duodécima luna. [a stiles fan...

By ferriisbueller

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The first time Stiles saw her, he broke a vending machine. soulmate au. // © MNKBYB 2020 © More



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By ferriisbueller

"I came home from work as fast as I could! What happened?!" Tomei said in a hurried/stressed/panicked voice that was trying very much to appear calm. Even though she saw Violeta pacing up and down the kitchen corridor, hand on her head as she muttered in Spanish and English and Tomei even caught a bit of Italian. Her heart dropped then to her stomach as the only time Violeta changed languages like this was when... well, when shit hit the fan.

It was a coping mechanism, the therapists and doctors and old aunties had told her. That she'll speak about a situation in different languages to be able to see it from different perspectives. But this would require a situation that stressed Violeta out. And Violeta didn't get too revved up about much.

So Tomei was, well, panicking.

"What happened?" She asked, her voice solemn as she rushed to forward to embraced her niece. Violeta just shook her head and passed Tomei her mobile phone. Tomei took her niece's phone into her hands and took a steading breath to prepare herself for what had caused Violeta to be in such a state.



Tomei frowned. She looked at Violeta who offered no explanation, only moving to sit down at the couch, her knee bobbing up and down. She sat down next to her and reread what was on the screen several more times, hoping whatever caused her to stress out would somehow manifest itself to Tomei and explain whatever the hell was going on.


She had to ask.

"Who's Batman?"

"It's, uh, Stiles Stilinski."


"So, uh, do you think I can get your number?"

Violeta was silent.

Stiles dug his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. Violeta stared at his brown eyes, mouth slightly open that this was actually happening.


Asking for number.

They were standing outside Kenny's, the conversation done and Stiles mentioning that it was late and he probably had to get home. Violeta had just said something in Spanish to the guys and then stood up with him, following him out with one goodbye to Kenny. He offered her a lift and she declined, saying it was a short walk home. Then she made the joke that no one was really going to hurt her at night. Stiles got the dark humour.

"What?" She had asked after he had asked.

"For, you know, if we need you so I know how to contact you." Stiles explained. Her shoulders deflated a little bit, bringing to her attention that the had risen in anticipation.

Anticipation for what exactly, well that she was definitely not going to dwell upon.


Tomei laughed.

Violeta death glared but Tomei wasn't worried. She wasn't because whilst yes Violeta had one hell of a death glare, the situation was just... too... cute. There was no other word to describe it. Adorable. The fact that Tomei had thought someone had broken in, she'd gotten into a fist-fight, stabbed, in a hit-and-run or maybe a drive by. There were so many scary things that could've happened due to the nature of where they lived and what the Rodriguez line meant. Violeta had a life that wasn't typical for your average teenager girl. Often times, Tomei caught herself shocked when she saw Violeta going through the usual teenage drama.

Such as a boy.

"This is not funny." Violeta all but seethed but Tomei just wiped tears from under her eyes.

"It really is." Tomei said, showing just how fun it was with her vain attempts to keep her laughter at bay. Such vain attempts were leaning over the counter bench, phone in hand as she let out loud guffaws of a laugh.

"Thanks for being a help." Violeta snapped, taking the phone back.

"Oh, come on. Just text him back." Tomei said, passing the phone back to her. Violeta went over to the couch, bringing her feet up onto the couch. "Don't stare at it like it's some mythical object you're trying to figure out."

"I can't." Tomei raised an eyebrow. "I mean, no. Don't look at me like that. I just- we said we'd only text if there was anything to update on the supernatural." Her niece explained.

"Wait, when did this happen?" Tomei asked, not recalling knowing about this latest development.

"Just before. He came to Kenny's and we sat and, uh, talked." Violeta said. Tomei bit her lip to keep the wide smile from coming on. Violeta was an open book that tried so hard to remain closed. She never explicitly showed any of the usual signs of interest in Stiles... other than the fact that she occasionally spoke about him.

And Violeta never spoke about anyone at school.

So seeing her now, fumbling with the string of her hoodie, refusing to meet Tomei's eyes as she spoke about seeing - and interacting - with Stiles at Kenny's... well, it was adorable. And it made her want to smile.


"So can I see you phone? Mine's in the car."

Violeta remained stoic as could be when she pulled out her phone and held it out to him. Stiles looked awkward, a lot less awkward than Violeta, yet still she could tell he was nervous when he put his number into her phone. Violeta knew that having her number was something people would kill for. Yet, here she was, openly giving it to a teenage boy who made her not want to punch herself in the face.

Stiles Stilinksi.

She was giving her number to Stiles Stilinksi, the boy who broke a vending machine over some peanut butter cups.

