Taengsic Story Collection

By himulgokizary

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Taeyeon x Jessica story collection. Enjoy reading everyone!! With love, HTJ More

Author to reader
All in one
Our Neighbor
Boss Jung
New Year Comeback!!
Secretary Jung and Mr. Kim (Taengsic)
Made for you
Made For You 2
Story Teaser
Can't help falling in love with you
My boyfriend is my best friend's ex-boyfriend
I Choose... HOME (Part 1)
I Choose....HOME (Part 2)
You Take Me For Granted
Delivery boy
Next Story Teaser
Always find you [Part 1]
Always find you [Part 2] - ft. Tiffany
Always find you [Part 3] - ft. Tiffany
Always find you [Part 4] ft. Tiffany - Final
Almost [Part 2] - Final

Almost [Part 1]

597 15 3
By himulgokizary

Taeyeon walk to his neighbor slash best friend's house while big smile plastered on his face. From sidewalk he already saw his friends gather at the yard. He fastened his pace towards them

"Hey dude" he hollered

"Taeng, finally you come" said Yul, one of Taeyeon buddies. Taeyeon sit on the empty chair joining the dudes

"Hyung, what with that smile? Is there something we should know?" Yoong nudging Taeyeon side playfully

Taeyeon chuckle then he motioned his friends to come closer "Remember a new staff at my department?"

"That new girl that everyone have crush on?" Sooyoung looking at Taeyeon curiously


"Oh, I remember you also have huge crush on her, don't you?" Hyoyeon squeal

"Hey slow down!" Taeyeon smack Hyoyeon head

Hyoyeon rubbing his head "So, what's with her?"

"She agree to go out with me tonight" Taeyeon announce proudly

Everyone shock "You're not joking, right?" Yul covering his mouth

"I'm serious, I will go for date tonight with my crush" Taeyeon shaking Yul arm excitedly

"Hyung" Yoong looking at his friends before speak again "You not scare?"

Taeyeon laugh "Why would I scare? She is not a ghost or something"

"That is not what I mean" Yoong rolled his eyes

"Then, what is it?"

"What if Jessica noona and your kids find out?"

"No one will know. Sica and Yeri visiting her dad while Joy on field trip with her coursemate and Irene is outstation until next week"

"You have to be careful dude. If our wives bump into you, it will be disaster" Hyoyeon warned his friend

"Don't worry, I will have date in most private place" Taeyeon grin

"Yah, not so fast" Yul practically froze while the others also show same reaction

Taeyeon looking at his friends confusedly "I don't understand"

"Err...you said private place...do you plan to...you know" Yul scratching his head while giving signal to Hyoyeon to continue

"Do you plan to touch her on your first date? You're well-know a biggest pervert in this neighborhood" Hyoyeon speak innocently make everyone cackle

"It's not part of my plan but since you already bring it up, I will consider" Taeyeon shrugged his shoulder

"WHAT?" the guys scream in unison

"Don't give reaction like you don't know me. We're friends since diapers so this thing shouldn't make you all shock to death. If she offer herself to me, why would I reject it? I will feel bad if I turn her down"

"Still the biggest pervert in town" Sooyoung pats Taeyeon shoulder

"King crocodile" Taeyeon said

"I think Taeng, it's you who will make a move first not her offering herself" Hyoyeon tapping his chin

"Well...either she offer or I move first it doesn't matter but I will make tonight special" Taeyeon smirk like a pervert. He already plan a lot for his first date with his crush

"Don't forget to share your experience tomorrow" said Yoong

"Sure thing, I will tell all of you"

"Good luck for tonight" initiating fist bump then everyone follow suit

"Thanks buddies"


Next day, Taeyeon call his members to gather at his house since his family still not around. In no time, everyone come with excited face. Taeyeon not forget to lock the door and windows to ensure their safety

"How is it going?" Yoong excitedly asking

"Very, very exciting"

"What happen?" Sooyoung ask eagerly

Taeyeon giggle and they know something really going on "I'm given a chance"

"What chance?"

"To touch her" Taeyeon said boldly. He not covering anything since his friends are open-minded

"Really? Where do you do it? At the restaurant?" Yul asking in shock

"No, I just kiss her on restaurant then we go somewhere more private and safe for our physical activities"

"No wonder you look glowing" Sooyoung teasing Taeyeon

"He recharge his energy last night so it's telling everything" Hyoyeon said "Do you bring her with your car?"

"Of course not, Jessica will know it if she smell different perfume in my car. I leave my car at her apartment then we ride her car. Her car is strangely slow, you know"

Everyone smirk "The car is slow or the driver intentionally slow it down" Sooyoung said

"The car is slow and I get bored so decide to have fun"

"Aigooo, you really hit jackpot last night, huh?"

