Journey of a Heroine

By Lav_Pixie2007

122 4 104

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade they say. What about when life hands you a magic jewel that grants... More

Turning a New Leaf
Missing Her
What a Save
You were saying?
Ribbit Rescue Part 1

Guess Who's Back

20 0 7
By Lav_Pixie2007

What's up Pixies! Yes, it's me again :3 aaand u guessed it; here's chapter 3 of Journey of a Heroine. Enjoy! Side note from Future Lav, I started this chapter in October but y'all know how school goes so that's why it took so long. I'll make up for it I promise! <3

Our heroine took a seat in the back she had grown accustomed to. After her little chat with Cat Noir 2 days before, she realized she didn't need to get all jealous when she looked over at Lila and Adrien. Her little kitty was feeling much better as well. That is until something utterly ridiculous happened. Once everyone had gotten settled in, Ms Bustier made an important announcement:

"Alright class! Today one of our wonderful students has returned from her amazing trip to the Bahamas......" she started
'Oh no..' Marinette thought

"Your dear classmate, Chloe!"

"Hello everyone! I bet you missed me but I was in a much better place enjoying the white sandy beaches and the crystal blue seas of the Bahamas. But now I'm back and you can all adore me again!" exclaimed Chloe sashaying into the classroom

"Missed is a strong word." murmured Alya making the whole class erupt in laughter

"Alright class, that's quite enough. Chloe, please take your seat." said Ms Bustier in response to the laughter

Ms Bourgeois took her usual seat after a long glare at Alya next to her personal assistant Sabrina who had dusted the bench off and placed a nice cushion on it. Meanwhile in the back, Marinette had one goal in mind; keep Chloe away from Lila. If they ever joined forces, she would have a much worse villain than Hawk Moth to deal with that's for sure. She also doubted Lila would keep up her good girl act with Chloe if she found out they were out to get the same girl. After what seemed like forever, it was finally lunch time.

Marinette grabbed her tray and took a seat next to Alya who was chatting with Nino and Adrien before she came along at their favourite table. "Hey guys!" she greeted
"Hey girl take a seat..... Heyy Adrien do you mind switching seats with me? I really need to tell Nino something." Alya replied with a wide smirk

"Sure thing." Adrien shrugged

In the blink of an eye Alya was next to Nino which left Adrien next to Marinette. She tried to keep her head down to hide her intense blush that matched the ketchup she was having with her fries, but let's just say it's hard to hide your feelings when your face matches your food. 

There were a few minutes of awkward silence until Alya broke it; "Oh shoot Nino I forgot to give you that thing from my locker! Wanna come with me to get it now? " she asked with a wink
"Wait what thing?" Nino questioned obviously confused
A/N: Really Nino? You reaaaaally can't take a hint 

When he felt a sharp pain on his foot however, he swiftly changed his reply; "Owww! I mean oh yeah that one thing you were supposed to give me! I totally forgot hehe. Yeah, let's go get it now!" he said standing up

*cough*cough*cough*cough*"Silly me I forgot to get umm *cough* milk yeah! Milk! So you guys can go get the thing and I'll go get my *cough* m-milk. Okay bye!" explained a rather red and choked Marinette as she quickly got up and left to the drinks table

'Is she avoiding me?' an upset Adrien asked himself after being left alone on the lunch table
On Marinette's way back to the table after seeing her friends were back from getting the 'thing', she saw a group of girls a grade younger than her surrounding Bella who she had only met a few times before. They were all murmuring things like;
"Oh my gosh that necklace is sooo beautiful!!"
"Where'd you get it?! I totally need one!"
"Woah that looks expensive! Are those real diamonds?!"

"It's so sparkly I might just die!!"

Apparently, Bella was showing off one of her  expensive necklaces and boy was it beautiful. It had dazzling emeralds encased in diamond encrusted bedding and a big jewel in the centre that was so shimmery, glitter would be jealous. You see, Bella was rich but she was nothing like Chloe. She was kind and generous and she had a heart of gold! That's what makes this next part super devastating.

