One-Shots || Multi-Fandom ||

By Vanilla_Pudding

2.8K 40 1

I like a lot of shows and this is where they will be. For Example: Chicago Fire Chicago P.D. Criminal Minds N... More

Herrmann's Angel (Chicago Fire)
Herrmann's First Love (XOVER)
Let It Burn (XOVER)
Paper Ball (Harry Potter)
Train Wreck (XOVER)
Killer (NCIS)
Heartland (NCIS)
The Creator (MARVEL)
Spider-Twins (MARVEL)

Welcome to Hell (NCIS)

385 8 0
By Vanilla_Pudding


It came out of nowhere.

Next thing Gibbs knows, is that he was waking up with a killer headache and is tied to a steel columns. The NCIS Agent tenses as a voice calls out.

"Let me guess, came out of nowhere?" The agent then looked towards a darker area and noticed a woman whose ankle was chained instead of her whole body like him. "Yeah, welcome to hell."

The agent took her in. Noticing that she was dirtier than him, she's been here longer. Gibbs looked around as he questioned, "How long have you been here?" 

The woman seemed to think for a moment, "I don't know, I've lost track." 

"What's your name?"

"Eliza Carmichael," she answered with a monotone voice. She seemed to have lost hope. "What about you?"


She gave the older man a look, "Is it just 'Gibbs'? Let me guess, it's your last name so that means you're either in law enforcement or just cranky."

Gibbs chuckled. "You're smart, NCIS Special Agent."

Eliza nodded, "I should be smart, I have an IQ of 187." She jumped as a steel door opened in front of them. The agent noticing her ducking her head and looking to the ground.

A male chuckled, "I see you're acquainted." The unknown male walked forward and used a key to unlock the female from the wall, "Let's go." 

"Hey!" Gibbs jerked against his chains, "Why'd you take me?"

Their captor turned, keeping a hand on Eliza's arm and chain. "You got too close."

Gibbs decided to risk it, "And her?"

The man turned to the woman, tightening his grip making her gasp in pain. "She's beautiful, isn't she?" He stroked her face, Eliza flinching back a little. "Just have to train her and she'll make me a good amount of money." The man pulled her out of the room and Gibbs yelled for him to leave her alone. The door slammed and all Gibbs heard for awhile was Eliza's screams, he noticed the blood on her when he first arrived, now Gibbs knows what it's from.


The next time the door opened, the agent looked on in horror as the man dragged Eliza by her ankle chain. She was only in her underwear, bruises covering her skin, blood dripping from her nose and mouth. 

She was hooked back into place and the man threw two plastic bags in before shutting the door. Gibbs leaned back and looked over to the woman, "Eliza? You with me?"

The woman groaned as she rolled over and faced Gibbs, "I'm here."

"Hang in there, NCIS will find us, just hang on." The silver-haired male locked eyes with Eliza, Gibbs now noticing her piercing blue eyes were losing their life and turning dull.

"I can't," Eliza shook her head weakly. "This isn't the first time this has happened, Gibbs." She pushed herself up and crawled towards the plastic bags, opening them up and pulling out each content. The agent watched as she made separate piles, she was planning on feeding him so that he can live.

Eliza moved towards Gibbs and placed a straw in a water bottle, raising it to him. The agent shook his head, "You first." 

"I wouldn't be able to hold it down right now," her answer was so simple. She raised the bottle again, Gibbs reluctantly taking a drink before her.


This was their routine for the next, maybe, two weeks. Eliza was taken from the room twice a day and they were given something to eat and drink only two more times. Gibbs didn't know it, but Eliza gave him more than 50/50 of their food. It was more like 80/20.

He finally noticed when he got a good look at her ribs, "You've been giving me your share of food, haven't you?"

Eliza shrugged, "You have people to go back to." Even though Gibbs didn't like sharing his personal life, he told Eliza a lot to keep her awake when she was on the brink of just passing out and never waking up again. "I have no one."

Gibbs sighed, Eliza had told him about how she grew up in foster care and aged out. She did get scholarships to Caltech and MIT, graduating easily and getting PhD's in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering with BA's in Psychology and Sociology. Except Eliza still didn't have any family or friends, she didn't even have a job since she graduated with her Sociology BA a few days prior from being kidnapped. "After this, you'll have me."

The blue eyed woman closed her eyes tightly, "I don't even know if I want to live if we do get saved." Gibbs watched the woman he had grown close to crumble before his eyes. "I'm tired, Jethro." He did end up telling her his name.

Gunshots suddenly ripped through their silence, Gibbs looking to Eliza as she flinched harshly. "It's okay." 

The door opened, revealing McGee. The young agent turning, "I found him!" McGee looked around outside of the door and grabbed a pair of bolt cutters before starting to work on the chains.

Tony ran in, "Hey, Boss." Gibbs smiled a little. 

Tony looked to Eliza and walked towards her, only to stop as she pushed herself further away from him and into the wall. He observed her, noticing the injuries as she still only had on her underwear. There were many handprints, the darkest one was on her neck.

Gibbs was finally free and motioned to the bolt cutters, McGee handing them over. The older man walked over to Eliza and gently rested a hand on her shoulder, "Eliza?" The woman's eyes flashing to his in an instant, they went from being filled with terror to relief in a matter of milliseconds. "Let's get you out of here."

When Gibbs snapped the chain, she flinched but didn't cower as Gibbs gently wrapped her into his arms to help her up. The older male held a hand out, Tony caused her to flinch when he went to try and help.

The two NCIS agents watched as their boss cradled this girl, who only let Gibbs touch her. Ziva suddenly appeared, "Gibbs." Eliza flinched again, holding onto Gibbs' arm tighter.

"Clear a path, Ziva." The Israeli nodded and did as her boss told her, making sure everyone kept their distance as Gibbs guided Eliza to an ambulance. The paramedics moved forward, Eliza jumping and cowering into Gibbs, who gently pulled her back and made sure she was looking into his eyes. "It's okay, you're okay. They just want to help, I'll be here the entire time."

Eliza stared for a second, "You have me?" Her eyes were stared into his soul.

"I have you," he spoke with such certainty, Eliza nodded and allowed the paramedics to look her over. She kept a firm grip on Gibbs the entire time.

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