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1K 20 1


roman godfrey x witch!reader

warnings: language, mentions of blood

word count: 2.6k


"Have you heard?"

The sound of Destiny's voice over the phone scares you slightly. After her dramatic bitch session over the girl Peter had been fucking, she stopped for a long pause, returning to the phone with a solemn tone.

"No? Heard about what?" You answer.

"She's fucking him too." Of course she is, or should you say, he is. Rolling your eyes, you sigh deeply down the line, "what like an orgy?"

"No, like one of those relationships with three people? Uh, polyamorous?" You groan, "Spare me the details, D." Destiny's glamorous laugh echoes into your ear, and you can't help but smile.

"Please come over!" Destiny begs, her voice still full of laughter as you tell her 'fine' before you hang up. You bask in the morning sun that peers through the curtains of your apartment for a moment before you get moving.

Opening the front door of Destiny's apartment, you're met with her running up to, her eyes wide with alarm as she quickly slams the door behind you.

"What's going on?" You ask, thoughts running a mile a minute as she frantically ushers you to sit.

"I saw her in my visions, Y/n. I-I don't know what it means, but I don't trust her, and neither should my cousin," She stutters. Your eyes flicker between hers as you sit her down on the couch.

"When did this happen?" Destiny points over to the jacket laying on the wooden dining room table. "When I was on the phone to you. That's hers. I went to pick it up and boom! Instant headrush."

You lean back on the couch and shake your head. You're at a loss for words. The fact that Peter could be in danger scares you; but more importantly, it's his ex-best friend's safety that makes you panic more.

"Have you talked to Roman?" You ask. Destiny's head snaps towards you, shocked you even brought him up. She shakes her head and grasps your hands. "Have you?"

You inhale deeply, "No." Destiny sighs, "We don't have to talk about him, you know. I know your break up was pretty messy." You let out a small laugh at her concern.

"I'm okay, I promise. It was like 9 months ago, D."

She nods and turns to look at the folded jacket, wanting to change the subject. "Did you want to look?" She throws her thumb behind her as you suck in a sharp breath.


The jacket lays on the table in front of you, and you stare at the leather.

"It will keep him safe..." You trail off, meeting Destiny's eyes as she smiles softly. The doubt in the pit of your stomach is unsettling, but you need to see the vision. You huff before tilting your head side to side and shaking out your arms. Sweeping your hair back, you square your shoulders. Destiny gives you a reassuring look, although there's tinges of regret and panic in her eyes. You purse your lips while your heart beats rapidly in your chest and your ears.

As soon as you reach down and let your fingers graze over the material, you're transported into a series of flashes—snakes and blood on the walls, the floor, everywhere. The screams you hear are far away, but they're close enough for you to catch the utter agony that powers them. Your eyes move wildly under your eyelids as you search for something that will tell you anything. Tears line the edge of your waterline, and the guttural screams grow nearer, the cries rattling your bones until you squeeze your eyes shut and rip your hand away from the jacket.

You step back in utter terror. You feel sick as pure fear and anxiety churns in your stomach. The blood-curdling screams still reside inside your brain as you walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Destiny yells.



Stopping in front of Roman's new house, you scoff. Last time you were here was when he first bought it, and you left screaming and crying—a perfect storm for a perfect couple.

It was also the last time you saw him. The two of you were freshly 18 and were addicted to the speed of your relationship; a year in and he was already asking you to move in with him. It was built to fail: his mother and your ancestors, your kind, weren't a good mix. Olivia had threatened you more times than you can count, but Roman always defended you, even if you didn't need him too. Maybe that's why you fell so hard so quickly, because he was there when you needed him. To protect and to love. But then you fell apart and were never to fall together again.

Stepping up the front door, your hand goes slack against the door. Do you just barge in? Or be the polite ex-girlfriend and knock. You go for the latter and bang your fist against the pale timber. Not a second later, the door swings open and you're met with a blonde girl.

"Hi—" "You must be Miranda. I was just wondering if Roman's in?" You cut in, stepping through the doorway despite her distress. "Um, you can't just walk in," She says as you look at the top floor, hoping to see the lean man hovering above.

