By mamee_

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The faith and bravery of a person are put to test . A story of journey and discovery ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE Fin... More

Chapter 1.The Beginning🥀
Chapter 3.The Meeting 🥀
Chapter 4.Just another day🥀
Chapter 5.The job 🥀
chapter 6.Bitter Truth🥀
Chapter 7.The interview🥀
Chapter 8.THE C.E.O🥀
Chapter 9.Office work🥀
Chapter 10.what went wrong 🥀
Chapter 11. she's back🥀
Chapter 12.worst day ever🥀
Chapter 13.someone new🥀
Chapter 14.Recovery 🥀
Chapter 15 .SORRY 🥀
Chapter 16.HOME🥀
chapter 17.makeups🥀
chapter 18.Goodbye🥀
🥀 chapter 19🥀.New city
🥀 chapter 20.🥀New job
🥀Chapter 21. Hit the sky🥀
🥀chapter 22. Diners🥀
🥀 chapter 23.Appologies🥀
chapter 24. A wedding 🥀
🥀chapter 25.old memories
🥀chapter.26 Anabya🥀
🥀chapter.27 speechless 🥀
🥀chapter 28. Date nights
🥀chapter 29. 🥀 Bitter reality
🥀chapter 30. The resident🥀
🥀chapter 31.flowersbloom
chapter 33. 🥀Her eyes
chapter 34. 🥀longest ride
chapter 35. Finding solace🥀
Chapter 36.Possessions🥀
🥀Chapter37: Unchatered mission🥀

🥀chapter 32. sick joke🥀

37 7 0
By mamee_

Ps this chapter is going to be in a third person pov😁😁😁

This week was a week that huda will never forget in her life.
She was devastated and shocked to the core because what happened. She has not left her room and has not eaten a proper food for the past one week.
Ammi and papi have been trying to pacify her but she wouldn't listen. She could remember the phone call that left her in this state. She could remember the look on kultum's face.
"What!! innalilahi'wa'inna'ilaihiraji'un;to Allah we come and to him we shall return.she said. Nuaym was involved in a ghastly car accident and before he was taken to the hospital,he had said the kalimatu shahada. His mom was the one on the phone,she was crying as she was speaking to huda. Huda could swear that at that moment her heart stopped beating. She couldn't move and so where her eyes. Not until kultum stood up and hugged huda did she register what happened and slumped to the floor weeping bitterly. She didn't care about people's piercing looks at the moment,all she could think of was the fact that nuaym is dead,a week prior to his coming. From there on she didn't know want happened because she passed out.

When she woke up,she found her self in her room on her bed. She quickly stood up and rushed to the toilet to throw up. She locked her door and turned deaf ears to ammi and papi's bang on the door and calling out her name to open up. She was sorry for making her parents worry but she needed to be alone. She cried and cried until she couldn't no more,she wondered if she had any tears left in her system. She prayed and cried to her lord because he's Ar-rahmin;the merciful,indeed Allah will not burden a soul with what he can't handle right?.
And here she was after days of grieving,she has finally accepted that he was no more, she prayed everyday for Allah to brighten up his grave and give him the highest rank in jannah. She called his parents and gave her condolences,prayed for their well being. She asked for her lord's forgiveness for not believing in qadr sooner and for questioning nuaym's death.
She's finally ready to move on with her life because that's what nuaym would have loved for her to do after all.

She folded her jilbab and prayer. She had taken her bath and wore a long maxi dress that he ammi both for her even though she complained that why will ammi buy her a dress. She could have saved the money for other important things.
You're more important habibty were her mother's exact statement.
She went to the door and unlocked it, before going out. Stepping out, huda felt like she has not seen the outside world for more than a year when actually it was just four days.
She moved to the living room and found her mother sitting on the sofa lost in thoughts. Her heart constricted on seeing her mother. She threw her in this state was all she could think of. She didn't know when she started crying untill her mother's voice rang in here ear.
"Huda habibty come here and sit beside me"her mother motioned for her. She quickly walked to the sofa and sat beside her mother.
"Ammi I'm so sorry for making you guys worried please forgive this daughter of yours" she burst into tears hugging her mother. She kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear to calm her down.
"Huda look at me "her mother commanded'and she backed away from the hug. Ammi held both of her hands rubbing her thumb soothing her cold her hands. She inhaled deeply before opening her eyes to look at ammi whose face held a sad face.
"Habibty,I know you are going through alot right now,and you feel like giving up but remember Allah doesn't burden a soul with what he can't handle,have faith in your lord and seek for forgiveness. I know how close you and nuaym were and you were even planning on getting married, but we plan and Allah plans remember to that. You have to be strong and face all you problems head on. I know it's going to be hard but move on huda even nuaym would love that you know it. Don't feel like you're alone in this we are all here ready to be with you through this hard time.

