In Their Eyes

By DamienClarke98

18.7K 324 21

2 creepers fighting for humans. One to protect and the other one is hunting game. The game is Darry Jenner an... More



181 2 0
By DamienClarke98

   Gaylen is up on the hill once more. Shes hammering something to the ground.
    She hammers until she sees Kenny in her peripheral vision. She stops only momentarily but then continues hammering.
   She then waits in the barn. The barn door cracked open just far enough to see the hill.

    She waits with a shot gun in hand. The horse suddenly makes a small noise, startling her.

   The apparition of Kenny appears behind her.

   "Whatever you think you can do, you cant.", Kenny says.

   "Youre not going to stop me...", Gaylen pauses. "So go away.", she says.
   "They took her mom. They have Addy now.", Kenny says.
    Gaylen gets up from her chair to look at Kenny but hes gone.

   "What?", she asks. She rushes to the other side of the barn. Gun still in her hands.

   A light peers through. She kicks the barn door open.

   She cocks and aims the gun at the truck. She gets a better look at the truck.

   Its Buddy.

  He gets out of the truck and walks towards her. She lowers the gun.

   "Wheres Addy?", She asks. Both of their eyes well up with tears.
   Somewhere on the highway, Addison is still in the back of the truck. Shes sitting up.
   She was at least until she heard the familiar flapping of wings.

   She looks up to the roof and immediately starts covering herself with the sheet again.

  The creature opens the door. Alex right above on the roof of the truck.

   The creature scans the back of the truck and hops in the back. Alex's time has come. This is it.

    The creature looks back and forth. He tricks Addison into thinking hes walking past.

  He gets on top of her and rips the sheets off of her. He growls as she screams.
   He grabs her by the collar and pulls her up to him. He starts sniffing her.
    His eyes grow wide. He grabs a knife from the walls.

    Addison crawls towards the front seats. He gets back on top of her. They end up in between the front seats.

   Addison uses this to her advantage. The spear immediately goes through the creatures head.

   He roars is pain.

   He tries to get out of it. One of his eyes just drops out of the socket.

    Addison screams and crawls under him.

   She gets out from underneath him. She sees the opportunity to escape with the back being opened.
   She gets up and runs right for the back. As she jumps out, she spikes get her shoes.
   The spikes retract. The spear is out of the creature's head. He gets back up.

   He chases right after her. He trips over one of the bodies coming out and lands face first into the ground.

   Alex comes down and straight kicks him in the head. Addison gets up and starts running.

   Alex continues to kick the creature in the head.
    Once he knows Addison got enough space between them and her, he cnases after her.
   The creature gets back up and chases after her too.

   He tries to use his wings by jumping up but ends up face planting back into the ground once again.

   His 2nd wing failed to spring out, causing only one to spring out and making him eat shit and face planting.

   Needless to say, Alex thought it was the funniest thing ever.
   The creature gets back up. He goes back to his truck. Alex pulls out his ninja star.
   He gains some speed and then throws the star towards her.

   Addison trips on a rock and falls. She raises her head just high enough to where the star grazes her hair.

   That only angered Alex. The creature grabs one of his long spears.

   He tries to aim with the empty socket of an eye. Addison touches her head to make sure shes fine.
   She then rolls over onto her butt. She sees both creatures practically fighting over her.

   The creature realizes hes an idiot for trying to aim with his empty socket side.

   He flips the aim over to his good eye. He tries to get a good aim.

  Addison gets up and start running again.

   The creature realizes once again he cant aim on the other side so he goes back to his original side.
    He decides to take the shot in hopes of getting her. He throws it. Alex fastly gaining on her.
   Unlucky for Alex, he gets the spear right through the chest.

   He roars in both pain and anger. Addison gets away. The creature heads there way.

   He passes Alex, who is stuck to the fence. Addison gets to a road.
  The creature comes charging with his axe. He almost gets her when a semi truck comes and hits him.
   It sends him flying across the pavement. Addison continues to run and gets away.

   Alex gets himself free. He watches as Addison runs free. He growls but got the joy of watching the creature get hit by a truck.

   The truck driver gets out of his truck to investigate. He sees what it is and immediately calls 911.

