Young Remus Lupin x Reader

By dmalfoysapple

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Set in 1975, Y/N transfers to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons and is instantly greeted but a group of four boys- th... More

Marauders Map
Room of Requirement
Sudden Confidence
Scars and Scratches
A/N -characters
Howling in Hogsmeade
Full Moon
Only a Scratch
The Morning After
Pink Briefs
Ham Sandwich
Warm hands
A New Day


15.7K 278 247
By dmalfoysapple

Y/N - your name
L/N - your last name

Y/N L/N was a 16 year old witch about to transfer schools to Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She had lost her mum earlier that year and her dad moved her back to England to live in a muggle house, with her muggle grandparents. Her father was a muggle born wizard, he had met her mother when she visited Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament back when they attended school, she however attended Beauxbatons (an all girls school in France) and until now Y/N had attended that school also. It was agreed by her parents that Y/N would spend the first 10 years living in England, close to her muggle family, before moving to France to attend the prestigious all girls school. When he mother passed, her father decided to move back to England where she would attend hogwarts, like he did, and live with her grandparents.

Your father took you to Diagon alley to buy an owl so that you could stay in contact with your father while away. You could tell it was going to be hard for him, you were his only child and if he wasn't living with his parents he'd be completely alone. You picked a purely white owl with almost- black eyes and carried his cage before making your way to kings cross station.
"Right so, you have your owl... what about your wand?" Your father asked anxiously. He was consciously looking around at the other students.
"Yes father"
"Ok and what about your books?"
You nodded.
"And you've packed warm clothes for the winter I hope.." he started to trail off.
"Father I'll be just fine, stop worrying" you placed a hand on his arm before bringing him in for a hug.
"Well you can owl me whenever and if you decide you don't like it here or perhaps it's hard making friends then you know.."
"Father I'll be just grand" you reassured him.

He let you walk onto the train as it was about to leave and you carried your trunk in one hand and in the other, your owl which you had decided to call Cedric. (RIP CEDRIC!!!) Making your way along the moving train, you looked for an empty carriage- or at least one with people that seemed approachable. Walking along, someone stopped you by leaning with one elbow on the train isle wall, smirking. The boy was taller than you with shoulder length black hair- he was extremely attractive and had such chiselled cheekbones.
"Are you new? I think I'd remember such a pretty face" the boy smirked flirtatiously.
"Yes I am, do you mind?" You indicated trying to get past him.
"Where from" he didn't budge.
"Beauxbatons" you replied pronouncing with a French accent.
The boy looked pleasantly surprised, "wow, no wonder you're so gorgeous" "I've seen the girls in that school, all beautiful with their fancy blue uniforms" he let out a small laugh.
Blushing at his comment a little, "yes well I certainly didn't fit in much at the school, sorry do you mind- only I need to find a carriage to place my belongings in" you smiled politely pointing to the train isle.
The boy just smiled and took your trunk from the ground before heading down the isle to come to a carriage door. You followed him to see the boy placing your trunk on the rack above the seats in which three boys sat on. "Hello" you said politely with a smile and all three boys looked at you and shared looks before rolling their eyes. Your smile turned to a frown quickly due to the rude response. "Well that is awfully rude you know? Didn't your mothers ever teach you basic manners like how to greet someone politely" your huffed. The boys looked shocked at your words and straightened themselves up before one spoke. He had messy light brown hair and deep chocolate coloured eyes, he looked very tall and skinny and his clothes were already dirty considering we hadn't even arrived yet. He stuttered on his words.
"We are sorry, you see we're very used to Sirius here ... well you know bringing over.. well not that you're a  ... you see Sirius here is-"
"A man whore" another boy with glasses and slightly curly short hair interrupted smiling with laughter.
"Oi!" Sirius hit the boy in face. And soon all four boys started laughing and a smile crept upon your face.
"Well I can assure you I am not one of Sirius' conquests nor will i become one" you said while taking a seat next to the tall shy boy. All boys apart from Sirius started laughing at him.
"I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N" you spoke confidently.
The boy next to you spoke, "Remus Lupin" and smiled.
"James potter" the boy with glasses spoke.
"I- I'm Peter pettigrew" a short blonde boy spoke quietly.
"Best for last, I'm Sirius Black" he spoke smirking with pride.
"Are you muggle born Y/N? By your last name" James asked.
"No half blood, my dads muggle born which is why I am called L/N" you stated.
The train ride went quick, but you had found out quite a bit about the boys, you found out that James was the quidditch captain as seeker and that they were all in the Gryffindor house, in return you told them all about Beauxbatons and their strict rules.

