Secrets of a Salvatore Sister

By Flowerchica29

977K 17.9K 10.2K

Over a century has passed since Liliana has seen her brothers. So when she finally decides to visit, it bring... More

The Ball
Because I'm a Survior
The Question of Trust
Murder Mysteries
Sage and Secrets
The Salvatore Fight
Secret Trips
Masking the Pain
Playing Hostage
The Dead are Alive
It's Been Too Long
Let Her Go
Let Him Go
First Kill
The Hunter's Curse
To Be Human
A Pawn
Class In Session
Running Away Once Again
The Reason Why
Here We Go
Not a Monster to Me
All For You
I Need You
Ungrateful Swine
The Great Klaus Mikaelson
Promise Me
No Lies
More Than Anything in The World
A Fight for Love
The Veil
Fan Cover

I Love You

16.8K 267 461
By Flowerchica29

Loud music wakes me from my sleep. With a groan and a stretch, I'm out of bed. After everything that happened last night, all I really want is some peace and quiet, but apparently, my wish hasn't manifested yet. After dressing, I stumble down the stairs. The sight I come across has me frowning in confusion. Bon Jovi blares through out living room, and a blonde-haired girl is dancing radically to it. Meanwhile, my brothers, both with a drink in hand, nod their heads along to the music.

"What the hell?" My exclamation has the three turning to look to me. "What is going on? Who is she?" I gesture to the blonde who has stopped dancing. Damon is quick to shut off the music. "Did you two hire a stripper?"

Stefan bursts out laughing while Damon shakes his head slightly to himself.

"Did your sister just seriously call me a stripper?" The blonde looks to Stefan before laughing with him.

My frown deepens. What the hell is going on here? How does she know who I am?

Damon meets with my eyes with mild annoyance in them. "Don't be bothered by them, Lilybug. These two have decided that getting drunk is the best way to deal with the veil still being opened."

His words cause me pause. "T-the veil is still open?" My chest seems to grow heavy as thoughts of Henry enter my mind. If the veil is still open that means he can still get to me and... "Stefan." Hie eyes dance over mine, and from the glaze of them, I can tell he's heavily intoxicated. "Stefan," I repeat, stepping in front of him. "What'd you do with...with his body?"

Something in my voice must break him out of his stupor for a minute as he blinks at me. "Cement burial. Did the same for Kol."

"Wait, Kol's back!" A gasp falls from my lips.

"Yes, and he tried to kill Elena last night," Damon answers. "Alaric and Jeremy are back too."

I consider this. So, the other side is still down. Henry is back. Alaric, Jeremy, and Kol are back. That must mean...

I look up at the blonde girl. "You're from the other side then?"

She grins at me, holding out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Lexi, Stefan's insanely, awesome best friend." I hum in response, shaking her hand.

"I'm L-"

"Lily. I know. You're Stefan's twin sister, who everyone thought was dead. But then you surprised both your brothers by showing up alive and a vampire. Then, they found out you know the Mikaelsons, have a thing with Klaus, blah, blah, blah. Trust me, I know it all."

I frown at how easy I've been summed up, but it's not like she's wrong. Shrugging, I return the smile Lexi sends me. Then, I turn to address my brothers. "For my own clarity, let me make sure I have this right. Bonnie never closed the veil, and we don't know why. And somehow everyone else got back someone they loved dearly and I got Henry? Fuck me."

Stefan smirks at me. "I don't know, Lils. He did love you." I glare at him, picking up a pillow from the couch next to me and chucking it at him.

"Fuck you, Stefan."

He merely cackles at this. I roll my eyes, looking to Damon. "Is he really that drunk?"

"I don't know Mom, am I?" Stefan replies instead. This time Damon rolls his eyes along with me.


With this new information about Kol being back, I go looking for him. I begin this search of mine for 2 reasons: 1)I miss him, and I want to see him and 2)If he tried to kill Elena then he's angry and back for revenge which never ends up well for anyone. After searching Mystic Falls for an hour, I find him around the high school.

Teenagers stream through the doors of Mystic Falls High School. It's Graduation Day. They all flock in crowds in matching maroon caps and gowns. How gross.