"Ya Allah ammi what would I do without you"she shrieked.
Ammi knows just the right word to say to make you feel better wallah.
"Nothing habibty absolutely nothing" she bragged and they all laughed at her statement.
"I love you so much ammi"she hugged her mother.
"I love you too zawjati"she hugged her back. "Your father will be back very let's go prepare something nice for him what do you say?ammi asked her daughter.
"Let's do it" huda shouted grining widely.

She resumed work the following day, she is now ready to face the world again.
She stepped into the compound that left her speechless everyday.
She looked at her uniform and saw the iron patch on it. She was ironing it when she mistakenly burnt it. She was so angry at herself. After clipping the last pin to her veil she entered the building,and she was immediately engulfed in a tight hug she was struggling to breath.

"Ya Allah huda I missed you,how are you, ya Allah look at you, you have lost weight"kulthum bombarded her with questions.
"Oh my God, kulthum one question at a time"she laughed." Ammi told me that you came to check up on me almost every day. Thank you so much you are  an amazing friend and I'm sorry for making you worried".
"Oh huda it's nothing, besides what are friends for may allah grant him the highest rank and jannah and wipe away his sins" she prayed
"Ameen"huda answered
"So any changes here?
"Nothing much,sahiba hajar is back on her feet healthy as ever.
"Ok let's good our work before she sees us here we will not live to see another day"she whispered and they all  laughed.

"Assalamualaikum,khadi!!!" Huda shrieked at the phone.
"Oh my God my ears,huda and waalaykum Salam"she answered"how are you huda,I was so worried I came to check up on you you refused to come out if your room"
"I know I made you all worried I'm sorry wallah it was just so hard to take the news"she sighed sadly.
"I know how you  feel and I'm glad that you are back to your normal self"
"Yes I'm a superwoman" she boasted
"Uhm..huda there is someone I want you to meet... please can you come to sizzlers,I know you are done for the day.. so what you say?
A nervous khadi is  one in a million.smh

"Ok?but is that some nervousness I sense?huda stifled her laugh by covering her mouth.
"I get it ok?just come over and don't freak out" she hung up

She arrived at sizzlers and khadi was a little by the left talking to a guy who was leaning on a black Toyota. She couldn't see the face but the guy is talk and we'll built.
She strolled to them and said her Salam and behold ,she was shocked at what she saw.
"Assalamualaikum,what in the jahanam is happening here"she question looking from khadi to Mr ashraf the resort manager suspiciously.
"Waalaykum salam,huda it's been a while"he said nervously scratching the back of his head.
This is amusing
Huda couldn't take it anymore so she started laughing loudly.
"Ok,I'm sorry it's just guys look funny right now"she said in between her laugh. " Anyways can someone start explaining what is going on"she questioned again
"Uhm the things is that huda, actually ashraf and I are kind of on love with each other and we are planning on taking it to the next level"she said in one breath.
Huda gasped at the I formation she just received.
"Oh my Allah,so mr ashraf huh?she smirked
"Yeah I know depending on the circumstances we met ,it's kind of weird but I love khadija,since the first time we met and well I thought it was just an infatuation but then it grew into something bigger and I confronted her and she agreed so here we are. He smiled at khadi who was busy blushing.
"Wow,I'm so happy right now and at the same time surprised but all in all I'm happy for the both of you may allah bless your union"she beamed at them
"Thank you huda"they both chorused.
"So what should I call you now huh?,"I think in law will do
"Yes that will do,but you can call me ashraf.
"Ok I will call you akhi because that's what you are now"
They entered the restaurants and chatted all through the evening with huda teasing them and what not. She's really a fun person to be with they thought.



Khadi's wedding took place a month later and she has moved to  marrakech with ashraf. He had a job there and so now she has only kulthum left in fes.
She's so going to miss khadi she feels lonely even with kulthum around.
She has not  been going to work for a week. Papi's illness got worse and she has to stay and look after him. After much persuasion she finally decided to resume just for her to get the must shocking news yet.
She entered the residence and everyone was busy ,it's like they are renovating the whole south wing where the family lives. All the maids where doing one thing or the other. She was curious so she quickly went inside and lady alameri's portraits that were hung in the walls of the huge living room down to the hall ways were all brought down. What's happening. She thought.
She spotted kulthum in one of the queen sized rooms,lady alameri's room to be specific. She was changing the bed spread and the comforters. All the lady's belonging were packed not to forget her huge walk in closet filled with fabulous clothes that had huda drooling over all the time.
She couldn't deal with the curiousness so she asked the question that has been in her mouth since she arrived.
"Kulthum what the hell is happening in this mansion"she asked
"You will not believe what's happening huda, the mayor has divorced his wife and he married another one for reasons still unknown. Three days after his wedding the lady was admitted in a psychiatric hospital,she has lost her mind huda.
Huda stayed rooted to the floor she could not move. She was in shock with what she just heard.
How did this all happened.
"Huda are you there ? kultum griped her arms and huda gasped.
"Ya allah kulthum I don't even know what to say this is all just too much to take in"
"I know right I'm also shocked as you are when I was told. The new lady of fes is arriving later in the evening I can't wait to see her I hope she's not evil"
",I hope so too let's carry on with our work "huda said
After arranging the room they wore knowing smiles on their faces. The room looks amazing.