"Correct and I return home at 4 AM" Taeyeon wink

"Do you sleep at her place?" Yul looking at Taeyeon

"No, at backseat of her car"

"How many round?"

"I forgot to count"

Yoong speak "So we conclude it is more than 3 rounds"


"Are you going again tonight?" asked Sooyoung

"Why? Do you want to join?" Taeyeon smiling

"Well...if you want to share so why not"

Taeyeon hit Sooyoung hand "Ayyy, I still can't get enough of her. Why would I share with you?"

"Two is better than 1"

"No way, if you want to join then I will ask her to introduce you to her roommate"

"She have roommate?" the guys look excited again

"Yes, she told me"

"Count me in hyung" Sooyoung quickly said

"Yahhh this Sooyoung" Yoong, Hyoyeon and Yul rolled their eyes

Sooyoung snort "I am single so give me chance to have fun"

"You're single but almost every night meeting different girls"

"I learn from the best. My teacher is married to gorgeous wife but he still meeting other girl" Sooyoung exchange glance with Taeyeon

"Try new adventure is good" Taeyeon innocently said

"But if your wife know you're cheating, you will quit breathing" Hyoyeon chuckle

"So far...Sica don't know anything. You know she is busy with work and our kids. She barely have time with me. I have my needs too"

"Whatever dude, we just pray all the best for you" Yul patting Taeyeon shoulder

"Thanks buddies, you guys are my best friend"

"Long live our King Taeyeon!" everyone cheer for Taeyeon


After hangouts at Taeyeon house, the members go back to their house. Yul's wife, Tiffany is watching TV when Yul arrive at home. Yul sit beside her after that

"Baby" Yul poking his wife shoulder


Yul giggle "I want"

"Want what?"

"Want you" Yul wink to his wife

Tiffany know what Yul wanted "We did it entire night and 2 round this morning, you still not tired?"

"My stamina is unbeatable plus I can't resist my gorgeous wife. Come on honey before Seulgi arrive at home"

"Save it for tonight" Tiffany still watching TV, ignoring her horny husband

"Honey...please" Yul whimper


Yul puff his cheeks, sulking "Okay...I will go out!"

"One more step, you sleep outside tonight" Tiffany voice make Yul halted "You're going out and fuck random girls, is it?" her eyes shooting glare to her husband "Now you're trying to be like Taeyeon. If you want to behave like him, I will take Seulgi and Wendy away from you. You will never see us again until you die, try me Yul!"

Yul just stand still back facing his wife. He really scare whenever Tiffany warned him that she will run away and take their twin son and daughter with her. He love his family and he's afraid to lose the twin. In the end, he slowly turn around to apology

"I'm sorry honey...I don't have intention to cheat"

Tiffany rolled her eyes "Go upstairs and get cold shower"


Right after Yul go to take his shower, front door open by someone. Their son show up with big smile

"Hi mom" Seulgi greet his mother then peck her cheeks "Mommy, what with that face?"

"I'm upset because of your stupid father" Tiffany said nonchalantly

"What's wrong with appa?"

"He want to go out to meet random girls just because I reject him"

"What did he want?"

Tiffany looking at her curious son then rolled her eyes "No need to know"

Seulgi disappointed "Aigooo mommy, you make me curious yet not telling me. Aren't you always remind me to share my problem with you? Now you look problematic so share with me"

"I already told you the problem"

"But you're not telling me what appa want"

"That is elder stuff so don't need to know"


"Go upstairs and change your clothes. We will eat lunch after your father done shower"

"Okay mother" Seulgi salute to his mom


Yul and his family eating lunch silently until Seulgi broke it

"Appa, you're not going out earlier?"

"No, appa hangouts with your uncles next door"

"At uncle Taeng house?"


Tiffany speak after sip her water "It's rare that you all gather inside the house. Usually at the yard. I saw no one around when I go outside earlier"

"Since his family not around, Taeng invite us to go in"

"Aunty and Yeri not return yet?" Seulgi asking his parents

"Jessi said they will arrive tomorrow" Tiffany answering


"Honey, is Taeyeon behave well when he is alone?" Tiffany questioning curiously

Yul sighs "Still as usual"

"He meeting other girl again?" Yul nods his head

"I thought he stop after major fight few months ago" Seulgi commented

"Taeyeon is king of cheaters so if Taeyeon stop being a cheater then other people also will stop" Yul reasoning


Tiffany groan "Who is his fling this time?"

Yul scratch his forehead "Not really a fling but...mistress"

"What?!" Tiffany shouted make her husband and son covering their ears "Seriously, he have mistress? Since when?"

