when his hand went down her lower back. Leaning in, he whispered, "Think of this as the classic telenovela experiment."


Before either of them could respond, someone had grabbed Luis by the shoulder and pulled him off. Violeta was surprised by the anger displayed on Stiles' face as he pulled back his arm and delivered a swift punch to Luis' face.

Violeta could only stare, frozen as Luis lost balance and stumbled to the side, clutching his face and Stiles shook his hand, the punch apparently hurting more than he had expected. Luis' words suddenly clicked and registered that he wanted to see how Stiles felt by making him jealous.

"Oh my God." She breathed.

"Boy, you did not disappoint." Luis said.

"Touch her again..." Stiles said, leaving the threat open as he grabbed Violeta with his unharmed hand and pulled her away from the scene into the house. When they were secure and away from prying eyes, Stiles allowed himself to freak out. Freak out because he'd just punched one of Violeta's friends. Freak out because he'd basically shown everyone that he had a problem with people touching her. Freak out because how would he explain any of this to the girl in front of him.

"Come on," she said and sat him down. She opened Lydia's fridge and Stiles recognised that he was in her kitchen. Violeta got out a bag of frozen peas and placed them on his bruised knuckles.

"I didn't think punching someone hurt this much."

"You get used to it after a while." Violeta said, smiling at him. "Although I should probably tell you that Luis was the same Luis from the gay-bar and was only joking."


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Sh--

"I, uh," Stiles thought back to that night in the gay-bar. "I was trying to be a gentleman and defend your honour?" He offered.

"Well, I thank you." She said with a laugh, recalling where the words came from.

"I'm sorry." He then added, taking the laugh as a good sign to say what had been on his mind all day.


"I'm the guy. It's, uh, it's what we do. We say sorry. We especially say sorry when we don't know what we've done wrong. But I know what I did. I, uh, D-Bo gave me a ticket to give to you and I didn't."

"Because you wanted to go with Lydia." She said, her laugh and the smile in her eyes disappearing, making Stiles feel like he wanted to throw up. "There's nothing to apologise for."

"No, I, I actually didn't want to go with Lydia. I just, um, I didn't want to give you the wrong idea?"

"The wrong idea?"

"That, uh, you know... it was, like, a date."

"A date." She said. "Between you, me, and Scott?"

"What? Uh, no! I—" Stiles trailed off. "D-Bo made a comment and I freaked out." He told her in complete honesty. Just be honest. He told himself, taking a small breath Don't lie, not now. This is it. "I actually wish I didn't do that because I wasted a ticket but, uh, also my dad," Violeta perked up at the mention of the sheriff, "he got fired. They, uh, he got fired because of me... because of what I did to Jackson and I realised I didn't want to deal with Lydia. I only, uh, wanted to talk to you. And only you."

Violeta's face fell as all the missed calls and text messages hit her in the face. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." She apologised.

"No, it's okay. I know you have a lot on your plate." Stiles said. "You probably had really important things to do."

I was crying about you and the thought of you with another girl.

Violeta, in the moment, truly felt like the biggest idiot. Wow, this really is a telenovela she bitterly thought. Ignoring all of that, she tried to put the guilt in her past and try and be there for him as much as could possibly be. She lifted her frozen peas from his hand and moved to give him a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck as Stiles' hands came around her middle.

"Ay ma," Violeta looked up to see D-Bo who was standing there, a wide, shit-eating grin on his face as he saw her standing to close to Stiles.

"You good?" She asked, pulling her arms from Stiles but not bothering to move away from him.

"I'm good but that creep in that ugly jacket went upstairs with Allison." Violeta's eyes went wide and she moved around when D-Bo's added, "And people have started trippin nd shit."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't know what them white kids be popping but someone spiked that punch with some real fucked up shit." D-Bo said. Violeta frowned and walked outside where the punchbowl lay. She piked up a cup and smelt it but couldn't sense anything but fruity juice, sugar and bourbon. Then she looked inside and saw the blue flowers floating. Picking on up, she inspected it. She smelt it and her stomach dropped. Wolfsbane.

"D-Bo, has anyone had from this?"

"Nah, Jonesy got some hash though—"

"Tell the crew to leave. Now. Even Luis. Pack his shit up and leave as soon as possible." The urgency in her voice made him obey without questioning and walk back outside to tell the crew time to bounce. Stiles came up behind her. She grabbed his hand as she went upstairs, looking for Allison but not daring to let him out of her sight.