"Okay done. I should have your number."

Violeta nodded and Stiles passed her phone back. She dug her hands into the pocket of her hoodie. Stiles just put his hands in the pockets of his jeans. They stared at each other.




"Wait." Tomei said, frowning as Violeta finished explaining what had happened. "So that meant he saved his number as Batman?"

Violeta refused to meet her eyes nor say anything.

Tomei began squealing. She propelled herself over the back of the couch with her hands, joining her niece on the sofa. Violeta raised an eyebrow at that but Tomei ignored her, shaking her with that excitement that could only ever come from one prospect: a boy.

"Can you please stop shrieking and tell me what am I supposed to do?!" Violeta snapped, not liking made to feel a fool and have people laugh at her. Especially since this was to do with boys — something most teenage girls seemed to have a lot experience with.

"Text him back!" Tomei said like it was the most obvious thing. "I don't think Stiles just wants to keep you and him as purely business, if you know what I mean." Tomei wiggled her eyebrows and Violeta scoffed, standing up and moving away from her. "Oh, be serious Vi. If he would, would he text you a hey?"

The mention of the actual message itself reminded Violeta that she was still on a time sensitive mission. "... You still haven't told me what to text back."

"Maybe a what's up?"

Violeta stared at her aunt.

Tomei threw her hands up. "I don't know. You asked for my advice! Sorry if I'm not cool and down with the kids!" Violeta stopped, staring at her aunt who had began making weird, vague signs with her hands. "Like, you know, yo! What's good... in the hood..."

"Oh for the love of—"

Violeta made a good show of slamming her bedroom door closed Violeta landed on her bed in a huff, laying on her stomach. She pulled out her phone and stared at the message. She sighed and closed it again. Then opened it back up. Then closed it. Then opened it once more.

What was she supposed to do? Text back as her aunt said? She considered what Tomei said and let herself smile widely at the prospect of Stiles and her... Violeta wasn't ugly and many guys had tried things with her— but she could see it was all a power play to them. She refused to be a way for some guy to get richer or more powerful and just become the wife who stays at home and cooks and cleans. And gets a beating if she doesn't.

Moreover, as she thought about guys that... interested her, it was very simple. Ever since she could remember, she had had a crush on Ferris Bueller. The fact that nothing seemed to concern him. The wittiness. The spontaneity. The simplicity of the brown eyes and brown hair and the when you're surrounded by 'exotic' guys who work out all the time, you kind of which for something different. Hence, she found Ferris more attractive than any of the other Latino eses who tried to come round her place.

And when you thought about it, Ferris Bueller had a lot in common with Stiles.

She thought about what's up and couldn't bring herself to send that. Chewing her lip, Violeta tapped the words and quickly hit send, not wanting to overthink it.

Then she reread what she had sent, Hey, you g? and slapped her forehead. They weren't close enough for her to say that. And it sounded like she was genuinely interested in his wellbeing, which, like, wasn't a total lie cause she somewhat was but... and he just said 'hey.' It's not like he said he was dying and needed help and needed her help.

She threw her phone across the room and pulled the pillow over her face to scream into.

Then bolted out of her bed when it beeped.

yeah, im gud.

scott's being annoying tho.

She took in the way he used short hand in certain things yet still used commas and full stops. Did he usually do that? Or did he have to think long and hard about what he sent her- like she did? Like, he took the effort to send her a two line message, meaning he separated it with an 'enter' and — "Sweet Mary stop thinking so much." Violeta berated herself. She shook her head and took the obvious link Stiles had given her.

Oh why?

The reply came almost immediately: he's talking about allison.

Violeta laughed. She shook her head and typed a message back: Let the teen wolf enjoy his clichéd teen romance :)

She threw her phone across the room when Stiles took slightly longer to reply and she cursed herself for using a fucking emoticon. A goddamn fucking emoticon. Not an emoji which would be passable. No, she used the fucking smiling face that motherfuckers used back in the 90s. Yes, she dressed like she was from the 90s but FUCK. She had a reputation. She couldn't let every white kid who texted her to receive a fucking emoticon from her—

She dashed across the room once again to pick it up when her phone beeped, signalling that Stiles had replied.

sorry, he keeps goin on nd on nd i have to listen to him.

She laughed once again.

what r u doin?

Her laughter and smile died down when he sent the next message, asking about her. She looked around and realised she wasn't doing anything but talking to him. Should she just send that, say that's she talking to him? Or would that seem like she has no life? Or maybe it's — "TOMEI!"

Her aunt came bustling to her room with a wooden spoon in her hand and wide eyes.