"Last night...that girl is staff at his department. Taeyeon ask her out last night then the rest you think yourself"

"Stupid pervert" Tiffany balled her fist

Seulgi quickly looking at his father "Appa, you're not cheating on mommy, don't you?"

Yul flinch because of the question "Of course not, no way appa will cheat on your mom"

"You better not doing such thing. If I catch you having mistress, you will never see me, Wendy and Seulgi again" Tiffany said sternly

"Don't worry, I will never do that" Yul shivering in fear

"I will tell Jessi tomorrow. I won't let Taeyeon having fun cheating behind Jessi. She suffer a lot because of her ungrateful husband. If possible, Jessica should divorce with him!" Tiffany fuming in anger

"Honey, calm down" Yul rubbing his wife back softly "It not nice to meddle in someone marriage"

"But he never stop cheating even he know Jessi is hurt. Don't he think about his wife? Don't he feel sorry at his daughters? If he want other woman, just let Jessi go. This is not first time he cheating. I don't care, I will tell Jessi tomorrow"

"What if she don't believe you?"

"Do you ever see she don't believe me?" Tiffany glare at Yul

"N-No" Yul stutter "You can tell her about Taeyeon but don't bring up divorce. Remember they have daughters and if they divorce, what will happen to the girls? Imagine if we divorce and the twin will be abandon child, you don't want it to happen, right?"

"I will not abandon my son and daughter"

"So don't talk about divorce with Jessica. Let them settle it on their own way"

"Okay" Tiffany nods her head

"Appa, I will tell Irene noona too" Seulgi chirped

Tiffany quickly disagree "Hey...don't involve yourself in elder stuff"

"But she is my future wife so I have to do something" Seulgi grin

Tiffany want to talk again but Yul quickly cut her off "Okay, both of you can tell this to Jessica and Irene but don't go beyond line. Your attention is good but if you go too far, you will break the family. Let them handle the rest. This is my order"

"Okay honey" Tiffany said

"Okay appa"

Yul nods his head as satisfaction "I will go to airport to fetch Wendy after this. Her flight will land on 2:30"

"Appa, I want to go with you!" Seulgi rise up his hand

"Alright, you drive" Yul smirk while Seulgi give his dad annoying look

"I want to join too. I miss my baby daughter so much" Tiffany showing puppy eyes to her husband and son

"Wendy just travel for a week and you become this dramatic" Yul remark

"Kill-joy!" Tiffany glare at her husband

"Relax mommy, appa, shall we continue eating?" Seulgi said

"Yeah sure" Yul answering with big smile while Tiffany glaring at them


Jessica bump into Tiffany at the hallway. She quickly approach her best friend before she enter her office


The eye-smile woman looking at her best friend "Hey Jessi, what's up?"

"Do you go out with Yul for lunch?"

"No, Yul is busy today"

"Let's eat together then"

"Sure thing, your treat" Tiffany giggle

"Yah, why me?"

"Because you haven't treat me yet this month"

"Aishhh, whatever" Jessica rolled her eyes "I will see you at the lobby later"


Tiffany make up her mind and she want to tell Jessica about Taeyeon after their lunch. She don't mean to make them fight but she feel sorry to Jessica and her daughters if they don't know Taeyeon is having mistress. Before things going too far, she better take action


"Jessi, where are we eating?" Tiffany asking while drive her car

"Let's eat western food. You're not diet right now, isn't it?"

"Diet or not, I will agree because you will treat us"

"I will choose expensive restaurant if you treat me lunch next time. Just you wait" both of them laughing

They enjoying their lunch while talking about random topic. The restaurant also not really crowded so they can eat peacefully

"How was your dad business now?" Tiffany asking

"It goes well. Daddy and Soojung manage the bakery well. He is very happy now"

"Glad to hear that. Seulgi and Wendy love the cakes and buns that you gave us. They craving for it already"

Jessica giggle "I will buy more if I visit daddy next time"

When they are eating, Jessica noticed someone familiar enter the restaurant. That person is no other than her husband. Her eyes open wide when she saw Taeyeon not come with his best friends but with a younger girl instead. That girl linked arms with Taeyeon and they are no different like a couple on their date. Jessica balled her fist on the table. Her face getting red when she saw Taeyeon treat that girl sweetly

Seeing Jessica looking somewhere, Tiffany turn around to check what attract Jessica attention. She gasped inaudible when she witness the same scene. She want to talk about that but now Jessica witness the living prove with her own eyes. Since Jessica already found out, there is no reason for her to add the oil to burning fire. All she should do now is calm her best friend before she make a scene at the restaurant

"Jessi" Tiffany waving her hands in front of Jessica making her startled


"Are you okay?"