"Lovely house he's got. Ugh, I remember seeing this and telling him it was the one." You laugh. This sentence causes Miranda to pause in her spot, her face scrunching up in confusion.

Looking towards the kitchen, two pairs of eyes are staring at you and, you have to hold in a laugh.

"Peter! Oh my gosh, it's so good to see you," You almost squeal as you rush towards him. He looks back at Roman in shock as you engulf him in a hug. "How have you been?"

Peter swallows with an unsure expression on his face, "Yeah, good." You smile at him and then peer over his shoulder at your ex-boyfriend.

"What are you doing here, Y/n? And cut the shit." He mutters. He's blunt with his words, but you understand why. It was messy.

"Shit? I speak of no such thing, Mr Godfrey," You give him a tight-lipped smile, sarcasm thick in your voice. You step back from Peter and watch as Roman saunters over to you.

"What are you doing here?" He asks again, this time his tone is icy, and his stare is hard.

"Does she know?" You ask before you say your true intentions, waving your hand in the air. Roman shares a look with Peter before shaking his head. You run your tongue along your front teeth then nod.

"Ok. Well, firstly, I had a vision." The sentence has Miranda instantly asking questions but is quietened by Peter who puts his hand up. Roman furrows his brows and steps closer to you, "What do you mean? About what? Does Destiny know?" The number of questions leaving his lips prompts you to lift your finger to stop him.

"Destiny had the same one."

Roman glances over at Peter who shrugs. "When did this happen?"

"Half an hour ago," You move to sit on the couch as the boys stand and Miranda cowers in the corner. "And it's very important." You strain your voice so only Roman can hear.

"Okay, well, tell me." He says. You deadpan him as the corners of his mouth turn upwards slightly.

"The woman you have both been fucking, she's dangerous."

From her spot, Miranda is overcome with anger as she pushes off the wall and stomps towards you. You keep a calm facade as she throws her arms in every direction whilst she's talking.

"Who do you think you are? Coming here at 8 am to run your mouth about God knows what and insult me and especially these boys."

You raise your eyebrows for a split second before standing from the couch to move in front of her.

"Alright," Roman buts in, his voice booming through the glass house. "That's enough, Y/n. You can't just come in here and insult her. She's done nothing wrong."

"You hardly know her! You don't even know what she's capable of," You bite, spinning towards him.

"I'm gonna go see Nadia."

You don't recognise the name as you cock your head at Roman.

"Who's Nadia?" Roman freezes at the question. His shoulders tense and his body rigid as you tilt your head, waiting for his response. You grow impatient as the question lingers. At this point, Miranda has gone upstairs, and you watch as she punches in a code for a door.

"She's um—Letha's."

Your heart drops at the sound of your late best friend's name. "You're telling me..." You can't find it in yourself to find the words as rage erupts in your stomach.

"You're letting a stranger look after Letha's child?" You yell, "Peter?"

"I only found out about her last week, Y/n. I'm as in the dark as you are." He mumbles, head dropping towards the floor as you peer back at Roman.

"The vision I saw was fucked up. If you saw them like I did, I'm sure you would feel the same, and you would want to be miles away from her right now." You could cry at the sheer naivety of him.

"You're letting a complete stranger in on our lives! If anything, I'd be better off caring for my best friend's child than some whore you picked up from the bar."

The sound of footsteps catches your attention as you narrow your eyes at Miranda walking back down the stairs. She makes her way towards Peter and stands next to him as you are face-to-face with Roman.

"She's feeding you vicious lies, Ro. Please listen to me." You don't beg, and you don't want to give him the satisfaction, but it's in moments like these, you need him to listen to you; to trust you again.

"Jealousy isn't a good look on you, doll." You roll your eyes and try your best to bite back a snide remark.

"I'm telling you this because I love you, Roman, not because I'm jealous; don't flatter yourself. Maybe start to think with your brain instead of your dick," You place your palm on his cheek before you bring his other cheek to your lips, placing a kiss against his silky skin. "You know where to find me, baby." Patting the side of his face, you step back, and without acknowledging Peter and Miranda, you walk out of the front door.

