Painting Flowers // Ashton Ir...

By rdysasi

644K 20.3K 14.3K

[Sequel to Paint You Wings] Sometimes the only way to set yourself free is by facing the one who held you dow... More

Ashlia Playlist
To My Fellow Texans
Please Read! (Updated)
Twenty-seven (Part 1)
Twenty-seven (Part 2)


21.2K 577 608
By rdysasi

*Smutty smut smut warning :P*

Ashton's POV

Emilia pulls the blanket over her bare chest, concealing and putting an end to such a beautiful view from me like the tease she is. A portion on her long hair cascades down her shoulder while the rest fans out on the pillow beneath her. I never get tired of seeing her lie with me in her most natural state.

Her cheeks are always a peachy shade and her skin is like velvet to the touch. I've seen her look her best and worst (even though her worst is just a glorified version of her best) and no matter what, she always makes me feel like I'm looking at her for the first time.

"I don't want to go back to school," she whines, tracing the stitches on the blanket with her finger.

I prop myself up on elbow. "We can just skip...the entire semester," I joke and she smiles humorously.

"Don't tease me like that," she says.

These last few days have been particularly lazy since we wanted to enjoy what is left of our winter break. After resolving everything that happened on New Years, we all have been able to soak up what's left of our valuable free time before school starts tomorrow without any chaos.

I'm still not over the fact that Luke likes Emmie and I keep a watchful eye on him whenever he's near her no, which hasn't been that often. He's been keeping a lot of distance and won't even stand next to her. He looks so gloomy now and as much as I'm all for him pushing to getting over her, I don't like seeing him this way.

It was probably a shitty thing for me to indirectly rub in his face that Emmie is mine, but I was angry. I never thought that one of my best friends—someone who I trust with my life—would fall for my girl.

But I know Luke, and I know that he would never do anything to interfere with mine and Emmie's relationship.  

"What time do you have to go up to the campus?" I ask, taking her cold hand in mine and playing with her fingers.

"Two," she says with a pout.  

She received a call the other day from the financial aid office telling her that she needed to go up to the campus and go through some training for her new position as Supervisor at the library. She wasn't thrilled when she found out that she would have to show up the day before school started and has been dreading to go since. She'll be there for several hours so I won't be able to spend much time with her like I had wanted, but it can't be helped.  

"This semester is going to suck," she states.

"Why's that?"

"Because I don't have any classes with you or any of the guys."

My lips press into a thin line as I share her disappointment. We weren't able to sign up for any classes together this semester since I'm starting my art program and she's still exploring her options. Having class with Emmie was the starting point to the development of our relationship and now that we have different classes, we're not going to see each other as much. Everything will be okay between us even with the added distance, but I wish I could sit next to her in at least one of her classes so that I can pick on her while she tries to take notes.

"It'll be okay," I assure. "I'll still be able to bother you at work, and since you're Supervisor I won't get in trouble."

"I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way," she says with a light chuckle. "And even if I am Supervisor, I can still punish you if you do something you're not supposed to."

"A little punishment never hurt anyone," I say, winking at her. Her cheeks redden and I roll over on top of her, careful not to rest all of my weight on her. "Plus, I wouldn't mind seeing you act authoritative towards me."

She raises a brow and gives me the same smirk that I always give her. "Is that some sort of sexual fantasy of yours?"  

I shrug innocently. "Maybe."

Her skin burns against mine as I trace her protruding collarbones with my finger before trailing up her neck and dragging my thumb down her bottom lip. I swear all she has to do is bat her eyes and it'll turn me on; bringing up sexual fantasies just makes it worse. She's already naked below me since we played this scene a little differently last night, which gives my mind full access to imagine so many things.

Her hand snakes around to the back of my neck and forcefully pulls me down to meet her lips. She wastes no time slipping her tongue past my lips and letting it dance against mine as her hands roam from my chest to my back. I didn't think she would be so affected by my answer, but I'm not complaining at this point.

My knee spreads her legs apart, allowing for me to fit comfortably between them and my hands traveled to every inch of her. I break away from her and nibble at the skin just below her neck causing a few soft moans to escape her mouth which only makes it harder to control myself. I grope her breast with one hand while the other runs up and down her inner thigh.

After our first time she's become so comfortable with me touching her so intimately and now it's a struggle to keep my hands off of her; the same can be said for her.

Just as I start kissing down her stomach, the alarm on her phone goes off and Emmie sighs loudly.

"I have to get ready to go to the library," she says while turning the alarm off.

"I only need five minutes," I say, cupping her core with my hand and she lets out a small gasp.

"That's a little optimistic," she jokes, bringing my face to hers.

I smile against her lips. "Then let's shoot for four."

I slowly slide myself in, giving her time to adjust before rocking my hips. My hands grip onto the navy sheet on either side of her head as I steadily thrust in and out. I try to keep my groans inaudible, but her whimpers full of pleasure make it almost impossible.

Catching me off guard, she rolls us over so that she's on top with her hands pressed firmly against my chest. She already looks tired and her breathing is jagged, but it doesn't stop her from rolling her hips. She has never taken charge before and now that she is, I can't stop myself from letting her see me at my most vulnerable state.