"I guess I am" Jessica answer quietly

Tiffany look over her shoulder again then she continue speaking "Taeyeon still the same I guess"

"That's why I never believe that he will change. I know him"

"Why do you still hold on to him even you know he is cheating? This is not first or second time"

Jessica close her eyes and sigh "I still stay because of the girls. I don't want to separate them with their father. The girls need him"

"But you're hurting yourself. I very sympathy to you Jessi, seriously. We meet each other before we meet him and Yul. I witness how both of you together. I know you're hurting every time you know he have other woman behind you. You're good woman Jessi. You deserve someone better. You're being strong for too long. Stop masking yourself, it will just hurt you in the end of the day. If only you decide to separate, explain well to the girls. They will understand"

"I'm tired Tiff but my daughters is my priority for now. If we don't have kids, I already leave Taeyeon long time ago. Joohyun and Sooyoung maybe understand if I explain to them but Yeri is still too small to know what happen between me and their dad"

"Hmm...it's complicated"

"Let see how it will go this time"

"All the best for your family. If you need someone to talk with, just come to me"

"Thanks Tiff"


Jessica join her daughters at living room after tuck Yeri to bed. Irene and Joy watching drama on TV

"You two not sleep yet?" Jessica asking the girls


"Sooyoung, do you have class tomorrow?"

"Class is cancel tomorrow so I will stay at home" Joy said happily

"Alright, don't sleep whole day. Remember your assignment"

"Okay mommy"

Irene looking at wall clock then to her mom "Mom, now is 10:30 PM. Daddy not arrive yet. Usually he never return this late. Uncle Yul also already at home"

The mother rubbing her temple "Maybe he still having fun now"

"Is he go to club?"

"Nope...he is with his new girlfriend"

Both girls quickly looking at their mom "Mommy, is daddy cheating again?" asked Irene

"Don't he promise that he will not cheating anymore?" Joy added

"Promise mean to be broke, honey. That is the only promise that your dad can't keep. He is weak when he saw pretty girl"

"You're the pettiest woman mommy" Joy said

"But still not reach the level that your dad wanted"

"Mommy, what we should do now?" Irene looking at her mom

"Let see how far he will go. I already have evidence to against him. Just wait to drop the bomb when time is right"

Joy suddenly got an idea "Mom, why don't you find new man?" her statement make her mother and her sister jaws dropping

"Stupid" Irene commented

"If daddy can have girlfriend, why not mommy?" Joy said

"I'm not a cheater like him. If I have boyfriend, I will leave your father" said Jessica

"Mommy, we want a rich and handsome father"

"Are you asking me to find a boyfriend for myself or for you?" Jessica stare at her daughter

"For you but if you have someone to recommend to me, I don't mind" Joy flashing goofy smile

"No such thing. Be careful if you meet a man. Handsome face can't ensure the happiness. Don't end up like mommy" Irene said to her daughter

Irene turn to her mom "Mommy, I can trust Seulgi, right?"

"I trust him that's why I choose him for you"

"Okay" the older daughter beaming happily

Taeyeon arrival stopping mother and daughter's conversation. Everyone looking at Taeyeon weirdly

"I'm home" Taeyeon said

"We know" Jessica respond nonchalantly "Girls, go to sleep"

"Okay mommy" the girls obey to their mom and leave to bedroom immediately

"Why do you ask them go leave? I haven't talk to them yet" said Taeyeon

"If you want to have conversation with them, you won't come back this late. This is not right time to spend with the kids"

"I have to work overtime"

"Is your work more important that your own daughters now?"

Taeyeon groan "I'm done talking to you. I'm tired" he go to bedroom after that

Jessica enter their bedroom and lay down on her spot. Taeyeon is busy with his phone, ignoring his wife

"Stop busy with your phone. That brightness disturbing me" Jessica said

"Haishh" Taeyeon turn off his phone and toss it to bedside table

Both of them back facing each other. Jessica can't hold her tears anymore and crying silently. She cover her face with pillow so that Taeyeon don't know she is crying


After back from office, Jessica go to supermarket to buy snack for Joy and Yeri. She also buy meats and veggies so she don't need to go again next time. After make sure she got everything she need, she decide to go to the counter for payment. Suddenly she saw Taeyeon carrying a basket like he is shopping for something. She quickly following him.

Taeyeon still don't notice his wife just few meters away from him. He joking and teasing his girlfriend. Later, the girl excuse herself to get breads and tell Taeyeon to wait for a while. Using that chance, Jessica hurriedly walk to Taeyeon and stand beside him

"Shopping, huh?" Jessica snort while act like she choosing something

Taeyeon shocked hearing his wife voice beside him "Jess-Jessica, what are you doing here?"

