William Wilson ✓

By yuktsakaria

719K 27.8K 1.8K

Sophia Bennett, a 23 year old woman, looking for a job which will pay her enough to use that money to pay off... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Ethan Wilson

Chapter 40

10.3K 413 19
By yuktsakaria

Chapter 40



Everything was set for today.

Nate and I had informed the police on the happenings of today and told them to be at standby near Gwen's school. At first when I found out what Gwen was planning on doing, I was reluctant because she could get hurt and I was not having that. But I knew no matter what I say, Gwen was going to go ahead with this plan. She, not tell us about anything, proved that she wouldn't stop.

Things happened on the day I got a call from Gwen. She was being chased by three boys on the day she went out with her friends. I was so worried when I found her in the state I did that I wanted nothing more than to kill them. Nate stopped me from doing anything. I was furious at Gwen for even going out without informing me, but that anger left my body as soon as she fainted in front of me. I couldn't express how scared I was when she fainted. I was so angry that I didn't notice her not eating. I cursed myself for being ignorant. And when I found what she was planning on doing, I wanted to stop her, but stopping her wouldn't get me anywhere. She would find a way to go ahead with her plan. The only problem was that she was being the bait in this.

"Alright, keep a careful eye on them. Gwen should not be hurt," I instructed Alex, Chris, Amber and Nate. Alex, Chris and Amber were Gwen's best friend's who were helping her with this plan.

The reason Gwen was being chased was because of our own business crisis. Gwen being the only girl has always been the target. My sister is very strong as she fights back like a true warrior.

Soon the party began. Nate and I were hidden in the hallways of the school away from the passing crowd. We all had an ear piece in our ears except Gwen and Amber. Chris and Amber were going to record the conversation while Alex was on standby in case we need him to protect Gwen. He would be closest to her among all of us.

"He is here." Chris said, through the ear piece. I nodded at Nate and waited for Gwen and Michael– the culprit who wanted to hurt Gwen– to arrive at the destination.

After approximately an hour later, I felt a presence in the ear piece. "Change of plans. He caught her at the beginning of staircase." Alex urgently said.

Nate and I exchanged glances before rushing towards the staircase. Since they were supposed to talk at the second floor, we were waiting there. We took another set of stairs and rushed towards the destination Alex told us. Just when Gwen came into view, I see Michael raising his fist. Anger consumed me as I ran towards them, Nate not far behind me. I saw Ryan's friend, Ashton, holding Michael's fist.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Hitting a girl. Such a shame." He said in a mocking manner before he raised his fist and knocked him back.

"Gwen!" I called out as I reached them. I looked over at her from head to toe, scanning for any injury. When I found none, I sighed in relief. I looked over at Ashton, who was leaning against the wall, observing the scene before him. He caught my eyes and smirked, before turning his stare to Gwen. I turned towards Michael who was on the floor, nursing his nose, curtsey of Ashton and Nate.

"I'll take care of it." I said, looking over at Gwen and others before grabbing hold of Michael and dragging him with me towards the entrance where I see Riley and three other officers waiting.

While they were cuffing him, Michael laughed. "Don't think that just because you caught me, Gwen will be safe. He is still alive, but she will die. You don't know anything."

I stormed towards him and punched him hard, causing him to fall to the ground. I kicked his stomach as he mockingly laughed at me and continued to shout threats.

"William! Stop!" Riley ordered, pulling me back. I struggled against his hold, wanting to do some serious damage. He pulled me away from them. "William, he is under our custody now. He won't hurt Gwen."

"But that doesn't mean others won't!" I exclaimed, pushing him away from me.

"You are there to protect her. There are six of you. I've known her, and she is stronger than you give her credits for." He said, calmly, raising his hands in surrender. "Let me do the talking. I'm sure he will spill some names out."

I looked over at the Michael who was struggling against the officers now as they push him into the car. "Fine. But I want updates on everything. Mr. Black is involved and I know it."

"We will look into it. Black is still in prison. He can't do bloody shit from there." Riley assured. I nodded my head in response.

Riley walked back to the car and talked to the officer while I made my way inside. I saw Amber and Gwen hugging before they pulled back. I stood beside Nate, looking at them.