My eyes shut tightly and I throw my head back against the pillow as she rides me at a slow pace; tearing me down from the inside out with each movement. I grab her hips firmly, guiding her as she picks up her pace. She clenches around me causing us both to moan out.

"Shit, do that again," I beg, and with another roll of her hips she does.

"Less than two minutes," she pants, keeping track of my time.  

It doesn't take long before her chest falls onto mine, giving me the opportunity to thrust up into her rapidly as I hold her close, allowing our bodies mold. The new angle rips her apart in seconds and she convulses in my arms while biting my shoulder to muffle her cries. I release only a few seconds after her; my strangled moans filling the room.

"You make a mess out of me," I breathe, and Emmie chuckles before resting her forehead on mine. I tuck her dark hair behind her ear before placing a chaste kiss to her lips.

She reaches out to get her phone and smiles before showing me the clock. "Right on time," she says, and I mentally cheer at my four minute record. I love seeing this playful side to her. It's not very often that I get to see her this way. "I really need to get ready now." She climbs off of me and begins scavenging for her clothes in my dresser and closet.

I stay in bed and watch her every move as she dresses herself and combs through her hair with her fingers. I don't think she's even bothered by my stare anymore since I do it all the time; she embraces it now just as she should.

"Do you want me to drive you?" I ask, forcing myself to sit upright.

"No, I'll just take Julia's car since she left it here and I'm going to have to take it back to the apartment anyway so it's one less stop if I just drive," she says.

"Okay," I reply. I'm actually quite happy that she said no because I am physically exhausted.   

Emmie goes through a mental checklist, making sure that she has her wallet, phone, keys, clothes that need to be washed, et cetera. She even makes me recite her list back to her so that she can double-check that she has everything which I think is cute because she looks all frazzled when she has to prepare for her day at the last minute.  

"I'm going to head out now," she says, giving me a swift peck on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

 I nod. "Be safe."

She sees herself out of my room, courteous to close the door when she exits and I don't let my body relax until I hear her start the car and drive out. I roll on my side and reach over the edge of my bed until my hand comes into contact with my black boxers that were discarded on the floor last night and pull them up my legs.

I check the time on my watch and sigh when I see that it's still early enough to make a call overseas without waking someone up in the middle of the night. After picking up my laptop from my desk and bringing it over to my bed, I open up Skype and dial one of the few numbers in my contacts.

I haven't been looking forward to making this call for a while because I know I'm going to get bitched at and I wanted to prepare myself for it. Since I'm in such a relaxed mood now thanks to Emmie, there's no better time than now to do this.

I watch the screen intently, hoping that she doesn't answer so that I can go another day without facing her, but when the call tone ends and her scowling face pops up, my hope diminishes and I prepare myself for the lecture of a lifetime.

"I take it you got the Christmas cards that I sent you?" I say with a weak, nervous chuckle and her scowl intensifies.

"Oh, I got them alright," she replies sarcastically. "You wanna know what else I got? A little note inside the card nonchalantly saying that you're going to Natalie's wedding!"

"Mum, please don't yell," I say, turning down the volume on my laptop since I know she won't lower her voice.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin, what the hell are you thinking?" she shouts; her entire face flushed with anger. "Were you even thinking at all when you sent back the RSVPs? Why would you want to do that?" Her eyebrows relax slightly and her expression changes to worry. "How does Emilia feel about this? Is she okay? Is she with you?"

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding before answering her plethora of questions. "Emmie left a few minutes ago to go to school for her work-study training. She's actually fine with everything. She'll be coming along with me and the guys to the wedding."

I tell her my reasoning for wanting to go as well as how everyone found out about my little secret. I even tell her about my ongoing issue with Natalie to which she knew nothing about. So many emotions are displayed on the screen as I talk to her, ranging from disappointment to resentment and I can only imagine what's going through her mind right now.

"You're an idiot," she states with a roll of her eyes.

"Thanks, Mum," I say.

"It was stupid of you to go around hiding something like that especially from your friends. You're lucky Emilia is so trusting of you or else all of this could have gone south. You got off easy."

"I know."

"What would you have done if things turned out differently?" she questions. "What would you have done if Emilia didn't react the way she did? What if she didn't forgive you? Hmm?"

My lips press into a line and I drift my eyes away from the screen. I'd rather not think of the "what-ifs." I've done enough of that and I would rather focus on what is actually happening than beat myself up because of imagined scenarios.

"Ashton," my mum calls; her tone soft and sweet. "That girl means the world to you and I don't want to see her get hurt because of a selfish mistake you made. You saw how things happened between your father and I and I don't want to see that happen with you."

"The only difference is that I am nothing like that man nor am I cheating on Emmie with some slut," I fire, but immediately regret the words when a frown forms on her face. "I'm sorry. You know how I am when he is brought up."  

"I know, sweetie."

"You know I would never do anything like that with Emmie. I know what it feels like to be hurt by someone who was selfish and the last thing I want is to be the cause of that towards someone else."

She nods in understanding and her lips form a small smile. "Just don't mess up again, okay? I really like Emilia and I don't want anything to happen to the two of you."