"Shopping snacks for OUR DAUGHTERS. I not come here to shop with my boyfriend, unlike you"

"You...It's not like what you see" Taeyeon stutter badly

"Hmm, I saw everything already. Don't need to hide" Jessica smirk "I will see you at home. You don't want your girlfriend to know that you're married, don't you?" she leave after that


Taeyeon return home early than usual. It has been few week since he come back early because he always spend time with his girlfriend after working. After encounter with Jessica earlier, he decide to go home early

"Daddy!" Yeri jump to her dad soon as Taeyeon enter

"Hey baby, I miss you" Taeyeon bring Yeri up to his arms and carry her to the couch

"I miss you too daddy" the little Kim hugging her dad tightly

"Where is mommy and your unnie?"

"Mommy is upstairs, showering. Unnie haven't back yet"

"Okay" Taeyeon kiss Yeri cheek

"Put her down" Jessica stern voice caught their attention "I said put her down!" she yell

Taeyeon do as Jessica command while Yeri getting scare when she hear her mom screaming "Baby, sit here and watch TV" Jessica said then she looking at her husband murderously "You, I want to talk to you in the room. NOW"


Both of them leave to their bedroom

"Sica baby...about what you saw earlier...it's not like what you think" Taeyeon try to explain

"It's not like what I think, huh?" Jessica scowl "I know you're hiding something from me. Even before the encounter, I already know that you have mistress. I have evidence Taeyeon"

Jessica get her phone and show the pictures that she take at the restaurant

"This...this picture explain everything!"

"She is just my friend"

"Oh, your friend can freely holding your hand, hugging your arms and being sweet with you. You not even holding my hand when I go out with you, let alone doing sweet things to me on public. You accompany her shopping, joking and teasing each other like you are the happiest couple. I don't know that you're that nice to your friend. You never say yes when I ask you to shop grocery. Shall I ask Yul and the others if they also doing same thing to you?"

"Believe me, we're just friend" said Taeyeon

"You tell me the truth or I ask your friend? I know all of them know about your activities. I will force them to tell me. You know that I can make all of you lose your job, don't you?"

Taeyeon finally give in "Yes, she is my girlfriend. We're together almost a month now"

"Good job Taeyeon. I know you will never change. You still a player. Don't you shame if your daughters know this behavior of yours? What will they feel if they bump into you and your girlfriend out there? Are you going to admit it to them...Hey girls, this is my girlfriend. She is your future mom, like that?" Jessica really angry right now "You're so ungrateful Taeyeon. I don't know what I don't have and what I don't give enough to you that make you still going around find a girlfriend? You still never see me as your wife. You take me for granted. Our daughters is not important to you that's why you never care about their feeling. All you care is your happiness" Jessica wiping her tears

"Sica..." Taeyeon want to talk but Jessica stop him

"I'm tired Tae, I'm very tired. This time I can't tolerate anymore. I will take the girls far away from you. No one will stop you together with your girlfriend. You can have fun as much as you want. You don't have to worry about us anymore. I can support Sooyoung and Yeri while Joohyun already have her carrier. You're free now" said Jessica then she leave the room


Seulgi and his father watching TV at living room while waiting for dinner time. Tiffany and Wendy are still busy preparing their dinner. Someone knocking the door distract their focus

"Aishh, who coming this time?" Yul groan

"Maybe your guest" said Seulgi

"Go open the door"

"Appa~" Seulgi whining then he get up and open the door. He shock seeing crying Yeri in front of the door "Yeri...what's wrong? Why are you crying?" he scoop Yeri to his arms and carry her to living room

Yul also surprise seeing the little girl crying "Yeri sweetie, what's wrong? Tell uncle and oppa" he said softly

"Mommy and daddy" Yeri said under her sob

"What happen to them?"

"They are...fighting"

"Oh my..." Yul and Seulgi looking at each other

After hearing her parents argue in their room, Yeri decide to run away from their house. She don't want to hear her mom and dad fighting. It make her sad. Since she don't know where to go, she walk to her aunty house next door

Tiffany come from the kitchen after hear noise at living room "What with the commotion?"

"Yeri crying" Yul pointed at crying Yeri on Seulgi laps

"Omo baby, what's wrong?" Tiffany pick Yeri up to carry her and caressing her back

"Mommy and daddy...fight"

"Baby, they are not fighting" Tiffany said

"They fight aunty...I heard mommy shouting at daddy" Yeri still crying

"Aigooo" Tiffany sighs "Stop crying, okay? Everything will be fine. Aunty is here with you" she feel Yeri nods on her shoulder

"Honey, is she know about her husband already?" Yul lowering his voice

"Yes, she witness it before I get chance to tell her"


Wendy also come to living room after done cooking. She give peck on Yeri cheek and caressing her hair softly. Yeri calm down in Tiffany arms

"Are we eating now or what?" Wendy questioning

"We will eat now" said Tiffany

"What about Yeri?"

