A Fateful Connection

By the_1writer

1.1K 38 0

Layna Verity is a mutant and a double agent of sorts. She was visiting London for a while, trying to come up... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17


143 3 0
By the_1writer

Layna Verity was walking the dark streets of London in a red, short sleeved, knee-length dress with a pair of matching black, kitten heels. She kept her guard up as a few people passed by her. She swept a few locks of her curly brown hair out of her face as she came across a bar.
"I could use a drink", she thought as she pulled the door open. The bar was bustling about with loud chatter as she walked up to the counter and took a seat on one of the barstools just a seat away from the corner on her right. A blonde haired woman sat twoseats away from her, debating on what to drink.
"What can I get you miss?" asked the bartender to Layna as he walked over and rubbed a glass with a rag.
"Something light, nothing with too much of a kick."
"Coming right up" he replied as he turned his back to her. Layna couldn't help but be in deep thought as she awaited her beverage.
"Shaw trusts me enough to listen in on his plans, but now I have to figure out how the hell to stop him, stall him at least until I come up with a better solution" she thought.
Charles and Erik walked through the door and scanned the room. They had stopped in London, taking a short break from recruiting, were walking about, and decided to get a drink. The two walked over to a table in front of the counter and took their seats. Layna heard them behind her and made a mental note to watch her back. The bartender held a slightly short glass and handed it to her with a coaster.
"Here you are miss."
"Thank you" she replied as she picked up her glass. As she swirled it's contents around, Charles, who was facing Layna across from Erik, glanced at her and the blonde woman nearby. Erik turned around to see what Charles was looking at. He smirked.
"Someone pique your interest?" he asked sarcastically. Charles broke his gaze from them and brought his attention back to his friend.
"Hm? Oh, yes, I suppose you could say that. That blonde woman has quite the unique genetic mutation."
"Why don't you get our drinks then? If you manage to miss your chance then we can keep discussing our future plans about him. Go charm her with your knowledge, I'm sure she'd love to hear about genetic mutations" Erik said with a mischievous grin. Charles eyed him and stood up to walk to the counter. He walked up next to the blonde woman with his hands in his pockets.
"Heterochromia" he said slowly with a grin. The woman looked to her side and then faced back to the bar.
"A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first."
He chuckled.
"Norman, pint of bitter for me and brandy for the lady, please" he said as he placed two fingers to his temple for a moment. Being in such close proximity with the two, it was hard for Layna not to listen in on the conversation.
"How did you know that?" the blonde asked, surprised and confused.
"Lucky guess. Name's Xavier. Charles Xavier. How do you do?"
"Amy" she replied with a smile after shaking Charles' hand.
"Heterochromia was a reference to your eyes, which I have to say are stunning. One green, one blue, it's a mutation, a very groovy mutation. I've got news for you Amy, you are a mutant."
"First you proposition a girl and then you call her deformed. How is that seduction technique working for you?"
Charles was about to speak, but Layna couldn't help but add her own thoughts to the conversation.
"I don't mean to be rude and but it on your conversation, but where did you get the idea that having a mutation classifies you as deformed?" she asked as she looked over to Amy.
"Well, I wouldn't want to be anything but normal. And who are you, exactly?" she replied.
"Doesn't matter who I am, but on the contrary, Miss Amy, was it? I would want to be anything but normal. If everyone was normal, not a single person in the world would be their own person. No one would be unique in any way, but that's just how I see it. Carry on" she said as she took a sip and went back to minding her own business. Charles kept his gaze on the mysterious woman as Amy ignored her. He took in every detail about the brunette. Her hair was tied up in a bun and had a lock of curls framing each side of her face. She was wearing bright, ruby lipstick and he noticed a pale line along her cheekbone. Erik turned and faced his body towards Charles. He saw the expression on his friend's face and resisted to let out a chuckle. Charles shot him an irritated look before the blonde man gestured. He pointed to her, and mouthed, "talk to her". Charles linked with Erik's mind and he listened.
"Give me a moment."
Erik let out a sigh as he turned back around. Charles brushed some hair out of his face and took a breath before speaking.
"Well, I'll leave you with your drink, on me, Miss Amy. Have a lovely night" he said as he walked away. Amy just shrugged the whole thing off and enjoyed her drink, although she did think it a bit odd that he had brought up her eyes in such a casual manner. Charles casually walked around and stood next to Layna on her left.
"With that ensemble, I'm surprised you came alone" he said with a grin.
"Well, I like to dress up every now and then, even if it's just for myself" she said in an American accent.
"I'd ask to buy you a drink, but it seems you already have one" he said as he looked over at her this time. She took another sip and turned her head to face the man that was speaking to her. She didn't show it much, but looking at the English brunette in his lavender collared shirt and gray coat, she thought he was quite dashing. She placed her glass down and cleared her throat.
"Well, if you and your friend over there would like, you can join me."
Charles looked back at Erik who was listening in. Erik stood from his chair and made his way in between Charles and Layna.
"Erik Lehnsherr, pleasure" he said with a warm smile and extended his hand.
"Layna Verity" she replied and shook his hand.  She somewhat let her guard down after releasing his hand. Erik walked towards Charles and sneakily whispered to him.
