The Bastard Beast

By Sithead

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ADULT NOVEL: SEXUAL CONTENT, EXTREME VIOLENCE, AND STRONG LANGUAGE An exiled knight comes back from a long jo... More

- Characters -
A Midnight Guests
Iron and Stone
The Days Before
The Envoy
Of Bath's Waters
A Fire In The Night
A Meal For Three
Hunger Pains
Wolff In The Forest
Sir Grahm
The Holy Strait
The Clearing
Fire, Torches, and Soldiers
The Old Cemetery
Stand Off

Smoke In The Distance

2 0 0
By Sithead

Nathan was inbetween the carriage and the two knights behind him. Uniquely he was physically the closest to Dyan. A small window was behind her, eloquently crafted of steel and embroidered with gold. It didn't take long for the lass to ask the exile questions. They were hardly an hour down the road before he heard her muffled voice.

"Is it true?" Dyan asked, "Have you killed children?"

"Yes." Nathan replied.

"Why?" Dyan asked, her voice trembling.

"They were in my way." Nathan answered.

"Then, you are worse than your father." Dyan said with anger, "You can't justify killing children."

"I never said I was better than him. Never tried to justify my actions. Doesn't change my mind and I'd do it all again just to feel my fingers around his throat." Nathan said coldly.

"Do you truly lack such remorse?" Dyan said astonished.

"I have no remorse and I've never felt remorse for anything I have done." Nathan confessed.

Dyan fell quiet. There was nothing left to say. Nathan was a monster. She wished she had not set him free and that she could just go back and change everything. How did he get her to trust him? Why did he have to save her life. That choice made this so confusing.

"So why." Dyan started after a few moments of silence, "Why did you save my life."

Nathan replied, "I didn't really have a reason. I just decide too."

"Why didn't you kill my father?" Dyan asked quickly.

"There was no reason too." Nathan replied. "He posed no threat."

"So you won't kill people who don't pose a threat, so long as they're not in your way?" Dyan asked, "What's your reasoning?"

"It's simple. I do what I want. I didn't feel like killing your father and I didn't see a reason to. I wanted to save your life, so I did." Nathan anwsered.

"Pardon me saying, but I have a hard time believing such. There must be a better reason for you deciding to save my life." Dyan stated, "You have a reason for everything."

"I've stated my reason." Nathan replied, "You are free to think what you will."

Dyan was once again quiet. This harsh, cruel man was inferiorting and yet, made her question her own motives. He was a demon in his own right, but she found his freedom, the apparent chaos of his actions, appealing. Despite his abominable nature, she couldn't help but be drawn in. Nathan Wolff may be a devil, but Dyan was a woman willing to talk with one. A woman who had made a deal with a devil.

"Milady, smoke in the distance!" Smith whispered furiously, turning his head to speak behind him.

Nathan glared up to see the faint smoke in the far distance drifting faintly into the air. He judged that the fire had faded leaving nothing but smoldering wood.

"Damn it all!" Sir Thomas shouted, his fist clenched tightly. "This is outrageous. They've attacked this far north? This cannot stand."

"This was coordinated." Sir Ammon stated, "An inside job, to be so close to the heartland."

"Agreed." Sir George replied.

"By the look of that smoke, it's left to only a smolder." Sir John announced. "Greyfields, the women there were young and fine."

"Wasn't that were we were stock our supply?" Sir Ammon said to George.

Sir George nodded in reply. Their situation becoming ever more apparent. Greyfields was not far off from the city of Gall, it made more sense to take the days travel rest at Greyfield and take stocks for the trip there. The path they took toured through the village, charting a course North. It was a longer route but over all safer to travel.

"Hold." Smith said, trotting heard in the distance.

Not even a few seconds later Ivan appeared in the distance dashing his way back. He halted his horse leaping from off the mare, giving her a pat on the neck. Ivan looked up at Sir Smith, handing the knight a note.

"Damn it." Smith cursed, "Bandits. It appears Sovland is willing to pay thugs and outlaws to do their dirty work."

Smith passed the note around. A near perfect drawing of Dyan was on a piece of parchment with a price of ten-thousand blooms. Each knight held it until eventual it was passed to Dyan. She had temporarily  left the carriage to see what was going on. She passed it back to Nathan as worry soured her face.

They had been outplayed. The common folk weren't acquainted with their king's appearances, let along his daughter. The names were known, but trying to travel under wraps with little sign of regaliaity now was a detriment. The point was not to bring attention to themselves, now that was proving impossible. If they had come clothed as nobles they were a shining target, now underdressed the people would turn against them.

Nathan pocketed the wanted post, "Where did you find this?"

"Roughly sixty meters out from the village. Whole place was burnt to the ground. Few signs of arrows and cut bodies. Mostly corpses turned to ash from the flames. It's not a pleasant sight."