"He's asking me what I'm doing? What am I supposed to do?" Violeta asked, opting to look at the wooden spoon instead of the smug look that came across her aunt's face.

"What are you doing?"

"Talking to him." Violeta answered. "But I don't really think that would advance the conversation."

Tomei frowned and held out her hand. "Pass me the phone."

"What? No."

"What am I gonna do?" Tomei asked. Violeta opened her mouth and Tomei waved the spoon at her. "Don't answer that, I just wanna read the message." Violeta sighed in defeat and passed the phone to her aunt. Tomei scanned the screen and began tapping.

"Don't send anything before I read that shit." Violeta warned. However, Tomei's grin grew as she held the phone to her ear. Violeta's eyes grew and she scrambled to get up from her place by the floor. Tomei ran out from the doorway and Violeta was hot on her heels.

They found themselves at an impasse as Tomei was at one end of the table and Violeta on the other. Violeta feigned left but Tomei knew her too well and didn't move. Then Violeta went left and she moved right.

"END THE CALL!" Violeta cried. Tomei's grin became wide and toothed as she threw the phone over to Violeta as if it were a hot potato.

"Hey? Violeta?" The girl in question heard the distinct of the voice of the boy she'd just been texting.

"Uh, hey." She said, glaring at her aunt. "Sorry, I accidentally pressed call." Stressing the word at her aunt. Like Tomei's death was going to look like an accident.

"It's fine." The boy said over the phone. "I prefer to call anyway. Scott says it's because I speak too fast that I can't get it all through text."

"Is boy wonder there?" Violeta watched Tomei came round, trying to press her ear next to the phone. Violeta just pushed her, gave her the finger and moved back to her room.

"He actually just left to go see Allison. You sort of called at a perfect time." Violeta pulled the phone away to let herself smile and then righted her features to speak.

"Tell me, how is that working out?" Violeta said, laying on her bed. "I mean, they're sort of star-crossed lovers, aren't they?" Thinking back to the tragic nature of it all.

"Yeah, and it just fuels Scott's starry eyes if you ask me." Stiles said.

"That's nice." Violeta said. "As long as the kid doesn't get into trouble."

"It's nice to know you care." It wasn't sarcastic so much as a genuine expression of gratitude. Violeta coughed once.

"You, uh, asked me to." Violeta said. Then she heard how personal that sounded and could show just how much Stiles' opinions and feelings meant to her. "Besides, Gerard freaks me the fuck out."

"Yeah you sort of ran off before."

She didn't want to acknowledge that and pulled it back to Gerard, hoping to bring some business into the conversation again and keep it from progressing into a deep and meaningful. "Do you think he knows?"

"Gerard, you mean?"


"I doubt it. Scott would've been dead otherwise."

"What do you mean? The hunters live by a code."

"Which Scott told me was broken since Kate Argent was killed."

Violeta sat up and exhaled heavily, running a hand through her hair. That was new. Suddenly, she could see the benefit out of becoming friends with Stiles. Beyond that, the urge to protect became so much stronger.

"So war's been declared."

"Pretty much, uh, yeah." Stiles said. "And we have to deal with Jackson cause he's been bitten even though he doesn't want to deal with the stuff that comes along with being a werewolf and Lydia could have a target over her head and—"


Violeta's head snapped at the sound of the blasts outside her house. Even Stiles had stopped ranting and she heard him asking what the sounds were. She didn't even bother responding, promptly hanging up and kicking into action. Normally, getting into action would've meant checking her aunt and ducking for cover. Now, with who and what she was, she dashed for the door outside.

"Violeta no!" Her aunt called out behind her but knew better than to follow her. Violeta saw the orange ute drive by and a body on the cement a few houses down from her. People hadn't come out of their houses yet and Violeta charged to the body. She skidded next to it and immediately began scanning the body for signs of damage. The body was jerking and she saw the red on the lower abdomen area.

"Violeta?" She looked at the face and exhaled when she recognised the older boy, Luis, from gym. She pushed his long hair back and smiled at him, trying her damn best to look as reassuring as possible.

"Shh. You'll be okay." She said, and kept repeating that phrase as Luis closed his eyes in pain and groaned.

By now people had started coming out of their houses. The first person that came out, Violeta pounced on and demanded they call an ambulance. When they did nothing, she repeated her command in Spanish and they ran back into their house, off to alert an ambulance. People began crowding around and she told them all the back away. They did. Violeta focused her attention on the boy that was older than her and was the DJ at every party she had ever gone to.

"They're coming!" Came the voice of the person Violeta had charged with calling the ambulance. She noted the old man who lived alone after the death of his wife, Natalia. His name was Angelo and Violeta made a quick mental note to visit him later with a bottle of red wine as a thank you.

