That's Miss Rogue Queen to you

נכתב על ידי Blondes4pits

80.8K 2.4K 154

Not your typical rejection story. You know the stories of the broken abused girl, who gets rejected by her ma... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Bonus Chapter
New Books Coming Soon
Another Update

Chapter 17

2.8K 98 3
נכתב על ידי Blondes4pits

Rebel's POV

As soon as I stood in front of Ax with Rae gripping my arm I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When they snapped open my wolf and I were sharing control.

I twisted my arm out of Rae's grip while withdrawing the knife. I shoved him away as I spun and slammed the blade into Ax's chest just as he pulled out a gun and fired a shot.

All hell seemed to break loose as everyone stormed in. Rae was screaming for his father as he collapsed dead on the ground. The majority of the ferals stumbled as they snapped out of his control. The other Ferals went savage mode and were either killed or restrained quickly.

Rae pulled out a gun. "Now you will know what it feels like to lose." He said before pulling the trigger.

"No!" I screamed as he aimed the gun behind me. The shot rang out as I dove for him and ripped out his heart.

As soon as he was dead I turned and rushed over to Aero. He smiled at me as he laid there bleeding with a bullet wound in his abdomen. "Aero, don't you dare die on me." I sobbed as he smiled sadly.

"I don't want you to die with me." He whispered as his hand cupped my cheek.

Someone was yelling for a doctor as I held pressure on the wound with one hand and leaned my forehead against his. "I love you, please stay. We need you." I whispered as I placed his hand on my stomach.

The one loophole to the soul binding is if the female is pregnant she will die as her child takes their first breath. The goddess didn't think if fair for an innocent soul to die with two others because of a bond. "Y-your pregnant?" He chocked out and I nodded as my eyes filled with tears.

"We need you," I whispered as I kissed him.

I felt the bond start to crumble. "No Aero, No!" I sobbed as I clung to him and he struggled to breath.

"" He breathed out as he stopped breathing.

My wolf howled as she clung to the last bit of the bond. I cried out as I clung to him. I refused to let this be the end of our story. Something inside me burned with a vengeance as I placed my forehead against his. "No." I said the simple word with so much authority yet barely above a whisper.

The fire inside me burst out as a white light covered the both of us. As it receded it focused on where the bullet wound was. I opened my eyes and gasped as I watched his skin, muscles and organs repair themselves and he gasped for breath.

"Aero," I cried as his chest started rising and the bond snapped back in place.

Everyone was silent around us, even the ferals had frozen. I brushed his hair back as I cried happy he was alive. The doctors finally arrived and took him to the infirmary. Everyone didn't know what to do or say but my wolf finally spoke up. "We heal, that is our power. I-I think we can fix the other Ferals."

I was shocked as she went on to explain them being feral is basically a sickness and since we heal we should be able to heal their minds and bring back their humanity.

I told her we would try it out once Aero was awake as I began ordering everyone on what to do. It was over and I was relieved it ended with hardly any bloodshed.

I knew everyone had questions but the only thing I cared about was Aero in this moment. Once everyone had their orders I rushed off to be with Aero.

He was still unconscious but the doctors assured me everything was as if he was never shot. They assumed he would wake up soon and I climbed in bed with him. I interlaced our one hand as I placed is other on my stomach.

I had found out yesterday about the pup but I knew Aero would have changed the plans if he knew. I had Tessa make a potion to hide the pups scent as well. I must've fallen asleep as I woke up to hearing whispering.

I cracked my eyes open to see Aero whispering to our pup. "Your mother is so smart and strong. We are beyond lucky to have her as ours. She saved your daddy's life today and when she wakes up we are going to have a long talk. I love you and your mother more than anything in this world. I am so lucky to call her mine and be here to watch you grow up."

He lifted his eyes to meet mine and instantly my eyes clouded with tears. "I thought I had lost you." I sobbed as he held me against his chest.

"I know and I am sorry you went through that. But I am also seriously upset you out yourself and our pup in harms way." He said and I nodded my head.

"I know but if I didn't so many people would have died. Besides Asena believes we may be able to give the ferals their humanity back." He sighed and kissed my forehead.