"We should take our revenge!" Thomas yelled, "What are bandits compared to men like us? We are knights of Gall."

"Keep your head cool." Sir Grahm muffled, "We don't need any rash decisions."

He was eating a loaf of bread. The knight took another bite to force the remaining bread into an already full mouth. A wet slosh of chewed bread fell to the ground as he ate with an open mouth. Grahm choked when he tried to swallow.

Sir Smith glared over towards him now with greater disdain. He slammed his fist into Grahm's shoulder. Venom leaped from his lips as vains strained his neck muscles., "Stop eating all the fucking food! We need to save it. Who knows when we will be able to restock."

"We should just turn back." Sir Ammon suggested.

"No." Sir Smith replied, "the entire kingdom will see us as fools. Our reputation is on the line."

"Than we should take the south pass." Nathan stated, "It is a shorter route."

"Near the Weeping Forest?" John spoke up, "You're insane! They're cannibal's in that area, they eat the flesh from off human faces."

"Hold it, coward. I like this plan. The Beast has a point" Sir Thomas replied. "It will be easier to stay incognito. Bandits do not wonder near the forest edges. Besides we have no plan if going into the forest."

"You vouch for him?" John replied disgusted.

"I say we take this southern pass." Dyan stated, staring at Nathan.

Sir Smith nodded, "Very well." He pointed into the tree line forty meters away, "We should head into the forest and scavenge what we can from Greyfield. Ammon, George, I want you to check it out as soon as we've set up camp. Ivan look for clean water.

The men nodded as they rode the carriage and horses off the road and into the forest. Nathan looked down at Dyan from ontop his horse  into her carriage.

"I thought I was a villain. Why side with me?" Nathan ask.

"No reason." Dyan mocked, "Just felt like doing it."

Nathan scoffed, catching the attention of the princess. Her whole body had turned around. Was he laughing?

"I just like to know who my friends are, when I'm in a pit with tigers." Nathan added.

"I've stated my reasoning." Dyan replied. "You may think what you will."

Nathan smiled, and shook his head. "You can be so petty."

"Excuse me?" Dyan asked, "And you're not so petty?"

Nathan shrugged, "Perhaps."

"It's of a certainty." Dyan demanded, pointing her finger to the ground. "I've not killed men out of mere pleasure. Don't pretend to be my moral better."

Nathan stared at her, watching her lips move as she spoke. He looked towards the sky. The blue sky matching the color of the lass's eyes. She was still a girl in many ways, but her physic was that of a woman.

"We hold nothing in common, except that we both sin. Even if I be the greater of the two sinners." Nathan stated, "A further comparison between our characters is only a disservice."

"Was that a compliment?" Dyan looked back bewildered.

Nathan's gazed dropped down, starring into her eyes. There was a moment of silence as they staired into each other's eyes. Tensions raised between them, a tension thick enough to cut. Their uneven breathing found a new paste and synced with each other.

A hand fell on Nathan's shoulder. The exile turned back to look at Sir Ammon. His out stretched hand on Nathan's shoulder and his other arm pointing towards a river.

"We won't have to track down water."

Nathan looked more closely at the small crook. They were down stream. He turned back towards the knight.

"We're traveling up stream." Nathan remarked.

Sir Ammon nodded, "With any luck we are looking at potential baths as well as more water."

Nathan nodded. His mouth watered up at the thought of fresh cool spring water. It was a delicacy. Perhaps in some way they were all lucky to have been rerouted to this location, just so their lips could chance a touch against these waters.

The followed the stream eastward watching as it grew wider and wider. After four hours into the forest a clearing was sighted. A waterfall flowed into a pond below and down the river they had followed. Sir Smith pointed to the left of the company. "We will camp here, inside the tree line. We want to avoid being spotted from the ridge up above."

Grahm nodded, "Wise. Oh! No one bath in the water, not until we fill our flask."

"Nonsense, the waterfall will wash it down stream!" Sir Thomas announced.

Nathan hitched his horse as he helped Dyan out of the carriage. The other men were speaking when Nathan had opened the door. He extended his gloved hand as the princess took it. She gave him a giddy smile, one that was so natural she tried to hide it. Nathan gave a brief smirk as the two's eyes met. Her hand was still in his as she stared softly at the man.

Nathan's expression softened, along with his heart. What was happening? He quickly pulled his hand away as he tramped off, back turned to the woman. Dyan's heart shattered. Her lip trembled. She moved her floating hand into her face, rubbing her eyes as distress came over her. Did she do something wrong?

"You should be careful." Sir Smith stated, standing firmly a couple of meters off. "Your hand is bound to Herod. And that man, that man's a murderer. Men like that don't fall in love. They see others as possessions to be had."

"How long have you been standing there?" Dyan said disgusted.