Arriving in the main hall, you were separated from the boys who sat by the gryffindor table because you had to be sorted along with many first year students. It was quite embarrassing being stood up in line next to all these children, everyone was staring at you wondering who you were and why you'd transferred. You had hoped for Ravenclaw as your father was a ravenclaw, although after your first friends made were all in gryffinfor it made you want to be sorted into the house with them.

"Y/N L/N" a professor called and you made your way up to the sorting hat.
"Hmm such wit and loyalty is making me believe you belong in Ravenclaw or perhaps Hufflepuff.... no no no you have too much bravery and passion I find... best be ... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted and all of the Gryffindor table cheered.

You started walking to sit next to a blonde haired girl before noticing such commotion at the end of the table you looked to see Sirius waving at you and you made your way over. There wasn't really any room for you but James had kicked off a second year boy and tapped the empty space for you to sit down next to him. Dumbledore, the headteacher, had given a long (and very boring) speech about the new school year and he followed off with a "now let's feast!" Suddenly Remus' eyes opened and he brought his head up from the table and multiple dishes appeared in front of us covered in mountains of food. The boys quickly grabbed as much as they could and the hall started to get extremely loud with many voices and laughs. You grabbed some food from the plates and started to eat using your knife and fork. Looking at the boys, they either ate with their hands or simply just a fork stabbing into the food before shoving it into their mouths. "You'd think that none of you had eaten for days with the way your eating" looking at them with disgust. "And I'd think that you had been eating with the queen everyday with the way your eating" James mocked. "Well at Beauxbatons there was no excuse for lack of table manners" You smugly said.
"Well at Beauxbatons" Sirius put on a posh voice mocking you and the boys laughed. You glared at him trying to keep a straight face but soon burst out laughing with them.

After dinner you headed to the common room with them and sat down on one of the sofas, pulling out your schedule. Remus fell back onto the sofa next to you and started reading, Peter and James went to their dorm. As you started to look at your lessons for tomorrow, Sirius pulled the schedule out of your hands from behind you before sitting on a armchair next to the sofa.
"Advanced potions, Advanced Transfiguration, Advanced charms, Advanced Astronomy. Bloody hell do you even have any classes with me" Sirius rolled his eyes throwing your schedule back at you.
"Moony's a smart arse too with his advanced lessons, you'll probably have the same lessons" he huffed.
Remus pulled out his schedule, which was all crinkled from being shoved in his back pocket, and he looked comparing both schedules.
"Well you have Advanced Herbology! Godric I never was good at Herbology" you said to Remus.
"Yes well apart from that it looks like our lessons are the same" he nodded.
"Well I'm going to head to my dorm, goodnight you two" you said smiling before walking up the stairs.
"Goodnight!" "Night!" Both shouted.

You walked into your dorm, the door read 'Lily Evans, Molly Prewett, Mary Macdonald, Y/N L/N.'
You saw your things next to a single wooden bed and you walked over to lift your trunk onto the bed to unpack.
"Hi, Y/N is it?" A tall slim ginger girl asked.
"Yes it is, I transferred from Beauxbatons, what's your name?" You asked her with a smile.
"Lily, and over there that's Mary" she pointed to a girl writing on parchment. She had long dark hair and was very pretty- both girls were.
"Molly's probably off somewhere with Arthur" she laughed and rolled her eyes and Mary laughed too.
"Who's Arthur?"
"Arthur Weasley, nice guy, very excitable, he um- he means well" she laughed and you smiled.
"Do neither of you have boyfriends? Only Molly?" You asked.
"Boys are such a waste of time, they're so stupid and just childish and embarrassing and-" lily said.
"Lily we all know you're obsessed with James and so is he! Just ask him out!" Mary said smugly.
Your mouth opened in shock, "James potter? As in the one I've just been sitting with? Oh my that's amazing Lily!" You said excited.
"Shh! You two are being ridiculous it's not even like that! He used to be really quite mean you know! I- I wouldn't go out with him ever!" She said defensively.
I looked to Mary and we shared a smirk before bursting out laughing. Lily threw pillows at us both angrily and in less than a minute you were all having a huge pillow fight even molly came to the dorm a couple minutes later and joined in. Shortly after much laughter you all headed to bed.

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