   The driver is unaware that the creature is already getting back up. The driver turns around and its gone.
   He looks up above and scans all over the place for it while still on the phone.
    Before he knows it, hes tackled to the ground. Alex takes off to Gaylen's home. She waits in the shadows.

   He knows it has a reason to be there. He only waits for it to come.

   Its not long before he does. He pulls up to the barn. He goes up to the hill. Thats when he sees it.

    He sees a hole in the ground. He drops to his knees. Besides the hole, a large cardboard sign was made.
   Attached to it, was the severed hand. The cardboard had words painted on it. "We know what you are.", it reads.
   This both frightened and angered him. He pulls the nail thats hammered into it out.

   He throws it aside. He grabs the severed hand. He takes it and completely destroys it, turning it into dust.

    He tosses the dust down in anger. He looks up to the sky. He drops back to his knees.

   He roars. Suddenly, birds begin droping dead from the sky.
   As he continues to roar, webbed gills start to protrude from his head.
   He looks like a frilled lizard but more webbed and more aphibian-like.

   Alex watches and he too, had his webbed gills protuding from his head.

   Meanwhile, Addison is still walking near the road. She hears a vehicle.

   She thinks its the truck. She dives into nearby tall grass to hide. The truck stops.
    She fears its them again. A figure comes walking and sees her.

   "Addy?", they say.

   She looks up and sees Buddy. She quickly runs into his arms, hugging him tightly.

   Buddy gets her back onto the road. Thats when she sees Gaylen. She runs and hugs her grandmother.

    Gaylen pulls Buddy into the hug as well. They get into the car and go home.

   Over the next coming days, everyone tried to heal.
   Gracie and her mom let the rabbit back into the wild.
   Davis holds onto the hat Danny gave him.

    Buddy pulls up to Addison's house. He quickly gets out of the truck and heads around the back of the house.

   He sees Addison with Rocket. Addison sees Buddy.

   "What are you doing here?", she asks. He walks closer to her.
   "They are picking me up here. I didnt miss 'em, did i?", he says.
   "Theyre picking you up here?", Addison asks. "So i could say goodbye.", Buddy says.

   "They dont care. Its on the way.", Buddy says. He caresses her cheek.

   "Really, are you doing okay?", Buddy asks. She looks down and nods.

   "Im out of the house. Out in the sunshine.", she says.

   "And back with your old boyfriend, huh?", Buddy jokes.
   Addison smiles. She turns and gives Rocket a kiss on the head.

   "They say hes gone, you know.", Buddy says.

   They start walking back to the front of the house. She stops for a moment.

   "You really believe it?", she asks.

   "Gone for another 23 years?", she adds.

     "Think we'll still be around here to find out?", Buddy asks.

   No words were spoken but a kiss is shared between the two.

   Then a horn is heard being honked. They both run to the front of the house.

   "Im going to worry about you.", Addison says. "I can't believe they're letting you go.", she adds.

    "For the last time we made it to state, i dont think the armageddon will keep us from going.", Buddy says.

   "Is that your dad talking?", Addison jokes.

   Buddy goes back to his truck. "Oh, i got family up in Bollander. I might stay an extra day.", Buddy says.

   He grabs his varsity jacket and puts it on. "Im gonna miss you.", Addison says.

   "Well, ill miss you more, i bet.", Buddy says. He grabs his duffle bag.

   "Keep an eye on my truck for me.", Buddy says. He gives her one final kiss on the cheek.

   The bus honks for him to hurry. He walks towards his bus.

   He steps on but stops on at the door. He turns back to her. He waves to her and she waves back.

   He gets on the bus and takes his seat. The bus door closes. She looks at him.

   She looks at the bus at it leaves. She notices someone waving to her from the back. She looks closely.

   Two different eyes. Red and Blue.

    She freezes. The bus is already gone before she could do anything.

    And with that, Buddy and them are off for their Basketball game...

((A/N: so, this is now 2/3 parts. Got one more to go. However, once i can comfirm if there is a #4 coming out, ill add onto the story once #4 comes out. This one by far took only a few days to write.

    Imma try and get started on this last movie. Im hoping we get a #4 movie. The last one to conclude it all.

   But we will see. Ill try to get started right away with the finally part.))

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