"Long enough." Smith replied, "Come, I'll help you set up your tent."

Dyan followed Smith towards what must have been the flattest area there. She stood and watched Smith set her tent up. Sir Ivan smiled as he brushed past them with his saddle across his shoulder. He walked towards Dyan whispering behind her, while Sir Smith's head was turned against them.

"Don't give up so easy. Nathan is complicated not heartless. Besides, despite his rough edges, he's quite fond of you." Ivan smirked, and gave out a juvenile smile. "Have some fun while you can."

"What are you whispering about?" Smith said turned his head to spot Dyan blushing. "You best not be insulting our lady's honor Ivan! Just because we our in the middle of no where doesn't mean we have exceptions!"

Ivan chuckled, walking away from Smith and his waving fist. Dyan stared at the ground, somewhat relieved. Why was she so readily willing to believe Ivan's words? She looked up glancing about the area. Nathan wasn't within site.

"Where is Nathan?" Dyan asked looking around.

"Damn it all!" Smith yelled, raising his axe into the air. Glancing about.

Nathan sat on a rock by the stream. His legs hung over the ledge of the stone a foot above the stream. He was only a few meters away from the pond. He played his lute softly. He plucked the strings, testing out new melodies, and practised known ones.

He closed his eyes smelling the fresh river breeze. The scent was relaxing. He let out a deep breath, hearing trampling from behind. He closed his eyes, repositioned his hands to play another song.

"Were the hell have you been?" Sir Thomas yelled in frustration. "I should kill you as punishment for desertion!"

Ivan ran up in the scene next, "Let's not act rashly friend. He was just beyond the tree line."

"We found him!" Grahm yelled, slinging his halberd over his shoulder. The giant of a man walked forward.

Sir Thomas sheathed his weapons. Mumbling complaints under his breathe and kicking the dirt beneath his feet. Sir Smith starred at Ivan and Thomas. Smith sheathed his own axe, walking towards Nathan.

"What do you think you are doing?" He muttered in anger.

"Clearing my head." Nathan replied, plunking a string here and there.

"Don't you have a bed roll or tent to set up?"

"No, I wasn't given one." Nathan replied. He stood up, holding his lute in his hand. His eyes starred back at Sir Smith.

"Fine. Next time you go somewhere without my knowing I'll attack on sight." Smith stated. He made a hand motion moving everyone along. "Ivan, Thomas, go scavenge what you can from Greyfield."

Nathan sat back down, getting ready to play his lute when Sir John spoke up. "You play like a deft monkey."

Nathan looked back to spot him spit at the ground, and walk off. Sir Ammon and George followed after. The only one left was Dyan. She slowly approached Nathan as he randomly plucked at the lute. He didn't want to play with her nearby.

Her hand caressed his back as she knelt beside him. The moon light splashed against the two. Dyan placed her other hand against his arm.

"Did I do something to offend thee?" Dyan asked.

Nathan stared coldly back at her. Shock ran across her face. Her lips pursed. Goosebumps formed on her skin as her hair stood up on her arms. Her eyes appeared to shimmer in the light of the stars.

"No." Nathan replied, turning  back to pluck his lute.

"Then what is it?" Dyan asked somewhat defeated. "Can you at least be honest with me, if none else?"

Nathan heard the exasperation in her voice. "What are you doing? What is it that you think I can give you? Do you know who I am? I have nothing to offer you. I cannot fix your predicament."

Dyan grasped Nathan's chin as he looked away. Instantly his hand raised up to snatch her wrist. Their eyes met once again, Dyan spoke softly, "I don't want anything. I just want you."

The lass leaned in closer. Nathan didn't move, "You're still young. You are unsure of many things."

Dyan drew closer whispering before she kissed the man, "I'm sure of this."

Nathan kissed the young lass back. Moving his hand over her face, drawing her in. Her hands fell down to his chest, brushing against his torso. Nathan pulled her away to see her eyes stare into his.

Nathan dropped his hands.

Dyan caught his left hand holding him back gently. Nathan looked back at her.

Dyan whispered "Just stay with me."

"I have already stayed beyond my welcome." Nathan replied, walking off.

Dyan placed her hand over her face, staring into the pool to look at her reflection. She waited until Nathan left before she began crying. All her life she had danced with fine youngmen, laughed with honorable knights, yet her heart was held by a rouge and an outlaw. Not a man of honor, but one of violence.

Dyan felt trapped. Held captive by a fate beyond her own choosing. She had until fourteen to marry a prince from Sovland, yet now she was destined to a man in the twilight hours of his life, King Herod. He was only ten years younger than her father. Dyan would be the king of Vlastimir's second wife. Was she really supposed to bring him a male heir? Such misfortune was held on her shoulders, as a burdensome cloak to be worn. She wanted to run away. She wished to escape this wretched, awful fate.

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