"Kol!" He turns at my call, smirking at me. I rush at him, spreading my arms to grip him tight. And as I embrace him, I whisper his name again. "Kol. Oh my god." I pull away and stare up at his face, placing my hands on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"Hush now, Lil-Lil." He smiles at me. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I don't blame you for what the Gilberts did." My hands drop to my side as I look up to him, trying to determine if his words are sincere.

"Kol. I'm still sorry though. I should've done something more."

"There was nothing you could've done, Lily." I sigh at how calm he is and wrap my arms around him again. This time, his arms encircle me back.

"I'm still sorry. I-It hurt so much to see you...see you like that...and I-"

Kol runs his fingers through my hair as he presses me to his chest. "I know, Lily. I know. I saw you. I heard your sobs late that night." The reminder of Kol's death sparks a glassiness in my eyes. I squeeze them tight to banish it.

"And Klaus was so torn up...and..."

Kol shushes me as he rubs my back. "Hush, darling. Everything is alright, or at least it will be very soon." At his words and the anger they take on, I pull away from him. With wide eyes, I stare up at him.

"Kol, what do you mean by that?"

He only grins down at me, a chuckle falling out of his lips. "Just wait, Lil-Lil. This town and those annoying hooligans will finally get what's coming for them." A panic ignites in me at the seriousness of his tone. Shit. What is Kol planning? "I warned you not to let them wake Silas. I warned them all, and now, they're gonna pay for it."

"Kol," I drag his name out. "Kol, whatever you're planning-"

But he cuts me off. This time, he places a hand on my cheek. He levels our gazes. "Don't worry, Lily. You-you will be safe."

"My brothers, though...are they part of those you wish to punish?" The terror in my words must show as Kol retracts his hand and looks away. He avoids my gaze.

"I have to go."

He moves to step away. I grab onto his arm. "Wait, Kol," I plead, hoping to talk some sense into him. But Kol easily maneuvers his arm out of my grip, flashing me one last smile.

"I'm sorry, Lily."

And then he disappears.

I stare in the direction he rushed off in, unwilling to accept that I might just have placed my brothers and everyone else in danger. But before I can dwell on it for too long, my phone rings in my pocket.

Pulling it out, a blocked number appears on my screen. That's weird, who would I block? Although I would typically ignore a call from someone I obviously don't care about, something in my gut told me to answer.


"Lily, thank god you answered! We need your help!"

"Elena?" I ask in response. It all makes sense now.

"Yes," she breathes. "Yes, it's me."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Look, Lily, I don't have time for you to remark about how much you dislike me right now. There's been an emergency."

I roll my eyes at her stressed-out tone. "Fine. What's up?"

"So, there's this hunter that was killed on the island when we were searching for the cure, and now because the hunters still want the cure, he..." and I lose her there. Her voice raises in pitch and her words are too fast to catch. "And so we-"

"Elena? Elena!" I yell, shutting her up. "You're talking too fast and not making any sense. Is Stefan around?" I ask, hoping someone can explain what's going on better than Doppelbitch. "Hand the phone to him." Elena goes silent, and I can hear a buzz of dead air before a breath echoes from the other line.

"Lily?" Stef's voice comes through.

"Hey Stef. Now could you explain what Doppelbitch was trying to tell me but in less words and slower talking?"

Stefan sighs, probably at the nickname. "We need you to call Klaus. Damon was shot by a bullet laced in werewolf venom. He's dying. And you're the only one who can convince Klaus to rush here and save his life."

My heart flutters at the mention of Klaus's name, but I make myself focus. "Wait, Damon was shot. When? When was Damon shot? By who?" The questions tumble out of my lip as I try to grasp the situation at hand.

"A little bit ago, after you had already left, by a hunter that tried to kill us on the island. The hunters are all back from the Other Side and want the cure and Silas, so they can complete their mission. Damon is stalling the hunter for now. It's only a shoulder wound, so he should be okay for a bit. Elena and I are headed to graduation. Alaric is with Damon. But we need to get Klaus here as soon as possible."

I inhale at the crisis scenario I've suddenly been thrown into. "Yeah, I'll call and see what I can do. Afterwards, I'll meet you at the football field, okay?"

"Okay, see you then." Stefan hangs up.