"Are we continuing?" Amber asked Gwen, pointing a finger at the way to the party.

Gwen turned towards us, her eyes pleading for us to let her go. "You can go, but make sure to be with Ryan and Max." I warned her.

Her face lit up in a grin as she ran towards me and gave me a hug. "Thank you. Thank you. I'll make sure to stay with Ryan and Max." Before I could respond, she caught hold of Amber and pulled her to the party.

"Alright, looks like we are done here." Nate said, excitedly. "Shall we give this news to Dad now?"

I rubbed my temples. "Dad is going throw a fit because we didn't inform him before."

And I was right. As soon as we reached home, Nate recited the whole event to the others, getting a shock look from them and then there was Dad. He literally threw a fit and ordered me to bring Gwen back so he could apologize and stare at her for the whole night to make sure, she doesn't disappear. I rolled my eyes at him and denied to which he threatened to remove me from his will. I shrugged and went for a bath while he complained about me to Mom. Once I was done taking a bath, I decided to give some time to the pending work that I've been neglecting. To my surprise when I checked my business mail, all my pending work has been miraculously completed. My thoughts flew to Sophia and how she must have transferred my work to herself and completed it. That eased most of my work.

The following day, the men in the house were cooking food for Gwen and Mom because of the way we behaved, basically because we didn't believe Gwen when she told us that the reason she was being chased was because of business. Dad promised her that we would make the best food they have ever had and since then we've been in the kitchen cooking for them. It's actually the siblings cooking and Dad ordering us around. I was getting very frustrated but hearing Gwen laugh from behind, kept me going.

"Are you sure it's edible?" Mom asked, looking at the food we prepared.

"Of course," Blake grinned happily at her.

"Should we try?" Gwen asked, looking over at Mom.

"That's not even a question," I said, flatly. "You have to!"

To our very surprise, the food turned out to be very good. I mean, we did get help from Mary-Ann afterall. Everyone enjoyed and praised the food. It wasn't until we were done eating and cleaning, when my anger took hold of me.

We were sitting in the backyard, discussing the arrangements of our cousins who were soon going to come to London. It was decided that they are going to stay over at Wilson House. Ethan has been insisting for me to share my room with one of our cousins, even when we have many spare rooms.

"You can always share a room, you know." Ethan said, again.

"Yeah and I don't want to." I snapped.

"But you don't have a problem when Gwen jumps up and down your bed while planning a sleepover with you." Nate teased, glancing at Gwen who was grinning up at me.

"Yeah, that's because she is my baby sister." I defended.

"I'm not a baby." Gwen muttered with a frown on her face.

"You sure act like one." Max teased, messing with her hair.

"Hey!" Gwen complained, moving away from Max.

"Well, the gang coming is your cousin, so what's the problem in sharing?" Ethan asked, again. I know he is doing it to get on my nerve and it is bloody working.

"We have enough rooms. Why the hell are you so persistent for me to share a room?" I asked in irritation.

"No, I'm just asking a normal question," he said, shrugging. His expression took a turn as he smirked at me. "Besides, I don't think you'll have a problem in sharing a room with Sophia. Should we call her too?"

The second passed in a blur as my fist came in contact with his jaws. I was breathing heavily as I looked down at him, groaning in pain.

"Shit." I heard Nate curse and a loud gasp following soon. I felt eyes on me as I glared down at Ethan. After sparing a last glance at him, I stomped back inside. I slammed the door to my room and punched the wall, ignoring the sting on my knuckles.

I don't know why I hit him. Maybe because I did not like the way he talked about Sophia or because I'm frustrated about the things that has been going on between us– which was nothing. My feelings for her are growing instead of diminishing. I promised myself that I would move on, but after seeing her every day, that promise flies out of the window. I sighed as I sat back down on my bed, anger leaving my body, replacing it with guilt. I shouldn't have punched Ethan.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. "Go away." I called out, not in a mood to talk to anyone.

"Open the door, Will." Gwen said from the other side.

"I don't want to talk, Gwen."

"But I want to," she insisted. "Come on. Open the door, already." There was a series of knock following her words. I sighed, knowing that she won't leave me alone even if I pretend to not hear her. I swing the door open for her and stare down at her. "What the hell?" She asked in shock, taking hold of my now bloody hands.

