You Can Trust Me

By reachforthestars

191 0 1

Jaylynn has been in love with Elliot since she first saw him in seventh grade. She finally gets a chance to d... More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

33 0 0
By reachforthestars

The next day, I woke up late, around 12:00 PM. I felt dizzy getting out of bed. I checked my phone to see 11 missed calls, from Anna. Anna never calls me unless something is wrong, and she certainly doesn't call this much. Quickly, I called her back. 

"Jaylynn!" A familiar voice was on the other line of the phone. Her mother. 

"Is Anna there?" I asked. 

"No, she is in the hospital." her mom's voice was shaky.


"Yesterday she came homesick early, and was feeling very dizzy in the evening. This morning, she fainted, and while she did, she hit her head, hard on the tile floor. I was so scared, and I called rescue. They took her to the hospital. I called you a lot, but you didn't pick up. She has to stay in the hospital for a week, to recover. They said she might have amnesia."

I gasped. "Oh my gosh, I should visit her in the hospital right away!"

"No! I mean, o you, um, do you mind, coming with me to the hospital?"

"Sure, I'll go to your house and we can drive there." I hung up the phone. Anna is an only child, and her parents are divorced, so if Anna is not home, she's all alone.

I slipped on a t-shirt, black skinny jeans, sneakers, and a jacket. Then I went down the stairs, to tell Fabio I was going out for a while. My parents were in their office working, and anyway, they barely even know who Anna is, even though I've known her so long. I'm usually at her house. Fabio was cleaning up in the living room. I told him I was going to Anna's house for a while, but I didn't have any time, nor I felt like explaining anything to him. He knew about my personal life, but not my best friend's. I ran out the door. I decided to walk to Anna's house. She only lives a few blocks away, and I was getting nervous. I needed some fresh air to calm down. As I was walking, I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I ignored them, thinking it was just a random person out for a walk. Then I noticed that they were following me for a while now. I was getting a little scared. Slowly, I turned around. Standing there, was Aiden. He was alone, not with his sister, which I found very unusual. 

"Are you following me?" It was up-front, but I couldn't help it. I was aggravated. 

"Yes," Aiden replied calmly. 


"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to see what you were doing."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to a friend's house. Now, can you leave me alone please?"

"Yes. Sorry about that," he put his hands in his coat pockets and walked away.

"Wait, Aiden!" I shouted back at him.

He didn't stop.


Steadily, Aiden turned around. "What?" He walked over to me.

"I'm sorry for being rude. Are you okay? Because, the other day, I saw the, I mean, I saw your, arm. Well, what I'm trying to say is, if you need any help, just, let me know."

He nodded and ran off, and I did too, in the opposite direction towards Anna's house.

The next day, I woke up late, around 12:00 PM. I felt dizzy getting out of bed. I checked my phone to see 11 missed calls, from Anna. Anna never calls me unless something is wrong, and she certainly doesn't call this much. Quickly, I called her back. 

"Jaylynn!" A familiar voice was on the other line of the phone. Her mother. 

"Is Anna there?" I asked. 

"No, she is in the hospital." her mom's voice was shaky.


"Yesterday she came homesick early, and was feeling very dizzy in the evening. This morning, she fainted, and while she did, she hit her head, hard on the tile floor. I was so scared, and I called rescue. They took her to the hospital. I called you a lot, but you didn't pick up. She has to stay in the hospital for a week, to recover. They said she might have amnesia."

I gasped. "Oh my gosh, I should visit her in the hospital right away!"

"No! I mean, do you, um, do you mind, coming with me to the hospital?"

"Sure, I'll go to your house and we can drive there." I hung up the phone. Anna is an only child, and her parents are divorced, so if Anna is not home, she's all alone.

I slipped on a t-shirt, black skinny jeans, sneakers, and a jacket. Then I went down the stairs, to tell Fabio I was going out for a while. My parents were in their office working, and anyway, they barely even know who Anna is, even though I've known her so long. I'm usually at her house. Fabio was cleaning up in the living room. I told him I was going to Anna's house for a while, but I didn't have any time, nor I felt like explaining anything to him. He knew about my personal life, but not my best friend's. I ran out the door. I decided to walk to Anna's house. She only lives a few blocks away, and I was getting nervous. I needed some fresh air to calm down. As I was walking, I heard heavy footsteps behind me. I ignored them, thinking it was just a random person out for a walk. Then I noticed that they were following me for a while now. I was getting a little scared. Slowly, I turned around. Standing there, was Aiden. He was alone, not with his sister, which I found very unusual. Aiden’s long black hair was covering half of his face and

he was wearing a black hoodie. 

"Are you following me?" It was up-front, but I couldn't help it. I was aggravated. 

"Yes," Aiden replied calmly. 


"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to see what you were doing."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to a friend's house. Now, can you leave me alone please?"

"Yes. Sorry about that," he put his hands in his coat pockets and walked away.

"Wait, Aiden!" I shouted back at him.

He didn't stop.


Steadily, Aiden turned around. "What?" He walked over to me.

"I'm sorry for being rude. Are you okay? Because, the other day, I saw the, I mean, I saw your, arm. Well, what I'm trying to say is, if you need any help, just, let me know."

He nodded and ran off, and I did too, in the opposite direction towards Anna's house.

Out on the porch, Anna's mother, Mrs. Porting was waiting for me. She got up and gave me a huge hug.

"Thank goodness you came! I was getting worried you wouldn't!" 

I smiled dimly.

"Lets go! Just hop in the car!" I knew she tried hard to smile and be happy, but we both knew that everything wasn't alright.

When we arrived at the hospital, my stomach flipped. I mean, I've visited Anna at the hospital a couple of times, she always gets hurt, but this time, it was serious. What if she doesn't remember me?  Amnesia causes horrible things. 

I'm her best friend, and if I don't have Anna, I don't have anyone.

 We both got out of the car and walked inside. Ms. Porting ran up to the front desk, and, out of breath, said, "I need to see Anna Porting." 

The woman at the desk smiled. "Sure, go to Room 105B."

I followed Anna's mother around the hallway, looking from side to side, checking the room numbers, until, bingo, I found it. Room 105B. "Ms. Porting, its right here!" I pointed to the sign. She walked in, and I lagged behind her. 

The first thing I noticed was the IV in her arm. No, wait, she had 3. Then I looked up to her face. She had a bump on her forehead, which anyone could easily see. Her face was pretty much fine, besides that. She looked pale, and confused. 

"Mom?" Anna looked up at Ms. Porting hopefully. 

Anna's mother gently smiled. "Yes, its me, your mother." She gave her a hug, but not a huge one. I guess she thought Anna was fragile.

 Anna's eyes shifted to me. I grinned at her. She was puzzled. "Are you a nurse?" 

My smile faded. "No, Anna, I'm your best friend, Jaylynn."

"I don't know you." She frowned. "Is that bad?"

"No, its not bad, just, different. I've known you since first grade, Anna. We live only a few blocks away from each other." 

"Oh, I think I remember you. I just, don't really know." 

I sat down at the chair next to Anna. Her eyes became slits, growing smaller and smaller, until she fell asleep. Her mother nodded at me. I knew what that meant. We had to go now. Ms. Porting gave Anna a kiss on the forehead, and we stepped out of the room. 

The car ride back was dead silent. Not a peep came from Ms. Porting nor me. I guess she got bored, because Anna's mom turned her head at a red light to look at me. 

"She's going to be out for a couple of weeks. I don't know when she will recover." Her voice sounded hopeless. I could see the sadness in her eyes. She turned herself back to the road, and drove. She dropped me off at my house. i gave her a hug, said goodbye, then ran inside. 

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