"I didn't buy it myself, it was a gift from my sister. Can you believe it came all the way from-" Bella started 

Marinette was so mesmerized by the necklace she wasn't looking where she was going. Chloe, who was standing nearby, of course took the opportunity to make Marinette look like a fool. She put out her leg casually and waited for her prey to fall into the trap. Our heroine didn't notice and tripped over Chloe's foot, most of the girls managed to get out of the way, so Mari ended up giving Bella a nice, cool milk shower. 
"I am so so sorry Bella! I really didn't mean to! I-I just wasn't looking where I was going and I guess I tripped over something and I'm so sorry. Here I'll help you clean it up "Marinette pleaded reaching for some paper napkins on a nearby table.

All the commotion had alerted Ms Bustier who was on lunch duty causing her to rush over to the scene. 

"What happened here?" she asked trying to avoid the wet, creamy puddle that stood before her

"Um excuse me Ms! I saw everything! Marinette was glaring at Bella's necklace; she was obviously jealous. Then she pretended to trip and  spilled milk all over her. That's low even for you Dupain-Cheng!" fibbed Chloe, pointing her freshly manicured finger at Marinette.

"Is that true Marinette?" Ms Bustier asked gently

"No no! I promise it was a mistake I was just carrying a carton of milk to my table and I tripped that's all!"

"Ha, likely story." snickered Chloe

"Alright alright, let's not point fingers Ms Bourgeois. Marinette, I believe you. It was an accident I can tell by the look on your face. And Bella- wait, where did she go?"

Bella managed to slip away from the crowd and into the bathroom  unnoticed. Having her friends around her was one thing, but the whole cafeteria? That was way too much. She didn't want to be angry, but the part of her hated every glance down at her soggy, sticky necklace told her otherwise. She really wasn't mad at anyone but herself; her present would've been better off worn outside of school-preferably somewhere with no sticky liquids. As a single tear drop made its way down her face, a black butterfly we've seen one too many times appeared from a small crack in the window and squeezed itself straight into her necklace.

 Back in the cafeteria.......

Adrien and the rest had noticed the cluster of students and came to the conclusion that since Marinette hadn't gotten back from her milk run, she was most likely caught up in the crowd. 

"All students back to their tables, there's nothing going on here." announced Ms Bustier as the friends arrived

To their surprise they found our heroine with her head hanging low as the crowd dispersed.

"Hey dudette, what's going on here?" Nino semi-whispered
"I wasn't watching where I was going and I spilt milk all over Bella and now she's gone and she's probably upset aaand it's all my fault," she explained facepalming, "I'm such a clutz."

"C'mon don't beat yourself up girl, accidents happen." Alya comforted

"Yeah, what's important now is that you make sure everything's cool with Bella." Adrien added

"Yeah you're right, I'll go check on her." Marinette agreed sprinting out of the lunch hall

"Tikki, where could she have gone?" Marinette asked her kwami 

"Hmmmm.... have you tried the one place you always go to when you're in a bad mood?"

"The bathroom! Good idea Tikki!" her owner answered giving her a little belly rub

In the bathroom.....

"Bella.... are you in here? Look, I'm really sorry about the milk incident. I swear the whole thing was an accident." the bluenette said apologetically

All she heard in reply was 'Yes Hawkmoth'

'Oh no' she thought

In the blink of an eye a villain kicked down a stall door and emerged. She was dressed in all white with black, irregular patches here and there, and a bell wrapped around her neck. She was holding a gun that resembled a milk carton. Safe to say the milk incident had caused more drama than one would've guessed. 

The force sent Marinette flying to the other side of the room

"Oh hello there Marinette. I'm the Milk Maid! What luck, you get to be the first one to try out my new dairy recipes! I've got cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, milkshakes, take your pick."

With that our heroine took off, out the door and into the halls but it was no use, for a cow, the Milk Maid was pretty darn speedy.

"Everybody run!!" she screamed causing the whole school to turn on it's side

"Not so fast!" the Milk Maid said stopping her in her tracks, "I know, you can try some nice ,cool, refreshing milk!"

"Bella, you don't have to-"

Our heroine was cut off by a stream of milk that was shot straight into her mouth

"Isn't it udderly delicious?!" 

"Yes, Milk Maid."

"Glad you like it! Now that you're taken care of, find me Ladybug and Cat Noir my little calf!"

"Yes Milk Maid "our heroine replied reaching up towards her earrings with a hopeful and frightened Tikki watching it all unfold from her bag.

Hehehehehehehehehe >:3 that's all for this chapter Pixies! Hope you enjoyed it! Have a magical day and I'll see you all next time. Baii!!! <3

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