Motorcycles and Lies (Anxceit)

By Snail_Eyebrows

6K 349 88

{Completed} Human!Sanders sides AU, with a main focus on anxceit! With a healthy dose of badboy!Virgil and ba... More

Dirty Town
Biting on a Rose
Sleep Awake
Wrecking Ball
Very Good Bad Thing
Calm Me Down
O My Heart
Train of Thought
Only Love
Business Man
Jump The Fence
Love Stuck
Angry Sea pt 1
Angry Sea pt 2
Slip Away
Baby Don't Dance
Let's Fall In Love

Chasing It Down

859 27 8
By Snail_Eyebrows

"Virgil Cox!"

"Mr. Cox!"

"Principal's office now!"

A rough hand grabbed Virgils's shoulder and soon the teacher began yelling at the person who immediately released them and apologized.

Virgil looked over to the other student and flipped him off with a smirk, the other student letting out an indignant noise and stormed past. The teacher soon stood in front of him and demanded he go to the office for something or other. He looked up at her from behind his purple tinted bangs, "I'm sorry, were you saying something?"

"I was! Now, to the office. Mr. Myers reported you for hurting Miss Gray and you need to pay the consequences!"

Virgil looked up at her with a glint in his eye, "Oh, so the parking violation gets a pass?"

"O-of course not, you will be punished for that too."

"Good to know." He turned heel and towards the office, promptly being sent to a meeting room for after school detention.

Walking in, Virgil saw three other students, two being regulars and the other being someone he only recognized from classes.

He took his usual spot at the end of the table farthest from the door and kicked his feet up, not bothering with conversation like the two regulars, knowing it would be shut down as soon as a teacher walked in. Instead, he took to looking over the new kid, curious as he both seemed like the type to be in detention and not at the same time. He had a sharp face with almost yellow brown eyes looking onto his paper, likely schoolwork. His hair was dark brown with his bangs pushed up and away from his eyes. He wore no expression, just focused on his task. A teacher walked in and decided not to fight Virgil on his feet being up but did tell the other two to be quiet and do some school work.

Virgil pulled out a book and began to read, only skimming the words and still watching over the new boy. He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something before gently stepping on the new man's toes to get his attention.

The shorter man shot him a glare and resumed his work. Virgil repeated the action and slipped the paper onto his lap. The other man seemed to ignore it and Virgil gave up, hoping he would eventually care about it.

A few hours later, they were dismissed and let go to their cars, or motorcycle in Virgil's case, where he decided to sit and wait for a text from the mystery boy. He, however, got bored after a minute and looked around, finally noticing that the person in question was, in fact, in the car just beside him. His eyes widened briefly before looking down at his phone that had just vibrated.

Took you long enough


Virgil, correct?

Good, wouldn't want my name to be ignored ;)

You talk like a 1800 thief

What if I am?

Eh, not my type

Who said ur my type?

I meant of thief
I'm driving now, so shut up

Soon enough, he did start his engine and start to drive away. Virgil smirked and started his too, following him for a few turns, then eventually splitting up.

As he got home, Virgil threw his backpack up a tree, soon climbing after it. He sat on his usual thick branch, leaning against the trunk.

What's your name? Just got home

You of all people should know that names are a precious thing

Oh, shut up and tell me, or something to call you -_-

Fine, I'm Janus

Nice and smooth, I like it. But ngl it's a girl's name lmao

Unisex, thank you very much

Lol ur parents didn't want to make a second name so they gave u a girl's name

I get the vibe that you don't respect pronouns

No, no, i do. I'm not that bad. Just gonna assume til told otherwise

Not a great idea but k

But if you insist, it's unisex-y

Virgil chuckled and when he didn't quickly get another reply, set his phone down and opened up a notebook. He gazed around the area and started sketching an abandoned bird's nest nearby.

You disgust me

I'm glad

I dumb or did you just move here a month ago or smth


Scuse u

I didn't sneeze

I didnt say u did. Now, whats ur address

What the hell

I'm picking u up. Or gimme a nearby park

Don't you ride a single-person bike??

Fits 2 if you try hard enough

I dont like that without context but, okay, I can walk to the
park by the Y.B.'s so come get me in 10 if ur so determined

Thanks, babe ;)

How dare you assume I like men

Rumours fly, man

Dont make me retract the offer to take me wherever you want


Virgil hopped down from his tree, throwing his backpack into his open upstairs window before starting up his bike. He started to the park, enjoying the usual loud roar of the bike as it sped across the roads. While the bike itself was a shiny black with no decoration, Virgil had taken to littering it with different stickers of his favorite bands and whatever else he may think is cool. The latter is the reason for the large purple lightning bolt running on each side from the handles all the way to the seat bumper.

The engine let out one last rev as he turned into the parking lot of the park. He scanned the area, looking for any signs of the man in a yellow leather jacket. Quickly he noticed that he was, indeed, there but a lot more sweaty than expected.

"Janus!" he called.

Janus looked over and walked over, keeping his shoulders back and enlarged to seem taller, despite being a good 4 inches shorter than Virgil.

"Hop on," Virgil quipped.

"No introductions...? Just 'hop on'?" Janus asked suspiciously. Virgil gave him a cheeky, open-mouthed smirk.

"Of course not, don't wanna scare you off immediately!" He revved the engine to prove his point.

"If you think you're scary to anyone above the age of three, you're insane." He leaned against the handle bars of the motorcycle, straddling the front wheel.

"Uh-huh and what makes you so tough?" Virgil sneered, leaning on the frontal brace.

"Mobster parents," he preened, flicking the pocket knife he had been holding out of its sheath and to his side.

His eyes went wide but not out of surprise, more of glee. "I didn't know there were any local gangs?"

"There's plenty, but they are more to the west of here, near the city. My parents and I are just in the big one." Janus's eyes focused on something else off to the right of Virgil.

"Hmm, looking for anyone new?" He leaned forward, his palms pushed against the front brace, his arms fully extended to keep his stature tall but still excited.

"No," Janus said curtly, looking Virgil back in his eyes.

"'No' as in you're full and don't want new people or don't want little ol' six foot Virgil who's already committed crimes?" he teased, puckering his lower lip.

"No as in I know better and know their type."

He hummed in thought, looking Janus up and down, "And their type is barely 5'5 skinny men?"

Janus huffed, puffing his chest out, "Do you want me to not get on?"

Virgil shot him a glare before settling back into his seat. "Come on and get on. I won't hurt you and maybe I'll be nice."

He grinned, earning him a huff in response from Janus who, despite his better judgment, got on. He leaned forward and grabbed onto the handles, avoiding hitting Virgil's hands. Once Janus seemed secure, Virgil started the engine back up and sped off.

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