You and I both.

"Nothing will," I say with confidence and the apples of her cheeks rise up as high as they can go.    

"So do you think this will really work?" she asks almost hesitantly. "Going to Natalie's wedding to get over her?"

Truthfully, I answer, "I have no idea. I want to say yes, but I really don't know." I wish I had a better answer—I want to have a better answer, but when there are endless possibilities to how this can turn out, having no clue is the best option in my opinion.

"You'll have Emilia by your side so I think everything will turn out fine," she says, giving me the assurance that I desperately need to hear. "She is everything you need to get through all of this."

"Mum, have you been reading those self-help books again?" I joke and she shrugs innocently. "Thank you. I really needed to hear that."

It's funny how when I was little I would always come to my mum for advice or to just talk about what's going on in my life. Even as an adult, the bond that we have hasn't faltered and is still as strong as ever. I don't know how she can still put up with me...

"I have a very important question to ask you," she says with all seriousness.

"Um, okay?"

"Am I going to get any grandbabies soon?" she asks with hopeful eyes.

I can't stop myself from cackling as I process the absurdity of her question. "You do realize that Emmie and I haven't been dating that long."

"Doesn't mean I can't have grandkids," she shoots back.

She has a point, but we are in no position to have kids and we try to be as safe as possible.

I shake my head at her. "There will be no grandkids, Mum. It's too early to even think of that."

I don't even know if Emmie wants kids. Does she even like kids? I wouldn't mind one or two, but not right now. I can barely take care of myself; how the hell can I take care of a little one? she has me actually thinking about this stuff. Thanks, Mum.

"Just think you two would have such pretty babies," she says. She begins to name off traits that mine and Emmie's future child would receive from either of us. According to her, our fictional child will have Emmie's eyes and hair color, and my curls and nose. I'm not sure how she figures this, but I just sit back and enjoy her amusement.

Stopping her in the middle of throwing out baby names, Michael barges into my room waving his phone in the air.

"Emmie is texting me in all caps telling me to tell you to pick up you damn phone," he informs. He barely gives me the time of day before his eyes lock-on to the laptop screen. "Ms. Irwin!" he shouts and jumps on the bed next to me to get a better look. "How've you been?"

My mom chuckles at his enthusiasm and while he talks to her about life in the States even though no one asked him to, I pick up my phone which has several new text messages that were all silenced.

"There are so many new student workers here."

"Well, after listening to what my job duties are, it is safe to say that I will be bored out of my mind as Supervisor."

"They gave me a nametag!"

"They misspelled my name...they used an 'A' instead of 'E.'"


From there, the rest of the texts are of her spamming me with questions asking me where I am and why I'm not responding. At least she sounded somewhat happy at training because of the name tag thing before she realized the spelling error. I quickly send a reply telling her that my phone was on silent and that I was talking to my mom. Emmie sends me another message telling me to say hi to my mom for her since I was "so rude" for not saying that I was calling her today.  

It's not my fault she distracted me earlier. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to even tell her my birthday in the state I was in.

"Mum," I say, interrupting hers and Michael's conversation about chicken carbonara or something. "Emilia says hi and I should probably let you go because I need to get things ready for class tomorrow."

"Alright," she huffs. "It was good talking to you, Michael! Tell the other boys hi for me. And Ashton, remember what I told you."

"I will," Michael and I say simultaneously.

"Love you, sweetie! And get a haircut!"

I shake my head and chuckle. "Love you, Mum," I say with a smile before ending the call.

I close my laptop and Michael stays seated on my bed with a wide grin plastered across his face as he stares at me mischievously.

"What?" I ask.   

"So, four minutes, huh?" he snickers, wiggling his eyebrows.

I drag my hand down my face and groan. "Get out," I say, pointing to my door. He laughs as he scurries out and I slam the door shut. I seriously need to invest in soundproofing these walls.

My phone vibrates against on my bed and I quickly reach over for it and read the new message.

"Will you be stopping by the library after class tomorrow?" Emmie's text reads.

It's funny how she even needs to ask this when she should already know the answer.

"That's a silly question. I'll be there right after my first class. Be prepared to have a paper ball thrown at you as my greeting," I send.

"Noooooo," she replies with a little heart emoji and I giggle at the thought of hearing her say that.

I lock my phone, roll onto my back, and close my eyes. At least one thing has stayed constant in this screwed up life I'm living: Emilia is still here by my side and I don't think she'll be leaving anytime soon.


A/N: So um, yeah. That happened. That little smut bit wasn't planned at all. I just had an idea pop into my head while I was writing and I rolled with it. Sorry if it's a bit much, but it kind of shows their playful side with each other instead of their usual serious side. Thank you guys for still reading! I start school tomorrow and I was determined to post one more chapter before then. I don't want to go back :( Anyways, thank you guys again! Vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed this!

Also, I love you guys and I want to get to know you more so tell me where you're from! If you live in the states, tell me what state you live in and if you're not, tell me what country you are from! Do I have any fellow Texan readers??

Love you all! –Rebecca xoxoxoxoxo

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