With a nervous tingle in my stomach, I click onto Klaus's contact and call his number. The line rings several times before dropping to voicemail. Why does it always go to voicemail?

Nevertheless, after the beep, I leave my message.

"Hey Klaus. Look, I know things are weird between us right now, and for all I know I could be the last person you want to talk to, but I need your help. Damon's dying. The idiot that he is, he got shot by a bullet laced with werewolf venom. It's gonna kill him. And I need you to come save him. I know New Orleans is far but please. Please, Klaus. He needs you. I need you."

As I end my message, I find Caroline, Bonnie, Matt, Elena, and Stefan dressed in caps and gowns, ready to graduate. Stefan finds me immediately, a questioning gleam in his eyes. I shake my head with grimness. His face falls. As I reach his side, he sighs. "Let's just get this over with."

I frown at him. "Oh, c'mon. It's your graduation day! You should be excited." Stefan shoots me a glare. And although the weight of Damon's life still hangs on my shoulders, I decide this moment should be special for Stefan. Grabbing onto his cheeks, I coo as obnoxiously as I can. "Aw, look at my baby bro all ready to graduate."

Stefan meets my gaze, unimpressed. "You remember that I'm older, right?" Stefan deadpans, pushing my hands away.

I roll my eyes at this. "Whatever. That's just details. Besides, we all know that I'm the prettier, funnier, and smarter twin."

This time, Stefan rolls his eyes as the group surrounding us laughs.

"I'm happy we're all here." Bonnie smiles at everyone.

Caroline, radiating with excitement, grins. "Aw! Group hug!"

"Ah, I don't – I don't hug..." Stefan protests, attempting to back away from the group.

"Oh, get over yourself!" Care dismisses him, pulling him into the hug.

I smile at the sight of them. Even though I might not always feel like I belong, my brothers have found a place for themselves here. The thought makes me happy. Stefan has found people to support him, and Damon found someone to love him. Maybe it's about time I find my own place. Somewhere to stay for more than a year...

Saving the idea for later, I make my way to the stands. Name after name is called by Bonnie's dad, and for the most part, I am exceptionally bored. However, when Caroline and Stefan take the stage, I make sure to scream as loud as I can. I can't believe I'm watching my vampire brother graduate. What is this, Twilight? I grin at the thought.

After Stefan walks across the stage, I watch him pull out his phone. His face shifts from delight to a tension I know too well. Caroline and Elena must notice too as they slip out of their seats, heading for the bleachers. I stand from my seat and descend the stairs, meeting them behind the bleachers. "What's going on?"

Stefan points to his phone, and I take the cue to listen in. "He shot him twice more, Stefan. He's going to die soon." At Alaric's words, I pull out my phone, disappointed to find no new messages. With a renewed desperation, I call Klaus again. It just rings. "I would love nothing more than to get out of here before Vaughn comes back to life, but Damon won't take the cure. He wants it for Elena."

"Okay, just hold on a little longer. Lily is calling Klaus again," Stefan attempts to assure Ric.

I try Klaus, but after I get his voicemail again, I hang up. Dread fills my gut as I shake my head at Stefan.

"Stefan, we are past the point of Hail Mary phone calls. What do you want me to do, stand here and watch him die, or force-feed him the cure? Stefan?"

But Stefan freezes as two hands wrap around my throat. Caroline and Elena turn in my direction. Both of their eyes widen in fear.

"Hello, Liliana," Henry purrs against my ear. His breath is hot against my skin. He tightens his grip on my throat as one hand drops to wrap itself around my torso, pressing me against him. I meet Stefan's eyes with a panic. He and Caroline go to step forward, but Henry stops them. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Get any closer and I'll rip her throat out." His breath trails from my ear to my neck as he places a kiss upon it. I grimace, trying to jerk myself free. Henry is a lot stronger than me though and holds onto me.

A soft chuckle falls from his lips. And though I can't see his face, I know there's a grin upon it. "I can't say I like your brother too much, Liliana," Henry tsks. "I spent the whole night digging myself out of cement." He hums, "I guess we won't be visiting your family for the holidays. Might create too much tension."

He laughs at his own joke. My fear only heightens.

"Henry, please. Please, let me go." My words are shallow wheezes through his tight grip.