The room is spacious,classic and modern dim to for a queen. The royal designed bed stood at the middle of the room. The floors were made of italian was mopped to perfection that one can see his reflection on it. They spread the bed with purple bedsheet and white comforter. There are two purple pillows and two golden.
Behind the bed was was a wall with black wallpaper with purple curtains draped by both sides.there are two white with golden designed side drawers with night lamp on top. By the foot of the bed is a turkish ottoman. There are also two royal purple chairs with a centre table and flower vase on top. Behind the chairs is a brown wallpaper and by the other end of the room is the purple and golden mirror and chair,with different arabian and english perfumes.
All in all this room looks perfect.

"We have done a great job huda"kultum grinned at huda.
"You're are right kultum but we need to leave the room before something happens"huda dragged kultum out of the room. The strolled down the stairs and to the kitchen.
They cooked alot of food from lamb spiced couscous,chicken Bastilla, tagine, keetla meatball tagine,rfissa,harira,lemon grilled sardines,bissare,orange and pineapple juices so many varieties. Some where cleaning the kitchen and doing the dishes while some are arranging the long dinning table that could contain more than twenty people

"Ya Allah what a feast they will have today. We have worked our
asses out I'm so tired huda" kultum wiped the sweat on her face.
"Same, kultum my legs are shaking I need a long bath and then sleep.
Kulthum was about to speak when she was cut off my maid shouting the lady has arrived.
"Come on let's go huda I want to see her"
The walked to the large living room where the lady stepped in with maids following her with big boxes. She was dressed elegantly in a red brocade dress flowed as she walks. She had on a long red veil on her head
The maids both male and female were asked to assemble by sahiba hajar. They all scurried to join the rest.
The lady stood a little distance in front of them.
Their hands bowed down slightly with their hands at the back.
They didn't look up until the mayor came and stood by his wife. He was a tall handsome man young for his age with black curly hair.
"This here is my wife,lady naina alameri"his voice boomed across the gigantic living room. "Raise" he said and they all rose their heads.
That's when huda saw her. The least person she expected.
She had a smile on her face but when their eyes met she smirked.
Huda turned her face and was now looking at the mayor.
"You will respect have just like the way you did with my ex wife,you do not dear disrespect her or else you will lose your job am I clear?he asked
"Yes, mayor"they chorused
"You're are dismissed"he held his wife's hand and they left with another woman following behind her.
Destiny must be playing a sick joke on her.

The guest started tropping in and soon enough all the chairs on the dinning were occupied.
The maids kept on whispering to one another about the new lady. Some said she's beautiful,while some ugly.she's better than the last one,she looks mean and wicked,I don't like her,I like her.

"What do you think about the new lady huda?"kulthum asked but huda was lost in her thoughts.
"Huda"she shouted this time and huda turned to look at her.
"Sorry for not answering you kulthum but I have many thoughts running on my mind right now.
"Talk to me what is it huda,you have awfully quiet ever since the lady arrived.
"She's the one kulthum"
"Who" a confused kulthum asked.
"Naina of course asad's girlfriend"
Kulthum gasped
"What"her eyes were as wide as a saucer." You've got to be kidding me" kulthum said
"I hoped so too but then it's not it's true. I can't stop thinking kulthum why is she married to the mayor,and not asad,I can't still believe this u though sh loved asad, how did she ended up with the mayor.
"Uhm huda there is something I need to tell you about asad, please don't be angry"
"Spill it kulthum"huda narrowed her eyes at kulthum.
She said in one breath shutting her eyes tightly.
"Open your eyes kulthum and speak to me normally please"huda begged.
"Ok",she opened her eyes. " Your Asad is the mayor's son I was working last week when you were absent and some maids where gossiping and I heard them call his name so I stopped to listen. I didn't believe until she showed me the picture.
"Look"she said to huda showing her the phone.
Huda gasped" ya Allah he's the one kulthum,can this day get any worst"she closed her eyes wishing for all this to be a dream.

Happy weekend ❣️❣️

Don don don......................
Assalamualaikum loves!!how are we all doing. Hope we are all well and healthy 😘😘
Ghost readers!!I have nothing to tell you😩.smh
I have a surprise for y'all 😁😉
Follow me to find out🏃🏻‍♀️



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