The Best Kept Secret!

By writersosa

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They say what's in the past keep it in the past but I wanted to know all about my past. It was things that I... More

Chapter One: My First Choice
Chapter Two: Be careful what you wish for!
Chapter Three: A wish come true!
Chapter Four: Pain
Chapter Five: Timing is everything!
Chapter Seven: Peace!

Chapter Six: All hell breaks loose!

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By writersosa

Three months have passed by and I'm officially nine months today. Words could describe the joy it has been being pregnant, but my body was aching all over. My feet were swollen, and my back was always aching. I had reached the point where I only wore loose dresses because getting cute just wasn't an option anymore. I knew that I was ready to be a mother now and I was ready to meet my son. As I stood there getting out of the tub looking at myself, I was looking ready to pop any day now. I was only three weeks away from my due date. Getting dressed I thought about everything that has transpired over these last two years of my life. I went from no parents to having two sets of parents who all loved me equally. I had gotten along better with my real mother who was making an effort to get to know me better and wanted to show me that she wanted me in her life. I had a father who was overprotective as ever who loved me so much, I just knew I would be a daddy's girl if he raised me. Our relationship was tight as ever as we spent every weekend together doing something to make up for the lost time. I had learned that he was retired military and worked as an electrician having his own company that was very prosperous. I also learned that he didn't like breakfast food either just like me. He was a great father and insisted on buying almost everything that we needed for the baby. Harley and I almost had double everything for the baby which was overwhelming considering how I thought that we would be struggling. I thank God for my newfound family. It has caused me pain finding out about my truth, but I accepted it and was finally happy.

I finally had my car back and in better shape than ever, but I refused to drive it because sadly I was scared something else would happen to it. Nobody still couldn't find Bella. To me, I figured that she had given up, but I wouldn't put anything past her.

Getting dress in a black sheer maxi dress, I swooped my hair into a loose ponytail. Throwing on a little makeup and some sandals, I was ready to go to wherever Harley had planned for me today. I and he were tight as glue but I could tell he was still hiding something from me but I just let it be. I was still working twice as hard every week after getting a job at the hospital downtown. I barely saw him except for when he came home to go to sleep. Thinking about it everybody was acting a little off. Every time I wanted to go see all my parents and grandma, they were all so busy. Watching Harley opened the door, I let all thoughts go.

"Come, bae, we need to get going." He said as he was grabbed his keys off the dresser. He helped me off the bed and downstairs to the car.

"Harley where in the world are, we going?" I asked him.

"Baby can you just trust me? I just need to take you somewhere and I guarantee that you will like it." He said smiling and holding my hand as he drove off.

"I trust you," I said and was quiet for the rest of the ride as we drove for two hours. I actually ended dozing off in the car.

"Emily baby wake up we are here," Harley said as he was helping me get out of the car.

Looking around I knew I was somewhere that was unfamiliar. It looked a new neighborhood especially since I could see other lots that empty. Waiting for houses to be built. As we moved around the front of the car, I saw my car in the driveway.

Harley, what is going on? I said turning to see him smiling as he guided me towards a big two-story brick house that resembled my grandmother's house. It was beautiful as we reached the porch Harley opened the door.

Harley whose house is this? Seeing that the inside was decorated so nicely. By the front door, there were pictures that lined the wall filled with Harley and me from all the dates and events we went on. My eyes began to water. Harley grabbed my hand as he made me face him.

Emily, I know that I been really busy these past four months but it's been for a good reason. I have been working hard with my dad and some of your family to buy this house for me, you, and little man. He rubbed my stomach. I did want us living out of my parents anymore. I wanted us to be a family and I think this is exactly what we need to begin our new lives. I love you so much.

Pulling some keys out from his back pocket he put them in my hand.

This is our new home baby. He said smiling as he kissed me.

Crying profusely, I didn't know what to say. He grabbed my hand walking me through the rest of the house. We had a two-door garage, a kitchen big enough to feed our two-family combined as it was decorated in red and black. Walking up the stairs we stopped at the first door on the left. Opening the door. My heart almost hoped out of my chest as I saw that it was the baby's room and it was decorated in a pretty shade of baby blue and the crib, changing table, and chair were all set up. All the baby things were in its proper space and his name was written in big letters on the wall. It looked so beautiful. It also had all his sonogram pictures on the wall.

