Meeting Their Younger Selves

By Outis02

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Heroes of the future come back in time to tell the Demigods of Camp Half-Blood what is to come. Cross posted... More

Chapter 1 - Time Travel
Chapter 2 - Travis and Connor Stoll
Chapter 3 - Katie Gardner and Miranda Gardiner
Chapter 4 - Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Chapter 5 - Clarisse La Rue and Chris Rodriguez
Chapter 6 - Thalia Grace and Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Chapter 7 - Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace
Chapter 8 - Coach Hedge
Chapter 9 - Leo Valdez and Calypso
Chapter 10 - Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque
Chapter 11 - Jason Grace and Piper McLean
Chapter 13 - Annabeth Chase
Chapter 14 - Percy Jackson
Chapter 15 - The Lightning Thief
Chapter 16 - The Sea of Monsters
Chapter 17 - The Titan's Curse
Chapter 18 - The Battle of the Labyrinth
Chapter 19 - The Stolen Chariot and The Sword of Hades

Chapter 12 - Grover Underwood

24.8K 368 194
By Outis02

3rd POV

"Oh, Zeu kai alloi theoi" Grover screamed as soon as he came to Camp Half-Blood through the portal, while Clarisse barked "Attack Plan Delta Romeo"

At that, the different Demigods of the future got into position. The archers stood at the back, peppering the drakon with arrows to get through the chinks in the armour. The swordsmen stood semi-close to it, to distract it, while Clarisse climbed onto its back. Once Clarisse was on, she made her way up the back, holding onto the scales. Once she reached the head, she plunged her spear through the eyeball, into its brain. This didn't seem to cause it to dust, so she repeated the motion with the other eye, which caused the drakon to give a last squeal of pain, before fading to dust, leaving the drakon skin as a spoil of war.

"Anyone hurt?" Thalia asked, once everyone managed to get back up.

"Just a couple scratches," Travis said, "Nothing major", that caused agreements from everyone but Clarisse.

"Broken Arm, I think" Clarisse said "Two places"

"Don't worry, Dr Solace is here" Will said, running over to Clarisse. "Okay, I'm going to need to set your arm. It will hurt. Now I'm going to need to need some stuff for a splint. You know where it is Nico?" Nico nodded. "Right get me the stuff and some Ambrosia, everyone else deal with each other. You all have your pouch on Ambrosia, right?" Nods came from everyone else. "Good, now get to work" And with that everyone went to work.

Meanwhile, all the demigods of the past just looked on in shock at the different types of leadership they saw whether they were battle leadership, or medical. Almost all the past people had their jaws on the floor because of it.


GU on the other hand had his jaw on the floor because of what he saw in his future self. He saw an idealised version of himself. Confident, assured and happy. Not only that but he saw a simple band around his left ring finger.

So naturally he blurted out "I'm married?!?!"

Grover blushed at that statement, "Maybe"

Clarisse scoffed through the pain of her broken arm being set. "Maybe? I should hope that you know that you are married to her as she is pregnant after all"

"I'm going to be a father?" GU said in shock

"So Gruniper is in full force then, and why wasn't I told that she was pregnant?" Piper demanded

"We only found out she was pregnant a week ago" Grover protested

"And what's Gruniper?" GU asked

"Gruniper is Grover and Juniper's ship name" Piper said "Got together before my time at camp"

"About 2 years before you showed up landing in the lake" Grover said

"Like me!" Nico said, surprising all the past people as none of them had noticed the Son of Hades return

"And whose fault is that?" Grover asked, before looking at the Daughter of Zeus, who just blushed in response.

"Wait Thalia was- AHHHH- Driving. And don't do that again or I will stab you" Clarisse threatened Will who quickly nodded

"Sorry," Will said apologetically

"Why are we here and what is here as I was handling the Drakon perfectly fine until this happened. Me and the Nature spirits had it nearly killed." Grover asked

"Oh, we have time travelled around 5 years to the past, I believe the day after Percy got claimed." Will said, wrapping Clarisse's arm in the splint.

"So, I have to recount some of the worst times of my life with the flirt fighting" Grover moaned.

"I know, it was so bad" Travis moaned

"It was worse for me as I was best friends with them and on every one of their quests!" Grover yelled "They both had crushes on each other since they were 12. 12! It took them 4 years to get together. And you are not an empath. You can't read their emotions . . . "

Over the next 5 minutes Grover didn't stop ranting about the relationship he had to watch and sense bloom, despite knowing that they liked each other from the beginning.