"Leave her be!" Caroline yells at him. Stefan returns the sentiment with a glare. His fists are clenched, and his eyes are flicking around frantically. He's thinking of a plan.

"Sorry, but I can't do that. I only just got her back." Henry's mouth grazes my neck once more before retreating. My skin breaks out in a cold sweat. "See, we are meant to be together forever. And now we can. Now, I can finally make you mine." Henry pulls my throat to the side, baring it to him. He growls and I know what's coming. He's going to bite me. He's going to kill me.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I see Stefan dash for me, but I know he'll be too late. Henry is faster than him.

However, just as I feel Henry's fangs nick the surface of my skin, he's gone. In the absence of his body holding me up, I begin to fall. Yet, right before I hit the ground, two arms catch me. I glance up in surprise, only to find Klaus Mikaelson smiling down upon me.

"Hello Love."

And though my mind still spins from what just happened, I smile back at him. Stefan reaches my side as Klaus helps me stand up and his arms embrace me. I hug my twin back, looking over his shoulder to find Henry's decapitated head a foot away. A chill runs up my spine.

Turning, I look to Klaus with awe. "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you needed my help."


After donating some of his blood for Damon, Klaus and I end up walking through the town square. It's dark now. Stefan messaged me that Damon's alright. I know he's just using his time now to say goodbye to Lexi before Bonnie closes the veil. The sooner she does, the better. Henry's not the only person I've managed to piss off throughout the years.

I stare up the the night sky, which is alight with stars. When I bring my gaze back down, I find Klaus already staring at me. I blush. Glancing away in hopes of hiding the blush, I hum. "How'd you get here so fast anyways?"

"I was already on my way," he replies. I whip my head around, looking at him with shock. Klaus grins. "I got your message." Klaus stops walking. I pause alongside him. Taking my hands into his own, Klaus stares into my eyes. The gesture is so intimate, I feel my blush come back full force. "As soon as your message began and I heard your voice, I was ready to come back." The heat in my cheeks creeps down the side of my neck as I remember just how stupid I had sounded on that voicemail. "Then," Klaus whispers, drawing my attention, "when it ended, it ended so abruptly, and I knew that I would not be satisfied until I had heard what you were going to say."

The streetlights shine in his eyes, illuminating their blue depths. An expression of hope and wonderment captures his face as he waits for me to reply. I duck my head, gaining my courage. Then, I look up at the man in front of me. The man who knows my inner truth, who has seen me through bad and good times. The man who, no matter how annoying sometimes, makes me smile. The man who makes me happy. I take in a deep breath as I face him to admit my truth. The truth I think I've always known but have neglected for a while. "What I was going to say-what I meant to tell you in that message is that..." I pause to find my eyes completely entrapped in his own. His stare has captured me, mind and soul. "I think I made a mistake."

The tiniest gasp falls from Klaus's lips, but he restrains himself. "I think I made a mistake letting you go, pushing you away, making you swear to leave me alone."

"And now?" Klaus breathes, barely louder than a whisper. "What do you think now?"

I raise my left hand to caress his cheek, trying to express so many emotions in my gaze. "I think...that I don't want to be without you. Because no matter how irritating, frustrating, and argumentative you are...I No, I know I am. I'm in love with you Klaus Mikaelson."

In my next breath, Klaus's lips are upon mine. His hand is in my hair, pressing me closer to him as he wraps his other arm around my waist. My arms surround his neck as I press myself against his body. Our kiss is heated, passionate, and slightly ravenous. I pull away for a moment to catch my breath, and then, Klaus is trapping my lips prisoner against his once more. We kiss and kiss and kiss.

It is only once we're both panting for air that we finally break. Leaning our foreheads together, our arms still wrapped around each other, Klaus smiles at me. "I love you, Liliana Salvatore."


I find Damon and Stefan outside the boarding house. Stefan is in the midst of loading Silas's body into the trunk of the car. He's going to be the one to drop Silas in the quarry. Lexi filled me in on Elena choosing Damon over him and how he wants some time to himself. The thought of my brothers broken up due to another Petrova doppelgänger saddens my heart.