"Harley Jr.," We had to decide to keep the tradition going on with Harley's name. Looking back at Harley's words could not describe the joy I felt seeing how everything was coming together and it was all because of the man that stood in front of me.

Hugging him. All I could do was cry.

"Baby thank you so much."

"Your welcome baby but that's not it though. I need to show you one more thing." He grabbed my hand and we headed back downstairs.

Baby this is enough now. I knew you were hiding something, but this was even a thought. I can't believe you did all this. My words trailed off as I saw all our family in the back yard. There was a pool, and the grill was going which is where both my dads and Mr. Cannon stood waving at us. I saw all my cousins in the pool playing. Music was playing and all our mothers were laughing and talking around a table that was under the patio. I could not believe everyone was here. Looking back at Harley was now on one knee behind me.

Gasping and covering my mouth as everyone was surrounding us, and the music stopped. Everyone screamed and smiled as they were shocked just as I was.

I sat down as my dad brought me a chair to sit in. He kissed me on the forehead.

Emily Rose Garret. I've never been happier until you came into my life. I loved you from the moment I saw you. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I want nobody but you and want to spend the rest of my life with you. We started this two years ago and I'm looking forward to many more years with you. Will you marry me? He said nervously holding a 24k ring that was shaped in a heart. Crying hard I could hear all my family behind me whooping and hollering for me to say yes. I shook my head, yes and Harley placed the ring on my ring finger and kissed me. Everyone shouted in happiness. Music blasted loudly and everybody hugged us and congratulated us. Looking at my ring I was completely shocked. The ring was absolutely stunning. The party continued as I know figured out why everybody was here in the backyard. Still crying I could not believe I am now his finance. Also, how Harley had done all this for me and our son. I knew now that our family was going to be okay. Seeing everyone happy, eating, drinking I just knew that it was going to be a long night. If there was one thing we knew how to do was how to party.

It was now almost ten o clock and I was coming out of our downstairs bathroom. Our family was starting to call it quit and go home. As I stood at staring out the back door. My best friend came up behind me and hugged me.

Girl, I know that you are behind shocked, aren't you? She said laughing.

Yes, I truly am. I can't believe everyone knew but me. You knew, didn't you? I asked her.

Of course, girl, I'm the one that helped decorate the nursery.

"Well, it's beautiful, and thank you. I need to ask you something anyway."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Would you be the godmother of the baby?" I asked her just knowing that she was about to cry.

"Of course." She said trying to clear her throat as tears fell from her eyes.

"Good. Thanks for being a good friend. Harley and I want to know that if anything happens to us that you will take good care of our baby." I said sincerely.

She rubbed my huge belly. Saying nothing I knew that she would do just that.

"Girl, you have the perfect guy. He worked really hard to do all this and he asked both of your dads for your hand in marriage. They didn't let him off easy either." She said wiping her eyes.

"Really oh gosh," I said looking at my man cleaning up outside with everyone else.

"Yeah. You make sure to keep him. Cause it's quite clear this man loves you to death."

After watching everyone leave our house it was just me and my man. We locked up downstairs headed to the bedroom. Rose petals were everywhere, and candles were lit. Everything was decorated in black with a shade of grey.

"Boy, you really know how to make a women head spin with all these surprises," I said looking at Harley as he took his shirt off and sat down on the bed mentioning for me to come to sit down beside him. I could hear music playing by Wale "Chill" as I hiked my dress up to sit on his lap.

I'm glad that I set these rushed goals and was able to get it all done. He said smiling and kissing me all over. He took my dress off and stared at me with his eyes. As if he wanted to devour me.

"I'm glad that you going to be my husband," I said as I did his pants.

"I love you, Emily."

"I love you too baby." As we began to make love to each other.

There was one thing that I knew for sure and it was clear was that I was completely glad that the decision that I had made to live with my grandma that day was the best decision of my life.

