Daughter of Nyx (Book Four)

By StephanieYarns

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THIS IS THE NEXT TO LAST BOOK OF A SERIES! If you haven't read any of the other books, you WILL be lost. And... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Ten

650 56 10
By StephanieYarns

Okay, so, I jusy finished it and I apologize of the mass spamming of notifications. 

And, I also need to say something. I expected this to be the last book. It's not going to be. I just hope the next one isn't the struggle this one was. BUT, in that same vein, it's going to be a few months before I get to the last (maybe?? I don't even know anymore) book. I'm going to spend a week cleaning my apartment before re-reading Forbidden: Addicted before I write Michael. I'm sorry I can't post Addicted yet, but that book ending is directly tied to Michael's beginning. I can't do one without the other. My bad. 

I WILL be writing Michael for Nano, so, maybe in December I can post them both. But, after that, I plan on writing another Eve novel. It might be the start of a new series with them... I don't know. But it's not technically going to be a Bound by novel. I would also like to start on the novellas for the others. I'm going to be busy. Please don't hate me. 

This novel also had a particularly... intense... scene and I won't apologize for it. I'm honestly surprised it took them so long to tell me what they wanted so, I will be making some very slight changes on the previous book to make it flow better. If you don't mind, just go with it, lol. 

I think that's it?  

Oh yeah. I'm worried as hell that I can't live up to the intensity of book three. I know there are places in this one where things tend to be slower, but I felt it was necessary due to what happened. But I really hope you like it! 

And on with the show!


After telling the others good night, Kian lead her through the basement and down the tunnel. They come out by the creek and the breath she took was deep and cleansing. It wasn't that the basement that bothered her. But she felt...free. A freedom she tried not to feel guilt for. It was simply being out of the confining walls. She walked through the dark woods beside Kian, listening to everything and the scents she picked up were fresh and natural. Though the woods were dark, they posed no problem for her. She could see better outside than she could in the house and she smiled at Nikolas telling her that they didn't need light to see when she complained about it being so dark.

"This is...fantastic," she said, looking up into Kian's eyes. With human eyes, they would have looked a dark gray in the night. But there was nothing human about her vision.

"I can feel it in you. Another reason to ask you out tonight. We aren't meant to be locked away, and while it's for a good reason, every one of us could feel you growing tense. We can't take you hunting yet, but we can give you this."

"I'm going to get dirty, aren't I?"

"A little."

"That sounds fun," she said. "I can bathe in the creek."

"If that's what you want," he said, grinning and the sight captivated her. "I won't stop you."

"Does everyone know how to do this?" she asked.

"Everyone but you."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Teaching me."

"Ambrosia, we haven't started to teach you the things you can do. As soon as we end the fuckers that keep taking potshots at us, that's when the real fun can begin."

"Like what?" she asked as he took her hand and they resumed walking.

"You have no idea how fast you are. How strong you are. All the little things that are going to be different for you. Yes, you gave up a lot by joining us in this world, but I can promise that you will never get tired of the meal. And once you can be you, you might discover that what you gained can help with the loss."

"I'm looking forward to it."

He stopped, looking around at the ground. "This looks good. You want to find somewhere away from civilization if possible. I'm sure you know what happened to Nikolas." She nodded. "The thing could have killed him outright and some would say that would have been for the best, but I'm sure that now, he would disagree. But you don't want to be in the ground and have someone dig you up on accident. You don't want the pleasure of waking up to your skin on fire."

She shook her head. "No, I think I can skip that."

"Seeing as how we are limited on where we can go, then, you want to look for places that are covered in foliage. Winter is easier because of the dead leaves, but you are going to want to create your hole where things look as natural as you can make it. I've seen enough police shows on TV to know that humans are insanely curious about lumps in the ground and that usually never turns out well. So, we try to avoid that."

"Makes sense."

He laughed and there would never be a time that the sound of it wouldn't warm her heart.

"Okay, so, watch what I do. It's going to seem counter-productive, but trust me."