Tiffany asking Yeri "Baby, do you eat already?"

"No" Yeri shaking her head

"We will eat together, okay?" Yeri nods her head

"Let's go" everyone go to dining table. Tiffany feeding Yeri while her family eating silently


Irene just arrive at their house. After get her bags, she walk to the door but before she open it, someone opening it from inside. Joy appear with panic face


"Sooyoung, what's wrong with you?" Irene suddenly worry seeing her sister panic

"Mommy and daddy fighting in their room"


"Yes, I heard mommy shout. They must be talk about daddy cheating"

"Aigoooo" Irene shake her head "Where is Yeri?"

"Yeri is not around. When I arrived, TV is turned on but I don't see her. I check her room already and it empty"

"Do you check kitchen and toilet?"

"I run all over the place already"

"This is disaster. We must find her now. Let go to Aunty Tiffany place, maybe she is there" Irene run to their neighbor follow by Joy

She knock the door quickly then the house owner open it "Irene unnie? Are you come here for Yeri?" Wendy asking

"Yes, is she here?"

"Yes unnie" Irene and Joy let out relieve sighs "Come in unnie and Joy"

The sister enter the house. Wendy told them to sit then she go to dining table to inform her family. Later, Seulgi come to living room with 2 glass of juice

"Have a drink noona and Sooyoung"

"Thank you"

"Yeri just finish eating. Mommy will bring her here later"


Few minutes later, Yeri come with Tiffany and Yul. The little girl quickly hugging her unnie and telling them that she heard their parents fight

"Rene, how is situation in your house?" Tiffany asking

"I don't know yet aunty. I just arrive and Sooyoung told me both of them argue then we come here to find Yeri" Irene answering

"Joy, do you happen to hear something?" Yul asked

Joy silent for few second "Something like girlfriend. I don't hear a lot because busy looking for Yeri"


Joy phone ringing and it is call from her mom. She quickly answer it

"Hello mommy...yes, I'm home already but we're here at Uncle Yul house...okay, we go back now"

She turn to her sisters after that "Mommy told us to go back. Let's go now"

"Okay" Irene said "Aunty, uncle, thanks for taking care of Yeri"

"No problem darling" Tiffany ruffle Yeri hair "No crying anymore, okay baby?"

"Okay aunty" Yeri said cutely

"Good girl" Tiffany peck Yeri forehead then they walk the sisters to the door


Next morning, Taeyeon shock seeing his daughters and wife get ready to go somewhere with their suitcases

"Where are you all going?" he asked

"We're leaving" Jessica said coldly

"What do you mean?"

"We are leaving this house Kim Taeyeon. I'm setting you free. We will not stay in this house anymore"

Taeyeon heart break into piece upon hearing Jessica statement "Please don't leave our house. Sica, I'm sorry" he begged

"No, I make it clear last night. We won't bother you anymore. You have our replacement already so why would we stay like a fool? We deserve to be happy without you like you're enjoying yourself without us. Let's go girls"

Everyone bring their bags and suitcase out of the house. Irene and Joy drive their own car while Yeri ride with her mom. Taeyeon keep begging Jessica to stay but she not listen to him. His daughters also not giving any respond

He fall on his knee crying for his family but they already vanish from his side. They leave him alone. Now he is crying because of his own fault. Someone tapping his shoulder make him look up

"Taeng" his members stand beside him "Stop crying" said Hyoyeon

"Your cry will not bring them back" Yul added

"You can talk to them after all of you calm down" said Yoong

Sooyoung pull Taeyeon to stand up "Hyung, we won't talk about this now. You go inside and rest first"

Taeyeon just giving nods then walk weakly to his house. The others go to Yul house and gather at living room

"What should we do now?" asked Hyoyeon

"I don't know. Situation is out of control now" Yul said

"But we can't let hyung break down like that. We must do something to help him" Yoong said

"Have any idea to help?" Sooyoung looking at Yoong


Suddenly a stern voice echo at living room "If you all want to help him, you all supposed to do it from the start. Now things turn bad, your help wouldn't change anything. Jessica will surely not listen to any of you because she know you guys supporting Taeyeon. No one doing something after he said he meet a girl" Tiffany giving lecture to her husband and his friends