"It's nothing." I said and yanked my hand back and walked to my bed. Gwen closely followed me inside.

"You punched the wall." She said, not sounding as surprise as she was before.

"I didn't." I denied.

"Yeah, sure. I can see that." Gwen replied, crossing her arms and glancing at the wall that supports a dent.

"I shouldn't have punched him." I said, feeling all the energy drain from me as the guilt feel heavily on my chest.

"You shouldn't have." She replied, getting up and walking into the bathroom.

"I made a mistake." I said as Gwen walked out carrying the first aid box in her hand.

"You did." She said, shrugging and began cleaning the wound.

"You are making me feel bad." I said, frowning.

"I am."

"But you aren't suppose to," I said, furrowing my eyebrows together. In a situation like this, I know the other person is supposed to comfort the said person.

Gwen sighed before speaking. "You shouldn't have punched him, yes. But he shouldn't have provoked you. I don't know what's going on with you and Sophia. Heck! I know you like her. But why aren't you ready to accept it?"

"She is my assistant. I can't like her." I lied. Gwen doesn't know what's going on with us. She can't know the real reason behind the whole mess.

"So what? It's obvious that she likes you. And for all I know, you like her too and just because she is your assistant doesn't mean you can't like her." Gwen said, trying to explain.

I already knew what she meant and her being my secretary is not going to stop me from loving her. "You don't understand. It's.. it's complicated."

Gwen gave me small encouraging smile. "Okay. Take your time. Think about it. It's something you have to do. Just make sure to apologise to Ethan. Though he doesn't seem angry. He says it's his fault. He took it too far."

"I did take it too far." I heard Ethan speak from beside my door, guilt written all over his face.

"I'll let you guys talk." Gwen smiled and walked out of my room.

Ethan walked in, closing the door behind him. An ugly bruise already on his left jaw. He gave me a grimace smile before taking a seat next to me. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. It's disrespectful even if it's said in a joke."

"I'm sorry I punched you." I apologised.

"You hit bloody hard. I think I broke it." Ethan scoffed, making movement with his jaws to check for any broken bone.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Stop being a baby."

"Me? Baby?" Ethan gasped, dramatically. "That's Gwen!"

I rolled my eyes again, but a smile took over my face. I looked at him to see him still touching his injured jaw. "I'm really sorry. I got angry and the next thing I know, I punched you."

Ethan sighed, his expression turning serious. "It's okay, Will. I don't blame you. But what is going on? You've never gotten this angry. Did something happen between you and Sophia?"

I pursed my lips in a thin line. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Not talking about it will lead to more issues. The more you bottle up, the angrier and frustrated you will be. Believe it or not, you startled Gwen. You know how much she hates violence. What if you lose control over your anger again in front of her?"

"I would never hurt her." I claimed, feeling my body go rigid.

"You might not hurt her physically, but she worries about you and seeing you this way, she is going to get hurt." Ethan explained, placing a hand on my shoulder. "What is going on, Will?"

I looked at the wall and back at Ethan. I opened my mouth and told him everything. Things between Sophia and me and things including Anderson. I told him everything.

"I hate this Anderson guy." Ethan spat in hatred. I scoffed, agreeing with him. He then turned to me. "Leave the other half of the work to me. I'll let you know once I'm done. I'll coordinate with Jasper regarding this matter. You take care of Sophia. I know you love her. It's pretty obvious. I don't know why you are waiting for her to confess again."

"She was drunk." I stated.

"People say the truth when they are drunk." Ethan pointed out.

"Still. I want her to say it again when she is sober. I don't want to risk and assume. It hurt the first time." I said, shaking my head as I thought about the state I was in when she refused to have feelings for me.

Ethan nodded. "Alright. Be careful. Don't hurt yourself in this process."

"I won't." I said in determination. "Don't tell this to anyone. Not yet at least."

"I won't." Ethan promised. "You have my word."



As said, I would give you one more update early. Here it is! The next chapter will be up again on Sunday so you guys don't have to wait too long.

Hope you like the chapter. Until then.

Read Vote Comment. :) Don't forget to follow me and share the book as much as you can.

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