Bound Together

By Everyonehatesmeee__

45.5K 1.1K 86

Total opposites, they say that they attract the most to each other and it looks like whoever said that was ri... More

|The Beginning of the End|
|Where am I|
|Safe at Last|
|Wake up|
|Its only you|
|Why me|
|Lovable Warmth|
|The two Families|
|The Laurents Family|
|From now On|
|The calm before the Storm|
|The Talk|
|In my Arms|
|Could this be Love|
|Dear Rosalie|
|Blood in my Lungs|
|Just one Week|
|More than a Sunrise|
|The end of a Summers Day|
|The Unknown|
|When I first saw You|
|What lies Beyond Us|
|A Losing Game|
|Round Two|
|One too many at this Point|
|The Final Challenge|
|In another Lifetime|

|Those blue Eyes|

3.1K 84 12
By Everyonehatesmeee__

I looked outside my company building as I was left in my thought. Today was the day, the day everything would change. I put my black coat on then took my cell phone out and called my driver.

"Alex I need you to take me to my private jet, tell the pilot to ready the plane as soon as possible" I said and didn't even let him speak before hanging up, I have to see her again. I need her in my life and I cannot wait any longer.

I remember what it was like when I saw her for the first time in ages, it was as vivid of a memory as yesterday.

"Sir if you could just wait for a moment."

"Do you honestly think I have time for you opinion right now James, I know what to do and what is best for my health alright. Now tell me what is the update on our guests."

"Very well then, so far they are holding out fine. Both parents still haven't revealed anything about.. um her. Oh and a painter will be here shortly to paint your portrait sir and some other paintings for the company." James replied and I nodded. I walked over to my break room where I saw a black throne in the center, an easel wasn't far from the throne then suddenly a woman with Raven black hair stepped into the room. She held her materials then placed them on the table near the easel. I was speechless, her natural beauty kept me in awe of her. My heart started to beat quick and fast, growing anxious to see her faces, to get a look at this beauty of a woman.

I was confused to say the least and right as I was stepping out of this trance she looked at me, those slender sapphire like eyes pulled me in even more. Her wispy lashes matched perfectly and adorned her eyes perfectly.

Then she spoke. Oh her voice, how it left me wanting to listen to her talk for hours. This woman has me of all people wrapped around her little fingers and she doesn't even know it.

"Please take a seat Sir and pose however you like, make sure it's comfortable ." Those silky words rolled of her tongue in a pure melancholic voice with a small hint of her humor.

And for the first time in forever I obeyed someone else's orders, I sat down and rested my right leg over my left them leaned back in the chair a bit. My right hand rested gently on my cheekbone as I studied her features more. It was just me and her in this room and my tensions were growing thick to be near her.

Her pale hands glided over her box of materials as she looked for what she needed. I wonder what those gentle hands could do. How they could glide over my face or gently run through my hair.

"You sure you are comfortable with that position Mr. Van Cartier." She spoke, but when she said my name I knew I was fucked.

"Yes very." I replied almost immediately then she shrugged and started to paint on the large canvas upon the easel. I grew so enamored with her as she continued to paint, she looked so deeply immersed in her art and no one could take her away from this little world she created. Then before I knew it she placed her brush down and was done, well down with the outline and the majority of the details of course. But I felt like time hadn't passed. Like only a minute flew by.

"Well that sums it up for your portrait, is there anything you would like for the rest of the paintings." Damn it I couldn't just let her leave like that, I know she has the other paintings to do but still she's most likely to do them at her studio.

"No I'm afraid that is all, I'll have the money deposited into your account then." I said, my voice sounded low and in pure defeat. No, I'm Adrian Van Cartier, the most successful man in all of France. The heir to the throne. I won't let this woman slip through my grasps.

"Alright then I'll pack up and be on my way." She replied then quickly began to put her materials away, I could only watch as she was getting ready to leave as I tried to build up the courage to speak to her again.

And just like she made her way into my office she was soon gone, the feelings were gone. I felt empty as I sat down in my chair in this lonely office. Suddenly my mind thought of something that sounded almost too familiar.
I need to know more of her.