The next morning, I was finishing up some work on my online classes and baby was at work. As I looked around the house, I could not believe that this was our house, and we were going to make it our home. I was so happy that everything was finally in order and the only thing that I can't wait for was for my baby boy to arrive. Getting up I heard the doorbell ring.

Looking out the peephole I didn't see anybody. Opening the door, I saw no one. Fixing to close the door somebody rushed in and pushed me really hard causing me to hit my head on the floor.

"Ouch!" I yelled as I felt a headache coming on. I heard the front door close and I looked and to my surprise it was Bella.

"Surprised to see me bitch? You thought I was gone huh?" She said as her hair was all over her head and she smelled bad as if she hadn't taken a shower for weeks. Sitting up on the floor I looked at her as if she was crazy. I searched around for my cellphone which was on the couch. As I tried to stand up to grab it, Bella got to the phone first and smashed it on the floor.

"Don't try anything Emily! I have been waiting to get you along for a while now. You stupid bitch. You have no idea how much I hate you because of what you stole from me."  She spat walking around the living room with a knife in her hand.

"Bella, you need to leave my house right now. I did not steal anything from you. You guys were long over before I had even come into the picture." I said shaking my head.

"Over? We were never over! Harley belongs to me! You're in the way and I need you gone and that baby of ours." She said rudely as she kneeled down beside me with the knife pressing into my stomach.

Punching her dead in the nose. She fell back instantly, and I rushed to the kitchen to try to get to the home phone. I dialed Harley's number quickly.

Before I could say anything to him as he said hello. Bella charged at me causing me to scream as we knocked over pots and pans off the stove. She climbed on top of me as we hit the floor. I cried out in pain as she had the knife to my throat, and I felt a sharp pain shoot up my back.

I should gut your ass like a fish and take your baby away from you just like how I had to get rid of mines. She yelled.

"Bella don't hurt my baby. The cops will be over here any minute." I said quickly crying as I feared my son's life.

"How come you get everything that I wanted? What makes you so special?" She pushed the knife further into my throat where I could feel it cutting. I struggled to reach for the pan that laid next to me. Trying to get a grip I got it and knocked her in her head. She cried out in pain. I hurried to try to get to the gun that was in the lockbox under the floorboard by the living room dresser. As I saw Bella getting up off the floor, I pointed the gun in her direction.

"Stay the fuck away from me!" I yelled at her loudly. She was bleeding from her head.

The front door swung open and it was Harley.

"Oh great! Just the man that I wanted to see." Bella spat as Harley came up behind me asking me if I'm okay. Looking me over to where I was hurt.

"Bella this shit has to stop! The baby you lost was not even mine. It was Aron's. You caused all this by cheating on me. I did nothing to you but let your ass go because you meant me no good. Now I'm sick of your ass trying to take was is good for me." Harley yelled as he got in front of me and took the gun from me and pointed it at her.

"So you going to shoot me? I loved you, Harley." She cried as she started stepping closer to us waving the knife.

Stay back or I'm going to have to bust a cap in your crazy ass! I don't belong to you and you need to get it through your head. Harley was furious. I held his shirt from behind as I was felt a contraction hit me hard. He looked back and me as I winced in pain dropping to the floor. In that split second, I hear two-gun shoots go off as I saw Bella taking the opportunity to charge at us again but dropped to the floor instantly as she bleeds out motionless on the floor. We looked over and saw Harley's dad and other cops come into the house.

I felt wet as I saw that my water had broken. Water was everywhere. Crying in pain I was glad that this crazy bitch was dead. As I saw a cop cover her with a white sheet.

"Baby it's going to be okay," Harley said urgently as the paramedics came in with a gurney and put me on it. For some reason, I could not catch my breath and I was in a lot of pain. Through my clouded vision, I could feel Harley by me every step of the way. They put an oxygen mask over my face, and I could hear Harley's dad tell me everything was going to be okay. In the ambulance, we went to give birth to our son.

"Push one more time Emily." The doctor yelled. Giving it everything that I had and pushed really hard. I felt all the pressure release and I could hear my son cry for the first time. I was crying tears of happiness and I watched Harley look at our son as the nurse held him up. Harley kissed me and was crying as well. We were officially parents. 

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