"You know I do."

He smiled and pressed his lips against hers. "I know."

Stepping away from her, he began digging out handfuls of dirt. He moved quick and eventually the ground began to dip into the area he had excavated. Getting to his feet, he spread out the mound of dirt, sprinkling it through the new grass. "So, what I did was created a place for the earth to cover our feet. Earth that we will move as we move further in. This is where you get dirty."


He held out his hand and she took it, kneeling beside him. "Breathing might be an issue, but, we don't need to, so, that gets rid of the issue. But once we are inside, we can use our strength to create hollows. While it won't be oxygen, it'll still suit our purpose." He glanced at her. "Still with me?"

She smiled. "Kian, I'll always be with you."

"Stop being mushy before I forget what I'm doing out here."

"Like that could happen," she said.

"Baby, you distract me to no end."

"Okay, I'll hush." The tiredness was beginning to set in.

"I would do this myself, but the ground is going to settle around us as we go."

"I'm fine."

"It won't take long."

"I trust you."

He smiled and told her what to do and she leaned forward, feeling the cool earth surround her hands. Together, they dug, easing their bodies into the welcoming ground. It was easier than she imagined to to be. The hard part was shifting loose dirt around their bodies. After a few minutes of this, they were laying together, and Kian used his hands and strength to press against the ground above them, creating an opening above their faces.

"How do you feel?" he asked, wriggling his arm around her.

"Safe," she said. "I feel safe like this and honestly, I'm a little surprised by that. But it's probably because you're here with me."

"No place else I'd rather be."


"Is this the part where you tell me your claustrophobic?"

She smiled in the darkness. "It's a bit late for that, don't you think?"


"No, this is the part where I tell you how much I love you."

Carefully, he pressed his lips to hers. "I love you too. Get some sleep, okay?"

Not needing to be told twice, she closed her eyes.


There was a half a second of disorientation when she woke up. A half a second before Kian's arm tightened around her and she realized the ground was wet. A half a second before she began to feel the burn in her throat.

"It's storming. It wasn't supposed to hit here. But I've hunted already. Let's get you out of here and I'll help you."

She nodded and beside her, Kian began easing backwards out of their earthy bed. She closed her eyes and began mimicking his movements and it wasn't but a minute later that the rain lashed at her. A flash of lightening split the night sky and her skin tingled. The boom of thunder echoed within her.

Instantly soaked, she turned her face up to the churning clouds, letting the water wash the remnants of her bed from her.

Again, an almost blinding flash of light and Kian was before her.

"Do you need to feed now or can you wait to we get in?"

She probably could have waited. But she didn't want to. There was something primal in this moment. Something that touched the same part within her.

Rising up on her knees, she trailed her fingers down the rivulets of water that streamed from his hair. "Feed me, Kian."

His already dark eyes looked almost black as he touched her lips.

Standing, he lifted her and carried her to some rocks a little ways away. Sitting her on them, he knelt and offered her his throat. Gripping his shoulders, she bit deep. His deep breath was something that she could feel and she shifted closer to him, even as his arms circled her.

His life filled her veins as she pulled hard from the wound. She ran her fingers through his hair, tightening her grip as once again, the fire that burned her changed. Easing her fangs from his skin, she healed the bite, but kept her mouth on his skin, trailing her lips up the length of his throat. He swallowed and she felt the flex of his muscles against her tongue.

Slowly, she pulled away and met his burning eyes. The flames in them illuminated by the lightening that lit up the sky.

"Kian," she said softly and he moved.

Sliding his hands under her shirt. Holding her arms up, he pulled the offending garment over her head and the rain touched more of her skin and she shivered.

"Does it hurt?" he asked.

"I ache, but it's not from the rain."

"What hurts?"

She took his hand and placed it over her stomach. "I need you."

His hands settled on her hips and the heat in his eyes took on a wicked gleam. "What do you need me to do, ambrosia?"