I wanted, no, needed this woman in my life.

But my heart was still glued to a different girl, one I could never forget. My first love, Rosalie.

A sweet and beautiful girls from the childhood, one I grew very fond of and had these powerful emotions towards her. The need to be with her, to comfort her, and make her stay and love me. I never fully comprehended those feelings as a child more so now that I am an adult and still have those feelings in me. But now on someone new.

But I didn't want to forget Rosalie, hell I haven't even found her and I need to soon. My future and hers depends on it. But, this woman. For now at least she was all that clouded my mind and I began to dig. Finding information on her should be easy enough.

I quickly brought up my data bases in background checks then found the name of the artist. All her information popped up and yet again my heart stopped. This day just keeps getting better and better.

God must be on my side, or maybe it's just fate.

I was brought back to my reality as the elevator bell rang and I was down in my private parking lot. I was greeted by my driver Alex and shortly after he opened the door for me and I stepped inside. I was seated in the back while Alex closed the door then started to drive the car.

"Off to see her again boss." He said trying to spark up a conversation.

"As always Derik, but today will be different" I said and took out my phone while scrolling through my contacts to find my personal butler.

"How so?" He questioned but I had already dialed my butler.

"Hello Sir, how I may be of assistance for you today." My butler Giles said into the phone.

"Prepare the mansion in Versailles I'll be staying there for a while, also could you get all the necessities for a woman I want her to feel right at home. It's time " I replied.

"Of course Sir everything will be prepared momentarily, is there anything else you would like." Giles answered in a calm demeanor.

"Yes, prepare her studio for me I wouldn't want my queen to stop doing the thing she loves." I said then ended the call, I couldn't wait any longer nor could our future. The time was right and I was done waiting in the shadows, watching her, taking care of her from afar.

I needed her near me, to be by my side. I cannot waste any more time, she needs to know.

Around 30 minutes or so pass and my driver Alex makes it to the private landing dock where my jet is waiting for me. I get onto my private jet and seat myself, a complimentary wine is served quickly in a glass as I begin to drink it the plan shortly begins to take off.

After a few hours, I finally arrived in Paris. My private investigator had already informed me about her whereabouts. Now all that was left to do is set the scene.

I sat at the opposite end of the balcony with only two small tables separating me from her favorite spot. I saw a male waiter come in and place her signature dish on the table then he came over to me and asked what I wanted. I ordered a black coffee and watched as he left, I had left her a rose on her table that I specifically grew in my garden. It didn't look any different or suspicious from the rest since there was always a rose on every table.

Right on time.

I was very punctual in knowing when she arrived, after all it was the same time whenever she went out.

I heard some yelling and saw Rosalie make her way towards her seat, she didn't take any notice of me at all which left me feeling neglected until she picked up the rose. Rosalie smiled then shot up from her seat, like an idea had suddenly lit up in her mind.

Now the show can begin.

I got up from my seat and made my way downstairs, paying for my drink then waited near the door until I saw her speedwalking down the stairs and talking with her friend. She turned around not looking at where she was going and I bumped into her, she stumbled a bit but didn't let that stop her.

"Oh he suis vraunent désolé excuse moi." Her angelic voice spoke in the most beautiful French accent as she got up and walked out of the cafe. Crap, I didn't even spew my line of introduction to her. I was too enamored with her voice that I forgot she walked right out of the cafe. I quickly followed her, not letting my chance slip up then grabbed her arm making her face me. She wouldn't look at me, I guessed it to be due to her height.

"Um excuse me but can you please let go of my hand I'm in a rush." I almost froze, it had been so long since I've last seen her. Around almost a month or so, I had never been so close to her and to have her speak directly to me. Hell I was dumbfounded.

"Look at me." I said as she slowly looked up, I was in a trance as I stared at those blue eyes. They were pools of the light blue sky and they had me mesmerized, her beautiful blue completed my light brown ones, no, she completed me.

"Sorry to bother you sir but I really have to go." I was snapped out of my thoughts by her statement but I only tighten my grip on her.