It's clear from the solemn looks upon their faces that I have entered the aftermath a 'brother's chat'. I clear my throat. They both turn to look at me. I smile hesitantly. "Hey."

"Hey." They reply at the same time.

I look to Damon, stepping in his direction. "I'm glad you're okay."

Damon scoffs, rolling his eyes. "I was always gonna be fine."

I roll my eyes in return, crossing my arms over my chest. "Mmhmm, and was that before or after Klaus gifted his blood for your life?" Amusement is sprinkled in my gaze as I take in my eldest brother's reluctance to admit he needed help.

Damon groans. "Yes, yes. Your boyfriend saved me, so where should I make the fruit basket out to? The deepest pit of hell or the local pet store?"

I knock my shoulder against Damon's arm. "A thank you would be sufficient enough. No need for the basket." Damon bumps me back, shooting me a playfully annoyed glance. I smirk at him in return.

"So, is he gone then?" Stefan asks, moving to stand in front of us.

My smirk drops as nerves race up and down my spine. "Uh...not quite yet."

"What's he waiting for? He gave us his blood, shouldn't he return to New Orleans now," Damon remarks next to me. I tilt my body so I'm able to face him and Stefan at once.

"Th-that's just it," I stumble, "...he's waiting for me."

At this Damon looks at me sarcastically. "Yes, he's been waiting for you since the dawn of time apparently. We know that already. Damn idiot never left you alone when he was in town."

I falter at Damon's words. He always seems to miss what I'm trying to say. That boy could never take a hint. "No, Dames. That's not what I mean."

Damon frowns as me as confusion lights his light blue eyes. "Wha-"

But it's Stefan, always Stefan, who can read the lines between my words the best. Stefan, who through my tone, can always guess at my intentions. He breathes out in surprise. "You're going with him, aren't you?"

I look to my twin in an attempt to get a read on him, yet he turns his head away from me. Glancing instead to Damon, I find a mixture of emotions in his expression: shock, rage, sadness. "Lily, please tell me that isn't true."


"Lily. Please tell me that isn't true. Please tell me that you're not about to go run off with some psychopath!" I sigh heavily. Damon's words are to be expected. I knew he would most likely react this way, though I'd been hoping that I'd be wrong.

"Damon." I reach for his arm. "You have to understand, I-"

"I don't have to understand anything! He's a psychopath, Lily. A psychopath." He moves his arm out of my reach. "You can do much better than him and you should!" Fury burns behind Damon's eyes as he stares at me intently. I knew he would have nasty words, but that still doesn't mean his resistance to the idea doesn't hurt.


"No! He's a monster, Liliana! A monster! And selfish! And plain evil! He doesn't deserve you! And you deserve way better than him!" I frown at Damon's lashings. I know he's only angry because he wants the best for me. And I can't blame him for thinking that Klaus isn't it...but he doesn't understand. He doesn't know the full story.

"Dam-" I try again to distract my brother from his ramblings, but to no avail.

"He will destroy you, Lily! He would happily sacrifice anyone else for his benefit. He-"

"Damon!" Stefan yells. At the volume of his voice, Damon and I freeze. Flicking my eyes in Stefan's direction, I watch him stare at our brother with a pointed look. When Stefan's sure he has our attention, he nods. "Let her speak, Damon. Hear her out. Then, you can judge."

Damon scoffs at this, parting his lips to speak, but I beat him to it. "Damon, please," I beg. With wide eyes, I plead with my brother to listen. He doesn't have to agree or approve of what I have to say, but I want the courtesy to at least try to make him understand. Raising two hands in the air, Damon surrenders, turning his back on me. And I know that I have him for the minute.

I take in a deep breath.

"I love him, Dames."

Damon tenses at my words, spinning around rapidly on his heel, but I hold up a finger, silencing him. "You don't have to approve, but it's the truth. It's been the truth for a long time and though I kept wishing it away, it remained the truth. You even said it yourself." Damon grimaces at this.

"And yes, I know Klaus is not perfect. I know that he has a lot of demons that weigh him down and that he makes a lot of mistakes--a lot of stupid, like really stupid mistakes, but...I can't help but still love him. And I tried, trust me," my thoughts flash to Nate Wayfair, "I tried to move on from Klaus Mikaelson. I tried to find someone else...but it was never the same as it was with him. I never felt passion with the others like I did with him."