"They'll be here as soon as they can." He said. Violeta sighed, everyone around them knew what that meant. By the time the ambulance arrived, it would be took late for Luis. They rarely cared for what happened around these parts and wouldn't be rushing the same way had it been, for example, Jackson Whittemore who had been shot.

"Is that your car?" Violeta asked, staring at the decent sized car parked in the drive way closest to them.

"It is mine." Someone said.

"You," she said, meeting the eyes of the person who spoke, "and you," she said, looking at Angelo, "get in. We're taking him ourselves."


"Hey Maria. How are you doing?"

"Fine Cariña." The old lady said, smiling warmly at her nurse. Melissa McCall was a prime example of how under appreciated and how underrated nurses were. She padded around the warm room, lighting a candle. It was somewhat against protocol yet Maria Rodriguez had been here long enough that Melissa McCall would allow the candle just until she fell asleep then blow it out. It was a simple vanilla candle yet Maria said it reminded her of home and home always brought comfort.

Melissa hadn't known how to respond at such a profound comment.

"Any pain?"


Upon finding out that Melissa had some Spanish background, Maria had taken it upon her to slip in some Spanish here and there. Despite how Melissa said she wasn't very into her culture. Maria had just hushed her and said that it was outrageous to think such a thought and started asking her where her parents were born.

"How's Violeta?" Melissa asked, thinking of the girl whom Melissa had honestly thought was a boy for the first two weeks of knowing her. It was only after hearing her speak that Melissa frowned. And then it was only when she saw the Violeta without a big puffy jacket on that she saw the long hair and the distinct feminine facial features on Violeta that made her realise that a) she was a girl and b) she actually was a quite a beautiful one at that.

"She is..." Maria trailed off and sighed. Melissa stopped her movements and ministrations upon seeing Maria falter with her words. She looked at the older lady who appeared to hold the whole world in her shoulders. "With my passing, a lot of responsibility pass to her and she... do not want it."

Melissa pursed her lips. Being a nurse for such a long time, she knew there was no point in dismissing Maria's mention of her passing. This wasn't like too friends chatting and saying that no, you haven't lost weight or no, you don't deserve him and the usual reassurances girl's give each other. Melissa couldn't reassure her in the same way that no, you're not going to die because that was not the truth and both women knew it.

"She want to be recluse and not care but I see she care. Because she is born leader. But she want to hide herself in darkness." Maria paused. "And I... not just speak her clotheses."

Melissa laughed, the comment providing to be a lot more humorous in such a serious conversation. "Eh, teen angst is never fun. I'm sure it will... pass." Melissa said. "And Violeta is a beautiful girl, inside and out. She's suffered a hard life and with her parents, well, that's never easy."

"No. But I worry because she always put all world problems on her shoulders, she not let herself be happy." Maria said with a sigh.

"Okay how about you stop putting the world's problems on your shoulders and get some sleep." Melissa said, bringing up the blankets to cover the older woman. "I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night, chula."

Melissa smiled to herself and left the door slightly ajar to Maria's room. It was quiet and peaceful, nothing really disrupting the Tuesday night at the hospital. The only thing Melissa really had to do was some paperwork, maybe some cleaning and blow out the candle in Maria's room.

Then came the screaming.

"HELP! ANYBODY! WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!" Melissa ran to the entry where a bloodied teenager was being brought in by two men. The yelling belonged to the girl standing in front, the Spanish girl Melissa had just been talking to her grandma about.

"McCall. We need you." Violeta said as her eyes landed on her. "Luis, 18. Shot in lower abdomen."

"Okay, get him on a stretcher." Thankfully, someone had the good sense to bring one over as the two men holding Luis up by the arm gently laid him onto it, aided by Melissa and another nurse. Melissa then took over, calling for a nurse to get a doctor into the operating room and suddenly the hospital waiting room became alight with bustling movement.

Until Luis was pushed behind the doors and then it was just Violeta, Angelo and the other person.

"Thank you for your help." Violeta said to the two men. "If you need to go, you can go." She said, her authority shining through.

Angelo stood up. "I must return to my family but I wish to pay my respects to Maria, if you will." Violeta blinked at how... respectful the was being to her. She nodded, apparently passing permission now. Angelo disappeared down the corridor leading to her abuela's room.

The other boy looked at Violeta for a moment. Then he sighed and moved to sit in one of the uncomfortable plastic chairs. Violeta's lips moved up, not into a complete smile but she just felt very comforted that the boy was here with her. He looked about her age, dark skinned, bald. He tried to hide his shape in a camouflage jumper. Violeta picked up on the name Boyd.