"Do you even recognize me?" I spoke out, not the best but as I searched further into her eyes. It was like she was talking to a stranger. All our memories as children began flooding my mind but to her I was just some random guy. I had no meaning in her life. No memories of me existed to her.

I was hurt to say the least, she didn't recognize me or my name when she painted me but it had been so much time. I had done everything to make myself more aware to her, leave articles about me in her news paper, show up on the news, hell I was interviews by her favorite talk show host. But she didn't care, she didn't even seem to know me the slightest. Then her words struck a cord.

"I've never seen you in my entire life now would you please let go of me." My world came crashing down as she spoke half heartedly. Her hand immediately took the time of sealing in my eyes and yanked itself out of my grip. I had to act fast now or else bringing myself here and now would be a waste.

"My apologies, you just looked like someone I know." I replied half cold and half gutted by her words. What was to happen now if she didn't remember me.

"Understandable, please don't confuse me again. Good day." She huffed then turned quickly and
in the blink of an eye she quickly ran down the sidewalk and didn't stop walking. No, I won't let it end like this. Fuck, it can't, our first encounter should have been special.

"Wait, can I talk to you. Please, Rosalie." I spoke her name and she stopped dead in her tracks for a moment. I might have just ruined my chances with spilling out her name but the cats out of the bag now I suppose. Only one way to get her back.

"Rosalie I just want to talk, please." I exclaimed but in a split second she started bolting down the sidewalk and made a hard left into an alley way. I followed in quick pursuit but lost her in the alley. I thought for a moment on what to do then saw it was best to just wait her out, she'll come home. Eventually.

I had made my way to her home and let myself in with a spare key I had made. With enough money you can get others to do anything you please, all for the right price.

Rosalie lived in a beautiful lofted apartment, everything with a beautiful beige color and wood accents to it. I starred at her new painting in the middle of the room, a woman holding a flame but she was embedded with darkness.

No time to waste I thought then took out a silver box. I opened the box and reveled the contents inside. Etorphine hydrochloride, otherwise known as an animal tranquilizers. M99.

With just the right amount of dosage any human can fall under a deep sleep and wake up after a few hours. I had set up the drug in the needle when I suddenly heard the front door open.
I hid behind her bathroom door and could hear as she was making her way to her room. I peaked my head through the crevice of the door and watched as she plopped down on her bead one exhaustion.

She looked up at her sky roof and smiled at something, but as curious I was to what she was looking at I only kept my attention on her. She arose from her bed and sat on her window seat, then opening the window as a small white bird came in and sat on the window cill. The bird had all her attention which I was thankful for it as I heard her beautiful lullaby.

I moved from my spot and quietly crept up behind her, I saw the bird perch itself at her fingertip but it immediately flew away once I came close to Rosalie.

"Such a beautiful song, my dear Rosalie." I said and quickly injected her neck with the drug, she passed out immediately and fell right into my arms. The wait was over, the hardest part was done now.

I carried her bridal style and took her through the stairwell so no one would see us or suspect a thing. My driver was already waiting for us as I opened the door and made my way down. The door was held open as my driver watched as I placed her in the back, a look of guilt clearly washing over his face.

"Why do you have that look on your face Derik, I advise you keep your mouth shut and do as your told if you want to keep this job." I said and he gulped in fear, I slid inside the car and placed her on my lap.

"Je t'aime mon amour" I said and kissed her forehead, Derik started the car and we were off to my mansion far away from anyone who will disturb us. That will interfere with what we have.

After 40 minutes or so we arrived at my mansion and the door was opened, I held her in my arms and got out of the car entering our house. Everything was prepared for her just as I had ordered, I want her to be right at home.

Once she woke up I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it over how wrong it was to kidnap her. But there was no other choice. It was either I take her now or someone would take her from me. And I wasn't going to let the second option happen.

As I opened the door to our master bedroom I gently placed her down then tucked the shears above her body. She rested without a care in the world, so peaceful and still.

She may hate me more than what she could ever possibly remember but I knew this was the right choice. Because no one was going to take her away from me. She can hate me all she wants but she's finally with me, and to me that is all that matters.

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