"Because the truth is, I've never felt quite so seen as I do with him. He sees me, Damon. The good, the bad, the ugly. He knows it all. He's been there when I've fallen and cracked, and he's helped give me the strength to put myself back together again." Tears glass over my vision. I inhale sharply. "He gets me, Dames. And he cares for me. I've always been a priority for him. He loves me."

A lone tear breaks free of the pond dwelling in my eyelids, sliding down my cheek. "And I know that he's not perfect, but who is? We still have a lot to figure out together, a lot to discuss, but I love him. I love him, Dames, and for now, that's enough."

As I meet my brother's blue eyes, almost the same shade as mine, I watch his defenses break down. Time seems to stand still as he looks at me, absorbing my words. "Damon," I whisper.

Damon tries to hold on his wits as he glances to our brother, who's remained silent thus far. "What do you think of this? You okay letting her leave with him? With Klaus?"

Stefan shrugs beside me. "It's not my choice. It's not either of our choices, Damon." Stefan turns his head to meet my eyes. "But it is my choice to stand by our sister, to support whatever path she may chose for herself."

"Even if it gets her killed?"

Stefan sighs. "You chose to love Elena, Damon. We both did. And though Lily has been obvious about her dislike for Elena, has she ever tried to stop either of us from pursing her?" Damon frowns at this. "Instead, she stood by us, Damon. She was a better sibling to us than we were to her. I think we at least owe her our support for that."

Stefan looks to me as Damon starts to pace. "You're my sister, Liliana. I only want you to be happy. And if Klaus will make you happy, then I'm not going to stop you."

I smile at my brother's words. Emotions coursing through me as I embrace him. I'm so glad we stopped fighting. I missed my twin.

"Fuck!" Damon's curse has us breaking apart as I go to wipe my eyes of stray tears. Meeting his gaze, Damon sighs. "Fine. Love him, Lily. Go with him."

"But?" I finish, sensing the arising tone shift.

"But I swear to God, should he ever hurt you, I will kill that son of a bitch once and for all!"

I grin at Damon's words, stepping forward to embrace him too. My arms wrap around his back as I lay my head against his chest. "Don't worry, Dames. If he hurts me, I'll kill him myself."

An amused breath of air releases from Damon's mouth as he squeezes me. "Just promise me you'll be safe, Lilybug. Promise me that he'll make you happy."

Pulling away from Damon, I share a sad smile with him. "I can't promise that, Damon. I'm sure he'll mess up a lot--we both will. But I think that he will. I think that he will keep me safe. And I know that he'll make me happy albeit periodic moments of annoyance due to his behavior."

Damon rolls his eyes at that. "Not sure that makes me feel any better."

I grin at him. "Don't worry, Dames, seriously. I can take care of myself."

Looking down upon me, I watch Damon appraise me in a new light. "I know, Lilybug, I know. You have always been stronger than the rest of us."

With wide eyes, I search my brother's face. "You know this doesn't change anything, right? I'll always be just a phone call away."

"Really? I didn't know the bayou got cell service?" I roll my eyes, bumping Damon's arm with my own at his sarcasm. But sarcasm is his defense against getting emotional, so I'll let him have it.

Turning to glance at Stefan, I open my arm up to him. He understands and allows me to wrap it around him. My other arm wraps around Damon as I force them to share a group hug with me. "I love you two. You know that, right?"

They hum, hugging me back.

"Love you too, Lilybug."

"I love you too, Lils."

After a few more moments, we break from our hug as I regard my brothers with a smile. "Team Salvatore forever!" I stretch my hand out into the center of the three of us. Damon groans, yet Stefan just rolls his eyes playfully as he stacks his hand on top of mine.

I look to my oldest brother. "Damon, c'mon!"

He scoffs to himself. "You two look so ridiculous...but fine." And his hand comes to rest on Stefan's.

"Team Salvatore forever."

(A/N: The End. And yes, before you ask, there will be a sequel. I just need some time to figure things out first! But thank you for all of your support and love toward Lily and her adventures navigating Mystic Falls and relationships. I truly, truly appreciate it!!!)

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