Hello, Brother

By Lezz_goo_Jayyy

93 2 0

When Harry finds out that he does, in fact, have a family, cousins, and a brother, what will he choose to do... More

Chapter 1: Who are you?!

Chapter 2: 2 Countries, 1 Story

34 0 0
By Lezz_goo_Jayyy

Chapter 2: 2 Countries, 1 Story



Izuku woke up to a loud banging on his bedroom door. He knew it wasn't his mother because she would always knock politely. Yuuga wouldn't come over for another week, (Thank goodness, Izuku couldn't wash another bucket of glitter out of his hair for the 3rd time this week.) So that only left Katsuki. Katsuki burst into his room with no warning and plopped on his bed.

" Mornin' nerd. Get ready, we need to be at Aldera in 20 minutes." Katsuki greeted. " Mmmph, morning Kacchan. Do you know why we have to go to that god awful place this early?" inquired Izuku. Katsuki then proceeded to explain how Aldera had sent a notification saying that 3rd years had to come at 7:45 to fill out their high school forms. Then he started ranting about how Auntie Mitsuki had started pressuring the younger Bakugou to apply to Shiketsu High because apparently, U.A. wouldn't take an 'angry porcupine' as their student. Katsuki then proceeded to ignore Auntie Mitsuki's rants and promptly walk out of the house.

By the end of Katsuki's rant, Izuku had changed, gotten breakfast for the two, bidden his mother goodbye. " Kacchan, time to go. Let's become the best heroes the world has seen."

" Oi nerd."

" Yeah Kacchan?"

" Remember when I said we're going to be the best heroes, remember that not even Neito or any other shitty extra can stop us," Katsuki said while further assuring Izuku that nothing bad would happen that day. Still, Izuku couldn't help but feel that something or the other would go horribly wrong today.

Katsuki couldn't believe his eyes. A little over half an hour ago, he and Izuku had filled out their high school forms, applying to U.A. High. When he proudly announced it to the entirety of the 3rd years of Aldera Junior, the principal congratulated him and wished him and Izuku the best of luck. Neito had only watched the whole show with a look of pure hatred on his face.

When Katsuki and Izuku left the auditorium, Neito bumped into Katsuki by 'accident' and slipped a piece of paper in Katsuki's blazer. Katsuki knew exactly what this meant: He and Izuku were going to be beaten up by that emotionally constipated piece of shit.

(10 minutes later)

Katsuki had never expected Neito to scar Izuku as bad as he did. He had pushed Izuku against the wall at the back of the school, then he proceeded to beat Izuku as bad as he had often beaten Katsuki. He had expected Neito to beat Izuku, but never in the 15 years of his life did he imagine that Neito would use Katsuki's quirk to burn Izuku so bad that half of his cheek, going down his neck, and a patch of his shoulder was starting to become redder by the second.

Katsuki pushed Neito out of the way and ran to the nearest hospital. When he got there, he called his mom, speed dialing her because of the insane amount of panic and fear that was quickly filling his entire being. " Old hag, get to the hospital quickly. What? No, I'm fine, it's Izuku. Some asshole snatched him from me after the ceremony and beat him into oblivion. The nerd probably has a concussion. Call me when you get here, bring Auntie Inko too."

Katsui entered the building, immediately heading toward the emergency ward. He placed Izuku on a bed and asked a doctor to look him over. the doctor nodded while taking Izuku to a nearby room. Katsuki had no doubt that the nerd would be fine, but the bruising would hurt like a bitch for a couple of days, probably until the Yuuei entrance exam. Only if the nerd left it to heal on its own. IF.

Katsuki was startled out of his thoughts when a nurse asked him if he needed a check-up. " No, I'm fine. I can do basic first aid, it's the nerd I'm more worried about. He will be alright, right?" He mini-ranted.

" He'll be just fine dearie. Now calm down, I'm assuming that your parents are on their way?"

" Yeah, they might be entering the hospital like, right now."

As if on cue, Mitsuki Bakugou's screech-... yelling could be heard throughout the ER. " Ma'am, I must ask you to quiet down, there are other patients here too."

" Oh right, sorry. Now Katsuki, what happened to you and Izu-chan?"