"I need you to fuck me. Here, with this wildness all round us. I need to feel you inside me. Will you? Would you please fuck me, Kian?"

"Jesus, I love the mouth on you." He lifted her bottom and she helped, bracing on her hands as he slid her leggings and underwear down her legs. Tugging on her legs, he spread them and before she could take a breath, he attacked her body, tongue sliding between her damp folds while he slid a finger deep inside her.

She choked on his name as the pleasure rose so fucking high. The arm she was holding herself up with trembled and her free hand once again ran through his hair. His eyes met hers as he devoured her. Her fingers tightened as her hips rolled and he laughed, breath touching her as much as his mouth and hands.

Flicking his tongue faster, she shuddered at the intensity and he slid a second finger inside her, curving, to stroke the front of her channel.

Too much. It was too much. She was going to explode from the bliss filling her body, her soul.

"That's it, baby. I can feel you. Don't fight. I'm going to win anyway."

He renewed his attack on her and she listened to him and a long moan broke from her constricted throat. Continuing his actions, he groaned against her body.

"Fuck, I love the way you feel when you come."

He wouldn't have long to wait on the second as he pushed her to that edge. Close enough to touch, he pulled away from her before her legs were wrapped around his waist and he filled her so quick, so deep, and she sucked in a breath at the sudden pleasure that bordered on pain. The rain touched her as surely as he did and she was going do drown in it all. Her cry to the sky was broken as he pulled away before surging back and she left her pleasure in his back.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked slowing down and she lifted her head, trying to see him through the wet mass of her hair.

"More," she gasped with a slower, deeper thrust.

He leaned over her, pressing her back into the rock, and his fingers brushed her face, pushing her hair back.

"Are you certain?"

Another slow, deep surge and she dropped against the stones, back arching at the sensation.

"Please, Kian."

His hands ran up her spine as he moved faster and she groaned her approval. His hands moved to her hips, her legs clenched around him, but she couldn't care as he pushed deeper inside her and pushed her further out from shore before she was caught up in the ocean of bliss and she shouted her climax into the storm.

Her body froze, but it was fine as he shifted her leg, now leaning over her, lips pressed to hers, and she was still coming down from her orgasm when the second blindsided her. This time, her nails left scratches in the rock as she searched frantically for an anchor. To late and he held her tighter and she moaned, the waves crashing over her, twisting her and she was lost in the feeling.

"Jesus," he growled, losing control and ramming into her body. "You—" He broke off with a deep groan before caging her as he fell over her. He slowed down before stopping and he lay over her, pressing her into the rocks and wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her tight and she was content.

After a long moment in which her heart settled down, he whispered against her skin. "Was... Did I hurt you?"

She ran her fingers through his rain-darkened red hair.. "It was perfect."

Slowly, he backed away from the rocks, pulling her with him and he sat on the stones and held her, fingers running through the wet tangles of hair.

"Better than perfect." She leaned into him, her arms around his waist and the rain was comforting now.


They made it back to the house and she ran up the stairs for a quick shower before pulling on dry cloths. The thunder wasn't as loud but it was enough to tell her that the storm still raged outside. After toweling her hair, she headed downstairs. The others stood in the foyer and she was grateful she was able to tell them all that she expected them to be careful.

She kissed each one of her lovers and tried to calm the fear inside that she would feel that explosion of pain once more, only... this time she would be unable to save them. She knew it was what they needed to do, but it ate at her, the constant danger. After they left, she sat with Draven in the living room, taking a chair, so that she could watch the lightening through the curtain. She was so lost in her thoughts, that Lily's voice took her by surprise.

"You saved me."

Her head whipped around to the door. "I did no such thing," she said, nodding to Draven. "Him and Elliot."

Hazel eyes flicked to Draven then back to Chevonne.

"I tried to protect him."

"He said you jumped in front of him."

"It seemed right, you know? He just found happiness."

"You were willing to die for him." It was a statement.

