The Princess Testing (being r...

By chococat-24

49.5K 1.3K 61

They say the testing is a good thing. That it selects only the best to meet with the prince. But they are wr... More

Chapter 1*
Chapter 2*
Chapter 3*
Chapter 4*
Chpater 5*
Chapter 6*
Chapter 7*
Chapter 8*
Chapter 9*
Chapter 10*
Chapter 11*
Chapter 12* Enter the first test.
Chapter 14*
Chapter 15*
Chapter 16*
Chapter 17*

Chapter 13*

1.1K 68 8
By chococat-24

Leaning against the trunk of the tree I was currently sleeping in I couldn't help but groan. If you thought the day was bad then you haven't met the night.

In the beginning I thought the cave I was resting in would be a great place to hide out, but boy was I wrong. Once the night hit thats when the snakes appeared. Hissing at me threatening to bite if I went anywhere near the cave.

Good thing I always brought everything with me, if not I would have nothing. Sighing I stared up at the sun beating down burning my skin.

Growling I closed my eyes only to be startled by a sudden jolt from below. Looking down I was surprised to see a group of girls ganging up on one person.

Their words I couldn't quite hear, but their actions were quite clear. They were planning on killing her, shaking my head I began to close my eyes pulling out my sword.

Silently transforming it into a gun I began to wait for the perfect time to strike. There were already sixteen people dead, I wasn't going to add to the number just because I didn't intervene.

Suddenly I heard a voice I thought I recognized , "Please don't kill me! I promise I won't tell anyone." "Amanda?" I whispered under my breath. Peering down I could barely make out her figure.

I didn't realize until now how high I really climbed, but it didn't mater. I had to take the shot now, before I lose a friend. Bitting my lip I could feel my breath slow, now or never.

Pulling the trigger my breath hitched, all I could hear was the screams. From their voices no one was hit, but the bullet defiantly scared them off.

Looking down it would seem the only figure that remained was Amanda's. Jumped down I swiftly landed next to her, "Please don't kill me! I don't want to die!" She frantically repeated the words over and over.

Grabbing her shoulder I shook her causing her to open her tightly shut eyes. "Amanda! Stop shouting, It's me!" Quickly her voice faded and I was left with a rather relived girl.

"Regina! Thank the gosh! Are you ok?" She asked suddenly bringing me into a tight hug. Hugging her back I nodded, "Yes, yes I'm fine. I'm just glad your alright."

Wiping tears from her eyes she smiled, "It wold seem you avoided the sandwich as well?" Her question caught me off guard a bit, but none the less I nodded.

"Yes, I found that the food was laced with poison." She breathed out a sigh of relief. "Good, I wasn't sure and I got scared so I did't eat and I wasn't sure if that was the right call and," placing a figure to my lips I smiled.

"Stop talking, you're turning red." Placing her hands to her face I laughed, well at least I found one of my friends. Looking down at her arms I noticed blood trickling down, "Amanda your hurt." I stared ushering her over to a near by rock.

"It's nothing, we have to keep moving." I shook my head pulling out the bed sheet from my basket. "There is no way we aren't treating this first." Pouring water on the closet I began to dab the wound. "Hey have you seen Taiga?" I asked as Amanda tilted her head.

"Taiga? I'm not really sure who that is." Blinking a bit it would seem I forgot that Taiga and Amanda have never met before. "She is the girl with the long white hair and I sit next to durning meals."

Her eyes shifted a bit before something clicked, "Oh, the girl with the wand from sector three?" I nodded as she smiled, "Yes, are you worried?" I nodded, even though I trusted Taiga's skills in magic it may be no match for that the Test has in store for us.

Looking around the sun continued to beat down from above, ripping a bit of the cloth off I tightly tied it around her arm. "Well that should hold you for now." She began to ask another questions but suddenly I watched a small drop of liquid land on her cheek.

The sky boomed with sound, looking above I was shocked to see dark clouds quickly rolling in. Turning back to Amanda she stared at me in shock, "How could it looks like it's going to rain, but it was blaring sun five seconds ago?"

I shook my head confused as she was, "Amanda is there any caves near by?" She thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes there happens to be one right over there." Pointing my smile broadened.

Muttering under my breath we rushed into the safely of the cave, I looked at the inside carefully before entering. There was no way I was dealing with those snakes again.

Soon after we settled in the rain began to fall, I couldn't help but be a tad bit curious. Sticking out my hand slightly I felt the cool water land on my hand.

Bringing it to my lips I could hear Amanda scream at mw to stop, but I refused to listen. Tasting the liquid made me grimace a bit, it was salty even a bit tangy.

Then it dawned on me, there had to be even more poison in this water. Poison on top of the poison that could already be in the selected's blood stream. The master mind behind all of this was a real mad genius.

By now I was sure by now it wasn't the King. He maybe a lier, but in no way would he have the skill to pull any of this off. And if he did hire someone to make it then it would make sense, but there is the risk of even more death.

But still the female voice in the beginning, it had to be someone in the palace. The Queen? Who knows I've never heard her speak. There was also Princess Eve, but the voice I knew from the town square was much different from this one.

This was just so frustrating! "Regina are you alright?" Without turning I nodded, "Yes, just watching the rain fall."

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