"Taeyeon is unstoppable" Yul answer

"If you can't stop Taeyeon then tell that bitch that Taeyeon is married and have family" everyone looking at her to answer but she cut them off before they able to say something "You want to say this is personal stuff, right? Jessica will not scold all of you if you tell her that Taeyeon is cheating. She will appreciate it but it not weird because you all are his biggest supporter. Damage is done so just sit your ass quietly. Don't need to talk about helping him. Let him settle it alone. He is the one who ask for it. He want a broken family so he get it now. When his family is around, he not appreciate it. His tears doesn't have meaning anymore. It just fake. He only sad for a day or two then he will forget them because he have replacement. If he really love his family he will not fucking random woman around like a pervert he is. I don't know if you all still take his side in this case, if you do...all of you not a good husband and don't deserve your wives. Friends should support each other but not to this extend. This shit is ruining your own friend. If you all really a man then just focus to your wife or girlfriend because we are not a piece of cloth that you can discard and use again as you please. Be a human, learn from Taeyeon mistake. Don't start a family if you don't have intention to quit playing around"

No one dare to look at Tiffany nor answering her because they admit that she telling the truth. If they answer, Tiffany will give them worse. They know how fierce Tiffany can be when she is angry so no one want to mess with her

"Everyone dismiss" Tiffany command

The guys leave immediately. Yul also stand up to leave but Tiffany call him "Where do you think you're going?"


"No, stay here. I want to talk"

"Okay" Yul sit back on his previous spot

"From now on, don't ever talk about Taeyeon problem with your friends. Let him settle it alone. We can't involve in this. It's true that we should help friend in need but this is the grave that he dig by himself so let him jump alone. Is it clear?"


"Good, now change your clothes then we go out to eat and call the kids to come down. They are waiting in their rooms. I told them to wait because I wanted to blow up you guys"



Few days had passed, Taeyeon life start to feel empty and miserable. The house that usually filled with his kid's voice are all silent now. His bed also feel too big for himself now. He start to miss his daughters and his wife. He tried to call them but they block him from every platform

One day, he decide to go to Joy's university because that is the only place that he know he have chance to meet his daughter. He saw Joy car arrived at the parking lot then he quickly get out of his car. He call her name after that


Joy stop walking and turn around to look at the voice owner. She know that is her dad who call her name

"What?" she asked faintly

"Daddy want to talk to you for a while, can I?"

"I have class in coming few minutes so I don't have time"

Taeyeon nods weakly "What about after lunch? Daddy will come again"

"I'm sorry but my mother not allow us to talk to you"

It feel bitter for Taeyeon to swallow but he keep himself strong facing his daughters "Please sweetie, just for a while. Daddy won't take long. Daddy just want to know about all of you"

"You have lot of chance before but you waste it. I will not disobey my mom because if she throw me away, I don't have anyone. I only have her and my sisters. I don't want to hurt her more. If you excuse me, I have to go now" said Joy

"Sooyoung wait"

"What?" Joy groan in annoyance

Taeyeon take out his wallet and get some money "This is your pocket money" he said

Joy also fished her wallet from her bag and take out credit card "This is from my mom so just keep your money. You can give my share to your future kids" Joy smirk "If you plan to visit Yeri at her school, you better not going because you're prohibited to enter that place"

Joy leave her dad alone after that. She not turning back anymore. She know what she do is rude but she witness her mom breakdown almost every night since they leave their house. Her mom act like she not affected by their separation but she and her unnie know everything. She will protect her mother and sisters from everything that will hurt them even if she need to rude to her dad. She don't mind having that title as long as her family not hurt by someone


Jessica bring Yeri to the playground at the apartment complex in the evening. After leaving their house, she rent her friend apartment unit since she still thinking about which path she would choose. Now she is gamble with her daughter's future so she is very careful in making decision. Irene and Joy are understand their situation. Both girls never question a lot about it. They just follow her decision. Her first and second daughter are very understanding. They never fail to support her whenever she is down and telling her not to worry too much.

The only one that make her worry now is Yeri. Her younger daughter still think that they are on vacation. Joy told her that Yeri cried when she heard them fighting before. Yeri close to her daddy the most. Sooner or later Yeri will looking for her daddy. Jessica still composing herself to face that day. She hope she is strong enough to tell Yeri their current situation

Her thought was distracted by a male voice greeting her "Hi" the tall and masculine look guy offer his hand

"Oh hi" Jessica shake hand with him

"Can I join?" he pointed at empty sit beside Jessica on the bench

"Yes, sure"

That guy wearing red T-shirt and denim shorts introducing himself to Jessica "My name is Choi Siwon"

"I am Jessica Jung"

"Are you new here? I never see you around"

"I just stayed here like a week ago"

"No wonder I never see you. Do you come alone?"

"With my kid" Jessica pointed at Yeri who playing with other kids "What about you?"

"I'm alone. Don't have kid yet. You know...still single" Siwon chuckle

"She is my younger daughter. Her sisters are at home"

"How many kids do you have?"


"Young mom, huh?"