"Where are we— what's going on?" He asked when she paused and turned him around and put her arms around his neck and began swaying. She was watching something over his shoulder and Stiles slowly began to panic.

"Matt's talking to Allison." Violeta explained. "I'm here to make sure nothing bad happens."

"And the punch?" He asked, panic rising knowing he'd had countless cups.

"Someone's spiked it with wolfsbane. As soon as Allison's in the clear I'm going to go investigate." She tore her eyes away from the hunter and the creep to properly look at Stiles. He didn't have to say anything and Violeta immediately grabbed him and brought him downstairs, knowing there was a bathroom right by the stairwell.

"Where are we going?" He asked, letting her drag him downstairs.

"Bathroom. You need to throw up."

"Well shouldn't we at least tell Scott?" Stiles asked. Knowing he was right, Violeta followed Stiles outside as they both searched for werewolf. Freaking out at how much time was passing by and all the wolfsbane in Stiles' system, she closed her eyes and tried to find him by scouring out his energy.

But instead of finding Scott, she found an angry man who was yelling at some kid about how he was dressed in black.

"Why am I wearing black? Are you an idiot? I just came from a funeral! You know people wear black!" She stared horrified as she realised that she was watching Noah Stilinski yell at some random kid.

"It's you... it's all you." Noah said, looking directly at her and holding up a bottle of scotch. "You know, every day I saw her there, lying in that hospital slowly dying... I thought how the hell am I supposed to raise this stupid kid on my own?!"

Oh no...

Violeta looked down and saw plaid, old pants and run-down sneakers. She darted her head around but didn't find her body anywhere. Somehow, in looking for Scott, she had linked herself to Stiles just in time to see him hallucinate his worst nightmare.

"This hyper-active little bastard who keeps ruining my life. It's all you. It's you, Stiles!" Noah held up the bottle and pointed it directly at her, "You killed your mother, you hear me? You killed her. And now you're killing me." She saw Noah pull his hand back and lug the bottle in her direction. She felt herself pull her hand back and duck out of the way and as she hit the wall, she saw Stiles pull his hand back and duck out of the way as he hit the wall. She crouched down next to him, tears in his eyes as she instantly comforted him.

"Shh. Stiles, it's okay. I've got you. Relax." She said, feeling him shake. She put her hands on his face, forcing him to look at her. "Your father loves you and your mother did not die because of you. That was the wolfsbane. You're here. None of that was real. Do you hear me? None of that was real."

"You saw that?" Stiles asked, his voice shaky.

"Yeah." She said, not bothering to explain trying to find Scott. "Stiles, hey, come on, look at me. Listen to me when I say that none of that was real. None. Your father loves you and your mother did not die because of you."

"How did you see that?" His voice was no longer shaky.

It was...

"I..." she couldn't finish.

"How did you see that!?" Stiles snapped at her, his voice harsh as one would be at having someone invade and see such a thing. Violeta's own eyes welled up as she shook her head.

"I'm... attuned to you, Stiles" She finally said.

"What does that mean!?"

Violeta knew there was no point and pulled her sleeve and showed him her arm. She rubbed her tattoo and showed him how the ink moved and shifted into the usual ten letters. His eyes grew as he read his birth name engraved in her skin. He looked up and demanded why his name was on her skin.

"Tell me! Why is my name on YOUR ARM?!"

"My grandma." Violeta blubbered, not believing this was happening like this, right now. "It was a tea ceremony that one does close to their passing to their protegida. It shows them the name of," Violeta stopped and licked her lips, wanting to get this out in a calm voice, "it shows the name of their soulmate. Stiles, their soulmate."

As she said the word, Stiles recoiled as if she had burnt him. He jumped up and took several steps away from her. "Stiles!" She called out but he had already turned around and run off.

In that moment Violeta felt her entire world collapse with a scream.

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𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 Riley Winters knew noth...
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𝖢𝗁𝗅𝗈𝖾 𝖬𝖼𝖢𝖺𝗅𝗅, 𝗀𝗈𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝖡𝖾𝖺𝖼𝗈𝗇 𝖧𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗌 𝖧𝗂𝗀𝗁. 𝖠𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖪𝖺𝗇𝗂𝗆𝖺𝗌, 𝖧𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗌, 𝗌𝗁𝖾'𝗌...
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(𝘯.) 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯, 𝘢 𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 �...
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"She was beautifully complicated and terrifyingly simple, in a world that had no idea how to love her." -anon (Season 1) THIS STORY IS IN THE PROCES...