When Grover paused for breath Thalia quickly intervened and said "Wow, that's a lot of pent up energy"

Grover scoffed, "Please, I can go on for another day about it, and I will" Grover opened his mouth to start talking again, but was quickly stopped by Thalia in born taser (AKA her fingers) shocking his arm. "What's that for?"

"Going on another rant as we don't want to hear about how they got together from my point of view." Thalia complained

"So, who do I get together with?" Percy asked

"We're not saying" Thalia denied

"Fine, so I just need to figure out who Grover is best friends with." Percy said

"Why?" Grover asked

"You told me a few days ago that you had never been to school before me, and you just said that you knew one of the people since your fist school." Percy said, looking proud.

"Since when has Kelp Head been smart?" Nico whispered to Thalia

"Probably a one off" Thalia replied

"No, he just acts a lot dumber than he is. Easier to be underestimated so he can take down enemies quicker" Grover clarified at the looks he got. "What tell me at least someone else got it. Right?"

All he got was silence. "Did any of you realise he came up with all of the plans for New York"

Nico's eyes widened "Not only that but he thought ahead and got me to convince my father to help in New York"

"As well as the plan to get his own father to stop Typhon" Grover added

"And he told everyone where to go for the siege of New York" Thalia finished, her eyes widening

"He was also the one that embarrassed Annabeth so badly that she stopped playing chess" Travis said

"I love chess though" Annabeth protested

"Not after a Son of Poseidon, your mothers rival beats you at chess with only his king remaining and you having all of your pieces left." Conner said

Annabeth frowned "That's not possible"

"Tell that to the Annabeth of the future" Travis said grinning before he paled. "Actually don't. I happen to rather like not getting stabbed for telling the story"

"So, what we can summarise is that Percy's plans are good" Chiron said

Grover snorted. "Good? His plans are so far out of left field that nobody knows what he is coming up with until he has got you were, he wants you. It makes Poseidon vs Athena matches on Capture the Flag very fun to watch and Poseidon and Athena cabins combined impossible to stop."

"How did none of us notice?" Thalia asked

"He's a very good actor" Grover said, while GU nodded, knowing the reason why. Percy flinched at the reason why, though no one other than the two Grover's noticed

"Anyway, what are your titles?" Annabeth asked Grover excited to learn the future of her friend.

"I am Grover Underwood, Lord of the Wild, I helped return Hades' Helm of Darkness and Zeus' Master Bolt, I sailed the Sea of Monsters and helped retrieve the Golden Fleece, I was a part of the quest to rescue Artemis, a guarded the Ophiotaurus back to Olympus. I wandered the labyrinth and found the lost God Pan. I led the Nature Spirits to battle in the Battle of New York and am now a member of the Council of Cloven Elders. Survivor of the Battle of the Labyrinth, Battle of Manhattan and Battle of Camp Half-Blood, veteran of the Second Titan and Giant wars." Grover said.

Everybody was just standing in silence for a minute, absorbing what the timid and nervous satyr would do. After the minute was up the was a loud crash and loud cry of "FOOOOOOD!"

Travis leaned over and said "Yep, Grover's gone into another Food coma," before holding his hand out to his brother

Conner cursed, but handed over the money.

"You were betting on me?" Grover asked incredulously

Travis and Conner both gave a look that said 'Well, duh'

"Why wouldn't we?" Clarisse asked, pocketing some money she got from her boyfriend with her unbroken arm

"You did go into a Food coma after you were made a member of the Council of Cloven Elders" Thalia pocketing the money from her girlfriend.

Meanwhile, Grover just kept on looking horror as he saw more money being passed over from person to person.

"Thank you to you guys that bet that I wouldn't go into a Food coma." Grover thanked

Conner frowned "I didn't bet that"

"Same here" Chris said

"Or here" Reyna added

"It was just on how long it took for you to fall into the Food Coma" Will said, still unhappy about losing the bet to his boyfriend.

Grover just looked on in more disbelief. "Well goodbye to you guys as my friends"

"Come on!" Thalia moaned "You know as well as I do that both Annabeth and Percy would have made the same bet"

"They would have been discreet about the handing over the money though." Grover moaned back, before humphing, causing a couple scattered giggles from a few people.

At that point, a bright light engulfed the area as a dragon emerged, battling against a daughter of Athena.

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