"Okay but lets give it a few days and I want you and our pup checked out as soon as possible." I nodded my head and it didn't take long for the doctor to come in and release him and check on our pup.

We sat there for a while looking at the blurry black and white picture of our pup just basking in the moment. Everyone was waiting for us when we got to the pack house and instantly questions were being fired.

"Silence!" Alpha Bryan shouted effectively making everyone shut up. He gave us a smile and a nod as we began answering their questions.

"Rebel and I are soul bound mates, I am not going to explain the logistics of it as it is complex. Yes we are expecting our first pup and Rebel has the ability to heal others. She is going to try and heal the ferals that were captured and as for the rest who were under Ax's control we will interview you all and find out exactly what happened." Aero stated and everyone nodded.

"Also for those who found their mates please bring them to the interview so we can figure out pack transfers as well. Make things easier for all of us and each alpha will get an interview room to make this go faster. Please see either Ty or Kyle to be assigned a room. Alpha's your rooms are based on rank so please go to the appropriate rooms."

With that began a long night of interviews and paperwork. The majority of them were caught by the borders of packs and taken by ferals and brought to Ax where he turned them. For the rogues we offered them a place in our pack as long as Aero deemed them acceptable by reading their minds.

By the time we finished I had fallen asleep in Aero's lap. I had vaguely remembered him carrying me to our room. I woke up snuggled into his chest and was content to just have him here alive and well.

I woke him up with a shower of kisses before he flipped us and made sweet love to me. By the time we made it down stair it was lunch time. I was excited to meet Anna, Tessa's sister and Hunter's mate. Anna was sweet and they had captured her when she was looking for her sister. They tricked her saying they had Tessa and were going to kill her if she didn't do what they asked. She has been helping them hide their base for a few years.

She gave them the location last night and we had sent several warriors there to bring back anyone still being held captive. Luckily there was only a few and only a small few were still feral.

The next several days involves figuring out my gift and how to bring the ferals back. It took several tried but we had managed to bring almost all of them back. A few were irreversible and had to be put down as their human side had died.

Everyone eventually left back to their own packs and we began combining our packs. It took a lot of building and planning but we managed to get it done in a month. Our pack was now about 1000 strong with two betas and gammas.

I was showing quite a bit and two months into my four month pregnancy. We were having a gender reveal pack party and even invited a few other Alphas to find out if our next ruler would be a prince or princess.

Aero had become extra protective of me and as much as I loved it there were times I was ready to strangle him. "Are you sure you should be standing and watching the training? We got the party later and I don't want you to be on your feet too long."

I sighed and rubbed my temples as Aero continued his rant even offering to bring a chair to the training field. "Aero!" I snapped and his mouth shut instantly. "I am pregnant not handicapped so please relax. I know my body and I am fine and will be fine tonight."

He went to say something and i raised an eyebrow as if daring him. He huffed and nodded his head. "Alright but promise me you won't over do it tonight."

I rolled my eyes as I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him. "Promise. Now if you behave today we can have some fun tonight."

His eyes darkened with lust as his chest rumbled. I chuckled as I began barking orders to the men training.

Later that night as everyone arrived I was talking with Tessa and Anna who both recently found out they too were pregnant. Tessa was 4 weeks and Anna was three weeks. Shortly after everyone arrived Aero dragged me up on stage.

"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate our next prince or princess. I also wanted to say a few words about my beautiful mate. Rebel as soon as you walked into that meeting I knew there was something special about you. You captured my heart and I wouldn't want anyone else to rule beside me or carry my pups. I love you and I am excited to start this next adventure with you."

The crowd awed as tears sprung in my eyes. "I love you too." Was all I could get out as I brought his lips to mine.

"Alright without further ado let's find out what this little pup is." He said smiling as we held the remote control.

The crowd counted down with us.






We both pressed the button as confetti cannons went off and balloons fell down. The crowd roared as we all cheered in happiness. I locked my lips onto Aero's as blue confetti rained down around us.

"I present Adrian Lucas Moretti!" I announced and the crowd roared again.

"I love you." I whispered as I looked into his shining blue-grey eyes.

"I love you," he whispered back as we spent the rest of the might celebrating our son.

המשך קריאה

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