(ZeroTwo)Darling In The Franx...

By BlackPhoenix002

50.4K 437 303

Perma hiatus Might come back to it at some point, working on other projects on fiction.live Code 000 or Abso... More

Part 1
Part 2

Part 3

3.5K 51 28
By BlackPhoenix002

POV Zero

I walk around after the startup of the parasites Looking to clear my head as I hear a faint voice in a room nearby.

???:"A start up Trial in an actual FRANXX?"

Silence, I peak in the room and see Nana looking at a hologram of Hiro. I put the pieces together and realize what is going on. I whisper under my breath as I walk away.

Zero:"This is gonna be rough...."

POV 3rd person

Goro:"Im this close to figuring It out the trick to connecting."

Goro says to ichigo as they walk in the hangar. ZeroTwo passes by with her head strung high and a lollipop in her mouth as she ignores the other people around her.

Ichigo: "Hey, Tell me something." She gestures toward ZeroTwo. "Why'd it have to be Hiro?"

ZeroTwo slowly stops walking and partially turns around. Almost seemingly annoyed.

ZeroTwo:"Hiro? You mean my Darling?"

Ichigo:"There you go, Calling him that again.... Im grateful to you for defeating that klaxosaur. But I want you to stay away from Hiro from now on. Go with the other two... Theyre like you right? They have Horns."

ZeroTwo: "He wont be my darling forever, but why?"

Ichigo: "Because you're not part of our squad. Since you're gonna up and leave one day, don't get Hiro's hopes up."

ZeroTwo:"Oh? What are you to him?" She says as she walks closer to ichigo.

Ichigo: "I'm the leader of this squad."

ZeroTwo: "Hmm..."

She leans into ichigos face as she smells her. Almost looking for something, Then suddenly she licks her cheek. Ichigo yelps and leaps back with a surprised look on her face. ZeroTwo leans back almost savoring the taste.

ZeroTwo:"Sweet. I like your taste." She says with a smile, she then turns around and walks way leaving the two parasites.

POV Zero

I slowly wake to the sounds of a ball bouncing and people talking about something. I feel a slight weight on me as I try to sit up. I slowly remove the covers to see Neva in nothing but a White almost see through nightgown. She starts to shift as I move out of the bed.

Zero: "Good morning"

Neva: " Get back in the bed, Its too early I wanna sleep in."

I walk over to the bed and grab her by the leg. I start to slowly pull her off the bed as she yelps.

Neva: " ok ok ok, Im getting out. Uhhhhh, I just wanted to sleep in cant we do that sometime or just lay down for the morning?"

Zero:" We have slept in enough, the parasites are already awake and being loud. Besides I wanna go on a walk its been awhile since we took a walk in a forest."

I start to walk out of the room as she follows me still in a sleep like trance somehow not noticing that she was still in a mostly see through gown. I put my hand infront of her to stop her. She looks up at me with a sleepy gaze.

Neva: "What? You change your mind?"

Zero:" I think you might want to change, unless you plan on showing the parasites everything including the things under your clothes."

She looks down realizing her mistake as she blushes and covers herself with her arms although doing bad job of it.

Zero:" Get dressed I will wait outside. Make sure its not see through this time."

Neva:" Shut up"

Time skip brought to you by sleepy Neva.

POV 3rd

Neva and Zero walked around the forest and on the way they found the parasites. Neva insisted they be near them so their presence isn't so startling them.

Futoshi:"Will we be able to fight like that one day?" He asked as the ball was passed to him. "Fight the Klaxosaurs like the FRANXX Hiro piloted, I mean."

Zorome: "Say what? Just so you know, that doen't count as piloting. There's no way that loser could pilot a FRANXX"

A voice comes out of the shade of a tree almost echoing in the cove of the building. Startling Zorome as he drops the ball.

Zero: "That's better than what you could ever do, she would consume you the first chance she has. You're too weak. At least he can do something."

Zorome:" I-Im not weak, not as weak as that loser."


Futoshi:" But it did actually move around and Papa seems to have taken an interest in Hiro, too"

POV Zero

Neva:" That means he is planning something, but what?"

Zero:"I don't know but it cant be good. He has been planning something for a long time, the question is how long until it goes into action."

POV 3rd person

Mitsuru:" Well, I hear that pistil called ZeroTwo. Has a special ability to pilot a FRANXX by herself. Apparently a few others can pilot by themselves too. You two saw its four-legged form, didn't you? Their FRANXX has a four-legged form too. So who pilots when its like that?

He says as he points to Neva and Zero leaning on a tree in the shade.

Zero: "I suppose I could tell you. I pilot when its like that, I take the full strain and shes just a passenger. Well until the FRANXX is normal that is.

Mitsuru: " So basically, They are only taken along for the ride."

Zero: " Well... They have a use, but lets just say how they treat the Passenger is up to them."

Zorome: "See? I'll never accept that he did it before us. He just said that they are a passenger."

Zorome smirks seeing Hiro walking over and laughs to himself as he bounces the ball ready to kick it.

Zorome:"Don't think you're hot stuff, you hear me?"

He kicks the ball up in the air and lifts a foot up ready to kick it as suddenly a small rock comes flying into zoromes kicking leg catching him off balance. He falls to the ground as the ball he kicked up comes back down to earth hitting him in the face. He looks up to see Zero standing over him as Zero mutters something to him.

Zero:"Dont be a cunt, you'll regret it later."

Neva:" Did you really need to do that?"

Zero :"Did I?"

Ah yes I have done something other than sleep

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