Watching your retreating body, Roman feels a pang of remorse in his chest; the feeling leaving him breathless for only a moment before Miranda speaks.

"What a bitch," She spits before Roman shoots her a stern look, "Don't call her that." He stares longingly at the door and then his legs take him upstairs and into his room, leaving the pair downstairs.


Getting a call from Roman was odd. You assumed he deleted it when you broke up, but looks like he didn't. The words that slipped out of his mouth hadn't shocked you, but you felt like breaking down at the thought of Nadia missing. You hung up without a word, and every action you did after the phone call was aggressive, your anger evident everything you did.

Storming up the driveway of his house, you spot Roman in the doorway, remorse painting his features. The look of anger on your face almost scares him and as he backs into the house with you coming at him.

"I fucking told you I had a bad feeling and now look what she's done! I can't believe you let this happen, Roman! I know you're touch-starved and dying for female attention but come on, I saw this happening a mile away." You snap, running your hand through your hair as Roman cowers with guilt. You hadn't seen that expression before.

You slam the front door behind you and glare at him. His look of regret slips and then irritation sets on his face. There he is.

"And where were you? Hm? Probably off fucking some scum from the bar in town whilst I was worried shitless about my daughter." Your eyebrows almost fly to your hairline as you listen to his newfound confidence. Rolling your eyes, you wave him off and turn to leave. You can't bear to listen to his bullshit assumptions.

"That's right! Walk away like you always do." He seethes, a frown contorting his features. You know he's only saying that to get a rise out of you, it's his specialty. So you don't react to piss him off even more. You spin around to meet his hard stare again and stomp towards him, your finger up to press against his firm chest.

"You really wanna go there, Godfrey? Really?" You see a flash of regret pass over his cold eyes before he leans down to your eye level. His face is vacant of any expression when he growls a response. "Yeah, I wanna fucking go there, dollface."

Your face screws up before you huff and step away from him. You bring your hands to rest on your cheeks as you feel tears sting your eyes.

"I can't believe you've let this happen," You murmur. Roman growls, but when you look at him, he's staring at the wall trying to stop the tears blurring his vision.

"Where's Peter?" You ask.

"Fuck knows!" He yells, and you cringe slightly. Roman's eyes go wide as he watches you shrink away. His face falls before he puts his hands up in front of him.

"I didn't mean to scare you, Y/n," He says softly. You give him a small smile as you reply, "No, it's fine. Don't worry about it."

His gaze falls to the floor before he sees your shoes. "Come here."

Roman looks up to see you with your arms outstretched. You tilt your head when he doesn't move and shift to wrap your arms around his torso. Being alone with Roman was different from when you were in a group. You couldn't quite explain it, but he was far more emotional around you.

"Hug me back, Ro," You feel his shaky hands on your back as he bends down slightly, resting his head on your shoulder. Despite his arms around you, his body remains stiff.

"Loosen up; it's just me."

"Sorry, my family was never really the touchy-feely type." he spits softly, "But you already knew that." You only laugh and squeeze him tighter.

Feeling his heartbeat comforts you. You haven't been this close since your break up, and even that was closer than this. You wish you never heard it; his cries against your skin. The sound and the vibrations make your breath hitch and your body freeze.

"Let's move to the couch, yeah?" You whisper, backing up until the backs of your knees hit the couch. Roman pulls away for a second as you lay down before he clambers on top. He lays his head on your chest and wraps his long arms around you. You wonder if he can actually fit on the couch or if his legs are bent awkwardly, but choose not to bring up the topic.

"Could you play with my hair? Please?" Your eyes widen at the sound of the verb and the smallness of his voice, "I'm not gonna ask again, Y/n." And there he is, the usual Roman. You roll your eyes and work your nimble fingers into his hair, the soft strands like silk against your skin.

His sniffles eventually seize, and his body stops shaking as he calms down.

"We'll find Nadia. I promise you, Ro."

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