"Don't screw this up or I might snatch her from you" he said as he patted his friend's shoulder and sat down a seat away from the lone woman on the left by the wall. Charles tried to ignore the remark and took the empty seat next to Layna.
"Charles Xavier" he said as they grabbed each other's hand.
"Pleasure to meet you. So tell me, you boys from around here?"
Layna let her worries drift away after letting Charles' hand go.
"I am, Erik is from Germany, but we've been staying here for a few days. And what about you? You're from America I presume?"
"Yes, born and raised. I'm from the east Bay Area. Tell me about yourselves as the bartender hands you your drinks" she said as a beer was placed in front of both Charles and Erik. They nodded as thanks and before Charles could speak, Erik started.
"Your name, Layna, is Greek, yes? Is your family Greek?"
"Your well rounded in the knowledge department aren't you? No, I'm not Greek. My parents just liked the meaning behind the name."
"And what would that be?"
"Layna means light, truth."
"Beautiful, as well as yourself" Charles piped up before Erik could beat him to it.
"Thank you" she said as a blush was threatening to creep across the bridge of her nose.
"You look quite knowledgeable yourself Charles, what do you do?"
"I studied genetics and mutations. I recently graduated from Oxford with my degree. And you?"
"I'm a photographer. I take photographs of landscapes, shots for newspapers every now and then, and models. I also do photo shoots for weddings or other events, or even if people are willing to pose and model for me I'll take photographs even then."
"Do you have any on hand?"
"Of course, how else am I supposed to promote my work? I guess a business card would do, but I keep some of my best work on me just in case" she said as she dug through her handbag and pulled out three photos. Charles took them and turned himself forward so Erik could see. The first one was a picture of the Eiffel Tower during the night with it's bright lights, the second was an empty picture of Santa Cruz's Beach boardwalk, and the last one was a couple at the beach holding hands, laughing as a big wave crashed into their shin's with the water frozen in motion.
"These are fantastic" he said with a smile.
"You have a good eye" Erik said as Charles handed the photos back.
"Thank you, if you ever need a photographer, I'll be happy to take some photos for you" she said with a smile as she placed the photos back in her bag.
"That's quite generous of you, we'll keep that in mind" said Charles.
"The photograph of the tower was quite fascinating, were you able to stay in France long?" asked Erik as he took a gulp from his glass.
"Not for too long unfortunately. I only got to stay for a couple days, but it was truly amazing. Paris is just beautiful at night and the food was to die for. I hope to go back someday" she said as she picked up her glass and drank the last few sips from it.
"If you don't mind me asking, now could I buy you a drink?" Charles asked as he gestured toward her empty glass.
"Why not?" she said with a smirk. Charles beckoned the bartender over and bought her another drink. The three talked for what seemed like only a couple minutes, but they had been at the bar talking for almost an hour.
"And that's how Charles and I ended up here. I'm still trying to get rid of him" Erik said which caused Layna to chuckle.
"Oh come on Erik, Charles is perfect company" she said as she picked up her glass and took a sip.
"At least someone thinks so" Charles said as he turned to Erik and glared.
"-to sabotage Shaw."
Charles' expression hardened slightly as he unintentionally listened to Layna's thoughts from being a bit less sober. He wasn't sure if he heard correctly.
"Layna, do you perhaps do anything else besides photography? Just curious is all."
"No, photography is my one and only job. I thought about maybe getting a job as a waitress, just to make a little extra money, but haven't really thought too much about it recently."
"I see," he said as he took a quick sip from his half full third glass of beer.
"Well, I think you'd make a lovely waitress, who wouldn't want to be served by you?" he said kindly.
"Now, Charles, we just met this fine young lady, please don't scare her off" Erik joked.
"Oh he's fine. I'd better leave now though before I get another drink and end up tipsy talking even more with you two" Layna said as she stood up from her stool and brushed her skirt down.
"It was a pleasure to meet you fine gentlemen, but I best be on my way. Maybe we'll see each other again?" she said as she extended her hand out to Charles. He gave her a smile and shook it gently.
"Goodnight Layna, get home safely, yes?"
"I will, goodnight Charles." She let go of his hand and shook Erik's.
"Hope to see you again, Miss Verity."
"And you as well. Goodnight" she said as she walked to the door and pushed it out, letting a cool breeze enter the bar. Charles watched her walk out as she turned down the sidewalk to the right. He was hesitant on telling Erik what he had heard, he was tipsy, and his attention was mainly on the conversation, so maybe she hadn't said Shaw, maybe someone else? And did she think about sabotaging? He couldn't have heard that right either. He retreated his gaze from the door back to his glass and took a  few sips before Erik started another conversation.
"You blew it" he said as he took his glass and pressed it to his mouth.
"Excuse me? What do you mean I 'blew it?' It went well."
"And yet you didn't even ask for her address to send a letter, at least, or even ask her to go on a date."
"Well, it's not like we have a whole lot of time for that. We have more pressing matters to deal with at the moment if you haven't forgotten" Charles said as he swirled the beer around in his glass.
"True, but when all of this ends, you could've come back to her, get to know her. If we ever do cross paths with Layna Verity, be sure to keep her in your sights."
"That, I will definitely do" he said as they clinked glasses and took a sip.

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