"I think so" they laugh lightly

Yeri return to her mom at the bench. She also noticed someone sitting beside her mother but she ignore him

"Mommy~, I'm tired"

"You should stop playing if you're tired" Jessica wiping Yeri sweats on her face

"Mommy, I want ice cream" Yeri request cutely

"Baby...mommy don't bring wallet. We will buy you ice cream next time, alright?"

Yeri pouting "Okay"

Siwon clear his throat alarming Jessica and Yeri that he is still there "Err...Jessica, I will buy ice cream for her"

"No, it's okay. Thanks for offer" Jessica feel awkward

"I insist, she look gloomy now" Siwon looking at gloomy Yeri

Jessica feel bad but awkward at the same time "Okay then"

Siwon smile "Shall we go now?"

Jessica looking at Yeri "Honey, Mr. Choi will buy ice cream for you"

"Really, mommy?" Yeri face turn bright


"So...your name is Yeri?" Siwon asking the little girl

"Yes, I am Kim Yeri" she bow politely

Siwon ruffle Yeri hair "My name is Choi Siwon. You can call me Uncle Siwon"

"Okay uncle"

"Let's go to convenient store"


Yeri walk hand in hand with her mom while Siwon walk in front of them. The store is just few minutes from the playground so they not taking too long. Siwon ask Yeri to choose anything that she want even Jessica said just buy ice cream

"Uncle, can I buy snack for my unnies?" Yeri asking after choosing her ice cream

"Yes, buy anything for you and your unnie"

"Okay uncle" Yeri quickly picking chips for her sisters

"Siwon-ssi, you shouldn't let her buy a lot" Jessica said

"It's okay. I can't let the kid down. Look how happy she is" said Siwon

"I just feel bad"

"Ayy, relax and you can buy something too. I will pay"

"No, I not really hungry"

"Are you sure?"


After Yeri picking snacks, Siwon pay for it at the counter. Then they exit the store and walk back to their apartment


"Just call me Siwon or oppa because I think I am older than you"

"Si...Siwon oppa" Jessica stutter

"That sound good" Siwon chuckle

"Thanks for the treat"

"You're welcome" Siwon smile "Look how happy she is after get her ice cream" both of then looking at Yeri who skipped in front of them holding plastic bag

"That is her favorite"

"Emm, where is her dad?"

Jessica sighs "We're not together. We separate with their daddy"

"Oh, sorry to hear that"

"No worry"

Siwon scratching his head "Can we be friend?"

"Sure, we're neighbor after all"

"Thanks" Siwon said happily

They arrive at apartment block then Siwon frown "Are you stay at this block?"

"Yes, why?"

"I am residence here too. My unit is on 35th floor"

"We're on 32nd floor"

"So we're live close to each other" both of them laughing while walking into elevator "Can we meet again?"

"Why not if we cross path"

They arrive at 32nd floor then Jessica and Yeri walk out. Yeri waving at Siwon and smile to him "Bye uncle"

"Bye Yeri, see you again" Siwon wave back to Yeri

Soon as they enter, Yeri quickly calling her sisters "UNNIE"

"Yeri, we're here" Irene said from living room

"Unnie, I bring snacks" the younger Kim put the plastic back on the table

"Wow, mommy buy lot of snacks for us? It's weird" Joy curious because their mom only buy a pack or two chips for them. She don't want her children consume lot of junk foods since it not good for their health

"Uncle Siwon buy it, not mommy" Yeri said while feeding her older sister with ice cream

"Who is Uncle Siwon?" Irene and Joy looking at each other

"Mommy's friend"

Jessica join her daughters after return from toilet "What with those face?"

"Mommy, who is Uncle Siwon?" Irene questioning curiously

"Do you meet someone already? Is he handsome? You should tell us early mommy" Joy look very excited

Jessica end up knocking Joy head "He is our neighbor. He offer to buy ice cream for Yeri because mommy don't bring wallet"

"Wow, what a coincidence" Joy still teasing her mom "It a good sign"

"No such thing Kim Sooyoung"

"Mommy, you should introduce him to us too" said Irene

"Unnie is right mom. We also want to meet our future..." Joy grin without finishing her sentence

"Future what?" Jessica squint her eyes

"Nothing" Joy and Irene cackle

"One day you two will cross path with him. He will introduce himself to you" said Jessica

"Mommy, he don't even know us. How can he introduce himself to us?" Irene whine follow by Joy

"Whose look that you two took after?"

"You, of course. We're look alike with our gorgeous mother" Joy and Irene flip their hair

"Good that you know it"

"You mean he will recognize us because we resemble you?" asked Joy

"Yes" Jessica snap her fingers "Yeri sweetie, don't forget to drink water after finish your ice cream"

"Okay mommy" Yeri nods her head


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