Katsuki mentally readied himself as he told the story once again. He started with how there had been a whole sea of students, rushing to get home, and then he felt Izuku's hand slip from his. He looked over his shoulder, only to see some long fingered extra with Izuku, trying to dissuade him from applying to Yuuei. He distinctly remembered the nerd cursing, calling the extra a bastard, telling him how Izuku and Katsuki would become the best hero duo Japan has ever seen. Then the main bully had shown up. Katsuki refrained from saying Neito's name because he knew that the nerd would be sad if his cousin was punished. Then 10 minutes later when he had finally found Izuku he was bleeding. The bully had to beat Katsuki to ensure the blonde's silence while knowing it was futile. The rest they knew.

They had fallen into an awkward silence, which was broken when the nurse came and informed them that Izuku was awake and asking for someone named 'Kacchan'. Ingenium would be put to shame if he could see at what speeds Katsuki left the waiting area towards Izuku's room.

When Katsuki came out, Mitsuki knew some disagreement had taken place between the two, but they had resolved it. The boys really were incredible. Closer than brothers yet still so... different from each other. Her mind started to play memories of when the boys were just brats, whenever they had a disagreement, Katsuki would silently just hold Izu-chan's hand and cuddle him. She never understood how they were able to communicate so easily, without words. It was their way of apologizing she presumed. Maybe they were closer than she thought.

Katsuki was the one to suggest a family night. Mitsuki and Inko were mildly surprised but agreed to it nonetheless. He reasoned that Izuku would need emotional support, lots of ice-cream, and cuddles. Mitsuki sighed and motioned for Katsuki and the others to get into the car.

20 minutes later they had reached Auntie Inko's place. Both mothers then started on dinner, neither speaking a word to each other. They had both noticed how utterly devastated and panicked Katsuki looked when Izuku nearly fell down on the way to his room. Katsuki said that they needed some alone time so alone time they would get. Nobody, not even Masaru could comment on the situation at hand.

Back in Izuku's room, Izuku had burst into tears when he finally came to his senses and realized that after all these years, Neito had been fucking abusing him. Katsuki could do nothing but sit there and hug the analyst as he cried his heart out, relieving the throbbing ache in his heart. " Kacchan, did he really tell me to take a swan dive off the roof?"

" He did and he has no idea how lucky he is I'm not tearing his body apart right now." Katsuki watched Izuku suppress a whimper. " Right, sorry nerd. Want me to get strawberry ice-cream?" Izuku nodded. Katsuki went and got the ice-cream fairly quickly, it seemed as if he was avoiding the conversation with his parents. They would talk, they would, but later when Izuku was fast asleep.

" Hey, what do you think Harry is doing right now?"

" I don't know nerd, why not using your brain walkie talkie?"

" I'll try, it works best when I'm asleep though"

" So go to sleep, I'll be right here don't worry. Nothings gonna happen tonight."

And with that assurance Izuku was out like a lamp.


Harry snapped his fingers and it took 0.5 seconds for Dobby to appear. " Harry Potter sir, how can Dobby help you?" The little elf asked excitedly. " Okay, first of all, Dobby, meet my real father, Hisashi Midoriya. Dad, this is Dobby, a house-elf I saved in my second year at Hogwarts. Dobby, before you interrupt, no the Potter's weren't my family, I was kidnapped at the age of 4. As for what you asked, I need you to teleport us to the Malfoy Manor. I need to speak to Draco, maybe even steal him away for a bit."

" Of course Harry Potter... er Harry Midoriya sir!" Dobby corrected himself.

" Now Dad, the Malfoys know that Draco isn't their son but they raised him a gentleman, that much I know."

" Now let's go bust him out of there."

When they popped into Draco's room, there was ice everywhere. His whole bed was frozen and part of the dresser was broken. Draco immediately recognized Harry and ran toward to hug him while crying streams of tears, constantly saying " I just wanted to eat some ice." Harry chuckled and signaled for Dobby to leave the message, the letters, and the apparate them back to Hisashi's apartment in downtown Surrey.

Suddenly, there was a noise, a voice in Harry's head saying 'hello Harry, I'm Your brother Izuku Midoriya. You and I have this telepathic connection, don't worry if you pass out, you're only sleeping. There's much I want to tell you, but for now, the only thing you need to know is that we have three cousins named Yuuga Aoyama, Draco Monoma, and Neito Monoma. I have a feeling you know Draco so just know that he is Neito's elder twin. I'm your elder twin and Yuuga is younger than all of us. Till next time. Bye-bye. hehehe'

" Now boys," Hisashi began to speak, " I think you need the full story of why you're here with me and the other folks back home."


"Izuku,Katsuki could you please come down here for a moment" Inko called out. She could only hope that she wasn't doing anything wrong by telling them.

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