"For him, but also for what the two of you share. I didn't want it to end like that. Not for you or for him."

"But do you not realize that we care for you as well?"

"You told me... no, you ordered me to bite you. I'm pretty certain that we're not enemies," she said with a soft smile. A smile that touched something in Chevonne and no, they were far from enemies.

"I care a great deal for you, Lily. You saved my life. You bonded with me to help make me stronger. What have I ever done for you to repay you for that?" For the first time, she thought back to that night. She thought nothing of the way it happened. But for a brief second, she wondered what it would have been like had things been allowed to progress naturally. A thought she quickly squashed. Lily never once said or did anything that might indicate that she cared for Chevonne more than as an ally, a friend. But then, for that matter, Chevonne hadn't either. But... she was different now. Stop.

"You love him. That was enough. And it would have been enough, had I died. I had a chance to do the right thing and I took it. Besides, if the asshole had pegged us both, we probably wouldn't be having this conversation," Lily said, easing down on the sofa. "How did you order me?"

"Everyone seems to think it's my heritage." Chevonne lifted her shoulders. "I have no way of knowing, so, I'm going to go with that thought."

"Well, however it happened, I'm glad for it. Yes, I was willing to die, but, I didn't really want to."

"They are out hunting for them now."

"I feel like I should be there," she said before frowning. "But I still feel weak. I hate it."

"Caleb and Kian recovered."

"I know. I'm clinging to that with both hands. I also haven't fed, so, there is that."

"Do you need to go?" Chevonne asked, glancing at Draven.

"I cannot leave you alone, il mia notte."

Lily shook her head. "I'll be alright. I can hunt tomorrow."

"Speaking of tomorrow, I have an acquaintance coming in from Russia. A beacon of strength that will help with our situation."

"From Russia?" Lily asked. "Beacon of strength..." She gave him a speculative look and he smiled.


"Wait, you mean to tell me you got Ilya to leave the winter wonderland that is Siberia?"

"Not many know his past, and I won't tell it, but he has a special reason to hunt the Sons. And he won't stop until they are all dead."

Chevonne glanced back at Draven. "Do all the vampires know each other?"

His eyes met hers. "I wouldn't say that. But we travel and often cross paths with others such as ourselves. Especially those of us that are older." He glanced back at Lily. "He was planning to attend the feast this year and with the hunters presence here now, it made it that much sweeter for him."

Lily closed her eyes and lay her head back. "Of course."

"What feast?" Chevonne asked.

"Every year, a group of vampires get together for a banquet, of sorts. It's an invention-only situation and it's in a different location every year."

"A banquet..."

"It is exactly what you are thinking, cuore mio. Though, the humans are volunteers. Those that hope that one of us will keep them as a pet, or have delusions of being inducted into our ranks. The pet part happens far more often than the desired change. Should no one be claimed, then the human are usually set free with their memories taken."


"After the feast, other things happen, and the some of the humans doesn't always live through that part," Lily said.

"Define 'other things'."

"Sex," Lily said and Chevonne looked at her. "A lot of sex and sometimes during that, the vampire gets caught up in the act and forgets the person they are screwing is fragile. Fangs come out for blood play and..." She drew a line across her throat.

"I'm taking it you've been to one of these feasts?"

"I've been to three and I was one of the humans for the first one. I met my maker there. She almost killed me and as an apology, here I am."


"Had nothing at all to do with it," she said smiling. "But now, I'm curious as to if she's going to be at this one. I haven't seen her in a hundred years or so..."

"If you wish to go, I can perhaps secure you an invention." Draven told her.

"Mmm. Maybe," she said.

"Are you going?" Chevonne asked Draven.

"I don't often, so, probably not. Then, there is the fact that I can't be away from you."


Chevonne glanced at Lily. "Not what it sounds like. The link between us is... intense... I don't do well when he's gone."

"Yet, you are going to move to a whole new house."

At the thought, Chevonne blew out a breath and tried to relax her hands. Draven appeared beside her and helped her unclench her fists. Quickly, he ran his tongue over the deep half-moons her nails left in her palms.