"Thank you Boyd." Violeta said.

"You know my name?" He asked, genuine surprise.

"You're related to D-Bo, right?" Boyd nodded, somewhat deflated that he wasn't known for him. Violeta pursed her lips. "Don't you also work at the ice-skating rink?"

"Yeah." Boyd said. Then he gulped and Violeta noted that. She raised an eyebrow at why the mention of his job would elicit such a reaction. Boyd shifted in his seat and Violeta stared at him.

"Didn't realise working there would cause such a reaction."

"I know who shot Luis." Boyd blurted, then hastily added. "But I don't want to be pulled into this, okay? My mother already has enough on her plate and I've already had to take the car to drive you guys here and I have to clean the blood and she's stressed from work and they're already looking for a reason to fire her and if they find out I've been involved in a shooting they won't hesitate—"

"Woah, woah, woah." Violeta cut off Boyd's freaking out monologue and held up her hands. "Relax man. Look, I'm sorry for pulling you into this but Luis was dying. I couldn't exactly stop and think about everyone's individual problems." The teenager looked properly abashed. "Look, I'll call someone to take Angelo home. I'll clean your car myself— no, I will." She said, seeing Boyd opening his mouth, about to interrupt her. "Then you can tell me what you know and I'll deal with it. Nothing will be traced to you and your mother's job will be fine."

This seemed like a good place to start so Violeta then asked, "where does she work?"

"At Beacon Hills County Station."

Violeta frowned. Sheriff Stilinski was a good guy and she thought about how someone like Boyd's mother could - oh.


Rooney was perhaps the biggest asshole of all of Beacon Hills. A conservative nationalist who had suffered little hardship in his life. He spat on Violeta's friends, swore at her 'cousins' and hid his racism behind the shiny badge of officer. Boyd's mother, a part-time receptionist at the County and a black woman, would probably receive not so niceties from a man like him.

Boyd's eyes grew at how Violeta immediately knew who it was who constantly antagonised his mother. "I've been at the station a couple of times. I know Rooney." Violeta said. She knew how bigoted and racist he could be. But she also knew the sheriff in town and had done many, many favours for the sheriff in town. She could easily ease Boyd's mind in that regard. It really would only take one phone call. Violeta should've done this way before, it anything.

Done and dusted.

"Yeah. He's..."

"A dick." Violeta finished for him. "But he's also not in charge. Don't worry, if I got Harris under my thumb then I can get an asshole like Rooney."

Boyd laughed once but he was still slightly uncomfortable. Even though he lived in the same area as her and had relatives in the same social circle as her, he was still as intimidated by her as anyone else in Beacon Hills high. Or anyone in Beacon Hills, really. Tonight's events only proved just how much power and authority this one girl had. He didn't believe the rumour that she had a tape of Harris threatening that Stiles kid and was hanging it over the chemistry teacher's head. Yet, here she was, apparently doing just that.

Still, he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel some relief that Violeta was on his side and said she could take care of Rooney. He just didn't want to imagine how she would be taking care of him.

"Do you know Antonio?" Boyd finally asked.

"Sebastian?" Violeta asked, supplying the last name.

"Yeah, him."

"I overheard him at the ice-rink one shift that he was going to take Luis down a notch because he refused to DJ for his party." Boyd said.

"And why didn't you tell anyone?" Violeta asked. Boyd looked down and she heavily exhaled, just about ready to rip into him for the fact that Luis wouldn't have been shot had Boyd just said something. The moment was stolen from her when Angelo came back, tears in his eyes and Violeta briefly wondered what her grandmother would've said to him to make a middle-aged ethic man feel cry. All the men she knew were still of the alpha-male dominant, bread-winner traditions and were too proud for certain things: crying being number one.

"Do you need someone to come and take you?" Violeta asked.

"No, no." Angelo dismissed. "I walk. I need... think." Violeta nodded and let him walk passed her, patting him on the shoulder once. He nodded at her and Boyd before leaving the waiting room. Violeta looked at the corridor where her grandma was and sighed.

She couldn't really be mad at Boyd because she had been doing the exact same thing as him. Boyd was quiet and often unnoticed. So he heard things. The exact same could be said for her. They both heard things and often didn't really care enough to do anything. Because they both didn't really have much friends... they both didn't really have any friends.

"Look, I know you don't want to be dragged into things and believe me, I can relate, understand and respect that. But at the very least, if it's going to affect the chance of someone living or dying, come and tell me." Boyd stared at his feet, unable to look her in the eyes. She still saw the movement of his head as he nodded.


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