"Yikes," Lily said, standing. "Sorry I mentioned it."

Chevonne shook her head and leaned against her maker. "I don't believe either of us knew it was going to be like this. And yes, I will eventually be moving. But I have a month or so to work on it."

Lily watched them of a moment. "I wonder about that..."

"What do you mean?"

She just smiled before walking away.


The others came back after a while and Elliot frowned as he came in.

"What happened?"

"Lily brought up something disturbing to our bella notte," Draven said.

"And I acted like a child because I know we will be leaving here soon and it's fine. I'll learn how to deal with it." Chevonne got to her feet and let Elliot close his arms around her.

"Lily brought up the fact that she was going to be moving when I explained a reason I would not be attending the feast this year."

Elliot's back stiffened. "I completely forgot about that, with everything else going on. That will be like a magnet for the hunters."

"I don't know what this event is, but if it's a gathering of us, then yeah," Jaylen said.

Kian sat on the sofa. "I would ask how they would know, but technology being what it is today, they could have a database on us and if they notice a lot of us heading to an area... It's going to be hell..."

Elliot kissed her head before letting her go. "I suppose I should go this year. We need to warn them."

"No." The word was out of her mouth before she could stop herself. "Elliot—"

"I'm not going to let them get slaughtered. And we can get help from them. We simply need to warn them."

"Then I'm going with you."


"I mean it. These hunting parties that you all go on eats at me. What do you think it will do to me knowing that you will be walking into a trap?"

"It's not a trap for me, because I know about it. It's a trap for my kind because they don't know."

"I can't do it, Elliot. I can't sit this one out, not knowing what is going on. I give you my word that I will do whatever you tell me. Don't make me beg."

He closed his eyes. "You don't understand what it is your asking me for. You don't know how easy it is to get swept into what is going on around you." He looked at her again.

"Then show me. Teach me. Tell me how to be this, because I don't know how. Draven made me strong, Elliot, and I know you are all trying to keep me safe. But in that, I don't know how to be what I am."

"She makes an excellent point," Draven said.

Nikolas, Trey, and Caleb joined them while Elliot was watching her eyes.

"What did we walk into?" Caleb asked.

"A battle of wills," Kian said.

Elliot let out a word she rarely heard him use and turned to Nikolas. "She wants to accompany us to the banquet where there is a splendid chance the hunters will show up. Even if they don't, it's going to be hard on her."

Nikolas moved up beside her. "I would suggest you think on it, lovely. These things always end up out of control and I'm not certain you're ready for that."

She opened her mouth to say something and he touched her lips.

"I'm not saying you're not, either. But, it's an assault of the senses, a heady one, and I don't want it to pull you into something that you would hate after coming down from that high."

"But what about you? If you go, wouldn't that be a distraction to you as well?"

"A few of us are old enough to fight it off. You, unfortunately, are not."

"So, all of you expect me to sit here quietly while you run headlong into danger? To not know anything until I feel an explosion in my chest? I can't do it. Order me to sit still, if you are worried about me losing myself, but do not leave me out of this."

Nikolas looked back at Elliot and he cursed again.

"It appears we will all be attending. Three of us already have invitations, based on the list. Well, four, counting Ilya. Let me make a few phone calls," Draven said.

"Ilya's going to be here?" Elliot asked.

"He should arrive tomorrow." He looked at Chevonne. "I wonder if you will come to regret this decision, cuore mio. I'll do what I can to help keep you from being... overwhelmed, though, I hope it's enough."

"Thank you," she said and he smiled before turning and heading into his office.

Arms wrapped around her waist and she leaned back against Elliot. "I know you are unhappy with this, but already, I can breathe easier."

"I'm worried, love. Fear for you is going to be the end of me."

She turned in his arms and cupped her face. "I'll be careful."

His smile was slightly bitter. "I know you will. Though, I don't think it'll help."

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